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let me think about it
Cindy Kimberly | #58F5A5
im gonna skrrt in

Apparently, they didn't see her because by the time she got there they just walked away and went somewhere else. Hm, Nicole probably just had a mistaken identity. Oh well. Nicole shrugged and went back the way she came, hoping that nobody important saw her little mishap. It wasn't like they were a rarity, but Nicole still understood that it hurt to be made fun of because she just straight up didn't vibe with that shit. She didn't like to be embarrassed as airheaded as she was.

Walking along, Nicole figured she'd better get to class. History was on the agenda, and she quickly glanced at her binder for whatever reason before heading out to her class. It was then whatever in that skull of hers put two and two together and realized a rather fatal discrepancy. That wasn't the history binder! Her english binder was blue with white accents! This one was purple with glitter and gold! No fucking way! She gasped to herself and made a little beeline back to her locker to avoid the embarrassment.

Opening her locker, the cheerleader quickly exchanged binders and made a quick sigh of relief. What would've been. It was almost better that nobody tell so that nobody would realize that she had the wrong binder. But, then again, she doubted people cared that much about what sort of binder she carried to her class, nor did anyone care that much about that schedule of hers. It was time for Nicole to carry on to class, and that was exactly what she was going to do.

"Bro what the fuck was that?"

Jack Goff was clearly not happy with what had just happened. That fuckin' bitch totally just meddled in his affairs and ruined everything that he stood for! All that work for nothing! He was greasing her up good and he was just about to make his move and get some good ol' loving! Then, there was Georgie! Why?! He couldn't understand, nor could his lackeys, apparently. He was leaning against a wall rubbing his temples, his frustrations clearly boiling over. What was it with her? He didn't understand why she had decided to go out of her way just to fuck with him. That was like... not cool whatsoever.

"Listen, bro, I think she just jealous." One of his lackeys, Chad, said. "Why else would she do that? Girls just don't be doing that for no reason." Chad had a point, but it didn't add up. "I mean, you've got a point, bro, but the girl hates me, bro!" Jack shrugged. "Bro, then she just a plain ol' bitch, bro. She better back off, bro, or she be catching these hands." Jack looked at Chad with a weird look on his face. "Bro! She's still a girl! Don't be touching girls unless they let you. You know that's not right."

"You're right. My bad, bro." Chad looked down at his shoes. Jack sighed, "Oh well, another one's gonna come eventually, right? Can't cry over spilled milk."

Oh thank god, Rich saw her. Smiling, the streamer walked over to her buddy. Even along the way, she couldn't spot anyone from the Knights anywhere even remotely close to them. Strange. Maybe they decided to pass on the party? Maybe they all had emergencies? It was strange to have them be missing from a party like this one, and it wasn't something Samantha wanted to think about. All that mattered was that Rich was here and that was something she could vibe with, and at least he was able to see her and hopefully get her involved in whatever the hell he was involved in. It was going to make networking a whole lot easier for her. Samantha and Rich were enough to start a party and get something going.

"You think I know?" Samantha laughed, "I haven't heard shit from them!" Samantha turned around to see if she could spot someone just barely coming in and being hella late. Seems like nobody was coming in. "Shit, don't matter. If it's just us, it's just us." Samantha smiled, as she noticed that Rich was looking off somewhere in the distance, as if he was tracking something. Clearly, something had caught his eye, but the question was what? What was this man staring at right now? Maybe it was a homie? Samantha turned around in his direction again, only to see a dinky little minivan.

It was then it was figured out why Rich was staring. "Melissa? Melissa Elliott? I... I don't know. That's something you've gotta ask Jordan, friend. I know nothing about her."
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