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hmm i should get back into this rp thing...
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i like to rp. that's really all there is to say.

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Aya sat with Uná in her mindspace, the two girls talking with a forced sort of cheer, the reality of their situation an ever-looming spectre hanging over them. They were cut off though, when a voice echoed through the space.

"Tell them to fucking bring it."

A chill ran up Aya's spine. She looked at Uná.

"I think that's my cue," she said. She reached out to hold Uná's hand one last time. "Remember, we'll get to you as soon as we can." Giving a squeeze, Aya released the younger girl. "Just hang on until then." She pulled her mouth into her best attempt at a reassuring smile. Then Aya closed her eyes and found herself back in the astral version of the car, Uná and her kidnapper on either side of her.

"We're going to Nocturn." Aya blinked. That announcement was... convenient. Her eyes widened though as the man instructed his staff. Guns. They were getting ready for a war. How were they going to get Uná back from men with guns? Why did he even want Uná?

Aya bit her lip, looking at the starry outline of the man. The harsh cut of his jaw, the dangerous glint of his eyes... who was he? Aya took a moment to study him, worry building in her chest. She had to get back to the Avalon to tell her classmates where Uná was. Closing her eyes, she took a deep inhale... then pulled herself back to the physical world.

Aya slammed into her body with a gasp. Falling backwards, she stumbled and collapsed. The snap back to reality was so jarring that she barely even noticed as she hit the floor.

Her body felt wrong. Her chest was too tight. Her limbs were too long. Every movement, every breath, took too much effort, like she had to fight her muscles to even cooperate. Her vision was black. Her ears were ringing. A piercing headache shot through her skull. Aya thought she might throw up.

Too far, echoed in her mind. Too far, too fast.

Aya coughed like her lungs were full of water, terrible shaking breaths ripping her lungs apart. Somehow she managed to sit forward, curling in on herself, knees drawn up. Her whole body trembled as she forced her hands up to press against her closed eyes. Her face was wet, either from tears or the cold sweat that had broken out over her body.

How was it this terrible? She'd felt nothing on the astral plane.

"Nocturn," she managed to force out. Her voice was soft and desperate, like she had to fight to even make her vocal chords work. "Uná --" She winced, her spine curling into a tighter arc as another stab of pain shot through her skull. She didn't know where she was or if there was even anyone nearby to hear her. Aya's mind had narrowed to the pain and the feeling of not belonging in her body, like she was intruding and it was never meant for her at all.
Uná O'Brian

Aya sped through the streets of LA, keeping pace with the car. Gritting her teeth, she pushed herself faster, pulling the car closer and closer. She reached out a slender hand to touch the car and --

Aya found herself seated in the backseat. To one side sat a tall, menacing presence, his soul dark and flickering. To the other:


Her soul was… muted somehow. Aya furrowed her eyebrows. What did that mean? Was she hurt? Aya slowly raised a hand, hesitating a moment. Then she reached out to touch Uná. The world snapped into focus around her.

Uná sat in a room that was not the dorm room. The walls were aqua in color and they faded to a sea green as they rippled like water. There was a mirror on one wall as if it were a dance studio. Uná was dressed in a pale powder blue flowing dress that just came down to her knees. Her head was tilted back and eyes closed. She hummed “Spring” by Vivaldi and tapped her feet to the beat. The humming sounded like it was more than one person. “I know you’re there.” This was Uná’s voice but not Uná’s voice. There was something extra in it or when she spoke that she spoke with more than one voice.

Uná looked over at Aya and smiled. “Hello Aya.” Uná’s eyes were fully black and very alien like with no whites and certainly no color other than black. It was a black that seemed to reflect different colors as if black could be iridescent.

Silver eyes blinked at black ones. Aya looked around at the room, at Uná. A dream? Uná was sleeping. Aya didn’t know she could enter dreams.

“Uná are you ok?” was the first thing out of her mouth. “You’re in a car with some man. Do you remember what happened?” Aya bit her lip, bringing her arms up to hug herself. “I’m back at the club.” She’d never told Uná about her powers, she realized. “There’s some sort of monster there or something.”

Uná tilted her head birdlike. “Pity. You are safer here. The Sluagh would be hungry. You would be useful later. That man doesn’t know the consequences of what he’s done. I remember breaking free. I remember doing what I want for once. That I remember. She remembered more and her memories were… intoxicating. "On to more important things...like how did you get here?”

Aya raised a concerned eyebrow. Was… was she still drunk? “This is… what I can do, I guess.” Aya shook her head. “But Uná,” she started, “if that monster is yours, can you get rid of it? People are getting hurt. I even heard gunfire.” It’d been loud and all-consuming, like being close to an aerial on New Year’s Eve.

Uná stood up and walked over to the mirror touching it absently with a fingertip. She looked over her shoulder at Aya. “If it were mine it wouldn’t be there Aya. Think about this. Come come now you can put two and two together and make four. Here let me help you out a bit.” Uná walked away from the mirror back to Aya but her reflection stayed. The Uná in the mirror looked around and caught sight of Aya, her eyes the normal clear blue. She was talking but with no sounds. She was pounding on the mirror and trying to get Aya to understand something, again no sounds.

