Avatar of Blueflame
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3392 (1.13 / day)
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    1. Blueflame 8 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current Howdyy
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2 yrs ago
Maidens? I'd prefer a bastards son lol
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2 yrs ago
Imma ghostttt
2 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
three shortest words in the english language? is it in
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"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"

-J. Robert Oppenheimer,
Father of the atomic bomb after witnessing the first test

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige

A bullet can have your name, but a grenade simply says "to whom it may concern"
Meme by foster

A hero need not speak for when he is gone the world speaks for him

The pen is mightier than the sword. The world as your canvas, what you paint on it beware.

Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

You know some people see catastrophe and their first thought is 'I need to help' others simply are glad it didnt happen to them, but there is very few who simply grin and think 'I caused this' run from those ones.

Most Recent Posts

"oh I wonder what it will be!" K-12 said hopping up into the chair.
@Dark Light is it ok then?
He landed on it
@User@The ghost in black
"Yay! I get to have fun with the doctor! bzz I wouldn't call it fun brt Thats cause you are boring! Oh doc tell me will I get my toys back! I really want my big toy back." K-12 said jumping around following the doctor. "HEY GRANT, SORRY ABOUT THE TABLE.....NOT!" K-12 started laughing manically. "OH AND HEY SLEEPY BATTERY WAIT FOR ME WHEN I AM BACK!"
"What! Me a liability!? How you already took almost all my toys! I mean I have freaking cushions for saw blades!" for example the saws turned floor buffers spun "the only thing I got left is my ZAPPY cause you couldn't remove that without emploding my power core and sending out an emp destorying any electric anything within the tri-state area! Wait wait did you say RC as in remote control?" K-12 dropped from the ceiling with a loud thud bending it and denting it very badly. "Is there anyway I could have the option to I don't know change back and forth between the car and this shared body with the neat freak over in here bzt HEY I HEARD THAT RED! bzzz what ever it's true, but is there?!" K-12 skittered up towards the doctor unafraid. [Hey, a robot is probably more fun to experiment on then these people here. Well maybe the tired battery seems pretty fun. She can zap any one any time!"
@Dark Light
He could be a waiter sense he can teleport between any burn able substance as long as he stays lit he can carry things inbetween candles tho
"Yes sir bzz nope blue I'm not gonna let you they have to catch me first. bzrzrt Red you have had your fun come on time to stop bzzzt No! Blue you can't make me while I was playing I made it so you can't control for the next 24 hours anyway so HAHAH" K-12 was arguing with its self as it continues to move around.@User
@Overlord24 well red is not so much blue
"OHH Back up, I like my odds!" K-12 said giggling as the three saw turned floor buffer unfolded from the robot. "Ill even keep one hand behind my back!" one of the three arms one of the arms folded backwards behind the robot. A synthetic bell sounded from K-12 speaker as it went back and forth throwing mock punches at the air like it was boxing. It started laughing.
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