Avatar of Ahe Gao


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1 yr ago
Current An Example: The only country I'm loyal to is the nation of Impreg.
6 yrs ago
So should we gather for virgin sacrifice and devil worshiping tonight?
1 like
6 yrs ago
So should we gather for paint thinner and meth tonight?
1 like
6 yrs ago
We must seize the memes of production, comrades.
6 yrs ago
Your son calls me "Mommy" too.


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Most Recent Posts

What were you doing behind that bookstore? This is suspicious. Like Little Tiffany in MIB suspicious.
In dead 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Hmm I'm not really doing multiple characters for the time being.
In dead 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
What precisely do you mean by "double?"
In dead 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
I'll send you a PM and we'll work something out. x)
I've never seen American Werewolf but I have read The Wolf's Hour. One of my favorite parts of the book is when the main character is living with the pack that turned him, they live in the wilds of the russia/siberia area, living like wild people, embracing their wolf nature over their human sides. So I've always wanted to have a werewolf rp with a similar idea. Personally I'm more interested in a mxf dynamic rather than fxf, and the focus around their romance and mateship. Probably the only point where we really differ is that I prefer the Wolf-form werewolves over the wolfman werewolves.
In dead 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Welcome @Flojangles, I hope you have fun here. If you're coming from table-top rp, the site does have a post-by-post tabletop section. It might help you with the transition. Enjoy.
Well that title is an absolute falsehood. That intro was even better than mine. Good show.

Anyway I welcome you to the site @Force and Fury. I hope you have a wonderful time and find exactly what you're looking for. xD
Welcome to the site @Jail Rose. I'm pretty new here as well. Have fun xD
@Raving Rabbit Briefest. Intro. Ever.

Welcome to the site.
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