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"Right, we still have about a week to get ready," Liam said.
"Well, maybe you can look into the legends of Galar while we are there and find clues?" Liam supposed thinking out loud.
"Tru North?" Rose said thinking. "Tru North..." He rubbed his chin as if he was trying to remember. "The name does faintly sound familiar. But I cannot really remember anything. I am sorry." He sounded very sincere about it, so Liam did not believe Rose was being dishonest.
"That's right young man," Rose said. "I'm the chairman of the Galar Leauge. I fell that Champion Coleman here would give an interesting exhibition match to our undefeated champion, Leon."
When the battle started, and Shiranui was watching the battle Slushie smiled and pointed to Liam on the screen.
"Sand-Sandshrew!" He cried with joy.


Before long, it was time for Liam's championship Title Defense Match.

The arena at Mt. Silver was electric! the MC tapped the microphone a few times to get everyone's attention.
"Good evening everyone! Welcome to this Championship match!" The MC bellowed. The crowd began to cheer wildly for a brief moment. When they died down, the MC continued. "My name is 'Mike' and I'll be your MC tonight. In the green corner is a young man who has traveled Johto and claimed eight badges. He is the only challenger to beat the Silver Leauge preliminaries this year unscathed. He also got to the top eight before losing even one Pokémon! In the green corner, please give a big welcome to our challenger, from Alamos Town in the Sinnoh Region, Riku!" The crowd cheered as a timid-looking boy with purple hair walked out. He nervously waved to the crowd as he took his position. When the cheers stopped, Mike continued.
"And in the Red corner Johto's champion, Conquer of Kanto's Battle Frontier and a Duke of Kalos' Battle Chateau, give a warm welcome for Dragon Master, Liam Coleman!" The crowd cheered even louder at Liam's name as he walked out to the stage. He took his position in the red corner. When the cheered died down, the ref stepped out to the center stage and asked the trainers to approach.
"This will be a full six-on-six battle with no time limit. after the first trainer loses three Pokémon, there will be a thirty-minute intermission. Now shake hands and return to your boxes."
Liam shook Riku's hand. Riku still looked nervous. "Hey, don't worry. Just pretend like the crowd isn't there and give it your all." Liam said encouragingly to Riku. Riku thanked Liam as the trainers returned to their respective boxes the jumbotron turned on to show both Liam and Riku on a triangle of the color box they were in. Each triangle had six blank circles that would show the Pokémon they used.


"Begin!" The ref called.
"Gyarados, go!" Riku called.
"Mooney, It's time to shine!" Liam called as his shiny Midnight Form Lycanroc emerged. Many people in the audience oohed and ahhed the shiny as some scanned it with their Pokédexes.

"Well, I'd say we meet at the local Pokémon Center." Liam suggested. He told Slushie to behave for Shiranui and that he'd be back for a couple of days. With that, Liam went first to the Tapu Shrine on the island to prey to the Tapu. When Tapu Bulu appeared, he told it about receiving the Z Crystal that needed a Z Power Ring and asked if it knew of how he could get one.
"Tapuuuuu!" Tapu Bulu called out. Within moments the other three Tapus appeared. Tapy Fini pulled the Z ring of Liam's wrist, handing him back the Dragnium Z. With that the Tapus all one at a time pulled the Z Ring into its shell and did something with it before passing it to the next. Tapu Bulu was the last one to get it and when he was finished he the Z Ring transformed into a Z Power Ring and he placed it on Liam's wrist. Liam thanked the Tapus for their help and once that was done he went to a Pokémon Center and registered for the tournament. After that he had Sherlock come to him and teleport him to Mt. Silver. Lam spent a few hours reviewing the highlights of his opponent's battles in the Silver Conference, as well as their battles with the Elite Four. When Liam was ready, he assembled his team of six and made his way to the arena.
Ryuki was pleased with the battles and gave each of them his badge, which was a yellow circle with a caricature of him. Liam thanked Ryuki. He was ready to go back to the Pokémon Center to heal up. His phone buzzed with a news alert that Lusamine announced that the Alola, Manalo Conference would be held in two weeks. She also said that trainers could register now at any Pokémon Center and that they needed to be on Manalo Island by 6 pm the night before for opening ceremonies. As the video ended, Liam got a video call from Karen of the Johto Elite Four. Liam excused himself and answered.
"Alola Karen," Liam said with a smile.
"Greetings Champion Coleman," Karen said. "You have a challenger waiting here at Mt. Silver. You need to return to Johto."
"Alright Karen, give me an hour and I'll have Sherlock teleport me there," Liam told her.
"Very well, we will see you soon," Karen said hanging up. Liam returned to his friends and told them he had a challenger back at Mt. Silver waiting for him. He had to go run an errand real quick before having Sherlock teleport him to Mt. Silver. He picked up Slushie and looked at him.
"Hey Shiranui, will you look after Slushie for me while I go back to Johto?" Liam asked.
You missed a few details, but they are Liam-centric. (His Z ring upgraded to a Z-Power Ring, his Johto Championship Title defense battle, and him being invited to have an exhibition battle vs Leon as a catalyst for us to go to Galar.
"I guess, I'll go first," Liam said as he stepped forward.
"Challenge accepted, Dragon Maaaasterrrrrr!" Ryuki sang as he strummed his guitar.
"Goodra, It's time to shine!" Liam called.
"Zwellious! It's time to rock out!" Ryuki sang as he called out his first Pokémon.
"Use Dragon Rush!" Ryuki called. Goodra tanked the hit and Gooey activated.
"Dragon Pulse!" Liam called. Goodra fired off the Dragon move and did considerable damage.
Ryuki called for Drak Pulse, but Goodra went faster with another Dragon Pulse. Zwellious was already in rough shape but landed his attack. Liam activated his Z-Ring and did the poses for his main Z-move.
"Use Devastating Drake!" Liam called. Goodra channeled Draco Meteor into the Z-move and scored a critical hit, KO'ing Zwellious.
Goodra hugged Liam in the excitement of their victory. Liam gave Ryuki's Zwellious a Max Revive and stepped aside to let one of his friends have their try. It might be easier to just have him Ryuki give all of the badges out at once.
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