Avatar of Arthanus


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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

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Dude I know that feeling all to well. get rest as you can man we aren't going anywhere.
Hey Guys I finally added color to my post as well as extended it a bit. Now everyone should have a reaction and something to post about :)
soooo how is it going guys?
Sarah was a little disappointed that her missiles had little real effect but with Jack drawing the sniper's attention she was able to manuver herself into a flanking position before unloading a barrage of shots with her Gatling gun followed up by her lobbing a grenade at the enemy when he tried to dodge.
Hey man I ended up napping today instead of posting. I'll try to get one up tomorrow after work I kinda have it made up in my head but to tired to put it out on page.
Its not that long but it moved us along for now. I'll give us a bit of time to do the morning stuff before moving on to marching and all the next stuff.
The way Jehan changed the topic so quickly was its own answer it was clear that Henri was close to Jehan and Silas would just let the topic drop. Then came Jehan's next question about making the Irregulars a "proper company" Silas had a serious face under the mask. "I assume by Proper Company you mean growing to about 200 troops, organizing, and becoming pawns in the games of Nobles?" He said coldly, "No I don't plan to get caught up in the games of Nobles, our troop will take on jobs to protect man not continuing our decline to fight each other. There are plenty of creatures and monsters out there looking for man's downfall, we don't need to focusing on who owns more land and What number you are in line for a throne." Silas continued. "Aside from creatures we have lost a lot of history since our decline. I plan to take us on expeditions to reclaim lost treasures. A much better goal then climbing the ranks of nobles in my opinion." He finished his little rant knowing that it might hurt any chance of Jehan joining the Irregulars, but he wanted to make sure the Noble knew what he might be getting into. "Get some rest if you can, the days events can be fatiguing even to veteran warriors." Silas added before turning away from the fire and left the knight to his thoughts. Silas spent a bit more of the night checking on the prospects and getting a general feel of the camp's post battle moral and feelings before turning in for the night.

-The Next Morning-

Silas woke up early the next morning before dawn. He spent a bit of the early morning helping cook breakfast with a few of the Militia troops that knew how to cook. It wasn't the best thing ever but it would be a warm meal for the troops as they woke up in the morning. After there was enough food for everyone he would go back to his tent to wait for those who would agree to join the Irregulars. The morning was quiet for the most part and peaceful quite a change from the day of battle that had come before.

Once the meeting time had come and gone Silas stood in front of those who had showed up to join the Irregulars. "Welcome everyone, Since you showed up you have an interest in joining the Bloodrose Irregulars so lets get started." Silas said to the group before he went on to explain how the group would continue to support the Empire against the Orcs before moving on to take other contracts. Dixon the stepped in with a list of contracts that Him and Silas thought the group would be able to take on as is. After making the suggestions and gathering opinions Dixon went to set thing up for the coming contract. After that bit Silas once again stood in front of the group. "So before we continue there is one thing you should know." Silas said moving his hand up to his mask pulling it down revealing the slave brand on his face. "At one time a long time ago I was a slave, if any of you have a problem taking orders from me feel free to walk out now. Also if any of you think you could do a better job leading this company just because of my past feel free to challenge me at any time, I won't back down." he said confidently watching the group's reactions and seeing what move would be made next.
@Blubaron45 it will be fine as is. Most people were done with their evenings events it seems so they should be able to finish up with their stuff. I'll post on Thursday and we should be good to move on then.
@Blubaron45@KaiserFranz Thank you guys for getting up the post. Although I am a little irked that you guys moved the timeline on your own. It cut off Silas from having a conversation with Jehan as well as a few others whom I had planed to talk with before ending the night. In the future please consult Me or Lyla before going through with a time skip.

But with that said we will move on to the next day. Everyone can do a morning post and all that, I'll post on Wed or Thurs to gather everyone up to bring them into the group before we march on again.
hey ill get a post in wed or thurs depending on when I get some time off work this week
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