Avatar of Artifex
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    1. Artifex 8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Three-word horror story: Leftover microwave time.


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Well, since this got so much interest so frickin fast, I'm gonna try to have the OOC up soon as I can. ^_^
@Ceta de Cloyes
I left things open in case someone wanted to play an antihero or rebel type character...though I already have a few dedicated villains in mind, so that particular role is off-limits.

The plots are meant to affect everyone as a whole so that there is a main point to play off of, if that makes sense. PvP is possible as well. I would like for a team to form in some capacity, since that seems easier, but not everyone needs to be a part of it.

I hope what's in my head is translating in words because everything makes sense in my head. This may require further input, but I'm leaving it here for now.
I guess I should have mentioned that. 😅

I edited the first post with some notes on the bottom.

There are major plot points planned that I'm hammering out the details for.
[ The Anomalous Chronicles ]

Some call us superhumans, some call us enhanced, some even call us freaks of nature.

Over time, the ‘politically correct’ term has become Variant -- as in, a variation of the normal human genome. We’re said to have an anomaly in our genetic code that allows us to manifest certain powers or abilities.

No explanation as to how or why or where this came from...either way, it’s a major source of conflict in our world.

While the world struggles to figure out what to do with Variants, the Variants struggle to find their place in the world.

Apparently, a normal life isn’t an option for someone who can turn into ice or has armored skin or can read minds...too much to ask, it seems.

But with every struggle, there’s a story...and this is ours.

* * * * * * *

* * * * * * *

There are those who want to try and maintain ordinary lives just like everyone else...perhaps use their abilities to help a few people or get ahead in life.

Some prefer to play the hero, believing that their abilities were somehow bestowed upon them for upholding some grand responsibility.

And, yet, there are those who would rather watch the world burn just to see if anything will rise from the ashes...

* * * * * * *

  • N.O.V.A. / M.A.D. agents are non-playable; any other organizations are available
  • Multiple characters are allowed; you can create non-Variants
  • Though there is a class for almighty powers, it does not open the door for OP characters. Please take caution if you plan on dabbling into this territory.
  • This is taking place in the year 2129 and the general vibe of the RP is more dystopian.
  • I left things open in case someone wanted to play an antihero or rebel type character...though I already have a few dedicated villains in mind, so that particular role is off-limits.
  • There are overarching plot points planned, though I'm open to suggestions as well. The plots are meant to affect everyone as a whole so that there is a main point to play off of. I would like for a team to form in some capacity, since that seems easier, but not everyone needs to be a part of it.

– Cafeteria A –

Silas had just finished his second round when the ground started to shake. He tilted his head slightly in confusion trying to guess at the source. As an animal aficionado, he figured the rumbling was coming from a fairly large beast rather than, say, an earthquake, and he scanned the area awaiting its appearance. A sizeable land drake burst suddenly through one of the cafeteria doors and seemed to be making a beeline for a specific target. Silas furled his brow at the abrupt appearance of Grarves, and visually followed his intended path. His victim had been Albus.

Oh this should be good…

The times Silas had seen Grarves around campus, it appeared the drake acted more 'fido' than 'fearsome', so he knew Albus wasn't in any real danger. In fact, it looked like he was accepting his fate. Before 'The Attack' could occur, however, a kid he recognized from class had intervened and sent the poor land dragon on a more dangerous collision course with Albus.

"Hey! Why would you-?!"

In the same instant, Arkadian appeared with a magical barrier, saving Albus from a rather serious fate. Silas had been impressed with Tyro's abilities from what he'd seen so far this year. To be so young and to have a link with such powerful spirits was an impressive feat indeed. At any rate, the chaos didn't stop with Grarves coming to a halt...Isobel was extremely pissed, which obviously was completely justified. A completely unprovoked attack had been made on her summon, which was quite a taboo at L'Mordryn.

And this won't be as good…

Before sparks could fly, though, the kid had managed to escape by deploying some kind of smoke bomb. Silas was far enough away that the cloud was mostly dissipated when it reached him, so he wasn't affected by it too much. He fanned his hand in front of his face instinctively as he viewed the aftermath of the incident.

"Yeah...this is definitely going to escalate into something later...probably something good enough to make it into the school paper."

Silas chuckled to himself and shook his head. He looked around and saw that most people were still slightly distracted and decided it was a good window to make an exit before the rush.

"Well, looks like there's nothing more to see here, so I'm gonna go ahead of the crowd. I'll catch you later, Alebard!"

Silas gave Alebard a friendly salute as he turned and headed for the door.

