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Sherlock tied Looker into the mindlink before the duo continued on their path
Liam emerged through his portal. He began to quietly sneak through the halls to try and find the poachers. After about five or so minutes, Liam found a big open room where Erik, the poacher who had abused Smaug back when he was a Charmander stood there menacingly. Smaug emerged from his ball enraged as his flame on his tail began to burn much more intensely.
"Smaug, calm down. You will get your turn, I promise. But we have to think rationally here." Smaug nodded in confirmation, though his facial expression showed that he didn't like what Liam said. But, deep down he knew his trainer was right.
"Well, look what the Persian dragged in," He sneered. "Looks like it's time for revenge for what you did back in Kanto, and this time you don't have your friends here to help you." He called out a Tyranitar and whipped up a Sandstorm.
"Jiriya! It's time to shine!" Liam called as he tossed a Luxury Ball into the air and his Greninja emerged.
"Thunder Fang!" Erik ordered.
"Spikes!" Liam ordered. Jiriya became Ground-type and through spikes all over Erik's side of the field and as a bonus this made him immune to the incoming electric attack.
(Sandstorm 1)
"Use Ice Fang!" Erik ordered.
"Water Shuriken!" Liam commanded. Jiriya hit five times, the third of which was a critical hit. Jiriya was hit by the Ice attack and frozen
(Sandstorm 2)
"Thunder Fang again!" Erik called. This time Jiriya was hit and took significant damage, thawing out in the process. "Now, Night Slash!" Jiriya landed his attack and KO'd Tyranitar, only to fall to the Sandstorm. Both mons were recalled.
(Sandstorm 3)
Erik next called on a Malamar, a new acquisition he had obtained to help him with his goals. Liam had learned full well about Malamar and the kinds of tricks it will pull. "Sylveon! Let's go!" Liam sent out his Fairy-typed Eeveelution. The spikes drove into Malamar, dealing a bit of damage to it.
"Whatever you do Sylveon, don't look at the yellow spots on its chest. Now, you Moonblast!" Sylveon fired off the attack but missed.
"Use Superpower!" Erik called, The attack landed, though it would not do much damage.
(Sandstorm 4)
"Dazzling Gleam!" This time the attack hit and dealt a good deal of damage.
"Superpower!" Erik called. This time the attack seemed to hit harder.
"Ah, I expected as much, your Malamar here has Contrary for its ability, so the buffs and debuffs are flipped. With that being the case, use Swagger Sylveon!" Sylveon managed to confuse its opponent, by giving it a stat buff, that turned into a major debuff due to Malamar's ability.
(Sandstorm 5)
Erik smirked as recalled Malamar to instantly send it back out. This negated all of the stat changes and confusion. When the spikes drove into Malamar again, it ate a berry to restore health.
"Sylveon, Moonblast it again!" The attack missed.
(Clear skies)
Malamar proceeded to its power and put Sylveon under its control, and made it play "why are you hitting yourself" with Iron Tail till it KO'd itself.
Erik laughed. "I guess it forgot about Malamar's ability to control others," Smaug lunged into the battle and Erik smirked. He snapped his fingers and Malamar flashed its yellow lights in Smaug's eyes, making him freeze dead in his tracks before turning to face Liam.
"How the tables have turned you, little runt. Use Blast Burn at full power and roast him!" Erik ordered of Smaug.
"Smaug! You have to wake up!" Liam called as Smaug began to charge up the attack.
"I know you can hear me! Remember, this is the scumbag who abused you and your mother! It is because of him that your mother is no longer among the living! Smaug was still approaching his trainer prepared to unleash a power fire move on him.
"When I found you, you had a hatred for all humans. But, you saw how much I really cared, and found that not all humans are bad. You lost control last time we encountered this man, you felt guilty for harming me in your rage, deep down you do not want to hurt me. So you need to fight this control!" Smaug stil approached. He got right in front of Liam and was preparing to launch the attack.
"SMAAAAUG!!!!!" Liam shouted, finally breaking through the mind control. Smaug turned back toward Malamar, enraged. His flame shot back up to what it was before as he charged, eyes closed toward Malamar and fired a point-blank Fire Blast, KO'ing it.

"You darn runt, Erik coughed as he swapped out for his final Pokémon, Venasaur. The spikes drove in. "You see, Now its time for payback." Liam saw that Venasaur had another Venasaurite but Erik didn't have a keystone to activate the Mega Evolution.
"Fat lot of good that mega stone will do you without the trainer's piece" Liam commented.
"Oh, you mean this?" Erik sneered. "Of course, you don't remember. Look at your wrist." Liam saw that his Keystone was gone. A clear tan line was on his wrist from wearing it in the Alolan Sun.
"But, when did you get it?" Liam asked horrified. Erik snapped his fingers and memories flooded into his mind.
"I remember now when I found you your Malamar was out, I was blindsided into its hypnotic power."
"That's right, I had Malamar make you give me back my Venasaurite and your keystone. You then went back down the hall and stood there for five minutes before waking up without realizing any time had passed. Malamar also made it to where you would remember what happened when I snapped my fingers." He activated the keystone, allowing his Venasaur to Mega Evolve. "Let's see you fair now."
"Smaug, Sunny Day!"
"Venasaur, Toxic!" Smaug became badly poisoned after intensifying the sun's rays.
(Toxic 1, Sun 1)
"Air Slash!" Liam called. Venasaur was hit and flinched.
(Toxic 2, Sun 2)
"Flamethrower!" Liam called.
"Leech Seed" Erik replied. both moves hit and Smaug began losing health fast.
(Toxic 3, Sun 3, Leech)
Smaug had a red aura surround him briefly, indicating that Blaze had just triggered. If Smaug was going to pull a win, it had to be now.
"Alright, Smaug it's time to use our full power! By the power of Mt. Lakala, Take the Zennith of our Alola Power! Full Force INFERNO OVERDRIVE!" Smaug channeled Blast Burn into the Z Move with all of his might, KO'ing the Mega Venasaur. Liam ran toward Erik and decked him. Liam took back his keystone and pulled a few zip ties from his bag to restrain the poacher. Liam also took back the Venasuarite and put the Vensaur back in its ball. Liam heard hurried footsteps from down the hall. He cursed to himself as he grabbed another ball off his belt to fight, and was relieved to see it was Looker.
"Champion Coleman, why am I not surprised to see you here?" Looker said amused. It's actually a good thing that you are here, I'll need back up." Looker gave Smaug, who was barely holding onto consciousness a Full Restore. Liam healed up other two Pokémon who battled. He than proceeded to in his mind let Sherlock know of his updates to relay to the others, and see if Majin could store Erik somewhere safe for now.
Liam stepped through to emerge in his starting location.
"Let's get going," Liam said.
"Agreed," Liam said."Now, we just need to go finish off these poachers."
"I guess I'll have to pull double duty here," Liam said with a smirk.
"Agreed, we need to deal with poachers first."
"I don't know where to start with my questions on this," Liam stated.
"He had some 'personal business' his words to attend to," Liam said before telling what he knew about the situation.
"Everyone ready?" Liam inquired after quickly healing the Pokémon of everyone present.
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