Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 8 yrs ago


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"So, what are we doing here, dad?"

"Come on, Stature. I told you that in the field I am Ant-Man. And we are here because I heard Cross broke out of prison again. Trying to track him down." Cassie smiled but rolled her eyes at the same time. Fighting crime alongside her dad was amazing. She never believed this would happen and now here they were working together as superheroes. Suddenly though a bright green light flashed in front of them. "What on Earth!" They soon noticed a ring was where the light was emanating from. Suddenly it started pulsating and Cassie could hear it in her head. The ring told her she was worthy of becoming the Green Lantern.

The ring zoomed over to her and she reached out to grab it. "Cassie wait! Don't touch it!" Scott was too late because as soon as the teen hero touched the ring she vanished right before his eyes. And Stature was gone.

Star City

Stature stared at the ring in her palm and was in awe of it. She felt the urge to put it on her finger. As soon as she did though her suit changed the way it looked. Looking around she realized she was not in the same place as before. "What the crap? Where am I? DAD!"

"Aww did the little girl playing dress up lose her daddy?" Cassie instantly went into a defensive position and began looking for the source of the voice. "Who are you and where am I?" There was silence for a while before the voice started up again. "Well, sweetie, you are in Star City. As for who I am you can call me Cupid. I'll help you find your daddy if you give me that little trinket on your finger."

Cassie looked towards the dark alleyway she believed the voice was coming from and looked at the ring on her finger, "Whatever this ring is it brought me here. Fat chance of me handing over my only possible chance of getting back home. Why don't you come out where I can see you?" Again Cassie stood in silence waiting for a response. "Alright then. Don't flinch." Cassie was initially puzzled by the remark but then she saw an arrow shoot out of the dark right towards her. She tried to dodge but didn't have enough time. Luckily for her, another arrow took the one flying at her right out of the sky.

Interacting With : Dawn@2plus2isnot5 & Lady Gaia@RumikoOhara

"When do you get your costume?" Jake rolled his eyes and looked at his friend in the driver seat. "I'm not getting a costume. If anything it would be a uniform."

"So, what your saying is that you'll be getting a quote-unquote uniform. Ya gonna send pictures?" The two friends started laughing as they realized how weird this scenario really was to both of them. Jake looked at his best friend, Alex, and said, "If you promise to shut up about it I will send you a stupid picture of what it looks like. But not with me in it cause I know what you'll do with it. This situation is already embarrassing enough." Sitting in silence for a while Jake started remembering what it was like to fight as a superhero.

The first thing he remembered was how awesome it felt to take down a criminal and see the smiles on the faces of whoever he saved. However, he also remembered when people he fought alongside with would get hurt and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He had initially decided to be a cop because he wanted to get away from that danger but he still wanted to help people. He knew that being a cop wasn't really any different so that was one reason why when he was given the invitation it was somewhat easy to get him to come back to this life. If he was being honest with himself he just wished that he had the power to protect everyone, but with the knowledge of Savior, he knows how dangerous that kind of power can be.

Dragging him out of his reverie, Jake's friend alerts him to the fact that they have arrived. "Well, bud. See ya once you've become the top hero on the planet." Jake smirked as he hopped out of the truck and waltzed up to the doors with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Entering the building he saw two women talking not far from the spot he stood. Jake wondered if maybe they were going to be a part of the team he was joining. If they were then that would mean his class was already filled to the brim with beautiful people. Jake would never admit it but those who know him know that he has a bad habit of trying to charm practically anyone of the opposite sex. "Why hello there. I couldn't help but overhear you were lost. This may be my first time here but I'm sure I can be of assistance." Then Jake got a good look at the other woman and realized that she looked familiar. "Wait, you're Lady Gaia, right?"

Name: Cassandra Lang

Super Name: Stature

  • Size Reduction: Cassie possesses the power to reduce herself to the size of an ant, approximately one-half inch in height.
  • Size Addition: Cassie possesses the power to increase in size to gigantic heights, requiring the rapid acquisition of body mass. This extra mass fortifies all of her cellular tissue, including her bones and muscles, enabling her to support her increased weight and giving her superhuman strength and durability. She can grow about 250 feet (76 m) in height.
  • Flight: With her new suit that gave her back her abilities the suit also allows her to fly.(But that doesn't matter since the ring does that as well.)

