Avatar of AngelofOctober
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1305 (0.38 / day)
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    1. AngelofOctober 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Ah yes an advertisement of an RP from three years ago perfect status quality right there. Back from the dead
5 yrs ago
Containment Field is still looking for members; roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Resident Evil Fans: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Mahz been on vacation for half a year, I wonder if he'll come back from his Mahzquest - youtube.com/watch?v=ygI-2F8… - where could be Mahz be now? Find out next time on Mahzquest.
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5 yrs ago
All I ask is that people communicate these things.


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Good Wednesday is my new RP day off. I have a lot going on that day however I'm still interested.

All good, didn't want anyone to think I forgot about you guys.
How goes it? How is everybody?
Still having odd intervals where it suddenly gets really jittery for me. But for the most part it seems to be back to normal...stiiiilll a little concerned. Will be backing up as many posts as I can manage.

This. But nowhere near as bad. Just odd stutters.
I assume the character was approved via PM.



Age: 17

Gender: Male

Yeah, I get you were expecting someone with glasses, maybe a plaid t-shirt. Well sorry pal you got me and I don’t plan to go anywhere. Can you tell me the person out of the group who’s going to be able to hack into that security system? Not you. Okay glad we cleared that up.

Standing at 5’9”, 175cms, and weighing 130lbs, 58kg, he smells like an early addiction to cigarettes. You’re not really sure where to look. He’s sort of intimidating the way he stands, gray cargo pants and a baggy t-shirt with a white t underneath. Black and white converse. He looks like bad news. At least to you. How could anyone like this be any kind of hero?

“What’s with the way you’re staring at me?”

“I dunno, you do not seem like someone who is a hero”

“Oh? Who does? What does a hero look like?”


“Yeah you nevermind,”

His voice is hoarse and smokey, it’s not too deep, not to high either. It sits somewhere in the middle of the road and has a habit of sounding very dry, and sultry. He has a habit of coming off stern or harsher than his original intentions. Though he does little to rectify that, his excuse being that you provoked him. You probably had.

He’s lean, toned, but not so skinny you can see his bones or anything like that. It’s obvious he has some muscles and his wrist are littered in random tattoos like someone just uses his arm like a sketchpad. Little doodles here and there.

“Aren’t you too young?”

“Aren’t you full of assumptions and prejudice”

Nevermind. You just continued to do what you were asked.

All black. No spandex. That’s a very interesting guideline.


Is it a uniform or more like just an ordinary outfit someone would wear? The mask is a high tech interface. Behind the mask that flashes different emotions. It allows him to directly connect with his interface back at home. Otherwise it looks more like a normal pair of clothes. Except for the fact the jacket is somewhat bulletproof.


Spunky is probably the first word that comes to mind when people see Julian. This cleverly disguised ambivert probably has people believe he’s an extrovert, but he still likes his quiet time away from other people. He’s quick witted and quick to sarcastic commentary, he’s not exactly what you’d considered shy about his beliefs.

Though that doesn’t mean he’s going to be starting arguments with anyone with bigger muscles than him. He’d probably try to avoid that all together don’t want to get smashed or turned into a pancake. Though it should be mentioned that means Julian isn’t a pushover either. Just because he’s seventeen people think to themselves that he cannot think or has no idea how the world works. That irks him.. All his life facing the judgment of other people.

His taste in clothes. His taste in hobbies. So, what if he likes the alternative look, chokers, and spikes. But he also can work on computers. Its this prejudice and this preconceived notion to judge that his teachers virtually ignore his intelligence. Not that he’s some genius or something that be going too far, but it was always clear he could have made it far if someone recognize that he was a creative intellectual.

Especially with computer code. His past time. His hobby. Maybe his profession. Except those IT types like guys in button up shirts and glasses, or at least that’s what people envision. He’s sure there are others that all don’t look like what people think they are suppose to look like.

Because of this Julian isn’t quick to judge others. He isn’t quick to conceive things about them that are untrue. He tries to get to know them as they are. But he can be easily provoked if someone brings up the fact that he’s not what a computer guy is supposed to look like. Or he’s not the guy someone would imagine is a superhero. It’s just a pet peeve that becomes a chip on his shoulder at times.

He likes hot chocolate, he likes his dogs, and his cats. They are cool. They just like you for whatever reason is your best quality. His parents are okay. His teachers suck. School is okay, but most of the time it sucks too. Being a hero would be fun, maybe people then would stop looking down upon him. Is it selfish he’s looking for some approval or meaning? He dislikes judgmental assholes, prejudices, people who don’t like animals because that’s just weird if an animal doesn’t like you then you must be a bad person you know.


