Avatar of Carbonatter
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 260 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Carbonatter 5 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 7 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Messaging a friend and realising we ain't spoken in TWO WHOLE YEARS. I tell you, that whiplash hit like a brick
1 like
1 yr ago
I organise my uni year to be as efficient as possible. 8 months of clubbing and a desperate 3 weeks to save my degree
1 yr ago
Enemies think you wont react, or get back in any way that'll care about. Get into deep, meaningful relationships with their mothers
1 yr ago
Landlords when you have an issue be like: " "
2 yrs ago
Putting the modern, gritty batman into the campy 60s TV show gotham
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Damn chief this place is empty you should turn back

22 | Englund

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@Surtr Inc thanks dude, I enjoyed this rp even if was a slow poster. Feel free to use David if you enjoyed him! I wasn't sure what I was going to do with him anyway.
@Surtr Inc ey mate sorry for the late response but no, I'm intetested in the story and I'll definitely read the reboot but I don't plan on joining. Sorry.
11:34 PM - January 10th 2026
The King's Throne Bar, Downtown Gotham, Gotham City

René picked up his third pint from the bar. He'd been waiting on Chas for some time now and it was already dark outside. Even with all of the capes running about Gotham was still a dangerous city at times. The longer he waited could be the difference between a late night stroll and a nighttime mugging.

René took a swig of his drink.

It wasn't as though he couldn't handle himself- but he was old and the thought of fighting a younger man didn't sound like a fair fight. He was past his prime and thanks to age it was unlikely that his body would heal properly from any kind of hard beating..

He took another swig..

He wasn't Chas, he never was. That man was a monster in his youth... as well as an idiot. Age could make him weaker, but it couldn't touch his violent and daring nature to square up against anybody. Even to muggers and crooks.

And then another...

Chas couldn't be lying in an alleyway someplace, battered and bruised... could he?

René brought the glass to his lips, failing to notice before that its contents were empty.

He ordered another pint.

Same place, Same day... Some time later

“Sorry I’m late Arnie, but you know how life is.”

The speaker took up the seat beside René, leaning on the counter as he moved. Chas was a man in his early 50s, he was a few good years younger than René and without the grey hair- or any hair for that matter.

“Late doesn’t cut it Chas, I’ve been here for a good quarter of a day wondering why I hadn’t already left.”

“No, no you’re right. I’ll make it up to you. A drink on me.” He gestures to the barman.

“Make it three.” René states once his next drink arrives.

“I’m good for one.”

René sighs then downs half of the beverage in a few gulps. Chas waits impatiently, tapping his knee as he waits.

“So what do y-”

“I have a proposition to make.”

“You could have waited for me to finish.”

“I could have, but we both know I wouldn’t.”

“Chas I haven’t seen you in half a decade, what makes you think that my impression of you is still up to date? Hell what am I saying, you haven’t changed since the eighties.”

Chas doesn’t respond to the remark. Instead, he continues to tap on his kneecap.

“Fine. What are you thinking of?” René asks dubiously before reuniting the pint with his lips.

“It’s pretty simple. I want you back in the game.”

René pauses before placing the pint on the counter again.

“I thought you said that you’d moved away from that kind of work.”

Chas’ eyebrows in confusion to the remark. “Really? When?”

“Eight years ago. At your house.”

“How am I supposed to remember what happened eight years ago?”

“God Chas, Vanessa was there. You lied to your own wife. Does she know you still do this?”

“She’d kick me out if she knew Arnie..” He sighs, “Look I have bills to pay and now a kid to feed.”

“Since when did you have kids?” Now it was René’s turn to be confused.

“Three years ago.” Chas sighs, “We definitely need to catch up on lost time and all, but I’d rather have your response to my idea..”

“No Chas. I moved on from the gang and what we stood for, what we did.” René stands up, “Thanks for the drink but I should be going.”

René begins to head out of the bar he gets as far as donning his overcoat before Chas, still seated, perks up with a response of his own. “Well that’s too bad. I was hoping that we could settle this like friends, but I guess you’ve locked the crook away and forgotten all about him.”

“What are you talking about?”

Chas doesn’t bother to answer and instead he continues his monologue, “We did a number on quite a few people Arnie. You can forget about it and play Doctor but those people, their families, they won’t forget what you did to them.”

“What we did to them Chas.” René corrects him.

“Same thing really.” Chas stands up from his seat. “Now if you don’t want me to reveal all of this to the poor, poor widows and children of who we hurt, then I recommend that you reconsider.”

“Blackmail? Jesus Chas you’ve fallen to a new low.”

“It’s not like I’ll suffer if this comes out anyway. I know a few people who can erase me from the web.” Chas wiggles his fingers to emphasise this point, “In less than a day Chas can die and a new man can live, do I look like a Bernie to you? I feel like a Bernie.” he rambles.

René stares at Chas, no longer seeing a lifelong friend but instead an associate, one he’d be glad to be rid of.


“Fine?” teases Chas.

“I’m in.”

Chas nods. “Perfect. Then I’d better introduce you to the gang, soon as well. We only have two weeks till the fireworks.”

“Fireworks?” asks René.

“It’s a figure of speech.”
Friend's wedding is this weekend and they think I'm fit to be involved in it, so I won't be able to post for the next few days.

That's awesome dude! Enjoy!
incomprehensible eldritch abomination.

