Avatar of Celaira
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Celaira
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 765 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 19
  • Username history
    1. Celaira 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.


how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.

- by Grim

Most Recent Posts

Still searching for interested parties!
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Celaira>

man, this is so hardwired into my brain from computer science lessons.

Lol, it took me forever to grasp it due to being self taught. The only reason it was hard, though, was I was trying to do full webpages in just tables. lol.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News

where tr is the row, and td is the table data, or cell where you would put information.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz I don't know how hard this would be for you to add to that list, but: Can you make it so we don't have a huge amount of space between our header tags and the content below them? or, maybe giving us options to do so in the editor?

Thank you for all your hard work, we all really appreciate it <3
We are still recruiting!

We currently have a need for Prae characters. Resistance, or otherwise!
We are still recruiting!

We currently have a need for Prae characters. Resistance, or otherwise!
3) Has an Exeo ever been stripped of the power imparted to them by the God-Queen? And if so, would such an event impair their ability to use magic?

Yes, and yes. It could potentially render them entirely incapable of doing any magic ever again.
co-GM here! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. You can find more information in the complete thread. Which you'll find linked above. ^^
co-GM here! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. You can find more information in the complete thread. Which you can find linked above! :D
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Ominar - The Prison

With the magic nullification field down, the cameras taken care of, and obstacles passed, Charles and Mairyell were able to make their way to the proper cell blocks, but not before two escapes had already occurred.

Earlier, when the null field had gone down it had been the work of a certain harpy prisoner by the name of Drisrea. Once down she had kicked the door of her cell off its hinges, followed by using magic to open a cell opposite hers. Then, splitting from the woman she had rushed through the facility, ambushed the warden, and obtained the prisoner details, after which she had continued on and released a number of actual convicts, who she then whisked away even as the Mairyell and Charles finished releasing the innocents who had been incarcerated.

Providing a distraction, along with one which had already been kicked up outside by Charles construct and the other group of resistance fighters—as it were—Mairyell, Charles, and those in the distraction team managed to make their way to safety, without leaving too many of the liberated behind. However, in the process their de facto leader, Zeki Glaedwine, was apparently captured, though Szayeis managed to escape—host body and all, leaving the Geist for dead. Whether Zeki was properly incarcerated or not—due to his ghostly nature—remains to be seen.

All things considered, the operation had gone surprisingly well, Szayeis' secret infiltration had managed to get what they'd come for, the Resistance had gotten what they'd set out to—cementing their existence and raising morale from the success despite the loss of Zeki. Of course, not all was well that night.

After all, the other shoe had yet to drop. Hopefully when it did, it would not lead to disastrous results. Regardless, the city was put on high alert, though luckily a curfew was not enforced. Where before it had only been police that patrolled, now it would be some of the prae's private forces as well. Still, many families were reunited so things weren't all bad.

Not yet at least.
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