Avatar of Americore
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  • Posts: 216 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Americore 8 yrs ago


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Back again losers
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Till next time
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College! Sport's teams! Spring break!
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Cryforbloodcrew it's viggo
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I'm a meat popsicle.

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@Ezekiel I'm sorry to hear that bro. Wish you all the best with everything going on.
Okey dokey << >>
@Ezekiel hey bud, I'm able to get on here on my phone if you want to continue here? I will just be busy most of this weekend. Late Sunday afternoon I will be completely free otherwise.
A drawn out sigh released from Arthur's mouth as Lor finished her speech about the party. "With 2100 being our next hit time that gives us...just enough time to be fairly blitzed." Muttering to himself while staring at his fake watch. Before he turned around he shot a smile at Lor. Locklin always enjoyed time when he could unwind with Adam and Lor. Which brought up a good thought. Where the fuck was Kerrick in all of this...

"Avast that, you're all getting fucked, sleeping is cheating." Adam shouted above the noise of the dispersing crowd.

...mess. There was the outspoken bastard. "Belay his last ya Jolly Rogers," he grinned and looked about, "None of y'all will be able to sleep because Kerrick isn't going to shut the fuck up." A few laughs were heard but most were more concerned with finding their own "crews" of sorts.

As he made his way through the crowd the Phalanx pulse phaser array caught his mind. 'If fleets in the hot spots we encounter come at us with scattered tactics and attempting to attack us with a barrage of mosquito sized fighters, they will be in for a rude awakening. However, on the flip side, we will have to get within decent range to get the full effect of the Array.' Back and forth his mind would go. In the world of strategy it would always be advantageous to sharp shoot your own plans. No worse enemy then yourself at times.

'Chill out Locklin,' thinking to himself, 'it is time to decompress, win a few bucks off of Kerrick which would put him at owing me...well if I count the credits I owe him from pool...carry the two...hmmm...I may owe him fifty-ish credits now? Best not mention it to him.' His grin returned as he shook his head. "That kid is going to be the death of my financial readiness, I tell you what." Better not be mentioning that to Diana next time he got on a teleconference with her. She was already brimming with pride about her baby boy heading off on his first "mission" of sorts, wouldn't want to damper her spirits.

So many years Diana had waited for this moment. A Locklin on the brink of true Federation service. Arthur was not in the job of disappointing anyone, especially his mother. Touching his heart briefly and then shaking it off, 'Stop, we can reminisce later you dumby. Step 1, find Kerrick, Step 2, get Lor, Step 3, tear it up and make sure everyone else in the crew has the capability of enjoying themselves too. Thinking of which..' his eyes scanned the crowd for Slaz. Arthur could empathize with a person who would get lost in their studies, it showed a true sign of not only a great being but a capable team player. However, "All work and no play makes Slaz a dull boy". Maybe Kerrick and him could try and convince the Gorn to partake in tonight's festivities.

Making Muhammad Ali proud with his bobbing and weaving through the crowd, Locklin had finally made it to Kerrick. He threw his arm over his shoulder and said, "Now I know there will be quite a few Marine bouncers present. This means we can finally figure out the age old math problem on both of our minds. How many Fleeter Marines does it take to remove two stout, young, Cadet studs from a party?"
@Dirty Pretty Lies You from tennessee? Because you are attractive howudoin
I should be good to go cool kids
@Nanjue 10/10 number one tree climber
@Mag Lev 10/10 would take you on a nice date and think about potentially calling you the next day
@Chev Might seem unorthodox, but if it proves to be a continuing issue, if you would like, you can send me bits and pieces of what you work on and I can put it together for ya on here? Don't know if it will help 100% but just thought I would offer.

@Chaotic Chao Thanks meight
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