Ring: Green - Cassie has the willpower to do ANYTHING she sets her mind too. When she was resurrected and didn't have her powers she initially gave up on being a superhero. However, when Kate Bishop showed up Cassie went along to try and help take down a group of villains. She was basically useless and was a hindrance to Kate. She still refused to give up and continued trying. She has the Willpower. She IS the Green Lantern. But she is also Stature.

Personality: Cassandra Lang is the daughter of Scott Lang. Because of that, she had an opportunity to be around many superheroes. As a child that obviously had a way of affecting her. She always saw the good that came from what they did. So, she grew up desiring to be just like them. She has a heart and a mind for saving and protecting people. She will always put her life second before another. However, she does have some very strong emotions. Whatever emotion she does feel tends to take her over completely and she needs someone to snap her out of it. Bottom line when it comes to Cassie is that she cares deeply for everyone. Even the bad ones. She wants to save everyone even if it were to cause her eventual demise.

Simple Bio: Cassie Lang is the daughter of the Ant-Man Scott Lang. She is actually the primary reason why her father stole the Ant-Man suit and Pym Particles. She is close to many other superheroes going to the point of at one time calling Iron Man "Uncle Tony". She is often involved in events where her father is and has a deep love for the world of superheroes.

After her father dies she decides to run away from her disapproving mother and step-father. She, along with Kate Bishop, goes to the Avengers Mansion to join the Young Avengers. When denied Cassie shows she has the ability to shrink and grow based on her mood because when getting angry she starts to grow without even realizing it. She along with the rest of the Young Avengers defeat Kang and after Iron Lad leaves and Iron Man and Captain America try to force the group to disband Kate and Cassie don't let it happen. After which Cassie takes on the name Stature.

Jumping to the Children's Crusade she eventually is killed by Docter Doom. The next we see of Cassie is when Doom resurrects her. She loses her powers and tries to live a normal life. Eventually being fed up with that she tries as hard as she can to be a hero again.

This is the point of her character story that I was hoping everyone would be alright with me taking some creative liberties. My idea was she still goes down the arc of working inside of Power Brokers organization to take it down from the inside and instead of giving her a completely new suit he enhances her original suit to be what causes her to shink and grow since she lost her powers. (I just like the Stature name/look over Stinger.)

Equipment: Just her suit and the Green Lantern Ring/Lantern.

Name: Cassandra Lang

Super Name: Stature

  • Size Reduction: Cassie possesses the power to reduce herself to the size of an ant, approximately one-half inch in height.
  • Size Addition: Cassie possesses the power to increase in size to gigantic heights, requiring the rapid acquisition of body mass. This extra mass fortifies all of her cellular tissue, including her bones and muscles, enabling her to support her increased weight and giving her superhuman strength and durability. She can grow about 250 feet (76 m) in height.
  • Flight: With her new suit that gave her back her abilities the suit also allows her to fly.(But that doesn't matter since the ring does that as well.)

Ring: Green - Cassie has the willpower to do ANYTHING she sets her mind too. When she was resurrected and didn't have her powers she initially gave up on being a superhero. However, when Kate Bishop showed up Cassie went along to try and help take down a group of villains. She was basically useless and was a hindrance to Kate. She still refused to give up and continued trying. She has the Willpower. She IS the Green Lantern. But she is also Stature.

Personality: Cassandra Lang is the daughter of Scott Lang. Because of that, she had an opportunity to be around many superheroes. As a child that obviously had a way of affecting her. She always saw the good that came from what they did. So, she grew up desiring to be just like them. She has a heart and a mind for saving and protecting people. She will always put her life second before another. However, she does have some very strong emotions. Whatever emotion she does feel tends to take her over completely and she needs someone to snap her out of it. Bottom line when it comes to Cassie is that she cares deeply for everyone. Even the bad ones. She wants to save everyone even if it were to cause her eventual demise.

Simple Bio: Cassie Lang is the daughter of the Ant-Man Scott Lang. She is actually the primary reason why her father stole the Ant-Man suit and Pym Particles. She is close to many other superheroes going to the point of at one time calling Iron Man "Uncle Tony". She is often involved in events where her father is and has a deep love for the world of superheroes.