Aya cast a wary gaze to Uná before moving to the mirror. A tentative hand lifted, fingers grazing the cold surface.

The black eyes. The confusing, condescending way she spoke. Aya turned to look back at the Uná standing in the middle of the room.

“Who are you?” Her voice was stronger than she expected, fortified by anger and worry for her friend.

Uná rolled her eyes. “Uná. Ask me a hard question.”

Aya narrowed her own. What are you?”

Uná smiled. “That’s better. I suppose I can tell you but I must warn you if you repeat this at all to anyone including me there will be dire consequences.”

Aya stood her ground, watching the black-eyed Uná. She would not be intimidated, even as she felt her heart hammering in her chest. She placed a hand behind her back, fingers against the mirror.

Uná’s smile broadened. “I warned you. Who knows if you remember after you leave. So are you following that I am Uná and so is she?” Uná points to her reflection that is getting really frustrated now.

Aya didn’t respond, growing tired with her tone.

Uná sneered. “Fine. Whatever. I am her Tuatha da Danaan aspect. I am her and she is me. I’m just a part of her that was buried and locked away in the transition to this realm. That thing back there is out to drag her back to find out who my real parents are. See isn’t that wonderful? Now that you have all that knowledge and I’ve unburdened myself I can relax.” She sat down and smiled at Aya again.

Her words swirled around Aya, some making sense, others confusing her completely. Tuatha da… what? Uná was Irish, she knew, so it was probably related to that. She was adopted, too, Aya remembered.

“Let her out.”

Gritting her teeth Uná snarled. “Fine. I’ll be back later though.” Walking up to the mirror she walked into it and merged with the other Uná who came stumbling out of the mirror.

“AYA!!!” she threw her arms around the other girl in a hug.

Aya hugged Uná back, wary but relieved. Was… was it that easy?

“Are you ok?” she asked, pulling back. “How much do you remember?”

Uná winced. I remember drinking, dancing with Nik, kissing Nik, drinking more, dancing…” Uná blushed. “If you can call that dancing...ohmygod I made out with Frost. I have to tell Nikolai...and I don’t want to…” Uná put her face in her hands. “Then something shifted and something called my name or somethings...did I pass out? How are you here? What’s going on?”

“I’m back at the club actually. This is just… what I do. You’re in a car driving through LA right now. I think we’re in your dream. That albino man you were dancing with --” ‘dancing with’ “took you. But before you left, some… monster appeared.” Aya searched for the word the other Uná had used. “A… sluagh?” Aya pressed her lips together. “Uná, do you remember anything after? Being in the mirror?”

Uná looked up from her hands. “Mirror? No…” She looked confused. “How did you know the term for the dregs of the fairy courts? What do you mean a sluagh? I didn’t do that. I should be able to tell you. I knew when I made Isaac I just wasn’t conscious.” Uná started to get mad. “That jerk took me?!?!? I hope you guys find him and force him to have to sit on his foot to eat it!!!”

Aya shook her head. “I’ll explain later,” she said, remembering the other Uná’s warning. Aya was absolutely going to tell a teacher once they were out of this mess, but telling Uná while in her mind seemed like a foolish idea. Who knew what the other one could hear? “I’m following you right now so whenever you stop moving I’ll tell the others where to find you.”

Uná smirked. “Boy that is handy. I guess it’s hurry up and wait at this point then. How long can you be away from your body?”

Aya shrugged. “My record is three days but I think I can go longer. I’m not sure how far I can go from my body either, but I guess we’ll find out.” Testing time or distance hadn’t come up yet with Prof. Everose. They’d mostly been working on maintaining a connection with her body, hence why it was currently standing against the club wall rather than collapsed on the ground.

Uná looked concerned at Aya. “Can you find me again if you have to leave?”

“I’m not sure,” she answered. “I didn’t even know I could do this. I’ll stay with you as long as I can though.” Aya paused. “Actually, I should probably check to see if you’ve stopped moving yet.”

Uná nodded. She swallowed nervously and tried to smile. “So have anything else to talk about? I really don't want to dwell on my situation.”

Aya took Uná’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. “I know,” she said, giving her a sympathetic look. “I’m just going to have a quick look outside. If they’re still driving then I’ll be right back. If I’m not back… then that just means we’re already on our way to get you.” Aya gave a weak smile. “And hey,” she continued, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind the taller girl’s ear. It was a move she remembered her father doing to her countless times. “You’re tough. Way tougher than some bar creep. I bet by the time we get to you, you won’t even need our help.”

Uná laughed weakly as if trying to hold back tears. “Thanks Aya. Let’s hope you're right.” Uná swallowed back the tears and cleared her throat and sat up straighter. “Right. I got this.”

Aya gave her hand one last squeeze before pulling back.

