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Liam saw this and approached. "Hey," he said. "You have any trouble getting up here?"
Jiriya was remaining silent but trying to convey something to the effect of: "Why were you wearing that getup? I almost knocked you out cold.
Jiriya got to a building and peered through a window. He saw a pair of grunts inside, (unknown to him, one is Chuck in disguise). He was at an angle that neither of them could see him. He quietly opened the window and pounced on the one guarding the door using Agility, and nearly struck Chuck before realizing who it was. Liam saw which building Jiriya slipped into and figured that was the right building and proceeded to enter on the bottom floor.
Jiriya continued to scout around, in an attempt to remove more Grunts.
Jiriya casually tossed the disguises into a bush. "Well, let's see if we can catch up to Chuck,"
Liam said.
Liam had Jiriya stealth around to knock out Grunts. Jiriya later shows up near Liam and Shiranui holding Grunt uniforms in his arms.
"No. Just forget about that notion right now."
"I have Jiriya with me," Liam said. "Goodra is here as is Smaug, Blissey and Hakamo-o, and Robin of course." The Decidueye cooed in response to his name. "Jiriya might be the best choice on stealth."
"Bastille is at Oak's Lab," Liam replied. "I brought in a stronger team to deal with those poachers in case we were going after them next." (I forgot to change the trainer card)
Liam's Decidueye returns. He walked up next to Liam to stand as much under the umbrella as possible.
"Did you find anything?" Liam inquired.
Robin the Decidueye began to give a series of hoots that the Delphox could if they so wished translate to being a report of a dozen or so Skull Grunts lurking around outside the buildings in town. Other than Chuck, he saw no non-Skull affiliated humans in the town.
"Hi," Liam said in his mind back to the Delphox.
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