Avatar of Calamity


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Just a lil Advanced/Semi-Lit RPer looking for some rp (20+). Preferably sci-fi, fantasy, superhero or some other level of fictiony fiction. Ideally anything where we're not just playing human beings in a simple human being world. Doesn't have to be crazy wild but I do enjoy things that let me engage with foreign concepts, new powers, weird perspectives and strange bodies or senses.

Big fan of romance and very smut-friendly. I'm in PST time zone and generally can post 1/day, maybe every other sometimes. Play in PMs is preferred. Open to random PMs if you've got an idea or concept you'd like to throw my way.

Happy to play M or F although I tend to prefer F. Happy to double if that's what you'd like. OCs preferred but open to fandom settings and maybe fandom characters if you really catch my attention.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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In Hiya! 10 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Just posting here so I can update my bio ^-^' but here's the bio since why not??

Just a lil Advanced/Semi-Lit RPer looking for some rp. Preferably sci-fi, fantasy, superhero or some other level of fictiony fiction. Ideally anything where we're not just playing human beings in a simple human being world. Doesn't have to be crazy wild but I do enjoy things that let me engage with foreign concepts, new powers, weird perspectives and strange bodies or senses.

Big fan of romance and very smut-friendly. I'm in PST time zone and generally can post 1/day, maybe every other sometimes. Play in PMs is preferred. Open to random PMs if you've got an idea or concept you'd like to throw my way.

Happy to play M or F although I tend to prefer F. Happy to double if that's what you'd like. OCs preferred but open to fandom settings and maybe fandom characters if you really catch my attention.

Thanks for stopping by! :)
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