She… she actually had no idea how to leave this space. She closed her eyes. Did she just… will herself back to the astral plane? Was it like turning her power on and off? Aya’s brow furrowed as she tried to concentrate.

An eye peaked open. Uná was still in front of her. She skewed her mouth to the side and took a deep breath. Her shoulders dropped as she tried to relax. Then --

Aya found herself back on the astral plane. She blinked her eyes open to herself back in the car, two souls shining on either side of her, constellations speeding around her. The car was still moving, then. Aya sighed, disappointed. She actually was a bit concerned about how long she could keep this up for. She knew time probably wouldn’t be an issue, but distance… Aya didn’t want to know what happened if she took her soul too far from her body. Not to mention, she’d just left her body in a crowded, hectic area in the middle of a monster attack. She could only hope one of her classmates found her body and took care of it. If not one of them…

Oh god. Her eyes widened.

She was using her power in the middle of a crowd. If she was just standing, catatonic, then that was one thing, but had she closed her eyes? Panic started to rise in Aya’s chest. Prof. Everose had told her her eyes turned silver when she used her power. If her eyes were open and someone saw…

They’d know.

Fear was petrifying as it twined around her heart. Aya was only just becoming used to the idea of becoming a mutant. She’d never even said the words out loud to herself before. But she was going to be discovered. Everyone would find out. And then there would be a short line to draw from her mutation to Kainoa.

Aya’s mind spiralled, switching rapidly between panic, regret, and self-loathing. What was she going to do? What was she going to do?! Aya was fairly certain that if she had a body she’d be hyperventilating. She brought the heels of her hands up to press into her eyes. Idiot… She’d been so careful up until now.

All for nothing.

Aya’s hands fell back into her lap as she dropped her head back to look up at the sky through the car roof. Two souls flickered and glowed on either side of her, just edging into her peripheral vision.

She turned to look at the more commanding of the two souls, the towering man who'd stolen Uná from them. She took in his face, outlined by stars. Then she turned to look at Uná again. Her soul seemed more vibrant at least; stronger, like whatever had been dampening it was gone. Aya thought back to the odd black-eyed Uná. This was the second classmate of hers now with some hidden, darker half.

She furrowed her eyebrows. She had to stay with Uná. As much as she wanted to go back to her body, make sure her secret was safe, as terrified as she was... she couldn't leave her friend. Aya didn't know if she'd be able to find them again if she went back. And Uná was more or less helpless while unconscious. Who knew when she'd wake up? She had to stay. For Uná.

And if she was discovered, then... well, she supposed it was no more than what she deserved.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Aya dropped her head back again, steeling herself. Uná first. Then she'd deal with whatever came after.

Aya sat back up and opened her eyes. Then she reached out to touch Uná again. The next moment she found herself back in the familiar room, as solid and bright as if it were real, sitting across from her roommate.

"Looks like it's you and me for a bit more," she said, forcing a smile. All there was to do now was to distract both of them from whatever was to come.

Aya sat in their little corner of Avalon, laughing with the other girls as they drank and shouted over the pounding music. She nursed her first drink, feeling awkward and out of place, but appreciating the opportunity to go out with other teens and feel normal. Her outfit was casual, a cute navy blue romper with little golden stars (with zippered pockets) and a pair of heeled ankle-high boots.

She brought her glass to her lips again, viewing the crowd. A blush rose to her cheeks and she looked down again when a man across the club raised his drink and winked at her. No, this definitely wasn’t her scene.

A foreign voice entered her mind. Aya went frozen, eyes wide. It whispered and coaxed, sending a chill down her back. And then it was gone. Aya looked around to see her other classmates reacting too. She hasn’t been the only one to hear it. She kept her lips pressed together.

Sitting in silence, she took another sip from her drink, the hot bite of alcohol doing little to warm her blood. Aya looked up again to scan the crowd for a familiar shock of red hair. As Uná’s roommate, she felt responsible for looking out for the younger girl. Nik had whisked her away to dance just a bit ago and–

There she was. But she wasn’t with Nik. A tall albino man was dancing with her. Aya’s hair went on end. Something about this man... the harsh light in his eyes, the set of his mouth...

Dangerous, her instincts whispered.

Aya put down her glass and excused herself from the group. Uná could take care of herself she knew... but Uná was also a drunk 15 year old at a club, dancing with a towering man who looked hungry. Aya’s mind started spinning with excuses to pull her away as she watched them move away to a table.

She pushed and slipped through the crowd, trying to keep her gaze on them when a laugh echoed through the club. It was a dark, heavy thing. Aya paused. The laugh came again. And then there were screams.

Aya looked over her shoulder to see what could only be called a demon. Memories of Drake in the library flashed through her mind. Gun shots reverberated through the club and Aya threw her hands over her ringing ears. She turned again to see the table empty. A flash of white hair mixed with orange swept through the nearby door.

”Uná!” Aya broke into a run. Or she tried to at least, as she shoved her way through the throng of frantic people.

