Avatar of Azereiah


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Further notes: We will be blitzing through classes where possible. A simple paragraph or two posted by GMs, Co-GMs, or players who by some miracle convinced me to give them a staff character, will suffice, and actually roleplaying out every single class every single day will not be necessary unless players very much want to do it. This is to keep player relationships from advancing faster than the story itself does.

You don't have to create a CS that'll be ready on day one, though. I just want people to think about it. ;)

Here ya go. Y'all can think about your characters while stuff is getting in order. CS is a bit long/detailed, but that's mostly because we want there to be very little confusion when it comes to roleplaying characters, and we'd like to prevent a repeat of the last time we tried running this (a few players just disappeared from the site completely).

4-5 days before the main IC, OOC, and Character tab posts go up.

Attributes aren't going to be used for numbers and dice rolls or anything, but rather are there to help judge what a character can do, what their biography might be, how to roleplay them, etc. Attributes are not meaningless numbers, so keep them to what you think you would be able to handle. They will have a minor impact on class benefits.

Interest check is up. Gonna go ahead and declare this dead here. Flitter and I have been working on filling out most of the teacher roster and class list, so we should be able to jump head first into the action.
Welcome to Mordhaben's Institute for Aspiring Mages!

The School

Welcome to Mordhaben's Institute for Aspiring Mages!, more commonly known as Mordhaben's, or to locals The Institute. We are a school dedicated to educating future generations of Mages in The Way for the sake of science and safety. Mordhaben's Institute for Aspiring Mages was founded in the year 27PW, long before the Unoctocan Empire's founding, and has a long and rich history of progress for the sake of humanity.

Mordhaben's Institute for Aspiring Mages is a welcoming place and accepts applications from students of all ages that have completed primary and secondary education, or have gotten a diploma equivalent certificatation (D.E.C.). Tuition is completely free to students as the Institute is funded through the Unoctocan Empire's Mage Corps. Graduates are given a license for open usage of advanced and dangerous Magic skills, and are automatically given the option of joining the Mage Corps upon graduation. Graduates are, however, not required to join the Military, and the majority of graduates go into freelance work or get employment requiring advanced Magic knowledge.

At Mordhaben's, we focus on nurturing the inborn talents in every student. As such, we recognize that not everybody's talents lie in the same areas. The Entrance Exam only requires that applicants pass a single test out of a multitude of different types of test, including written tests of knowledge, practical tests, athletic tests, and tests of strategy. If the honored applicant has a hobby or interest, we request that the applicant informs us so that we may work that hobby or interest into the entrance exam in some form and evaluate whether it has use.

We offer a multitude of courses in academics and military training, with a strong focus on Astronomy, Geology, Strategy, Aircraft Piloting and Maintenance, and Mechanized Cavalry Command and Maintenance. Combat training is mandatory for all students, and consists of Pistol, Rifle, Knife, and Unarmed training. More specialized subsets of martial arts training are also available, though not necessary and not always recommended - your rifle will carry you further than knowing how to use a chain whip will.

In addition to our classes, all students will go on weekly mandatory excursions for community service, typically for community safety and defense. Each student will choose a partner for each excursion, and will be overseen by either a teacher or a professional Mage during their outing.


A mysterious race of beings, seen as Devils by some and as Gods by others, has given humanity a second chance at survival after humanity bombed itself nearly to oblivion. Thousands of years afterwards, humans finally climbed up from the bronze age to something more resembling modern society. Technology is finally on par with pre-cataclysm World War 1, and national tensions are rising. One of the gifts given in addition to humanity's survival was the ability to manipulate the world around them - also thought of as Magic.

A form of martial arts known as The Way has been around ever since the first few generations of survivors sprung up, and has been shifting to fit technological developments ever since. These days, it's essentially military training combined with magical training.

Dedicated colleges for training in The Way have sprung up, and our characters play the roles of teachers, students, and professional Mages. Mordhaben's Institute for Aspiring Mages is one of the oldest and most prestigious of them all, but it certainly isn't the only one.

Think about your character, post here or PM it to me. IC and OOC post are going up in 4-5 days.
Whoops! Fix'd a minor detail on the post. Much better now.


Ashe, sitting in her corner of the Survival classroom, stared at the cupcake. It blankly stared back. A couple dips in the icing formed "eyes", with a gentle curve on the other side forming a smile. It was kinda creepy, and Ashe was pretty sure she was just imagining a face in it. So she did the only thing she could do and turned it around so it would stare at someone else instead. It didn't work, and now instead of a smiling cupcake staring at her, she had a smiling cupcake staring at her upside-down. Averting her gaze did nothing to solve the miniscule sense of unease of having a pair of eyes on her, and she was tempted to eat it just to make it stop. But that would be a potentially fatal mistake here in Survival Class.

Port threw Treezilla at me on my first day. There's no way in hell I'm trusting this teacher's cooking. I mean, it's survival class. I wouldn't put it past them to try to poison us.

The teacher, Estelle Nuit, looked like the innocent, cute, friendly, normal type: exactly the sort Ashe had trained herself to not trust. And cupcakes made her all the more suspicious. Getting robbed by someone like that tends to change a girl forever, after all, even if it was only a few lien that Ashe had probably accidentally dropped somewhere. Or perhaps it'd been eaten by a vending machine. It was hard to remember, but damn it, Ashe was determined to hold on to her prejudices. At least for now. Port being an absolute asshole hadn't done anything to help.

“We will be starting shortly, so if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. The exercise itself will be explained once we begin, so don’t worry too much about that,” the teacher said.

Ashe thought about asking about the cupcakes. Who baked them? Are they safe? Can they get the taste of Grimm out of my mouth?

But something unexpected happened. A person was talking to her. "Pretty sure they're not poisoned. Super sweet though, if that's not your thing."

"I'll wait until we get our instructions from the teach-"

Wait. That voice sounded familiar. Her eyes shot towards him, revealing him to be huge and green. Fuck!

"-er...?", she finished. Nope! No. This isn't happening. I reject it completely. I do not know this person. At all. That skin color and build is just a really, really bad coinci... Oh gods, it's really him, isn't it? Just play it cool...

Ashe's Semblance almost immediately kicked in, preventing any outward signs of shock and fear, though perhaps a tiny fraction of a second too late. "Yeah, I think I'll wait for the teacher to tell us what we're doing. You are...?"

@Lucius Cypher

Alright. Too many folks disappeared, so I'm killing this off. Gonna start anew with some fixed policies on my GMing too. New interest check is going up some time tomorrow.

If all goes well, the new RP should be up within a week to ten days.
@Lucius Cypher Yeah, I don't see why not.
I'm gonna have to drop out here. Next time the team's at a pirate port, you can assume Ren took its weapons and bodies and left without saying a word, though it would've left the computerized tower in the ship (too much packing time).
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