Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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7 mos ago
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9 mos ago
= _= *grunts grumpily*
9 mos ago
*Finds a nice ditch to lay down and die in*
1 like
9 mos ago
Please tell me there is a way to save my new brain friend in the beginning of Balder's Gate 3...
2 yrs ago
Now that the holidays and crippling depression has subsided (for now), guess I should get off my ass and do shit.


Most Recent Posts

I have a link to the site I used, but not the dice roll. I dont know how to use the dice roll... thing, here.
Atanase Malkoth sat idly as he watched outside the rolling wagon. The hunter pondered if his demise was going to be by the hands of some horrid monster, or to succumb to the deathly droll of boredom. His light crossbow sat across, his lap, eager to release death upon some unlucky beast or bandit. Scanning both the woods to the left, and the woods to the right. He would search his mind for any tales of supernatural sightings Before whispering to what seems himself. "Well Zandra, know of any history of creatures in this area?"

May I make a post or hold off?
Atanase will sit in the second wagon, towards the back and on the left.He will have his crossbow loaded and on his lap.

~Basic info~
Name: Atanase Malkoth
Race: Dhampyr (Obiri)
Class: Blood Hunter 1
Level: 1
Deity: None
Alignment: TN
Background: Haunted one (Haunted by his sister's spirit)

Hp: 12
Ac: 14
Initiative: +3

Str: 10 +0
Dex: 17 +3
Con: 14 +2
Int: 10 +0
Wis: 14 +2
Cha: 9 -1

Weapons (main): Tekko kagi X2 (Assassins Claws)
Weapond (secondary): Light Crossbow
Armor: Studded Leather Armor

~Basic info~
Name: Atanase Malkoth
Race: Dhampyr (Obiri)
Class: Blood Hunter 1
Level: 1
Deity: None
Alignment: TN
Background: Haunted one (Haunted by his sister's spirit)

Hp: 12
Ac: 14
Initiative: +2

Str: 10 +0
Dex: 15 +2
Con: 14 +2
Int: 10 +0
Wis: 14 +2
Cha: 8 -1

Weapons (main): Tekko kagi X2 (Assassins Claws)
Weapond (secondary): Light Crossbow
Armor: Studded Leather Armor
I personally think discord would be best unless you guys know how to set up notifications that goes to your phone
Didn't even see this was up!
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