Reaching the door and falling outside was like a dam bursting, people pouring out into the open air. Aya fought to stay upright, ducking against the building’s wall to avoid being trampled. She looked up again, desperate for —

There. The man slipped into a car and it sped off into the distance. Fear clutches at Aya’s throat. Uná was gone, Uná was kidnapped

And then like instinct, like breathing, Aya snapped into the astral plane. Without a second thought, she sent her spirit running after the car. The starlit world moves quickly around her — quicker than it should have. Aya sprinted and there was no ache in her chest, no deep gasping for breath. But still the car sped ahead of her. Furrowing her brow, Aya urged herself faster.

And then she was flying.

Aya soared through the astral plane, keeping pace with the car. All she knew was that she couldn’t lose them, she had to see wherever it was they were taking her roommate.

Her body stood forgotten against the wall, still and quiet as people panicked around her. Her eyes were open, pale and sparkling like galaxies.
In Lantern 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
happy holidays my wonderful patient writing partners <3

life is crazy why are holidays so hectic but maybe there will be a christmas miracle~~~


Frankie licked her fingers, tossing the empty paper bag in a trashcan as she walked down the sidewalk. The rain had let up, and the umbrella hung from her slender wrist. Over the past fifteen minutes she'd made her way through the city, turning around corners on a whim, taking in the sights and sounds of Yeojin. Her fingers went up to her necklace, an iron chain with a large white pearl dangling from it. She toyed with the pearl in her fingers, warm and smooth. It was an active metropolis, diverse though still segregated it seemed -- though that wasn't noteworthy. Frankie was apparently in one of the older commercial districts. The population here seemed to be almost entirely human, though she'd passed a dwarf who'd looked terribly out of place. She was on an emptier street now, free of the people that seemed to litter everywhere else in this city. Frankie looked through the windows of brightly lit shops as she meandered, for now content to --

She froze. Her eyes locked on to a familiar symbol: a circular crest of a butterfly, wings outstretched. Above it was an inclomplete circle, representing the moon. Frankie stepped to the shop window, fingers grazing the glass. The crest was gleaming brass, old but clearly cared for. It adorned the hilt of a tanto in a simple black lacquered sheath wih a red tie.

Frankie hadn't seen that crest since...


Th corner of her mouth quirked up, her eyes bright. Steping back, Frankie looked up at the shop's sign. Sparrow's Antiques. The window was cluttered with various other bobbles, a music box, a terrifying porcelain doll, shining jewelry... but Frankie only had eyes for the dagger, tucked to the side.

The light was still on in the shop. A stooped old man was inside, cleaning up for the night and counting his money. Frankie moved to the door. Finding it locked, she started knocking. The man looked up and made a disgruntled expression. He waved her away before turning back to his money.

Frankie's eyes narrowed. She started knocking again, the sound inside the shop louder and more incessant than it'd been before. The man's eyes snapped up to her, looking affronted.

Frankie smiled sweetly. She pointed down at the doorknob.

The man gave a great heaving sigh and rolled his eyes. Placing his money back below the counter, shuffled through the shop towards the door. Frankie's smile grew as she heard the lock click free and the man pulled the door open.


There was a great crash in the back of the shop, through the doorway that Frankie assumed was storage. The man's eyes went wide.

"Damn it!" he cursed, slamming the front door shut and turning to hurry to the site of the crash. Frankie brought a hand up to stop the door just before it closed. She waited until the old man was out of sight before slipping through the doorway. She moved to the window, grabbed the tanto, and stuffed the much larger umbrella in its place.

The old man's confused muttering drifted through the shop. Frankie looked over her shoulder with a smirk. He moved faster on those old legs than she'd expected. Seemed he already realized there was no crash.

Frankie slipped back out the door, closing it behind her and started walking down the street again. She held the tanto up, admiring the way the city lights played on the shining black sheath. She looked at the crest again. He would've absolutely hated that she had this. With her other hand she grabbed the hilt and pulled the blade an inch free of its sheath. The dagger's metal gleamed at her, the hint of some etching on the blade just below the sheath. Frankie pushed it closed again.

Content with herself, she lowered the tanto and continued her exploration of the city.
Welcome to the city of Yeojin...

It was a rainy night in Yeojin. The raindrops smacked and reverberated against the pavement, the rooftops, the thin umbrellas, the soaked cloth of hoodies pulled tight overhead; layers and layers of the rain's music filled the air with whitenoise. It was punctuated by the city sounds of cars, horns, and footsteps, as dancing languages that flowed between the clank and clamour of urban life. Even at night, the city was bright and loud, alive in every way you could count.

A traveler stepped out onto the sidewalk, emerging from the subway tunnel. She paused before stepping out into the rain. She could hear the slight halting of the footsteps behind her, the low gasps and grumbles as people caught themselves before walking into her and course-corrected.

She looked up, her face stained by the city's neon lights.

She was exceptionally tall for a woman, cutting a slender silhouette made up of long limbs and gentle curves. Dressed in over-priced designer clothes, she seemed like any young, affluent, urban woman with too few cares and too much time to spare.

