Avatar of AdmrlStalfos19
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    1. AdmrlStalfos19 8 yrs ago
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Hmm... this RP feels oddly familiar somehow

Eh, I'll throw my hat in the ring anyway cause Persona mah jam and all that
The idea I had was even better. You'll see when I manage to get my app up to a presentable state :]
@Luft Good point. Sun almost always got up close and personal with whoever he was fighting, if memory serves. I still wanna commit to that route, but that's probably something I'll have to consider nonetheless.

@ERode Ngl, gun/gauntlets don't exactly strike a cord with me. Mostly because we've already seen what they'd have to offer through Yang's fight scenes. But the rest of your post had given me an idea for a new weapon: Dust conduits that power up physical attacks so that they do some real damage. And/or smack the other guy at a faster pace.

I'm not actually sure if I wanna give my guy a weapon any more. I was thinking about give him a crossbow/jackhammer fusion weapon when I first got down to start apping, but now all of a sudden it decidedly sounds dumb :/

How far would my guy get if I had him rely solely on punches and kicks (and maybe a few good whacks with his tail) to inflict damage?

(will replace with CS in due time... and luck...)

Interactions: Victoria White (@Smike)

'I just had to go from a control freak to a self-righteous piece of shit!' Mehetabel growled as this thought came across her mind, clutching her head in pain, 'Why can't I catch a break?! Just one time?! That's all I fucking want!'

Come to think of it, why was the sergeant the only person who Mehetabel even remotely recognized? Where was Jean? Diana? Lucia? Or even that other guy that was there at the card game; Isaac Black if she recalled his name correctly? Did they all have their own briefing for a completely separate mission to Mehetabel's and the sergeant's? Was it a difficult one? Did it make any sense to them? There were just so many questions Mehetabel had, but perhaps it'd be better to hold off until after her mission was completed. Assuming she survived it. And any of the four familiar faces survived theirs.

Mehetabel was about to move on, when a sudden sharp whistle caught her attention... and her fury alongside it. She did not want to deal with anyone right now. She was beyond not in the mood for it.

"WILL YOU JUST...??!!" Mehetabel balefully turned to face the one who dared speak to her but, the second she saw exactly what Victoria had in hand, her anger had somehow dissipated as quickly as it manifested, the contortion of her face melting away by the second as her glare softened into a mere gaze, "Oh crap; that is my drink. Er... thanks for that, I guess."

She slowly approached Victoria, took the glass from her hand and took a sip. Thankfully it never had much of a chance to warm up. However, while she appreciated her thoughtfulness to an extent, Mehetabel was weary of Victoria's intentions here. As such, it didn't take long for her face to show its leery, purely venomous self again.

"This better not be a ploy to butter me up and reel me back in there," she warned Victoria.

Quite frankly, Mehetabel was done with the place. She already got the gist of the MO. Get in. Snatch Imps. Retaliate if need be. Get out. If anyone managed to nab an NCP out of sheer luck, all the more power to them, and if they could do all this without the Imperials getting wise, all the more power to them. But everything else may as well have gone in through one of Mehetabel's ears and out the other, for all the good it did to her psyche. And the lower the risk of her getting an earful of overbearing sergeant, the better.

Interactions: Alex Schafer (@Smike)

"You will be doing no such thing Private. You will treat every captured enemy with dignity and do no harm to them unless they attempt to escape. Do anything else and I will personally drag you off for court-martial."

Those last three syllables alone had gotten Mehetabel's attention. She knew a court-martial threat when she heard one, and even though the sergeant may have meant it for everyone, the fact that he happened to use her as the first example was more than enough for her to take it personally. She'd thought he was chill enough back when she joined in on that card game, but now all of a sudden he proved to barely be any different from that last guy. Mehetabel swore this song and dance between herself and chain of command was gonna be the death of her...

"Oh, I'm sorry Sarge. Dignity? Like they gave me and the village I used to call home?" she paused for a moment, only to scoff at the sediment, "Get. The fuck. Real. There's no dignity in war; there's only agony, bloodshed and death, all three of which the Imps have given out in spades. And when the time comes, it'll be my turn. Y'know why? Because killing the enemy is the one job I have as a soldier! As well as reason I signed up in the fucking first place!"

Those looks she was given didn't go unnoticed by her either. Mehetabel knew what some of the others had to be thinking. Was she completely mad? Maybe she was. Perhaps the trauma she had to endure had pushed her over the edge, and put her in that state of mind that was the very definition of psychotic. But at least she was being honest about herself; more than what she could say about anyone else.

Every fiber of her physical being wanted her to storm out right then and there. But the tiniest amount of sanity she had left spoke to her, just as she picked her gun back up and took but a few steps towards the exit. She just couldn't end it like that. Not yet. Realizing that she owed some form of reassurance, Mehetabel found herself turning back to the sergeant.

"Look. I'm not gonna go out of my way to blatantly disregard the MO, if that's what you're so worried about," she told him, "Only a dumbass would do that. And if by some... whatever the antonym for miracle is I screw up anyway, then fine; do what you want to me after the fact. But in the meantime, I reserve the right to use my own judgment and play this by eye. Oh, and Sarge? With all due respect... tch..."

