Avatar of CaptainMarvel
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  • Posts: 57 (0.03 / day)
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    1. CaptainMarvel 6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Fairy Tail's final season just started, and I hate myself enough to want a roleplay for it.
6 yrs ago
Us Californians have been experiencing some crazy wildfires too. It's pretty scary living so close to an area that is constantly on fire. :(


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@Bee why hello there
Room for one more?
Count me in, this sounds cool.
I'm gonna place some tentative interest here. I just started college and really shouldn't be joining any roleplays but This looks super cool! Will get a CS together.
Hi! I'm definitely interested in this. Would it be possible for me to have a sort of antihero character? Definitely not a good guy-and probably seen as a villain by most-but more of a Punisher-type character? Or would you prefer someone who's 100% a villain?

Location: Courtyard

Just when she started to complain about being bored, other people actually showed up! What a coincidence. The first person was a girl she was loosely familiar with at best: Madison Barkley. Quickly brushing her bangs out of her face, Roxy eyed the girl as she entered the courtyard. She felt somehow indignant at being referred to as the other girl, but Jubilee was gone before she could say anything about it. For a moment-a painfully awkward moment-the two girls just stood waiting. Finally, Madison actually asked a fair question: what exactly was going on? "No clue. But yeah, she pulled me out of my bio class. Maybe we're all getting expelled or something." She was kidding, obviously; she hadn't done anything expulsion-worthy. At least, not to her knowledge.

The second person was a bit of a surprise to Roxy: Heidi Williams. The super smart chick that Roxy secretly thought was pretty cute. Roxy was kind of miffed that a girl two years younger than her had a better grade in bio, but...well, mutation and all. Roxy took solace in the fact that Heidi probably couldn't sprout wings out of her back. That was her thing. "Uh...hey," she spoke, not really knowing what to say. The look in Heidi's eyes was almost unnerving, like she was studying everything, but maybe it was just in her head. "Three girls. Weird," Roxy observed, wondering if their gender had anything to do with whatever was happening.

Of course, this observation was proved to be mostly useless when Basil Floros was herded into the courtyard. Roxy felt a sudden rush of relief: someone she not only knew well, but actually liked! She gave him a wave and a soft smile, though his presence here was fairly confusing to her. "None of us really know what's going on. It seems like we're just being pulled out of class one by one." Roxy hoped he might know something, but evidently he did not. At least she wouldn't have to actually get to know any new people; she could just stick with him. It was nice having a familiar face among the growing group of students.

The next pair of students to join were two more sort-of-acquaintances: Tilly Roberts and Clarice Ferguson. Of course, Tilly introduced herself as Tilly Richardson, which was...not correct. Roxy only knew that since she'd spoken with Tilly a few times. It was pretty humiliating when she tried to talk to Tilly and found the girl had completely forgotten her existence; after that, Roxy stopped trying completely. You can only introduce yourself to someone so many times before you get tired of it, right? Still, she shook the girl's hand, knowing it would be pretty bitchy to not at least be friendly. "Hi. I'm...Roxy," she said, nodding. In that moment she realized she could have said any name, since Tilly would just forget, but she brushed the thought aside.

Next up was another dude, Micah Jones. Another person Roxy secretly thought was cute, even though his powers seriously freaked her out. Theoretically, he might not even be real. He could be literally anywhere, right? Something about that just wasn't right to her. She resisted the urge to poke him to make sure it wasn't some kind of holographic mind projection she was about to speak to, but it was very hard to do so. "A field trip is a safe enough bet," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. Deep down though, Roxy knew it probably wasn't a field trip. They were a seemingly randomly selected group of children, varying in age, grade level, classes, and abilities. What field trip could they possibly go on?

For a brief moment, Roxy felt kind of okay with the people around her. But then-like with everything in life-something came along to ruin her contentment. That thing was Hayden Rachel Lee. Roxy rolled her eyes the second she saw the girl come into view, crossing her arms. To Roxy, Hayden was the embodiment of the "teenage high school girl" cliche. The only achievement in Hayden's life-being a hot person-seemed like the only thing that mattered to her. She had to deal with Hayden much more than she preferred to, since Basil happened to be friends with her. Somehow. Roxy never said anything to him about his questionable choice in friends, but she always hoped he'd get sick of her obnoxious personality. Or her outfits, which were basically just stolen from Mean Girls. Or her three inch-thick makeup.