A man roughly knocked against her, pushing past her to exit the tunnel as obnoxiously as he could. The woman's sharp eyes locked onto the back of his head, following him as he trudged through the rain.

The corner of her mouth quirked up.

Opening a clear umbrella that she'd picked up in the subway, the woman stepped out from under the awning and into the city. Rain drummed against the thin plastic as she joined the city folk hurrying in the rain. She passed a homeless lump huddled on the steps of some abandoned shop and tossed a wallet at it -- the wallet that'd belonged to the man who'd so rudely shoved into her.

She continued walking, weaving through soaked pedestrians as she made her way further and further into the city. She didn't have a destination -- she'd never even been to Yeojin before.

She was hungry.

She slipped into the next restaurant she came across, a bustling fast-food joint. She closed her umbrella without bothering to shake it off and slid between patrons. It was loud and bright in the restaurant, competing sounds and smells warring with each other under the bright flourescent lights. The woman pushed her way towards the front of the restaurant, grabbing a discarded receipt off of a table as she passed.

"Order for Frank!" one of the girls behind the counter called out, dropping a paper bag and a cup on the counter.

The woman reached the counter and skewered the receipt on the small metal pole, laden with previous receipts. Smiling at the girl (and trusting her to be too busy to inspect the paper she'd been given) she grabbed the bag and cup before turning and making her way back to the door.

A man stepped into her path.

"Hey, uh --" he paused as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes. "I'm sorry, but was that order for Frank?"

The woman opened her mouth to respond. She was cut off though by the sound of the worker calling out behind her, "Frank? Order for Frank?"

The man looked up, surprised. He looked back down at the woman and the bag in her hand. She'd started sipping from the cup's straw, a chocolate milkshake making its way to her lips. Her eyebrow raised.

"Uh, sorry, my bad."

She winked at him and the two stepped around each other, one moving towards the counter, and the other towards the door. A smile pulled at the woman's mouth as she hurried out of the restaurant -- best make herself scarce before he realized the worker had never called out at all.

Frank. It would do. She could be Frank. Frankie, maybe?

Frankie popped open her umbrella again as she moved back onto the streets of Yeojin.

Time to see what fun could be had.
In Lantern 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
sorry guys, a combination of finals and black friday shopping (my mom drags me) has been kicking my ass and now i'm sick. everything i have to do is due on 12/5 so hopefully after that i'll have time to actually fuckin post. thanks for your patience >.<

Two Days Before the Event...

History. Sally wasn't exactly a fan of history. But the project that they had been assigned was quite interesting. They were to try and find where the X-Gene originated. Why they teamed the students up, she wasn't sure, but didnt mind in the least. They had paired her up with Aya, which would be interesting, to say the least. The girl was so quiet and reserved. They had only spoken a select few times, and even then, they weren't long conversations.

So, Sally had gone to the girl and invited her back to her room later that evening to begin working on said project. She had already gone to the library and selected a few books that may help, and had her phone on hand. Google was magic sometimes.

While she waited for Aya, she went to the kitchen to grab a few snacks. Popcorn, pretzels, some snack cakes. Your typical teenage junk food. She quickly made her way back to her room and opened up a cake, snacking while she waited.

Aya walked down the girls' hall, repeating Sally's room number to herself in her head. She hadn't interacted with the other girl much but that wasn't surprising -- Aya had barely talked to more than a handful of people in her time at the institute. When the history teacher had assigned them as partners though, Aya hadn't been too worried. She was slowly getting more comfortable at the school, and Sally seemed sweet enough. Hopefully the project would go well. Aya wasn't very enthusiastic about doing a research based scavenger hunt on where and when the first mutants might've appeared, but she supposed it wasn't a bad first project for the school year.

Finally finding the proper door, Aya gave a light knock before turning the doorknob. Finding it unlocked, she poked her head in.

"Hey, it's me," she said before immediately feeling like an idiot. Of course it was her, Sally could see that very clearly. "Umm, you ready?"

Sally had just opened one of the many books she had checked out from the library earlier that day. She flipped through the pages, mostly doing quick scans of the words while she waited. Taking another bite of her snack cake, her eyes snapped up to her door just as she heard a knock. Moments after, Aya poked her head inside. Sally smiled, her cheek puffed out, full of the cake she had in it. "Come on in," she said around a mouth full of food.

She leaned back against the side of her bed (she was seated on the floor crosslegged) and quickly chewed the food and swallowed it. "Yep. I checked out a bunch of different books, and brought snacks. Wasn't sure what you liked, so I just brought an assortment." Sally winked and gestured to the snacks that lay about on the floor.

Aya blinked in surprise. "Oh, that's so thoughtful. Thank you." Aya felt silly for not thinking of it herself - her parents would've been ashamed. Slipping through the door, Aya closed it behind her and went to sit on the floor, leaning against the bed opposite Sally. She crossed her legs and pulled her laptop from her bag. "I did a bit of research before and found a couple of articles that might be what we're looking for. We can take notes on what we find and cross-reference?"

