Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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7 mos ago
Current Hello
9 mos ago
= _= *grunts grumpily*
9 mos ago
*Finds a nice ditch to lay down and die in*
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9 mos ago
Please tell me there is a way to save my new brain friend in the beginning of Balder's Gate 3...
2 yrs ago
Now that the holidays and crippling depression has subsided (for now), guess I should get off my ass and do shit.


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Okay, then to sell:

Cultists Robes x10
Leather Armor x10
Rations (/day) x30
Components Pouchs x8
Gems x6

Anything else to keep?
Had to quickly flip my machine ^-^"
Uh... I meant to state that the potions and rations should probably be kept in a party chest
I'll make my rolls after all is decided. I have a list written down and will post it when done.
Will do, but first. Before I roll, I wanted to clarify what's being sold and what we're keeping:

Cultists Robes x10
Leather Armor x10
Scimitar x10
Dagger x2
Rations (/day) x30
Components Pouchs x8
Healing potions x10
Gems x8

Which of these are people keeping? Which are being sold? Personally, I like the idea of Jørmund keeping the daggers and at least two scimitar for smelting then selling the rest.

Do you want a roll Persaion roll to sell the loot then?
I thought I took a prof in persuasion but I guess not. Still, +4 from cha isn't bad
Plasm could sell it, they have a high Charisma
Hell yeah! Fellsing on board!
Sorry, got a little too excited there... I'm extremely interested in joining
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