Avatar of Aphelion
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aphe The Lion
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 863 (0.23 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Aphelion 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current So I'm not cool enough to do it, but I think a Pokemon based Nation RP would be cool. Jussayin.
1 like
6 yrs ago
[@Xandrya] I'm so sorry to hear that! :[ It's the most heart breaking thing to lose one of those little guys. I hope you'll be okay.
8 yrs ago
Rescued a baby squirrel yesterday. They're so FLUFFY. <3
8 yrs ago
Uncle falls from a ladder, mother has heart attack. What next, June? Bring it on, asshole.
8 yrs ago
Today is a day of sadness. It is the day I quit partaking of the drink of my lord and savior, Lord Coffee Bean. I shall be very grumpy for the next three weeks.


Fandoms/Genres I like to roleplay

  • Pokemon
  • League of Legends
  • Golden Sun

  • Harry Potter
  • Eragon
  • Percy Jackson


I'm all about that fantasy. I can mix it with other genres, such as sci-fi, slice of life, etc. but I generally stick to fantasy settings. As long as something supernatural or mystical is afoot, I'm interested. I generally like adventure, exploration, and conversation more than action and fighting in my roleplays as long as everyone is having a good time. I enjoy tabletop RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons, Scion, Dungeon World, and Ryuutama.

Most Recent Posts


Lucky followed Eric's movements with her eyes as she stood resolutely in place. Her hair retracted back and slithered in the air behind her, waiting for her to command it on its next course of attack. She had a plan in mind, giving him his sword back. And now it was time to see it to fruition. [[They know I hate this shit but insist on these classes! Let's give everyone a show then, shall we!?]] Lucky narrowed her eyes and glared at Lady Jade and Professor Jacob.

When Eric came up behind her and swiftly slashed his sword across the back of her right leg, Lucky let her power drop and exposed herself to the brunt of his attack. The blade Eric wielded sliced through tendons and muscle, creating a horrible gash that left lumniescent green blood pooling around her. Lucky let out a grunt of pain and dropped to one knee, her own blood splashing up to freckle her arms and pants where she landed. Then, just as quickly as the wound appeared, it stitched itself together, leaving not a trace of it existing in the first place.

Lucky looked back at Eric. "You have to aim for something more vital than that to incapacitate me, Eric. But if you wont, then I'm ending this." She sighed, wishing that her new friend had the balls to get this over with so she wouldn't have to hurt him. He had also made a grave mistake, going behind her. That meant he was much closer to the thing that was one of her biggest weapons: her hair.

Without hesitation, Lucky whipped some the dirt on the arena floor that had mixed with her blood up into Eric's face. Simultaneously, the aforementioned weapons lashed out in countless sections, aiming to wrap themselves around Eric and crush him into unconsciousness. Quite a few went for his torso and arms, but there were also ones to entrap his legs and face. Most of them were un-enhanced, granting them speed, but there were also thicker, enhanced sections that would act as the vice-grip, should they be allowed to connect with Eric.
As I write up Lucky's posts, I realize I should have picked an easier power to write out. I haven't really done combat with another player ever, so this is my first roleplay PVP match. And with HAIR powers of all things. Like... fml. I could have gone with wind, or earth, or even made her control plants. Instead, no. Hair.

*walks in, looks at conversation, then proceeds to back away slowly* o_o

I understand needing some solid continuity and basis for actions taking place, but all that matters is what @Agent 47 says happens or does not happen. Their input should solve the issue without incident. I hope. I will wait until they respond to finish my post.
@Xandrya I know those feels. I'm having a rather busy week because of the holidays but I will be posting tomorrow for sure. Sorry for being so delayed, this time of the year is always pretty crazy with IRL commitments. x.x I hope your hedgehog feels better.
These last few days have been busy. I will be writing a post up tomorrow for sure though. :] Thanks for waiting for me, I appreciate it.
Holy crap this is such a necro. Hey Arch :D I would be interested in pursuing this again to be honest.
@JewelProphet30 Welcome to the game! Enjoy the ride :]
@Holy Soldier Hahaha yeah sure xD A cross-platform, moba-esque style of game yeah?

Faye was slumped back on her bed, a wall of countless pillows providing her make shift chair as she played a console game. It was just something to pass the time, a first-person shooter, but it barely interested her. Of course, not much did. She took another sip of the 40oz beer and placed it back on the night stand within easy reach. Next to her current can were several others, some with cigarettes stuffed inside when they found themselves being made into unwitting ash-trays. She let out a burp in time with killing one of her opponents, only to have some one come behind her and shank her with a plasma sword. She shrugged and took another long slurp of beer. [[Whatever, bro. Have your laughs while you can.]] She respawned in the game and immediately the VICTORY screen was splayed across her TV, signifying that her teammates had secured the win. She tossed the controller aside, bored of playing.

She fumbled around for her cigarettes in her blankets and pillows, desperate to walk outside on to the fire escape with a beer and a smoke. She spotted the pack of her beloved death sticks peeking out from underneath a pizza box. She went to snatch them, but they were pulled further under the box by something. She frowned, knowing that one of those little fuckers was messing with her. She lifted the box and raised her eye brows, a bored expression on her face. A small creature highly resembling a certain pokemon had its arms wrapped tightly around her pack of cigarettes. It gave her a goofy smile and leapt off of the bed with them, scuttling out of the slightly ajar door that led into the rest of the apartment she shared with two roommates.

With a groan she got up and followed the stupid little Unseelie fey. This one in particular loved stealing her cigarettes and taking off with them. When she stepped outside of her door, she noticed something was off. Though everything would have looked normal to anyone else but her, she could see a small swarm of Unseelie fey were clinging to her roommate Denise's bedroom door and cackling. Though she was certain that her roommate couldn't see or hear the fey yet, their presence could be felt. The Unseelie gave off sinister, dark, or mischievous vibes, and the Unseelie usually gathered around misfortune or conflict. She folded her arms and gave the troublemakers a no-nonsense look, and they immediately scattered. Their gleeful cackles echoed as they escaped into the bathroom further down the hall.

Faye ran a hand through her hair, debating whether or not to check up on Denise. She preferred to avoid drama or anything resembling unnecessary work as much as possible. Her decision was made for her when the stupid little Unseelie from before took her pack of cigarettes and somehow managed to squash the pack underneath Denise's door, disappearing along with it. This wouldn't have been the first time she witnessed the asshole managing spatial manipulation just to annoy her. Faye rolled her eyes and trudged forward. She stopped in front of Denise's door, taking a moment to consider if she even wanted to explain how her cigarettes got in to her roommates room again.

Suddenly, a swarm of Seelie fey gathered around her, pulling on her sleeves and trying to peek through the keyhole into Denise's room. Obviously something was terribly amiss here tonight, otherwise these little do-gooders wouldn't have bothered her like this. She took a breath, shrugged, and then knocked on the door. "Hey, Denise. I, uh, seem to have lost my cigarettes. Again. Yup." She called out in time with her knocking, then paused, a pained expression coming across her face. She seemed to struggle internally before she added, "Is everything, y'know, okay in there?" Her voice sounded awkward and a bit forced, even to her.

She wondered where Kessler was. He was way more charismatic than her and better at dealing with this sort of thing. She glanced at the master bedroom door at the far end of the hall, which was Kessler's domain. He was originally the only person in the apartment until Faye had met him and moved in. Denise was the most recent addition to their lives, and she was unsure of how to approach the younger woman.
It wont be too long hahaha. I'm hoping to not write a novel, but just to write enough to develop things for Kessler and Denise to work off of.
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