Up next was rejected One Direction member Austin Anderson. Roxy had spoken maybe two words to the guy in the couple years she'd been aware of his existence, which didn't really bother her. To his credit, she thought force fields were pretty fucking cool, but that was all she really knew about him. At the very least, he was just another confused teenager to add to the group. Looking around, Roxy realized they were actually kind of a big group now. Hopefully this was as big as their group was going to get.

And yet, two more people joined in on the fun: Apollo Cage and Khairo Rand-Wing. AKA, Mr. Incredible and Avatar: The Last Airbender. They were brought to the courtyard at the same time, which led Roxy to believe they were together to begin with. Not surprising, considering they were both avid fans of punching stuff. She wasn't exactly judging them for it-she had her own appreciation for punching stuff-but they were both much stronger than she was. And much taller. They made her hyper-conscious of her own height, which was...kind of annoying. From a scientific perspective, Apollo was pretty interesting: his powers were like his father's, even though Luke Cage's abilities were the result of a scientific experiment or something. So, that's cool.

Finally-finally-Scott Summers stepped forward to address the group of kids. Actual Scott Summers. That was kind of weird; if this were any ordinary school event, why would it be him? Suddenly, Roxy's unease came rushing back, sending chills up her spine. She was excited, anxious, and curious all at once, culminating in a rapid heartbeat as Scott began speaking to them. Roxy felt something drop in her chest the instant he said "bad news"; she let out a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down and listen. Her eyes widened as Scott segued into anti-mutant groups, her hands tightening into fists. Terrorists. Honest-to-God terrorists. "Fucking hell," she mumbled under her breath. Eight mutant kids gone? Just like that? Other mutants murdering someone? She felt herself getting lightheaded, and blinked her eyes in an attempt to get rid of the spots in her vision.

As a matter of fact, Roxy almost felt herself pass out completely when Scott asked them to become the new X-Men. As in, "become a group of people who risk their lives for a living". She'd taken up martial arts as a means of self defense, not as a means of attacking people. And yet, something in her heart stirred: kidnapped children, who were just like her, needed help. Whatever fears she had paled in comparison to eight innocent lives, right? And Logan...Logan taught her how to protect herself and others. Her whole life she'd always assumed she'd be just like her parents: a biologist. But could she live with herself knowing she chose the easy way out? When maybe she could save someone's life? Save multiple people's lives? She had these powers, but what for?

Maybe this was it.

Before she could even think to hesitate, she stepped forward and spoke: "I'll do it." She could hear her mother's voice in her head: "Mija, what are you doing? You're a child!" But her mother wasn't here to stop her, right? And it wasn't like this was a permanent thing; at the very least, she wanted to help protect those protesters. Maybe she could just...try it out and see what happened from there.

Location: Castle Layton, War Room

Aya twirled a pencil around her fingers, a pink notepad and a glass of water sitting in front of her on the table. She'd been to hundreds of meetings in her life, with hundreds of different people. This one, at least, was a little interesting. First off, they were here to discuss their competition. Competition was sort of her thing. It gave her peace of mind to know just who she would be up against, so she would always do her research beforehand. This time, someone else did it for her, which was nice. Second, she was in an actual castle, which was pretty neat. A faint smile crossed her face as she remembered the first time she'd seen Layton Castle; the place was so much bigger on the inside than she'd expected. Plus, her room had a really big window overlooking a garden. Not even her villa in Sinnoh had something like that. And third, well...

Third was Alex.

