Avatar of CAWs For Alarm
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    1. CAWs For Alarm 7 yrs ago


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In Chosen 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
So this must be what it’s like outside of the walls… I’m not very impressed so far Sammael thought to himself while he walked with the rest of the group of Chosen. The journey thus far proved to be surprisingly uneventful. Just a few simple undead in several hours? If it was so dangerous for citizens to venture outside Sammael expected something much more challenging. Then again he knew the real fun of this journey was yet to come...

As they had been walking Sammael was making sure to glance around, keeping an eye on his surroundings while getting lost in his thoughts. It was the only thing to keep him occupied in the silence of this group that he got stuck with. He thought of the recent events and of the previous Chosen being killed off. How brutal. Though it seems many of this team were negatively impacted by the deaths of their mentors, or in some cases family. He was on odd case, his mentor had died 4 months ago, 2 months prior to the recent slaughter. Sammael held no remorse for the old fool or the newfound power he had obtained.

They had finally stopped for a break and Sammael gladly took an opportunity to rest his feet as his familiar, Soleil, slept in the hood of his cloak. He started glancing across the faces of everyone in the group until he landed upon his sister as she looked at him. Sammael responded to to her glare with a look just as cold as he knew that she could reveal quite a lot about him. As the lightning Chosen, Ka’ora he thought he heard, whistled to gain their attention Sammael lost focus. The griffin that before was resting peacefully was startled awake and climbed out of her hiding place and climbed onto the shoulder of her master.

Introductions, eh? Could be useful to know the rest of these fools a bit better, not like I plan on getting friendly with many of them As Sammael listened to the introductions of the few who went before him he paid attention. Currently his biggest concerns were the Earth and Fire Chosen. Lachdonon and Thea. They seemed like they would get on his nerves quickly. He pushed that aside and stood up. He gave a small bow to his comrades with Soleil doing the same as well as she could from atop his shoulder. “Greetings. My name is Sammael Lionsun, the Chosen of Light. This is my familiar Soleil. It is my pleasure to be travelling with you all.” Sammael made a gesture to his sister, a trace of a smirk on his face. “My sister has rudely chosen to neglect introductions it seems so I shall do that for her. Her name is Esmeray, she is the Chosen of Death.” He had made sure to include who she was exactly, knowing full well that most had begun to distrust those of Death since the incident.
In Chosen 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

@Grnmachine Only problem we have with your CS is that you said your character didn't know he was a Chosen till he was 8, however they are born with their markings so they would know since birth.
@Virani CS looks good!
@Grnmachine You can have it affect other Chosen, however it's gonna take more than one post and you have their familiars to take into account so it's a pretty high chance of getting interrupted.
@onenote You are good with your history and the rest of your character!
@Aerandir Your CS looks good as well!
Finally got this character written out and finished!

Navarre had spent a bit of time picking at his breakfast, making sure to avoid staring at Karen. Especially after he realized her clothing situation... or lack there of. He knew he wasn't going to stay in the common room for long, he had no business there anymore. He decided the best course of action would be to get to class early to try and limit the amount of people who saw him like this. He didn't want to ruin the reputation he wanted for himself before it even began to exist. But then again he knew he couldn't really help when he got like this. Trying to avoid the gaze of others at the school and trying and failing to tame the mess that was his hair he finally made it to class. I wasn't the first one to arrive? he thought to himself as he noticed that Diana and the girl with the wings had managed to get there before him. In his mind he determined that it was a good idea to sit next to Diana because he only knew her out of the entirety of their class and he wanted to avoid having... this be their first impression of him. He decided to take the seat next to her. "Hey Diana." He said plainly, obviously lacking the flair his personality had just yesterday.


Navarre was twitching in his sleep, his mind was currently engulfed in a nightmare. The same one he occasionally suffered from. As soon as that alarm hit his ears he jumped up with a slight scream. His head began to ache as soon as he began to process what all had happened. That's right, he was at UA now instead of at home. It was... a different setting. Especially compared to what he was used to. He finally pulled himself out of his bed, trying his best to ignore the blaring alarm that forbid that he fall back asleep. Carelessly putting on his uniform, Navarre left his dorm room with his long hair still an unruly mess due to him not bothering to fix it at all.

Heading down to the first floor, Navarre sat by himself in the common room and began to pick at his breakfast as he mulled things over in his mind and tried to regain some semblance of focus. Thinking back... they did those tests. The ones that Navarre apparently didn't do so good. He got to Diana a bit. And then there was Karen... she was actually threatening. Navarre noticed that Karen was in the common room as well and he tried to avoid eye contact with her.

Any trace of a smirk that had been on Navarre's face disappeared as soon as his collar was grabbed. He started to sweat from a mixture of both the fear that the look in her eyes instilled and because of the insane heat she started giving off. Once he was finally released he fell to the ground and watched as she left. Drenched in his own sweat at this point, Navarre waited a few moments before sighing. I guess you could say she was... pretty hot. That small pun made him laugh a bit and managed to keep him from becoming too stressed about his situation. After picking himself up off the ground Navarre decided that the best course of action would be to head off to his dorm.

Perhaps... Diana was right. Maybe I should start trying to be a little normal. My cockiness might get me killed at this rate... Navarre began pondering to himself as he headed back, trying to decide if it was truly a good idea to continue his act. But at this point it was hard to tell if it was even an act anymore. By now he had turned what was originally an overactive imagination into his true personality. Before he could continue on with this train of thought he arrived at his dorm. As soon as he entered he instantly fell onto the bed, happy to be able to rest in an air conditioned room.

Navarre caught the eyes of the fiery headed girl as she walked by him, Karen her name was if he remembered correctly. He saw the look of anger in her eyes as she walked past and turned his head to avoid her gaze. Damn... I thought forgetting it ever happened would be the end of it Navarre thought to himself. Unfortunately he realized that she probably wouldn't forget about this incident anytime soon. He spent a few moments heavily debating to himself before reluctantly deciding that he should apologize and hope that she doesn't decide to actually put a fist into his face this time around.

After finally deciding upon his course of action, Navarre stood up from his desk and headed out of the classroom. He figured he could probably catch Karen on her way towards their new dorms and it turns out he guessed correctly. Plastering on the cockiest smile he could muster to hide the slight fear he held he began to approach her. "Greetings! I have realized an error in my earlier actions, rare for one such as I, and I feel that a formal apology is in order!"

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