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6 yrs ago
Current First post after nearly a month of inactivity. Here's hoping I can get back into a good post routine before long.
6 yrs ago
“Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. 'Orinoco Flow.' On repeat.”
6 yrs ago
Managed to burn both my thumbs and index fingers pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven. I trusted you, oven mitts, and you betrayed me.
6 yrs ago
Thanks to having to move earlier this year, I finally get to experience snow for the first time since my early childhood. It's absolutely wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
RP’s that amass a good player base and have a good start only to suddenly die are why I have trust issues.


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Zarin Malthain

Location: Ruin Prison

As he watched Egwene and Foley both summon their vessels, Zarin quickly looked down to see his dog tags hanging around his neck. Huh. He must have missed them walking in and out of the cells. Oh well! He had his vessel and really that's all that mattered.

Slinging the rifle over his shoulder, Zarin grabbed his dog tags and yanked them off. Instantly they changed into a chain whip perfectly coiled in his hand. “Much better. Now then, how about we go kick some-” Before he could finish, Egwene charged straight passed him screaming about tearing this place down bit by bit. Zarin stood there for a second in slight shock before slowly turning to Foley and saying with a smile “I like this girl! WAIT FOR US!”

Exiting the prison in a full sprint, Zarin didn’t hesitate to attack the first soldier he saw. Swinging his whip he wrapped the chain around the target soldier’s neck and gave it a good tug. A satisfying snap could be heard as the bone was split and the soldier fell lifeless to the ground.

It was about the only surprise attack he would get before their position was compromised and every remaining soldier descended on their position.Zarin took down two or three more soldiers in the ensuing skirmish before the enemy leader spoke up. Zarin intended to mock the man’s threats, but was instead stunned and forced to a knee by the scream that followed. “What the hell was that?” He muttered angrily pushing himself to his feet and looking around for the source.

Once his eyes gazed up at the monster in front of him, he was overcome with a mixture of fear and excitement. He had never faced something of this size before, and the way it effortlessly dispatched its former squadmates was truly something to behold. Nevertheless, Zarin was not about to turn and run like the remaining soldiers, especially now as the beast chased his friend.

“HEY UGLY!” Zarin yelled igniting his whip and spinning it forming a circle of fire. “EAT THIS!” With a solid crack of the weapon he launched a fireball straight at the head of the monster hoping to draw it away from Morgan.
<Snipped quote by Awesomoman64>

Tis not a troll that your are fighting, silly boy.

Damn, that means I can't use my Favored Enemy bonus either.
And... it's up.

Just telling you all already, before anyone engages that thing. Your Vessel Wielding characters can hurt it (even if your character's Vessel isn't a weapon), but the monster regenerates really, really fast.

It's a "boss" enemy, so it's likely going to be a tough task to take it down...

Regeneration you say? I think I know how to handle that *looks at character with fire weapon.*
@The 42nd Gecko Makes sense. Except the frog...

I feel like this is an appropriate response to most of the things in the RP.


Wolf was more than thankful when Eos commended them on their work rather than punish them for their failure. Though he had to admit, a bit of him was jealous when Bonesword was awarded and he wasn't. After all it was he who took charge when the mecha maids retreated, hence his earlier comment.

Still, he couldn't be too upset. It was Bonesword who slew the demon puppet and converted a new ally after all, even if they too were demon. For now he would remain silent on the matter and let him have his moment of glory. At least, he thought it would only be a moment. But as it turned out when an angelic threat reared its head, it was both Bonesword and Henry were assigned to deal with it.

Wolf nearly spoke out in protest of this, as sending demons against an angel was tactically unsound, but decided against it as he didn't want to push the patient of his queen. Instead he did as ordered and waiting at attention in case he was needed.

To his surprise, the two were successful, and everyone was excused to leave. “As you wish, your grace.” Wolf said with a bow before exiting Eos chambers.

Not quite sure what to do with his free time, he decided to follow the magical essence of Alexi. Make sure the girl hadn't gotten herself stuck walking down an up escalator.

@KoL@The 42nd Gecko

So @TheWindel is a tsundere, eh? This explains so much.

What we talking here? Chun-Li speeding bird kick or Liu Kang bicycle kick?

You want to say that by me again?


Stop encouraging KoL.


I approve of your new found usage of memes. Keep up the good work.
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