Sally watched as Aya came into the room, shutting the door behind her. Her grin grew while she watched the dark haired girl sit down and pull her laptop out. She was silent for a moment, just watching, at least until Aya spoke. With a nod, Sally replied with, "Yeah totally. I've actually found a few things in a couple of these books." She picked one up and opened it to the page she had sticky posted. Laying it down on the floor, Sally looked up at Aya once again.

"So... have your eyes on anyone, yet?" Yeah, yeah, she knew they needed to work on the project, but Sally didn't get girl talk alot, and this was a perfect opportunity. Plus, she wanted to know more about the girl. Best way to start a conversation... boys.

Aya had just unlocked her laptop screen when Sally's question pierced the air. She jolted up, eyes wide.

"Uh -- no?"


Aya cleared her throat and focused intently on her laptop and the many tabs of research articles she'd found.

"What... uh... what about you?" Her face felt like it was on fire.

She couldn't help but laugh at Aya's reaction. That was definitely a lie. Sally wasn't going to push the girl for information though. Just knowing was good enough... for now anyways. And she had been ready for the question to come back to her, so when it did, she just shrugged.

Unfolding her legs and stretching them out in front of her, crossing one ankle over the other, Sally leaned her head back against the bed. She looked up at the ceiling and grinned. "I've had my eye on several, though haven't exactly made any moves for any sort of relationship." It was true... to an extent. "That Professor Pierce, though..." Sally trailed off and glanced down to Aya, waiting for her reaction while maintaining a stoic composure.

Aya glanced up at Sally, the corner of her mouth quirking up and a breathy laugh bubbling in her chest.

"You aim high." It was true, Professor Pierce was dreamy. And intimidating. But then, she supposed that was the case with most of the teachers here. "You think being hot is a requirement to work here?" she mused aloud. Aya smiled to herself, imagining his résumé. "Special skills: smoldering eyes."

Sally simply rose an eyebrow in response to Aya's first comment. Her second comment earned a twitch of the corner of her lips. It was getting harder to stay serious. Her last comment though... that broke her. Sally burst out in laughter, unable to contain it any longer. After a moment, she lifted her head and looked at Aya, nodding in agreement.

"For real. They're so deep. Sometimes they're almost scary when he looks at you, and others... well... " Sally trailed off and shrugged.

"No, I'm kidding though. Not that age is a thing, but he's the teacher... And that's just weird. By the way, did you get a look at the new one? At least, I think he's a teacher. Uhm... St. John?" Sally furrowed her brow, trying to remember if the name was correct or not. She was sure it was, but couldn't remember.

Aya nodded, an impish smile on her face. "Cole St. John. He's security or something, I think." He'd walked into Professor Everose's office during one of their sessions, once. The mood of the room when he'd entered had been... interesting, to say the least. She raised an eyebrow. "Not a teacher, if you were interested," she teased.

Sally stared at Aya for a moment. Security? What did they need security for? They hadn't had it before. "Security, huh?" The devious little smile came back. "Think he looks good in a uniform?" Security, though? For the protection of the students? Or from them?

The playful manner suddenly fell from her face and she picked a book up. Drawing her knees to her chest, she pulled the book to her face, but left her eyes visible. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She was dangerous. Nik. Uná. Drake. Isaac. She then wondered what Aya's ability was. Her eyes glanced up at the girl, and remained on her for a moment, but she didn't ask. She would wait until she wanted to speak of it.

Aya glanced up to quip back at the other girl, only to pause. The mood had changed. Sally seemed to retreat into herself, face pensive. Aya pressed her lips together, guessing at the thoughts in her head. Aya already missed the easy atmosphere that now seemed so far out of reach. She focused her gaze back on her laptop screen, though her focus was still on Sally. After a long moment, Aya shrugged.

"All schools have security," she said softly. But the words were hollow. Most schools only had security officers to protect the students from the outside world.

Aya clicked on the trackpad of her laptop to go to another article. Finally she broke the silence again.

"We can see what we find for the project in an hour then see if we can make an outline?"

Glancing up at Aya, Sally nodded in response to her last question. "Yeah, sounds good to me," she replied, trying to bring back the easy going to they had moments ago. Her mind still swirled with thoughts of needing security. She wanted to know why.

Several hours had passed, and the pair had managed to get back into friendly conversation. Joking and laughing, teasing. It seemed to come so natural to them. At one point though, Sally had managed to fall asleep. All those cakes had apparently made her crash. She was still seated on the floor, legs out in front of her, though they weren't crossed anymore. Her head was tilted back, mouth slightly open. Soft snoring could be heard coming from her.

She looked quiet and peaceful, for the most part on the outside, but on the inside, a war was being waged. One that was unknown to her. Again, was dreaming, not of Isaac this time.

Something much worse.

When Aya heard the first light snoring she glanced up to see Sally sound asleep. An amused smile found its way to her lips. She looked at the time on her laptop to find it had become evening without her noticing -- the sky had already lost most of its sunset warmth, bleeding dark.