That came out wrong. She could feel it in her bones, and she didn't have the sincerity in her to pull that way off. Rolling her eyes, she shook it off and tried again.

"Who am I kidding? With what respect is due, you wouldn't know all that I've been through to get this far; not even if you have read my file. Nor could you know just how much further I'm willing to go to end this," at this point, Mehetabel broke direct eye contact with the sergeant, this time turning to face as many of the other soldiers as she could catch in her vision, "None of you could..."

It was at this time that Mehetabel recommenced with her early leave. She didn't care who thought what in regards to that exchange. She abandoned almost all care of what others thought of her within the first few days of service. The only thing she concerned herself with was what she would do next. Would she try to get a head start on the mission? Double back to base and revise her loadout? Try to squeeze in some target practice before her official deployment and use that to blow off some steam? She didn't know. All she knew right now was that she needed to get her head in the game if she was to last much longer and, if anything could provide that chance for her right now, it would be space.

Interactions: Michael Daunte (@Conscripts)

Sure enough, Mehetabel was summoned for a mission, and would have to return to Trebin Village in order to prepare herself. She took one of the bar stools as a seat, ordered a pint of cool ale and, while she was waiting, proceeded to untie the hairbands that usually tied her hair in place, letting it down so she can put her helmet on. One of the guys that she was supposed to work with had an assortment of equipment laid out in front of him, and evidently had difficulties deciding what to bring. He asked for everyone's opinion.

"If you don't know what to bring, then you're obviously trying to bring way too much shit," Mehetabel answered in a matter-of-factly tone, "Me? I just plan on bringing this big fuck-off machine gun here."

Of course, she was referring to the Typhoon Mk. II that she held off to one side. Mehetabel was unaware of the portability issues that a more experienced Gunner would expect to have, especially when attempting to maneuver through the trenches, but she was none too concerned about that. What bothered her was a certain something about the mission briefing. Her foot once again began repeatedly tapping, this time on the edge of the bar stool, until she eventually decided that now would be the time to spit it out.

"I can't believe those assholes up top expect us to keep any number of those dirty Imps alive!" Mehetabel exclaimed, "Can't they just leave the interrogations to us if that's what they want so badly? It'd be so much easier if they'd just trust us to relay whatever info we got out of them. Not to mention the fun some of us here would have torturing the fucks..."

A part of her had to know that orders were orders and that one did not simply defy them out of thinking better. Still, that wouldn't stop Mehetabel from bitching about a select few. She shook her head in disgust.

"This is why you only let the smart ones do what they want," she muttered under her breath.

Interactions: Isaac Black (@FalloutJack), Alex Schafer* (@Smike)

It looked like two of those soldiers were talking about the canines that accompanied their respective persons. That wolf in particular seemed to remind Mehetabel of a certain trio of a similar breed, who would almost always hunt alongside her village's hunting party. Mehetabel was actually quite fond of them; enough so that she'd take every chance to play with any one of them that she could get.

While reminiscing this started off as a pleasant experience, the reason Mehetabel grimaced was because she knew where it lead. She looked away from the wolf that she took her time observing, and returned her attention to the soldiers, who looked to have just finished a hand. At this point, her patience was beginning to wear thin, and she figured there was one surefire way she'd have their attention. She'd have to try and throw her hat in the ring, or so the saying went, and that in turn meant she had to offer something of relative value, here. With that, she immediately set to filing through her pockets.

There were more than a few rations that Mehetabel intentionally set aside for later, but she never got round to eating said rations again, and ultimately forgot that some of them were even there. Doubting they'd be good enough to ante up, Mehetabel kept searching until she managed to find a box of matches in an inside pockets. Seeing what else had been coughed up thus far, they'd be perfect for this situation.

"Hey, uh... there doesn't happen to be any 'no girls allowed' bullshit in play, is there?" Mehetabel asked, holding up her box of matches all the while, "Figured these would go well with all those cigs that're lined up there,"

Sure enough, Jean looked to be headed in the direction of Trebin Village, as did the recently introduced Diana Vastergoth and Lucia Farris, and Mehetabel was left to navigate the trench network on her own. Again. As she walked towards her destination in the Frontline Dugouts, however, she did wonder who else served under the platoon she just transferred to, if only for a moment.

'Bleh. Doesn't matter,' Mehetabel shook her head as this thought crossed her mind, 'Only more people that I probably won't actually get along with that well, really.'


That one simple thought was somehow enough to distract Mehetabel completely, however. She took a right turn earlier than she should've, and instead of coming up to the Frontline Dugouts, she found herself coming up to the Dummy Trenches as a result; a fact she realized upon seeing a group of soldiers play cards with one another. Needless to say, Mehetabel was livid with herself. She had a whole month to get used to the whole trench navigation thing and, for the umpteenth time, she still managed to screw it up in the end. And were anyone from her former platoon here with her, she'd never be able to live it down.

With a sigh of defeat, Mehetabel sat down and watched the game of cards unfold, expecting the soldiers to notice her presence eventually. She wasn't sure why they chose to play their game here, when they could just easily do so back in Trebin where they'd be infinitely safer. But for all she knew, it'd be just as rude to ask as it'd be to interfere with the game, deliberately or otherwise...
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