Technopathy -

Julian is an extremely gifted technopath who has the ability to communicate and manipulate all forms of technology by touch, this includes hacking, restoring information and deleting information, and is applied in these ways specifically for him;

Cyberworld Lordship -

In neutral cyberspace Julian has the ability to control parts of its rules and boundaries. It allows him to defy things that would otherwise limit him in the real world. In a nutshell in Cyberspace Julian has a temporary increase in strength, nothing extreme like picking up buildings and cars.

Think of it this way if Julian is already at Peak Human in the real world, able to throw a good body blows, then he’s only a few times stronger than that. Able to may catch a punch, react a little faster, and hit a little harder. And a temporary increase in speed. Again nothing too ridiculous, if Julian can run a mile in say the average time a 17 year old should at near 5 minutes, then he can now run that mile at 3 minutes.

Gains temporary cyberspace regeneration. If injured in the real world his wounds will not appear in cyberspace. However, when he returns back to the real world he will still have all of his previous wounds. All though he technically heals his wounds from the real world in cyberspace, once brought back into the real world he’ll still be bleeding.

Downloading/Uploading; He can travel from computer to computer through cyberspace and its how he gets around. The ability is downloading or uploading himself depending on the situation. And he can transfer an individual into the cyberspace, but he has to physically touch them to do so. This technically can apply to object as well.

He is not invincible though in the cyberspace world. Technically someone with the skills with computers could essentially boot him out of the computer, he’s vulnerable to security software that fight off malware viruses when they are alerted to his presence, he can still technically die in the virtual world just as he could in the real world.


Life is shit. You get born into this world and if you’re lucky you get cool parents. You know ones who understand being a parent means to be a mentor, a role model of behavior, someone to guide you to adulthood. If you’re unlucky you’re born into this world with parents who believe being a parent is the ultimate authority.

Do as I say, but don’t behave the way I behave. Obedience always. You know shit. Grounded if you get a C on your report card. But then there is no motivation to work better when they tell you things like you’re an idiot or that you’ll get nowhere in life.

Teachers aren’t better either. Lucky kids get a teacher who cares about them. Sees real potential in them. But only if they are the weak kids. The ones who get bullied. The ones who cling to them like a wounded child. Not that bullying is okay. But if you’re a ghost, not bullied, no friends, but have no real relationship with anyone for reasons, or you know you goof off a little you’ll never have potential like Debbie Downer.

So, what do you do when you’re tired of walking into a room and people give you this passing look? Like, oh, he’s dressed in all black, spikes, and studs he must just be one of those kids. What do you do when you walk into computer lab and all those kids who have real potential just look at you like you have to be crazy?

The only “people” who got me were Whisper and Echo my dogs, Cesar and George, my cats and my computer. Ever since I was a kid I always believed I had a connection to technology. The TV white noise would react strangely around me. I could feel a draw of energy between me and technology. I didn’t say anything because of course the adults would just shove me aside, you know storytelling. All the teachers had an impression of me that I was some weirdo.

It wasn’t like I did anything bad in school. Not really. I didn’t bully any of the other kids. That’s just messed. I didn’t make friends well though. I didn’t engage in class enough. Maybe they should have included me more. I use to raise my hand when I was younger, but when I was ignored by the teachers too many times I stopped caring.

I think maybe when I was really young, I don’t remember, I told my teacher about the computer. They pushed me aside. Like what I thought, what I felt, didn’t matter. Even if it weren’t the truth, even if it were turned out to be part of that crazy kid imagination, they really killed it.

It was, what only two years ago I started to redraw. I started to see if there were maybe something I could do. To change myself. I am not really sure what that even means. I am still not even sure if I have accomplished that. I am not even really sure when I’ll notice a change.

Two years ago I learned that I could do things with technology. My touch with them had always felt deeply bonding. But I began to realize I could do other things. That doesn’t really matter, right. You want the juicy bit. Why I am a criminal?

Because a year ago I was an idiot, I forgot to change my IP. I did something totally boss. I hacked into the Local Police Department and left them a message; Wake Up. Yeah that was me. Did the adults think it was boss? No. Did anyone think I was a hero? No. But it doesn’t matter. It was the beginning you know of something I can do. Something that I can do to change me. Change my circumstance.

Theme Song:
Non Romantic, non sexy time, 1x1 RPs.

I usually tend to like to talk to the person interested in doing a 1x1 and building a plot together. I marked some of the genres I like as;

Fantasy, Horror, Historical, Scifi, Anime Manga, Superhero, Future, etc.

I am just not here for kink RPs. I am looking for someone to write a RP story with. As for the level, I tend to do high casual leaning towards advance. Again depends on what we want.
<Snipped quote by AngelofOctober>

Happens every so often when the guild runs without a reboot. There's only guesses short of Mahz himself, the one with access to the actual backend - mine is that something caught in the server's memory that the guild files handled poorly, and chunked its displeasure back as a few day's worth of issues.

Ah gotcha.
I wouldn't count us out of grade school yet.

I wonder if they'll give us a full disclosure of what's up
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