She should probably get going, then. They could finish their project later. Aya placed her laptop on the ground and stretched her arms up, wincing at the pops that sounded down her spin. Aya stood with a soft groan. Sitting for so long in the same position had done a number on her legs. Aya looked around the room, a mess of empty wrappers and books. Another soft snore came from Sally.

With a tired sigh, Aya began gathering up all the wrappers and stacking the books on a desk, even removing one carefully from Sally's lap. With the wrappers thrown away and the floor cleaned, Aya looked down again at the other girl. A soft laugh escaped her. Sally'd regret falling asleep like that when she woke up. Walking to the bed, Aya grabbed a folded up blanket and placed it as best she could to cover Sally's legs and torso.
It wasn't perfect -- the blanket couldn't quite stay up on her chest, and didn't reach the end of her legs. But it was better than nothing, Aya supposed. She winced at the angle of Sally's neck, her head back on top of the bed. Aya grabbed the pillow and as carefully as she could, slipped her hand under Sally's head, fingers weaving through her bright hair. Lifting, she folded the pillow and wedged it between the bed and the nape of Sally's neck. Aya slowly pulled away to inspect her work.

The angle of Sally's spine looked less painful, at least. Her mouth was still open but Aya supposed there was nothing she could really do about that. Her pink lips were parted as her chest rose slightly with each breath, her hair like fire framing her face... Aya found herself frozen, for a moment, looking down at her.

It was astonishing how lovely some people could be.

I should go. It was a quiet, gentle thought, that broke the spell nonetheless.

Aya turned away from Sally to bend and pick up her laptop and put it in her bag.

Sally's eyes suddenly snapped open. Her usual blue iris', were covered in the blackness of her pupils. There was no focus. No indication that she was even really awake. She wasn't. At that point, things around the room began to rise into the air. The blanket that had been laid out over her. The pillows on the bed. The books that Aya had stacked on the desk. Various other items joined them.

And then again, she began to levitate. Much like she had the first night she spent at the institute. Only this time, she brought a passenger. Not only as Sally rising into the air, but so was Aya.

Sally's eyes remained open, blinking slowly, and not near as often as one should. Her back was arched, arms, legs, and head, all dangling lifelessly. Inside her body, her ability swarmed. She, Aya, and the various objects around the room, all rose until they were nearly 5 feet from the ground. Sally could feel, could see what was happening, but she wasn't the one in control. She couldn't stop it, and it terrified her.

Aya was reaching to grab her bag when suddenly... it started floating. So was the empty bed.

So was Aya.

Confusion and panic shot through her. She was floating she was floating why was she floating --


The realization struck Aya through the fear. Sally was telekinetic -- Aya had seen it in action enough times between (or even during) classes. Aya stretched to look over her shoulder to see Sally floating several feet above the ground, eyes as black as her own.

"Sally?" Aya's frantic voice called. No response. "Sally!"

Her ability swarmed in her body, and although Sally could see and feel, what was happening, she couldn't react. Couldn't talk. Her body rose until it was only feet from the ceiling, and she stopped. Everything that was floating in the room, including the two girls, looked as if it were all underwater.

Suddenly, a wave, much like the one she had used on Isaac, resulted from her. It wasn't deadly, nor near as strong, but strong enough to knock everything in the air, away from her and into the walls

Aya cried out as she collided with the wall. She’d managed to partially turn before the pulse was emitted, meaning she hit her side — her arm, leg, and skull knocked harshly against the wall. The blanket she’d placed over Sally tangled around her legs. Disoriented, she looked around.

Sally was in the middle of the room, the space around her completely empty. Everything the wasn’t nailed down was midair and pressed against a wall.

Aya’s heart thundered in her ears.

"Sally!" she tried again. But the girl either couldn’t hear her or couldn’t do anything to respond.

An idea sprung into her head like instinct and Aya jumped on it without thinking, desperate for anything to do. Scrunching up her legs underneath her, she angled them awkwardly against the wall and pushed. Fighting against Sally’s telekinetic wave, Aya shot to the center of the room, arm outstretched.

The moment her fingers touched Sally’s wrist Aya’s powers activated.

The two girls were thrown to the astral plane, black like night with the physical world drawn in constellations around then. Aya watched their bodies fall to the ground and winced. She’d been working on keeping a sense of connection to her body when she used her powers, but she was glad she’d failed this time — there’d be more bruises to count in the morning.

Aya remembered Sally. She’d brought Sally here. Eyes widening, Aya rushed to grab Sally’s spirit in front of her. In the next moment the girls woke up back in the physical world, on the ground of Sally’s dorm.

"I’m sorry, I’m —" her voice shook as she pushed herself up, eyes glued to the floor. She hated using her powers on other people. After Kainoa and then Drake — nothing good ever came of it. And doing it on Sally without her permission felt like a violation. ”Are you ok?”

The time spent in Aya's astral plane, was barely enough time for Sally to really respond. She had gotten a glimpse of the world, of their bodies falling to the floor, before being suddenly thrown back into their own world again. Sally jerked awake, gasping, her eyes wide. She quickly pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her breaths were shaky, and they seemed to get worse the more she looked around her room.

