Avatar of ArynMae20


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3 yrs ago
Current I've just had a bunch of dead ends lately :( Doesn't anyone want to write anymore? Feeling bummed.
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4 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Getting back into the swing of things once again lol
5 yrs ago
I just wish people could be straight up and didn't make me feel so annoying just for wanting common courtesy. I feel like i'm all alone in that.
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5 yrs ago
This place man.......It ain't good for my mental health and is doing the opposite of what I came here for.


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Deciding that he wasn't going to sit around in his bedroom and drowned in his never-ending thoughts, he went into the bathroom and took a nice, long, hot shower. It did wonders for the hangover that was currently pushing through his body. Steam filled the bathroom and letting out a relieving sigh he finished up and then stepped out of the shower, wrapping himself in a towel. Walking around his room wearing nothing but a towel, he gathered up a white-t shirt and some dark blue jeans, he grabbed some boxers from his dresser and headed back into the bathroom.

After cleaning up and changing into his clothes, he walked back into his bedroom and put his socks and shoes on. Grabbing his phone off the bed he checked it, but he hadn't received any new messages. Pushing the phone into his front left pocket, he left his room and trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen. Walking over to the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of water, and took a big gulp.

“Morning hun, you hungry? I just made you’re father and brother a plate of scrambled eggs. I've still got the ingredients out, if you’d like some.” The small dark haired woman asked, smiling. Jake shook his head. “Thanks ma, but I’m actually meeting someone. So I think I’m just going to head out.” He stated, grabbing his keys off the hook and walking to the front door.

Walking outside, the fresh air was enjoyed by his lungs. Getting into his car, he started it up and called one of his friends, Ryan, to meet him at the hut. Putting the car into drive, he sped off to the small hut that was their hangout. It used to be an abandon room and nobody ever used it, so, the two boys redecorated it and put in some furniture, TV, and mini fridge, and it made for a great getaway. Most people didn't even know it existed. Which was the best part. Parking his car, he jammed the keys into his pocket and stepped out. Walking inside the small building, he noticed his friend already sitting on the couch playing video games, walking over and sitting himself down next to him, he picked up the other controller and began to play as well.
Trying to shake away all of the thoughts running through his brain on how much of a nightmare his life had just became, he got out of bed and paced the floor, ignoring his achy body. Finally, he tried to tell himself that sometimes, even though they don’t use protection, they don’t get pregnant. Yeah. She’s probably not pregnant. There could still be some hope left. His thoughts rang loudly, as he tried to convince himself that it was no big deal.

Walking over to his jeans, he picked them up and dug in his pockets for his cell phone. Once retrieved, he turned it on and swiped through the contacts. Then the recent calls, and finally found her number. Pressing call, he waited for her to answer. Ring. Ring. Ring. Nothing. He wasn't really surprised. “Eve, Hey, it’s Jake, We really need to talk, like asap. Please just text me, or call me back…see ya.” He pressed the end button and threw the phone on his bed, sitting back down and starring at the ceiling.

What would he tell his parents? Would they throw him out? What about his scholarship? He’d certainly be moved down on the list if he became a teen father..His whole life plans would be ruined, and he wouldn't have a clue as to what to do. Trying to keep a level head, he didn't let his thoughts get too carried away with his thoughts until he knew for certain.
Haha, Weird is fun though! xD
As the soft crinkle of sheets quickly tugging away from him he squinted his eyes open to observe who’d been making the noise. His head was pounding and he felt as if he was going to barf all of himself if he moved one more inch. The sun was almost nearly up and was shining brightly into his window. Sitting up in bed, he groaned and looked at the shadow of a person in the corner of his room, rummaging through something, clearing his groggy throat. He shifted. “Everything okay? Can I h---“Just then an incredible burning sensation tickled his throat, causing him to gag. A queasy feeling raced through his stomach and off to the bathroom he ran.

After emptying the contents of his stomach and drinking some water, he reemerged into the bedroom only to find his friend and all her things, gone. He wasn't sure why there was such a hurry, it was the weekend and they didn't have school until Monday. He was baffled by it all, really. Shrugging his shoulders he stumbled over to his bed and flopped down on top of it.

Not wanting to sleep anymore, he adjusted himself to a sitting position and placed the pillows behind his head, resting up against his bed’s headboard. Reaching over to grab the TV remote, he noticed something horrifying. Holding up the small package, he realized it was in fact, NOT empty. Feeling his heart sink in, his eyes grew wide as he tried like hell to remember the night before. He’d placed it on there “just in case” but he knew full well that something was going to happen, it always did. He shook his head and let out a sigh. This couldn't be happening. Not now. He still had some much left to do before even thinking about bringing a child into this world. He was still a child himself for god’s sake!

One thing was for sure, nothing would ever be the same again..

There's my guy. Sorry i didn't insert him in here.
I'm interested! :3
After the events of the past two days/nights, James had a lot on his mind. His life had already thrown the unexpected at him…or so he thought. It’s funny how fast life can change in what seems as a blink of an eye. James was naturally easy to adapt to change, but, doesn't mean the shock is any less intense.

After leaving the hospital, he drove home to relive the babysitter. The traffic was surprisingly not bad for it being early morning, it was a nice day. 40 minutes later, he was parked in his front driveway. Taking the keys out of the ignition, he got out of the car and walked up the path and into the house.

“Dadddddy!” Kaylee grinned, climbing down from the stool she’d been sitting on and running over to him, wrapping her tiny arms around his waist. James smiled and picked the petite girl up into his arms. “Hey baby! Were you good for Jake?” Kaylee nodded her head. “Yes, I was. Where did you have to go?”The little girl asked, curiosity in her eyes. James looked at her, and sighed. “Just a friend.” Kaylee nodded. “I want to watch Spongebob!” She announced, quickly changing the subject, and then running off to the big movie room.

James pulled 30 bucks from his wallet and had it to Jake. “Thanks for keeping an eye on her.” He smiled, Jake nodded and then left. Walking into the moving room, he sat down next to kaylee and smiled as she cuddled into him. He sighed happily, and within 30 minutes they were both out.

An hour later James awoke, seeing Kaylee still asleep in his arms, he shifted her onto the cushion and slipped out of the room, walking into the entryway he dug for his phone and pulled it out of his pocket. Missed call. Crap. It was Amelia. Double Crap. Listening to the voice mail, he deleted it and immediately called her back.

Waiting for a couple rings, a tired voice answered on the other end. James sighed, “Amelia, I know what you must be thinking..but I didn't ignore you this time, I just forgot my phone in my pocket. I feel asleep watching TV with Kaylee. I promise, I didn't mean to ignore you. “ He stated quickly, before she could say anything. “As for your message..I guess I've never taken care of you two before, so, yeah, I guess, just come here and we’ll figure it out.” He nodded, looking at the wall.
Still here :3
Maybe she can call and ask. Guys are clueless :3
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