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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave

As Gredy took a moment to himself to sit down and think, he couldn't help but frown a little at his thoughts. What had happened with Spunky was unfortunate, but there was little he could do about it personally other then to ask a couple of her friends to keep an eye on her and try to help her work through this.

Personal issues aside, he had greater concerns to worry about.

The troll camp had proved... somewhat quiet so far. He was perfectly happy with that state of affairs and thus he could turn his focus elsewhere; To their black skinned kin that were enslaved to the west. While he knew that their black skinned brethren seemed more then happy to dig out a new home for themselves inside of the mountain bordering the swamp and were content to serve as the artisans and miners of the Conclave by creating homes in the safety of the stone, he remembered the stories that they had told when they had first arrived... of the friends and family that had been killed or enslaved by the big ones that had seemed friendly at first. That injustice would not be allowed to stand! They would get their people back.

However... before such efforts were made, several other steps needed to be taken first.

Before any further plans could be made, he needed information about his enemy; Namely, where they were. He had talked to some of the black skinned goblins in order to try and piece together at least a general idea of where the betrayers had set up their settlements and any outlaying camps, but he needed more accurate and up to date information. The best scouts in the Enclave were called for and giving the Black Skinned information as a foundation in order to begin their mission to find out what they could about the enslaver's camps, positions and defenses with an order not to get caught or spotted. They needed the element of surprise on their side.

While 'training' with the wildlife had helped a lot to increase food supplies the possibility of additional, consistent food sources was ever on his mind. Not only would it help strengthen their position as a people, but in the event of freeing their black skinned kin they would need more food then they currently had in order to deal with the sudden influx of new mouths to feed. To that end, Gredy paid Trip a visit to ask him what his people had done for food when they had lived in their former mountain home and asked about the possibilities of recreating such a thing here.

Because Gredy couldn't be everywhere at once, he delegated an important mission to Buddy; If they were going to go to war, they would need every advantage that they could muster. While they had poor luck with using poison against the local wildlife in the past, that didn't make them any less dangerous to creatures from outside of the swamp's boarders. Buddy was to take those he deemed necessary in order to find a way for goblin kind to weaponize the various toxins, venom and poisons of the swamp to their advantage.

Worried Mind

Location: Bellbrooke Reform School

If there was one thing that pony kind could be counted on, it was the fact that they as a species had decided early on in their history to shy away from the idea of total war; That wasn't to say that they weren't ready or willing to protect themselves or those that mattered to them, but that the idea of waging a war solely to exterminate their chosen enemy and everything that they had built from the world had simply never occurred to them...

Unfortunately, this also had the nasty side effect of making it difficult for Worried Mind to actually get funding for what he was trying to do. Most of the humans he had interacted with also didn't quite understand it either, but that was more because few bothered to try and research human history like he did rather then having a state of mind in which the concept of a nuclear weapon was alien. Ponies just didn't understand why any race would create a device that could not only utterly annihilate a large area, but also blight it and make it toxic for decades to come as well as roasting an even larger area outside of the initial blast zone and unleashing pure poison into the world that would sicken and kill people hundreds of kilometers away... let alone understand why anyone would create enough of these devices to effectively end all life on the planet at least twenty times over.

Granted Worried couldn't help but feel that he was missing information that was messing up his equations about just how bad the 'Cold War' could have gotten if the situation had truly gone south and that the actual number of how many times the world could have been destroyed was higher then it actually was, but the fact that the powers that be in a pre-Rending world felt that they needed to have the ability to end the world and everything on it several times over just to make sure everyone was good and dead was horrifying to the extreme.

And those weapons were still out there, hidden away in vaults and solos without anyone to maintain or dismantle them safely, their whereabouts lost when the old government was destroyed in the Rending...

Ponies didn't quite understand that these weapons were still a threat to the world because most of them simply couldn't wrap their head around something like that existing in the first place. Which made getting bits in order to fund research and exploration trips to try and locate the damn things somewhat difficult... and forcing Worried to have to take odd jobs in order to earn the additional funding he desperately needed.

He had been stationed in Bellbrooke for some time, looking for odd jobs to earn bits and leads to follow. While he wasn't one for social events and the like, he liked to think that he had enough of a professional relationship with the Mayor that they would point him in the right direction if either of them came up and that friendship had paid off; With his rifle resting in his lap as he sat down at a chair, he waited in the waiting room of the Headmaster of the Bellbrooke Reform School in order to meet with the pony who seemed to have a job offer going.

He didn't really know all that much about Headmaster Blueblood personally, but he had heard that he had offered jobs before... through sometimes people didn't come back from them. No harm in hearing him out at least.

Character Sheet up, through I do have one question in mind.

Has Australia followed the route that Shadowrun did when magic returned to the world by being so consumed by magic that it's plagued by mana storms? 40,000 years of aboriginal practices, traditions and of course 'The Dream Time' really comes back with a vengeance once magic returns to the world.
If this is still open to people, I'll look into make a character in the near future.

Just leaving a note here to show my interest. Will have a character sheet up after sleep and possibly work tomorrow.
The Metal Room Between the Floors

Beef Noodle frowned as his examination of the fourth corpse came to an end. He hadn't taken the the next stage of examination (dissection to examine the internal organs) just yet because the mystery of the external vexed him greatly at the moment. Their bodies were cold and their fur was falling off, suggesting that they had been dead for some time before they were discovered... or at least before their team had managed to arrive to examine them. This made sense when one considered that the Warband had been located down in the Cellar and the distance that would be required to not only move them, but also how long it might have taken for scouts to uncover the bodies.