It was a disaster. Stuff was everywhere. And then, her eyes landed on Aya. The girl looked mortified. Sally remembered what she had done. Was that her power? Taking the soul from the body, to another world? She remembered what it looked like. Like they were in space, surrounded by starts and constellations. Their bodies were outlined in white. Eyes white as snow. It was weird, but beautiful.

The pain was just now registering in her head as Aya asked her if she was alright. Sally shook her head. "No, no, I'm fine. Aya, Jesus, are you ok? I'm so... so sorry!" She pushed herself to her knees and quickly moved to the dark haired girl, wrapping her in a tight hug. She was shaking, terrified for Aya's well being.

Wasn't this the whole reason she wanted her own room in the first place?! "Aya," she began as she pulled away from the girl, looking her dead in her eyes, her hands firmly on the girls shoulders. "You can't stay with me when I fall asleep. Did you get hurt? What happened?"

After a stunned moment, Aya returned Sally's hug. Her own arms came up to shakily wrap around Sally, the other girl's frantic words flowing over her.

"I'm alright." She'd be sore in the morning, but she was alright. She pulled away from Sally. "Things just started floating." She didn't need to know about the pulse that'd sent Aya into the wall -- she was rattled enough as it was. "It's alright," she repeated, like saying it enough times would make it true.

Aya forced herself to stand. "I'll help you clean." She was already moving, needing something to do.

Sally watched as Aya pushed herself up to her feet. Her eyes then scanned over the room. Her brow furrowed the more she looked. If things had just floated, and then fell, they would be all over the place. Right? They weren't. In fact, everything was around the edges of the room. Her jaw slowly dropped open and she stood, spinning as she continued to take in the damage.

"Aya?" Sally's eyes finally landed on the dark haired girl, watching her as she picked things up. "It happened. The- the- the shockwave thing. Didn't it?" She moved her hands in a circular motion as she tried to find the appropriate word the action. "Tell me," she said as she rushed to the girl and gently grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from her actions and making her look at her. "Did you get hurt?"

Aya's lips parted as she struggled to find something to say. "It wasn't bad," she finally managed. The words felt inadequate. "I'm fine." She forced a weak smile. Aya said what she thought Sally needed to hear. "Hey, mutant school, right? We're all here to learn control. We'll get there." Aya reached up to put her hand over Sally's. She gave it a small squeeze then stepped away, out of reach. Turning back to the mess, Aya picked up the blanket that'd been tangled around her feet and started folding. "Just... have to be patient with ourselves."

"It wasn't bad," she repeated in her head, clearly not believing the girl. If it hadn't been that bad, why was Aya so shook up? Why was everything in the room along the walls? Why did Sally feel her head start to pound? No. There was more to it than what She was letting on. Deciding not to push the issue, Sally offered a weak smile in return to Aya's, before watching the dark haired girl step away from her. She stood still for a moment before turning and looking around at the destruction.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right.". Sally felt frustrated with herself. It seemed since coming here, her ability had flared up and was getting more powerful. Pushing the thought from her head, Sally forced herself to move and began trying to tidy the room up. She would occasionally glance over at Aya, still curious about what really happened, and even though she had a pretty good idea of what did happen, she still wasn't going to press the issue.

"I'm sorry, Aya," Sally said softly as she finished straightening one of the beds.

It seemed like everyone was always apologizing. Aya, Drake, Sally... the combination of too much power, too little control, and too guilty consciences. Aya was so tired of feeling guilty all the time. And she was tired of the people around her walking on egg shells, self-conscious and afraid.

She wanted to be a teenager again.

Aya looked over her shoulder to watch Sally, the other girl's soft, sad voice echoing in her mind. Aya pressed her lips together. On an impulse, she grabbed the pillow from the empty bed and flung it at the back of Sally's head. It landed with a satisfying poof before falling to the ground. Aya bit her lip, a shy, mischievous smile pulling at her.

"There," she said. "We're even. No more apologies." There was a gentle finality to Aya's words.

Maybe even Aya would be able to stop apologizing some day. She could hope.

Sally had just stood up from picking up a stack of books when she felt something suddenly hit the back of her head. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned to face Aya, who, held a mischievous air about her. Not to mention the little grin that was on her lips. She just threw a pillow at me, Sally thought, as a smile of her own began to slowly pull at her lips.

The words she spoke made a chuckle erupt from her, sounding almost forced, though wasn't. "Alright," She responded as she set the books down onto the desk nearby, looking away from the girl for just a moment. "No more apologies." Sally looked back at Aya and laughed softly. She nodded her head once, in an agreeing way, but also as a way to mark the end of that specific conversation.

After a moment longer, she looked away and began cleaning the room up again. It was spent mostly in relative silence, except for the occasional giggle from Sally when she would throw something randomly at Aya, and the other girl would throw something in return, be it a waded up piece of paper, or something of the like.
In Lantern 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

hnnnnnnngggg sorry sorry writing writing
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