Aya had seen plenty of beautiful people in her life. Contest coordinators sort of have to be beautiful to make it, which she thought to be a sad truth of the industry. But most of the contest coordinators she'd met in her life tried too hard to be hot and beautiful and attractive. Alex was sort of effortlessly hot, which wasn't something she was used to. Maybe battling meant there was less pressure to look good? Though, everyone in the room was attractive in some way or another; but Alex carried himself a certain way that she'd noticed the instant she met him. He was oddly self-assured, like he'd been born ready to lead this team. She liked that. As he started listing off names, Aya quietly wrote them down, just for good measure. Just because he was cute doesn't mean she wasn't paying attention.

Most of the names Aya didn't recognize. She supposed that was why they were going over them. She paused for a moment to take a sip of water, just as Alex mentioned the name "Daphne". Aya's eyes widened, and she almost choked on her water, but she didn't think anyone noticed. Why is she here? she wondered, trying to remain outwardly calm. Maybe it was some other Daphne, she thought, but Alex mentioned that she was "jacked". The only "jacked" coordinator named Daphne Aya knew was her ex, which was pretty bad news for her. Look on the bright side. You know her usual routines, maybe you can help Ritzy out. At the very least, it was just a bad coincidence. Couldn't get any worse, right? Finally, Alex looked at Aya, and she took the moment to give him a sweet smile. She'd always heard good things about her smile.

Of course, her smile fell when Alex said "Piers O'Brian". Two exes. On one team. Sometimes Aya wondered if there was any sort of higher power out there, but in this moment she thought that any higher power must only exist to torment her. Piers O'Brian was a troubling reminder of her "rebellious" phase, when she was barely eighteen and dating "edgy" guys. A painful memory came to mind of a time when his lip piercing happened to pierce her lip, and she bled all over his face. Aya reflexively touched her thumb to her mouth, wondering if the scar was still visible. She hoped not. A panicked thought hit her: Piers O'Brian might look like he got kicked out of a B-list metal band, but he was a good coordinator. Possibly better than her. She had a lot of work to do, she realized as she opened the folder. She recognized a photo of him from several years ago, when he won a big contest in Hoenn.

Quit thinking about your ex, she told herself as she looked back up at Alex. You've got better things to do. Aya had always been told she had a flirtatious personality, but she was perfectly fine with that. "Um, I have a...comment," she said, resting her chin on her hand. "I'm pretty...familiar with both of the coordinators you mentioned. I'd be happy to discuss some strategies with you, if you'd like," she continued, tucking the end of her pencil in her mouth in a manner that could only be described as suggestive. As she did so, she reached her foot out to stroke Alex's leg under the table. What was that called again? Playing footsies?
@TaliPaendrag I'm a big fan of the first and fifth ones.
@TaliPaendrag I dig the uniform as it is, but it might be a good idea to post several other options? The idea of a uniform is a good idea though.

Time of Day: Morning
Location: Dormitory Kitchen
Interacting with: Willow (@Shard), S'Hraa (@Lurking Shadow), Orky (@OrkytheOrc)

Thalia narrowed her eyes for a second as Willow stared at...something. Like there was a person there, or something. She brushed it off when he turned to face her, returning his gaze with a soft smile. His racial degeneracy comment piqued her interest; maybe he had a bad run-in with some Orcs at some point? It wouldn't be too far off from her own experience, anyway. "Yes, it's nice to meet you too," she said, taking a few steps further into the kitchen. It was surprisingly spacious, she noticed, though a communal kitchen probably needed to be. Lyka took a moment to sniff around the room, as she always did. Thalia was never sure if it was instinct, curiosity, or perhaps both. It didn't matter much though, they'd be living here after all.

Just then, someone else came into the room. He was something Thalia had never seen in her life: some kind of freaking cross between a person and a serpent. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as he entered, looking around the room with what she believed to be a predatory gaze. Is this guild full of things like this? she wondered, feeling herself tense slightly. His asking for live food sent chills up her spine. "Preferably? I would choose your words wisely," Thalia snapped, placing a protective hand in front of Lyka's face. Preferably, whatever he was would stay far away from her. That would be nice.

To make matters worse, the Orc decided to return to the kitchen. Thalia felt a very sudden urge to leave; even Lyka had her hackles raised, which was a pretty clear sign of distress. Still, Thalia needed to get along with these people, right?
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