Avatar of Caitimus
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Caitimus 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Nothing like birthday pancakes with frosting
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
How ridiculous is it that I designed movie themed/Greatest Showman themed invites for my 28th birthday party?
1 like
6 yrs ago
@headintheclouds, did that really happen?
6 yrs ago



I am Caitimus, or you can just call me Cait. I'm a 27 year old female, living and working in the ATL. I'm engaged and will be marrying the love of my life soon. I am an epic nerd, if you ever want to know if a movie is worth seeing in theaters I am your girl for that info! I have a legitimate movie addiction, I probably go to the theater about 3-4 times a week if not more.

As for Roleplays, I am really interested in Dungeons and Dragons right now but I might branch out to the 1x1 section. I'm a sucker for almost any plot that contains romance. I think I'm rather friendly so if you need a friend hit me up, no questions asked, I will be there!

Most Recent Posts

I don't have internet at home for some reason so for now, I'll only be on while at work.
I’ll have to double check when I get home from work
@Kaesus I think we have room for one more.
@Claw2k11 Combedean is at war with a country on another continent and has been for the past 121 years, over colony rights. The other nation is called Sentra. They are an awesome xploratiry nation of mostly humans.
@Cu Chulainn You can average per level or roll, whichever you prefer.
@rush99999 That is up to the players. If you want to have adventured together previously (I think that would be the easiest to work with) that's fine or if you just want to know of each other in passing that's fine as well.
@Claw2k11 Not a problem, take your time. You can send me your backstory if you don't want to include it on your character sheet.
I just noticed that Pinch Pols does not appear on the map for some reason but it's SW of Hoxne before you get to the Castle Keep.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity

I seem to be having trouble getting your character sheet to load, I'll try again when I get home and see if it's just my work computer being stupid.


Approved, add 50 GP that was given to you by Odin Stronghammer to help you with your task.

@Cu Chulainn@Claw2k11@The Large Dumbo

Just checking in. If you have decided you would no longer like to play, that's fine but let me know so I can open up more spots for the campaign.
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