– Cafeteria A –

"Do you know this guy, Darcy...?" Andirah asked pointing at Lorcan with a thumb and contorting her face into the most annoyed grimace her adorable face could muster. Velvette wasn't as vocal with her annoyance; she simply glared at Lorcan as if he were a smudge that had appeared on the table and needed to be promptly removed. However irritated the two girls had become, Darcy simply raised an eyebrow and gave a light sigh that clearly signified her utter boredom. She had been approached countless times by boys (and girls) who made futile attempts to hit on her, though it did little more than boost her ego. This particular time, though, felt a bit different than a flirtatious approach. The boy in question had a very pompous air about him, as if he was already one of the top dogs in the room. Normally, Darcy would have simply gotten up from the table as if he hadn't said a single word she should consider worthwhile, but she was feeling particularly froggy this morning. To be approached by some cocky newbie who even considered himself on the same level as her was a check to her alpha. She mentally cracked her knuckles.

"The next time a pathetic beanpole like you decides to come at me with such a ridiculous and dismal attempt at fraternization, I'll grind you into infinitesimal dust like the insolent drudge you wish you were."

Without breaking eye contact, Darcy stood up from the table. She quickly flicked her vision to the barely-dressed dragon girl whom she assumed to be his summon. She seized what she saw as yet another opportunity.

"...And put some frickin' clothes on that thing, you perv."

Without waiting for any kind of response, Darcy turned and started toward the nearest exit, moving with a slightly provocative walk that she hoped would pour a bit of salt on the wound, not once looking back. She knew full well that he was probably staring her down, and the dragon summon was a clear indicator that she would most definitely cross paths with the boy again...but she would deal with that later. Vel and Andi followed suit...except Andi decided to part in a more childish manner. She lifted the back of her skirt and mooned Lorcan while sticking out her tongue. Ceraseth complimented the act with a hiss as he perched once again on Andirah's shoulder. Darcy glanced down at Andi while they walked.

"Was that really necessary, Andi?"

"Of course it was...he's a jerk!"

"So, you reward him by giving him a peek at your cute little ass…?"

"...I didn't think of it like that," Andi said rubbing her chin as if discovering some newfound knowledge. "Wait, did you just say I had a…?" She stopped mid-sentence and tried her hardest not to blush, throwing her hands behind her back and fidgeting nervously with her hands. She kept her eyes low as she struggled to regain her composure. Darcy loved pushing these buttons and she wore a sly grin as they continued on. Velvette snickered audibly at Andi's sudden awkwardness.

"Shut up, Vel!" Andirah grumbled.

It was just then that one of the cafeteria doors exploded open and a certain land drake came barreling into the cafeteria.

"Is that Grarves? The hell's going on?"

It took only a few seconds to figure out and Darcy nodded in approval.

This is gonna be good…

The moment the dragon's wild charge was foiled, Darcy's face contorted into a look of anger.

"What the actual hell is his problem?!"

The trio was on the other side of the cafeteria at that moment, and Darcy made to help kick the culprit's overdressed ass, but the fight was over just as quickly as it had begun. She almost went to see if Grarves was alright but quickly remembered that she had pranked Isobel earlier. Darcy didn't really feel like reminding her of that while she had daggers in her eyes, so she decided to continue heading out of the cafeteria.

– Cafeteria A –

Silas was in the middle of shoveling a bite of pancake into his mouth when he noticed someone coming to sit at his table. He gave Alebard a cordial grin as he chewed and swallowed his morsel of food. He reached for his glass and took a sip of orange juice as Alebard took his seat. As far as members of House Dracona go, Alebard was one of the more mild-mannered ones. Most dragon invokers were full of themselves, but every now and then, you'll find someone who's more humble and amicable.

"Morning, Alebard…and Zalek. Ready for the weekend? I hope Albus has something good planned for Culinary Club."

Silas dipped the last forkful of pancake in a small puddle of syrup on his plate, making sure to coat every bit of it in the sweetness before bringing it to his mouth and taking a bite as if he was finishing some masterpiece. He leaned back a little, patted his stomach, and breathed a sigh as if his meal was complete.

"...I think I still got room. Be right back."

Silas pushed back from the table and stood, noticing that the cafeteria had started to fill up. As he walked back to the counter, he casually scanned the room. The sheer diversity of the students at L'Mordryn always intrigued him – in fact he reveled in it. Nearly everyone who came to breakfast brought a summon with them, seeing as there were a lot less people who attended the morning meal. He noticed a few girls sitting at a far off table, who he presumed were in House Machina…mainly because one of them had a rather sizeable orb floating beside her. He hadn't interacted much with students from that particular house nor did he have much experience with higher technology beyond a few magitech lamps. He considered joining the Future Tech Club at one point just to learn more about technology...but food seemed more appealing, of course.

