Avatar of Bluetommy
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2208 (0.69 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Bluetommy 7 yrs ago
    2. ██████████ 9 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current I remember being on this website all the time. Where does the time go
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4 yrs ago
Buying GF with Fall Guys crowns please pm me if interested
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4 yrs ago
I'm going to beat you to death
4 yrs ago
Today on bottom gear
4 yrs ago
Dear diary, I shat myself to destroy the libs.


Most Recent Posts

Sure why not
@rocketrobie2 We're doing it right now, if you're interested I can DM you
Excellent, thanks for the bumps y'all.
@Delta44 Of course, you?
@Delta44 The filthy cretin returns
This low-effort interest check is for a discord RP based on the DC Universe, itself based off of previous RPs I've been a part of, most notably Heroes Reborn by Blackstripe.

The general idea of the RP is that its set in an alternate DC Universe, where characters from the original universe have counterparts in our characters. Of course completely original creations are also available.

The setting will be mostly similar to a default DC universe, but with some exceptions, some up to the players, and others up to GM fiat. The most notable exceptions are:

    -The superhuman "meta-gene" is present in all humans, and all are capable of achieving superpowers under certain circumstances, though the meta-gene is not the only way to gain superpowers.
    -Magic is sourced from the life force of a planet, manipulating the planet's elemental forces to the wielder's whim. Homo Magi are naturally capable of accessing the magic of all ten elemental forces, but average humans can wield magic sourced from The Red with enough training.
    -Every planet has its own ten gestalt consciousnesses that serve as elemental forces and ten avatars of those forces. The Green (Plant Life), The Red (Animals), The Black (Death), The Divided (Bacteria), and The Grey (Fungus) are the most involved in the world, as they are directly related to living creatures, but the other five more abstract forces (The Clear (Water), The White (Air), The Gold (Flame), The Bronze (Earth), and The Metal (Metal)) do act through their avatars.
    -Nth metal is an extra-dimensional substance that only resembles metal in the basic physical sense. It basically serves as a "null", grounding electrical current, equalizing any extreme temperature, and being able to completely nullify the power of magic. Ingesting Nth Metal causes extreme mutation and disconnects you from all magic.
    -Kryptonite has its original effects on Kryptonians, and a whole rainbow of artificial Kryptonites can be created from the natural green, but a second type of Kryptonite, K-metal, exists, and is capable of greatly empowering any metahuman's superpowers if properly used. One must be very careful, as touching it is extremely painful and leaves brutal burns.

Further setting information and the discord link to come with interest. Thanks for reading!

Welcome to Olympus AI Corporation, researcher or research assistant.

Thank you for aiding us, in bringing humanity to her bright new future.

WHAT IS THIS RP: High school-esque slice of life story with some action elements.
WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: Dedicated RPers interested in playing as child-like and naive robots.
WHAT ABOUT (insert setting question): I dunno I'm working on it, wait until I get some more setting nailed down.
OTHER QUESTIONS: Ask away, I'll answer.
The truest type of RP, one that was more meme than RP.
@Zelosse I mean I guess the bedroom so I can sleep afterwards
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