Avatar of AnnaWinters


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4 mos ago
Current Anny partners that want to RP with me, I'm more active on discord. Please send me a pm and I'll give you my name.
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9 mos ago
Should be back now. Anyone up for a one on one?
3 yrs ago
One on one? Dm me please.
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3 yrs ago
Appearantly my new horse is narcoleptic. If you want to continue our rp. Let me know :D
3 yrs ago
Why did my keyboard have to break?
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After a long absence, I decided to return. Hoping to find partners again, or to reconcile with the ones that I had. Oh and I live in Belgium, so my timezone is quite a bit different. And don't be afraid to contact me after looking through my interest check

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Don't worry about it, I saw your status. Take the time you need with your family and to heal. That is most important. Writing needs to flow and that means at times that you need a bit of a break.

I'm just glad everything seems a bit better. I hope everything will turn out for the best.
Still looking :) feel free to tell your idea. I like most stories.
“I’m hardly a warrior.” Artemis answered as she looked at Azdrei’in. Realizing he had seen the gun and she wanted to tell him that she just had learned to shoot to please her father and to help the cows so they wouldn’t suffer if they couldn’t be saved. “I just learned how to use a gun. For safety.” She said as she smiled at him. “But I hope we don’t need it.”

Artemis wasn’t ready to hurt another human being, not if she could help it. She didn’t see how she would even get past hurting someone that had intelligence. All she would be able to attack was those humans that turned into beasts. But luckily they only seemed to come out when the sun was setting.

She opened up the doors and tood in a deep breath of fresh air. It still amazed her at how silent the world had become. She heard nothing but the sounds of animals and wind. No sound of her neighbours or cars. No planes that made their horrible sounds, she felt at peace. Opening her eyes and waiting until he had moved out. Placing the plank to hide the keypad and then looking around the barn. The cows were mooing again and she then went to the door.

“I know you will protect me. But let me talk to the humans. Often weapon aiming is out of fear.” She said as she looked at him. Wondering if she was going to see another human being. Just following him through the woods. It was nice to be on her way again, to hike and to just enjoy nature. The crickets were making sounds and she made sure to catch one. Holding it in her arms and then showing it to him. “Cricket” she said as she then opened her hand and let the insect jump away.

To her it was something nice to show him, that the world was beautiful. Only to put a finger to her mouth and shushing him. She could hear something in high grass, but it didn’t sound like a deer. It was at that moment that she heard the cock of a gun and instantly she moved towards the sound. Only to be faced with a boy that looked no older than 15. “Get away fr..from her.” She boy said as he had his large shotgun aimed at Azdrei’in.

Artemis quickly moved “Drei, don’t” she said as she then moved in front of the barrel of the shotgun. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m Artemis. He won’t hurt you.” She said as the boy was trembling. His eyes wide in fear and she wondered what had happened to the boy.

“No, they killed our parents. They hurt my sister.” The boy then answered as Artemis swallowed thickly. How was she going to defuse this situation. “Hey, what’s your name. And I’m sorry, they only want a place to live in.” she said as the boy looked at her.

“I’m Riley.” He said as it was obvious that the boy was terrified of the alien before him. “Please lover the gun Riley.” She asked as the boy shook his head. “He’ll kill us.” The boy said as Artemis sighed. “He’s different, he helped me.” She said as she then pulled some food from her backpack. She knew he had to be hungry, and she had more than enough. “Look, you said your sister is hurt. I can help her. I swear he won’t hurt you okay.” She said as the boy then lowered the gun and put it back on his shoulder.

“She has a broken leg. She is only 6 years old.” He said as Artemis then held open her arms. “I’m so sorry, come here.” She said as the boy only stepped back. Artemis sighed as she wondered how they were going to help that little girl. “Look, I’m a doctor. If you show us the way. Maybe we can help her.” She then followed up.

((Feel Free to control the boy as well.))
I was thinking they would be all alone and scared.
I was thinking that they would encounter a kid of max 15 with a gun aimed at him. But artemis walking between them and talking into the kid. Where he is alone with his little sister. And she is hurt or something.
That is what I see as well.

Some cultists that see the aliens as saviours.

Other that only see them as evil.

Then just people wanting to survive without conflict somewhere else.

People who want to know of knowledge.

Just a whole type of people.

Even cannibalistic humans. It is so interesting.
It so is. It actually would make an interesting book and such. And maybe they can offer the woman to study the uterus instead. So they can develop a synthetic one.

And I think some humans wouldn't mind if it meant they can be alive and have more comfort. Though those would only be a handful. It is an interesting ethical question indeed. It is hard to find a way to make it work.

Artemis wouldn't mind, but she is biased.
Indeed and it would be an interesting experiment as well if it was Drei himself. Maybe she just has a rare two matches... :P

And I'm thinking about what kind of encounter I could add to the post.
Like the accident where her DNA gets paired with one of his kind.

Does that make sense?
Oh I remember that with my first time drinking Macha tea... seriously is way stronger than coffee:)
I really am enjoying all this.

Would be funny though if the paired male would be some really high up male or even Drei himself.
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