What wasn't expected was the complete lack of combat wounds. Signs of resistance were nowhere to be found... or at least none of the bodies on the outer layer of the piles seemed to show any. Considering that all the bodies appeared to be decaying at around the same rate... whatever had killed them had done so at around the same time... couple of minutes at the shortest, maybe ten minutes at the latest from the first death to the last if he was feeling generous, but only the eyes were missing and those had clearly been taken after death.

Whatever had killed them had killed thousands of rats quickly and silently without them ever knowing that they were in danger without leaving a mark on them related to their deaths. Of course, there were ways to kill a rat that didn't leave a mark on their body... but on such a large scale to so many at once?

Beef took a moment to crack his neck before he reached for his scalpel (a piece of metal that had been fashioned from a creator razor that had been re-purposed). If they were going to uncover the mystery of what happened here, they were going to have to examine organs. However, before his scalpel could meet flesh, a great deal of panicked and pained squeaking filled the air around one of the other examiners.

Abandoning the operation before it even had a chance to begin, Beef Noddle darted over to see what was going on, alongside many of the others within hearing range and several of the warrior-monks, weapons raised as they tried to spot where the threat came from. It didn't take long to find the source of the distress; One of the small healers seemed to have followed the same line of reasoning as himself and had started an autopsy on one of the bodies... only to have a strange liquid burst out of the corpse and spray one of her paws and the leg that it was connected to... and started to eat away at her flesh with much pain and bloodshed. Clearly some sort of acid hidden in the corpse?

Without delay Beef looked at the wounded limb to access the extent of the damage. It was bad. Reaching forth to sharply pin the flailing limb down against the floor, he brought his scalpel to bare and with his winters of training and personal experience, surgically removed the acid eaten limb as quickly and painless as he could under current conditions. While the poor Small was screaming her head off at the pain, Beef quickly shouted "Torch-Torch! Now-Now!"

A torch was quickly pawed to him, and he made use of the flame to cauterize the bloodied stump that had been left behind after the rest of the tormented limb had been removed. There was another round of high pitch, pained squeals from his patient, but once the flame was taken away and the threat of bleeding out or having the unknown acid spread to the rest of her body was dealt with she seemed to calm as she was left with the lingering pain rather then the active pains before.

As one of the other healers with the foresight to bring a pain fighter with them in their pouch stepped up to help the small, Beef stepped away in order to look at the body she had opened up with a frown and concern. Already the pocket of acid that had been exposed was eating away at the body, destroying vital information that they required to uncover what was actually happening here...

Turning to one of the Warrior-Monks with a longer, sharpened weapon (a steak knife), he solemnly requested "Cut-Cut one of those bodies open-open. Need to see-see..."

The Warrior-Monk looked grim as he nodded his head, stepping forward and readying his weapon... through he seemed to understand what Beef Noodle was worried about, since he took his stance some distance from the random body he had approached and took advantage of the reach his weapon gave him to make his cuts. It was a wise precaution; The new body seemed to have two pockets of the same (or at least similar) acid hidden under the skin, eating away at the innards. Just as there were pockets of acid hidden in the next body, and the three after that. They even checked bodies from different piles only to discover more strange pockets of acid inside of the bodies, seemingly content to eat away at their prisons at a leisurely pace until something exposed them to the outside world.

The closest that Beef had ever seen to something like this were injuries caused by Eight Legged bites. The eight legged beasts occasionally wondered into their lands in search of lairs with bountiful food and the venom in their bites was nasty; Acid that eat away at their victims even as it prevented them from struggling. But there were no bite marks... no signs of how the acid had gotten into the bodies in the first place.

This was deeply concerning, but one thing was made clear.

They were not going to be uncovering what had happened to One Eye's Warband. The danger to the examiners was simply too great to try.

With a sharp whistle, the party was gathered around in order to give the order to pack up and start heading back home with what intelligence that they had gathered. Beef Noodle himself took to carrying the injured small healer on his back, the pain fighter thankfully taking effect and letting the poor dear have the mercy of sleep to not feel her wounds. He was going to have to give a report for what they had found... copies would no doubt need to be sent to friendly clan-packs, as well as those clan-packs that wouldn't kill a Ook Stor messenger on sight.

Whatever had done this was still out there and needed to be forced out of the shadows it was lurking on before it claimed another clan-pack.


There was an idea I had in mind. One of the Primarchs (possibly the leader of the 2nd legion) landed on a world where pony kind was enslaved by a ruling class of xeno's warlocks and sorcerers who used their vile magics to keep the ponies in check. Much like other Primarchs who ended up becoming the leaders of their respective worlds, this Primarch united the enslaved ponies together and launched a rebellion against the xeno wizards by using his own magical potential to help counter their own while training what few unicorns there were in magic to aid their brothers and sisters in arms.

In the end, he won... but the final battle cost his dearly. He dueled the last remaining leader of the xeno warlocks for hours before finally managing to strike it down... but with its dying breath it cursed him; While the Xeno Warlock believed that it was casting a forbidden spell that would destroy the soul of its victim, the effect it had was instead to sever the soul from the warp. This would have killed a lesser pony, but the Primarch survived... his ability to use magic in any way was destroyed, he can no longer dream when he sleeps, it is now rather hard for him to feel his emotions properly because they have become so muted and his presence causes those around him to feel at great unease (think the pony version of a Blank or worse, a pariah).

While his subjects greatly admire him for all that he did and are deeply saddened by the price he had to pay for their freedom, it fills them with sorrow that they can't stand to be in their rulers presence without feeling sickly and weak while wishing to flee or attack him.
Oh I see...

By any chance, instead of Primarch Sanguine Rose, would you be willing to take on a custom Primarch instead?
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