Oohhhh is that what it is? I thought it was the security guard for the building.
dont really know what to post except Maddie getting knocked out from being thrown to the wall.

>drifts in
"You and me both."
>drifts out
Low/Mid Street Level
- The horror aspects were going to be downplayed in favor of making it more urban-fantasy Life is Strange-ish (even though atm, I can only call this RP loosely inspired by it).

- The whole guardian thing was going to be the focus of the RP, where it would be revealed that it was supposed to be set up as one big game by a God so there'd be one powerful Awakened.

- There was going to be an ancient civilization-type deal, idk. Barely remember.

A lot of these ideas have been incorporated into the RP in a better way.

Sounds like an animeyey.

Well now the rp works. It's better off now m'dude.
Yeah, I was thinkin' the same thing. The only reason why I wanna cut Aura reading is because (for the longest time) I felt like it was tacked on, and redundant to most of the cast. Especially since... it was basically tacked on because I wanted it to stand out in contrast to my other superpower rps, and it was an artifact of when Viv was waaaaaaaaaay different. So different, it might as well be a different idea.

I'll admit that David's aura reading ability was just slapped on with glue once the rest of the character had been written.. Honestly I think it's the same for most of the other characters..

Yo, how was Viv different back in the day?
Benjamin Olin

"Laws are made to be followed, not to be ignored or discarded."

Name: Benjamin Olin
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Alignment: Guild
Rank within Organisation: Captain

Birthmark Shape: Link
Location of Birthmark: On the nape.
Magical Abilities: Dust Form - Benjamin has the ability to transform himself, his clothing and, if he wishes, whatever he is touching into particles of grey-brown dust. In this form he can travel at fast speeds through the air and is less vulnerable to physical attacks.

Place of Birth: Santiago, Chile.
Currently Residing: New York, New York.
Personality: Benjamin is accustomed to working alone - Not everyone in the Guild is accepting of his ruthlessness which at times borders on excessive, nor does everyone view his work as righteous. Ergo he tends to be seen as a cruel individual who acts mercilessly to uphold Guild law although nobody can call his conviction into question, and how he is able to keep up with his tasks as a leader yet be away so often is a mystery to many. The only person he truly cares about is his sister, although they aren't on speaking term he would likely kill for her.

History/Bio: Born and raised in Chile till he was eleven. Once Benjamin's powers began to emerge he was taught the magic of his family though his single mother alongside his year-younger sister Emilia. Most importantly they were taught about the Guild and how the organisation protected people like their family, the duo were awestruck over the idea of such a powerful group and what it stood for. Thanks to the earning of their mother the duo were brought up in a relatively safe environment, not having to turn to criminals or the underworld to protect themselves the family grew up relatively innocent for the first ten years. Then the mother's employees commanded her over to work indefinitely overseas in the US. The family moved and grew accustomed to their new home and life - The children learned English and Benjamin's mother continued to train them in magic throughout the years as she juggled her personal life and the increasing strain of her work.

Benjamin was sixteen when his mother died. A botched burglary and a woman in the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't a targeted attack by a rogue magi, his mother died like any other mortal, though Benjamin didn't care about that fact. He couldn't believe that the Guild hadn't protected his mother. Logic be damned. To him it didn't matter if they couldn't, if they couldn't protect her then they weren't doing their damn job. They weren't following their own rules and laws. That was the only possibility in Ben's eyes and he was going to make sure that from now on they would. He'd make sure of it even if he had to deliver judgement himself. Ben and his sister were recruited and moved into the Guild headquarters.

While Emilia dealt with her loss with friendships Benjamin used his pain as a foci, he studied books from cover to end - memorising any and all laws that he could. Although the attack on the Guild by the Dark Shadow occurred a few years ago there was still an amount of somber and stress, as such Ben struggled to find a proper teacher. That was no matter to him, if he couldn't find anyone to train him then he would do what he could. For the first year within the guild he conditioned himself, training his body's strength and endurance in an attempt to compensate for his lack of martial training. The year after he finally received a teacher and began to train in the art of fighting.

By eighteen he became a member of the Guild and as such was sent on missions from higher-ups. At this point his ruthlessness was revealed, few missions ended in failure although Ben's limited extent of training meant that during the first few months he often returned bleeding or injured in some other way which caused some to speculate if he was ready for his position. If it wasn't for his animalistic endurance that they saw then perhaps they would have pulled him off of missions.
The higher-ups never truly punished Ben for his sprees of violence. Even if Ben never left hotels smeared with blood or alleyways littered with corpses He often returned with one or two broken bodies - the corpses of those who refused to surrender to Ben and his one chance policy. Ben's notoriety spread, his own sister began to avoid him and although torn he knew he couldn't stop, nobody else was willing to uphold the laws.
As the months went by Ben became much more efficient, returning with severe injuries less frequently than when he started. After two more years - at twenty - he must have impressed someone pretty high on the ladder with his effectiveness. He was promoted to Captain although he took this as an opportunity to choose his own hits, or "hunts" as he calls them. Even if he now has responsibilities he refuses to leave the field, much like how he refuses teammates to work alongside in his own missions, even though fieldwork can keep Ben away from the Guild office for weeks if not months. In all this time Ben still prefers missions involving the apprehension of magi or criminals, if he can stop them then he could be protecting others from such people. It's okay though. He only kills criminals, they're bound to break the law at some point....

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