Avatar of AtomicNut
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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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"Insert witty quote here"
3 yrs ago
If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

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I can take those close-to-my-face magical beams if y'all want.


How long was Mari out of commission? 'Cause I was wondering if Alex and Mari might have known (or fought with) each other from before.

I left that vague. Probably 4 years or so. Enough time for almost all the Magical Girls who knew her were replaced.
And posted. I leave up to you guys who nearly received a purifying light beam in her face.
The breeze under the moonlight carried the screams of those trapped in the true darkness of Miso city. Such a charming landscape by day, it always became quite the haunt by night. The creatures of the night had a thousand bodies, claws and feet, and those fighting them were far and few between. That is how it had always been, the ebb and flow of the existences that could not be shown. The nameles heroes who fought until dawn for humanity and the common good.

The magical girls. Mari grimaced. Several years since her last outing, and the scars of her last grievous battle were still tender. She had chosen to transform in a quiet place, then make her way to the heights of the rooftops to survey the situation in detail. Trying to do so from the ground level, without any kind of backup, was the sort of thing only a naive newcomer would do. A fighter of Justice did not meant a foolish one, a hard learnt lesson by those few who survived the first outings. For all their brilliance, Magical Girls were forever consigned to launch themselves at the darkness.

A solo run, huh? The situation is indeed grim. The Hag thought to herself, as she grabbed her tattered clothes closer to her body, trying to avoid them flapping in the wind. Her visage once upon a time had smiled, but now was showing determination and self restraint, as the situation's information made itself clear before her. A gaggle of Fallen ones is right now hounding the Nightmares. I don't know if that is bad luck or good. She grimaced, as she knelt herself in a comfortable position, bringing forth her pristine white orb. She knew that even if they were dark and twisted, they weren't exactly in the same side as the abominations, and thus, she could assume they would take quite the heat of the fight from her while she focused on other tasks, such as rescuing and protecting innocents.

But one cannot rely on those lost to darkness, for they are whimsical and double edged blades. She added as she began chanting her magical energies. Shoots from advantadge points seemed to be the wiser approach in this case. She did not have enough backup to do a frontal and more direct confrontation with the Nightmares with a fair chance of success. Her Purifying beams flew from the orb with pinpoint precision, starting to strike targets deftly. She focused on those nightmarish beasts harassing victims, and stragglers that weren't rounded up by the dark ones. At least until some fortuitous movement of one of them almost made said Dark Magical Girl get a handful of her beams in her face. She missed narrowly, hitting the intended beast behind her.

"Drat". The Hag thought to herself. "Now they might think i'm sniping them." She added, while she changed places and continued trying to shelter the innocents from the chaos.
Alright, done. Any preference for my start location? (like in the same scene as the dark magical girls or different scene).@KoL@TheWindel?


Mainly so that she can't combine Dispelling with the other powers, since it's pretty powerful in itself.

Okay, I did the necessary edit.

After a little more in depth thought, it seems like the age of you character idea can work as long as she keeps on being on the good side.

As for the anti magic powers, they are still a cause for concern, but we may allow it instead of outright banning as long as the effect isn't too powerful. Like making sure she needs to concentrate in order to use it, so that she can't combine it with her other defensive abilities and become too tough to harm. Or any other suggestion you may have, that's just one of the ideas.

Regarding her story, she's alright, just weaken that defensive power a little and she'll be ok.

Right, Which power?. Dispelling? Or others like purifying and barriers aswell ?

I did a thing.

Yes. The rule on that is only 1/3 of the total player population may play them. Originally we were going to decide who via dice rolls to make it random but if there’s no mass want for them we’ll take them on case by case basis.

So may I give it a shot, then? Also hi @Polaris North :P
Spinning a couple of ideas. You said good magical girls were allowed to an extent?
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