He grabbed a small bowl of oatmeal and topped it with a few baked apple slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg. Satisfied with his second round of breakfast he headed back to his table, spotting Odhra along the way. He was seated with Nettle, whom Silas knew from class, and couple of other girls. He thought he may have seen the dark-haired girl before, but he definitely wasn't familiar with the youngest girl. He figured she was a Tyro, purely based on age. He shuddered slightly at the sight of Snuggles resting near Odhra's feet. There was just something about a spider the size of a large dog that most people didn't get used to. In the moment he looked over to the table, he saw that a cat – or at least what he thought was a cat until it morphed – was stealing a slurp of Nettle's breakfast soup. It seemed another Tyro had been given the slip by his summon, since he appeared to be apologizing. If anything, from what he heard about Nettle's eating habits, she might be the one apologizing. Silas wasn't really close enough to hear the exact details of the scene and simply shook his head.

He reclaimed his seat and proceeded to go to town on his oatmeal. He watched as Zalek tore into his pile of meats and have small chuckle.

"There's times when I wonder if I look like that when I eat."

– Great Room / Cafeteria A –

When Darcy entered the Great Room, she was greeted by what had seemed to become her little entourage. Andirah and Velvette were a couple of fellow Dracona students who were borderline obsessed with Darcella Bray, and they followed her around like puppies.

"G'morning, Darcy!" Andirah shouted as she sprung up from one of the Great Room's plush sofas. She practically skipped her way over to Darcy. "You look so great today! I love those shoes!"

"Thank you, Andi." Darcy flashed her best smile and displayed her boots, soaking up the praise.

"Hey, Cera! You beautiful boy!" Andirah bent down to give Ceraseth a few friendly head rubs and he purred in satisfaction. When she stood, Cera floated up to rest on one of her shoulders.

Velvette sauntered over from the armchair she was sitting in across from Andirah. She was visibly less bouncy than Andi, but no less happy to see her friend. "Hey, Darcy."

"Hi, Vel. Ready for Ashorath's bullshit today?"


"She's so mean! I can't stand her." Andi whined. "And don't say that she isn't...you only say that 'cause you're one of her favorites."

"Well, that can't be helped, Andi. I mean, I'm one of your favorites, right?"

"That's not the same!" Andi exclaimed with her hands on her hips. Darcy smirked and patted Andirah on the top of her head.

"I'm hungry. Let's go eat," Velvette interjected.

"Let's." Darcy turned and lead the trio out of the building and toward the cafeteria. As they walked, the air shimmered suddenly and Snow seemed to appear from nowhere, strolling regally beside Darcy.

"Hey, Snow!" Andirah's eyes lit up as she waved to the sky drake.

"Hello, little one," Snow replied with a cordial nod.

"Where are the other two?"

"They are sleeping. The timeline in our realm runs roughly in line with this one. I'm an early riser. In fact, I was gathering breakfast."

"Oh? And what are you having this morning?"

"Field mice and cragmoles."

"Sounds tasty. Tell the lazies to be ready for Skirmishers' Club tomorrow. Enjoy your breakfast."

Snow walked through a second portal as Darcy dismissed her back to her home realm. The trio arrived at the cafeteria with plenty of time to spare. They moved through the room as if they were the only ones present and made their way to the counter. Darcy opted for a light breakfast of toast, eggs, and bacon, while Andirah piled a platter with waffles slathered in butter and syrup, a fistful of bacon, and a couple of plump sausage links for Cera. Velvette made a simple fruit salad topped with honey and grabbed a small cup of yogurt. Darcy lead the group in no direction in particular to a free table near the middle of the cafeteria. They sat down and Ceraseth made to hop down onto the table from Andi's shoulder.

"Don't even think about it, furball."

Cera gave a small growl and hopped down into a chair instead. He stretched up and rested his paws on the table awaiting his link.

"It's not a cragmole, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it all the same," Andi teased as she tossed Ceraseth his breakfast. He spit a small flame at the sausage link to crisp the outside a bit and proceeded to attack it.

– Campus Grounds –

Sir Geldwin turned to see Sazel bounding towards him clutching what looked to be her report for Chronicle Club. A hand shot up to cover his mouth as she tumbled over the carpet of apples in her path. "Oh, my...I hope she's alright." Sazel seemed unfazed as she got up and continued her approach.

"Oh, who is that? She looks cool..."

"And pretty. Her bark is such a healthy shade of brown."

Sir Geldwin chuckled lightly at the sudden appearance of the Nidhogen. He thoroughly enjoyed the curiosity of his students, but decided to hold back a little in this current matter.

