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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

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Onderon Royal Palace - Hanger

Honutu and the Queen both listened to the council of the others before speaking. "The deal gives us to much. It is most defiantly a trap, Our Soldiers are probably dead already, but at the same time if they are alive that Sith probably has a fate worse than death planed for them. Whatever this Sith has planned is not good. I say I go take care of this problem and you leave. I'm resourceful enough to find my way back to Republic Space after you leave." Honutu stated calmly choosing the Option that he thought would give the Republic forces their best shot. And before the Queen could but in the Com channels opened again. "Hello there Republic Dogs. My Master told me to contact you when my job was finished." A sly male voice came over the channel, "Our forces have captured the Spaceport as well. Your precious Citizens now belong to the Sith. And if you want them to remain safe then you should agree to my Master's deal." The voice continued before disconnecting probably from the Sith destroying the communicator.

"As if things weren't bad enough..." Honutu said turning to the Queen who had already made up her mind. "I'm sorry Captain, Master Jedi, Padawan Hawkens I know you all sacrificed so much to get me here, but I can't abandon my people. I have to go to them. I'm sorry everyone, The Planet of Onderon will now be under the control of the Sith." She said in a weighted breath and turned to leave. "Please retreat while you can. I agree that this will be a trap and want you gone before they can spring it on you." She said back to them without turning back. Honutu almost went to stop the queen but held himself back. He knew all to well that the queen was making the right choice for her people and would not change her mind. Instead he turned to the Transport. "She has made up her mind, We can't do anything to change that. It is time for us to leave." He said calmly, but it was clear his voice was conflicted. And in his opinion Honutu would be doing the galaxy a favor if he went and put these Sith down for good.
Laser rounds would be easy to track especially when you are looking for it. First shot would give a general direction and in a city environment a few more shots would make it possible to pinpoint location due to available sight lines and such. Finding a human sniper in a city is hard, but giant robots can only hide in so many places you know.
@vancexentan you totally ignored my barrage of missiles at the sniper. :(
@jonescr Hey Bud looks like its a no from our team. But thank you for the interest and welcome to the site. Don't let this discourage you people are real friendly here this is just a closed project. Feel free to read and keep up if you wish. And the biggest hint I can give you when trying to jump into RP's is check the Status at the top of the page under the GM. If it says Full they are likely not taking anyone. but if it says Apply or Jump-In then you should have a hit. Best of luck out there.
I'll wait for a post from Lyla before I go. But before posting here make your post in bloodrose :p

@jonescr Hey bud this was originally supposed to be a small closed group rp, but as that is a democracy in this rp I'll let the other two put in their votes to decide.

@Lyla@Cuddle Pot Ya or nay?
@Lyla Alright time to go old school master here. *pulls A thin wooden stick and whacks you on the head* A master's job is to tell you how to live your life!

And that is the exact way I see Honutu being a master when it comes to discipline in fact I'm sure he would still carry the stick just incase.
@Lyla It's ok, *pats on head* it would of never worked out anyway. 1 Jedi aren't supposed to have romantic relationships. 2 She is the Queen of a planet and would probably be forced to Larry some Noble House's Son and be expected to produce an heir. So cuddle just cut the tie early instead of leaving it there to grow and become painful.
I was going to say something about taking full control of the Queen but it's all good she is a NPC and is going to take that route in one way or another.
Not worries at all. I didn't expect it right away anyway.
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