After her father dies she decides to run away from her disapproving mother and step-father. She, along with Kate Bishop, goes to the Avengers Mansion to join the Young Avengers. When denied Cassie shows she has the ability to shrink and grow based on her mood because when getting angry she starts to grow without even realizing it. She along with the rest of the Young Avengers defeat Kang and after Iron Lad leaves and Iron Man and Captain America try to force the group to disband Kate and Cassie don't let it happen. After which Cassie takes on the name Stature.

Jumping to the Children's Crusade she eventually is killed by Docter Doom. The next we see of Cassie is when Doom resurrects her. She loses her powers and tries to live a normal life. Eventually being fed up with that she tries as hard as she can to be a hero again.

This is the point of her character story that I was hoping everyone would be alright with me taking some creative liberties. My idea was she still goes down the arc of working inside of Power Brokers organization to take it down from the inside and instead of giving her a completely new suit he enhances her original suit to be what causes her to shink and grow since she lost her powers. (I just like the Stature name/look over Stinger.)

Equipment: Just her suit and the Green Lantern Ring/Lantern.
@sly13 Alright. So, your character is sharing a cabin with one of the kids who showed up around the same time that the message started circulating. Because of that, I would like to have a chat with you about what your character knows.(And potentially other stuff.) So, once you put your character in the CHAR tab send me a PM and we can figure out exactly what info he is privy to.
Alex Hill

Two years. Two years was a horrible amount of time to let anger fester. Every night in his dreams. Every moment that the White Noise rang inside his head. Every time he felt like he was going to give up, Alex remembered when the PSF's came and he got angrier.

However, Alex would never let his anger show. Outside of his cabin, Alex did his best to be the model prisoner. He always obeyed. Even when they told him to shock one of the other kids. Inside of the cabin though, he spent the majority of time training, honing his skills. The day that he heard the message he initially doubted it. Then when he realized that it had been a while since the White Noise had gone off the hopeful message started to feel truthful. He put his training on high gear trying to prepare for the supposed signal of escape.

The night that the 'signal' came he was sitting in his usual spot. In the shower so that if his electricity flares out like crazy no one can get hurt. That's when it happened. A loud crashing sound and the ground beneath him began shaking. He hunkered down in his spot waiting for the White Noise. Seconds turned into minutes until he finally realized that it wasn't coming. Maybe it was an accident that the machines weren't turned on. Or maybe the message of coming salvation was true. Either way, he jumped to his feet and entered the main section of the cabin. He could see everyone crowding around the door and Bryson sticking his face outside. "What do you see Bryson? What's happening?

Katie Pruett

These past two years had been crap. Other than the time that was spent in the cabin life was horrible, and it got worse every day. At first, Katie had been reluctant to befriend the other girls in her cabin but she eventually warmed up to them. Spending time with and getting to know the other girls around. Every time things started getting hard for the others Katie did her best to keep them from breaking down. Each time the White Noise blasted in their ears, Katie started to lose it. If it hadn't been for her friends in the cabin she probably would have done something stupid to get herself and potentially others killed.

When the message began going around Katie was highly suspicious. How could they escape? She didn't believe it at all until one day during lunch she saw someone she had never thought she'd see again. Her twin sister, Maizey, sitting on the other side of the room. She almost shot up out of her seat until Jasmine grabbed her forcing her to sit. Katie didn't talk to the others about it, but tonight she was thinking of finally telling them. That was until the ground shook.

Katie got down and prepared herself for the dreaded noise. Yet, it never came. When Annabelle started walking to the door Katie rushed up behind her. Just like the others, she had no clue what was going on. Her first thought was maybe someone luckily destroyed the device that triggered the White Noise machines. Then Lucy started walking outside towards the chaotic battlefield. Katie quickly weaved around the others to get outside and stop Lucy, "Hey, what are you doing?"
@rush99999 Awesome way to do the bio.

youtu.be/UfFb4qVoghw?t=20s Here. This sets it to start at 20 seconds.
@Blade17 But the way our characters get to the DC universe is the rings.
Could someone help me figure out which ring would go with Cassie Lang?
@sly13 Accepted, but I have to ask that you reread the rules.
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