"She's just a former student that I've been catching up with...very bright and quite…memorable," Geldwin replied while adjusting his glasses for no apparent reason. "Thanks for the report, Sazel. I'm certain it will be extraordinary as always. I have to be on my way now. Have a nice day, the both of you." He hated to be so abrupt with his interaction, but certain topics needed to be averted for the time being.

– House Bestia Tower / Cafeteria A –

Silas simply chuckled as Alistair charged out of the room. He wheeled around to give his roommate a nice, hearty pat on the back.

”Mornin’, Alistair! Where's the fire, buddy? Afraid they'll run out of food?"

Silas brushed a small tuft of cat hair from his roommate's sleeve and produced a genuine grin before continuing on his stroll to the cafeteria. His stomach growled rather loudly as he exited the Bestia hallway into the Great Room.

"Heh…maybe I'm the one who's afraid they'll run out..."

He was extremely hungry, as he was for pretty much every meal. Silas loved to eat, to put it very lightly, and it was an absolute wonder that he wasn't as big as a house with the way he piled his plates. As he was leaving the building, he spotted Odhra, who was also making his way to the cafeteria. Silas wasn't afraid of insects, though, they weren't really his favorite, either...but, he had grown to tolerate his roommate's little (and not-so-little) creepy crawlers. He gave Odhra a good-morning wave before heading outside, figuring he would see him in a moment.

The campus seemed to be slowly gaining momentum as the early risers filed out of their dorms and headed toward the cafeteria. There weren't nearly as many people present for the morning meal as there were for the other two, so only one cafeteria was open for breakfast. The room was fairly active when Silas arrived, the chatter volume holding at a low rumble. The heavenly sweet and savory smells that wafted through the air only served to further rile Silas' appetite, and his stomach gave another vicious growl. He hastily grabbed a platter and helped himself to a stack of pancakes slathered in butter and syrup, a few strips of thick-cut bacon, a couple of juicy sausage links, and a nice, fluffy pile of scrambled eggs. He also opted for a cool, tall glass of orange juice instead of milk or coffee. He contemplated grabbing a small bowl of oatmeal, but decided it would be easier to come back for it. He settled onto a free table and began to chow down, making a mental note to grab a little something for Ankarah.

– Room 5, 6th Floor, House Dracona Tower –


Darcy shook her head and rolled her eyes when she heard Isobel screaming.

Late? What's she even doing awake?

A few seconds later, she was nearly bowled over as Isobel charged past her.

"Hey, watch it!"

Ceraseth hissed and Darcy sneered as the door slammed shut. She threw her face cloth down and placed her hands on her hips, eyeing the closed door with minor annoyance. As soon as the water from the shower could be heard, a mischievous smirk crept its way across Darcy's lips.

"Take care of that for me, will you, Cera?"

Ceraseth gave a satisfied purr as Darcy turned back to the mirror and began to brush her hair. The dragon-cat had a rather unique talent that had proved to be very useful on many occasions. Ceraseth had the ability to squeeze through overly tight spaces, seemingly flattening himself. He scooted underneath the door leading to the shower, swiftly darted past Ciervia, and flushed the toilet before making a quick exit. Darcy grinned as Cera returned and tossed her hairbrush onto the counter.

"You needed some help waking up, didn't you, Isobel? You're welcome!" Darcy shouted cheerfully as she walked back to her room.

She entered and turned to her impressive wall of shoes. She usually dressed from the bottom up, crafting every outfit based on her footwear. After a quick yet thoughtful deliberation, she chose an adorable pair of dark red boots. She grabbed a black medium-length skirt and a dark red hooded shirt from her closet to throw over a plain black camisole. She tied her hair into its usual high ponytail and looked herself over in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, she left the dorm with dragon-cat in tow.

Lady Woruk

– Headmistress' Quarters –

Lady Woruk was roused quite pleasantly as the subtle sounds of string music carried throughout her room. She rose slowly and shivered slightly rubbing her arms for warmth. She reached over and grabbed her housecoat, tossing it on and tying its belt before gently settling in a plush straight-back chair that was stationed at a small table. Just as she sat down, the ever-punctual Cogsworth placed her breakfast before her in exquisite fashion.

"If there is anything you need to announce to the school, I will make sure the messages are updated."

"Nothing of consequence this morning, Cogsworth. This breakfast is lovely, thank you."

She gave him a dismissing nod and proceeded to dine on her meal.
Snuggles = Get. That thing. Away.

At least the spiders aren't as...spider-y as I thought they would be. Odhra is good! Quite an interesting concept.
I had forgotten you decided to grab Bask...I'll go ahead and officially approve him 👌🏾
Mmkay, all good!

That being said, Alebard needs a schedule, so that we know where he's gonna be at certain times during the day. I can PM you the doc on the mentors so you can make it.
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