Avatar of Ceta de Cloyes
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    1. Ceta de Cloyes 8 yrs ago
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@Nallore Woo! That's two people, potentially four if the ones I spoke to before check in with us.
The date is January 12th of 2016, and the place is the city of San Francisco, with a population of over 800,000 people. However, despite the city's color and sunshine, it is not a happy place, or at least not for all. The so-feared alien invasion Americans have been obsessed with for the last century has finally begun, only it isn't little green men in circular UFOs saying 'take me to your leader', instead it's a race of mind controlling worms known as the Yeerks, and the first of their targets is the city of San Francisco. Only the aliens' hosts have any idea of the invasion, and they can't warn anyone. The subtle Yeerk takeover has so far been slow and cautious, but it has paid off in it's flawlessness. Anyone could be controlled, even your best friend or your parent, and no one would know, so good is there act.

All is not without hope however, one of the Yeerks' enemies, an Andalite working alone to bring the parasites down, has come to Earth with a mission. Only the mission failed, and the alien's space ship was shot down. Now the alien has one last hope; Humanity itself. Armed with a cube of advanced technology known as the Escafil device that can grant the ability to morph into animals, the Andalite has come to the conclusion that giving a select group of humans this device, alongside opening their eyes to the secret invasion, may be the only way to protect the planet, and thus prevent the Yeerks from gaining an army of over seven billion humans with which to take over the galaxy.

Few witnessed the crash of the spaceship, the cloaking technology used to hide the ship still managing to function for a time, but those who did were close enough to feel the earth shake beneath their feet. Humans are curious creatures, it is only natural to want to investigate...

Hello! I realize many are not totally familiar with the Animorphs series, I myself have not read any of the books in a long time, and when I did read them I never managed to get my hands on all of them. So this series is going to be a bit AU, we're going to go with an original cast of animorph characters, but many of the major characters will be as they should; the Yeerks, Visser Three, the Hork-Bajir and the Taxxons of course, but others wont be as we remember them. Our allies, or soon to be allies at least, will be entirely original. Ax isn't here, but Elfangor will still be the one to give up the Escafil device, expect new faces from the Chee and Andalites however. The whole 'game' thing between Ellimist and Crayak is a bit sketchy, so we'll drop them as well. The other species in the galaxy, and the Yeerk-aligned defectors, are not well known to me and new things may occur, so expect them to be AU as well, though I'll be using the wiki liberally when needed.

For those that are not familiar with Animorphs at all and are still interested here is the wiki: animorphs.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

and here is the rules of the morphing power taken from the wiki's page on it: http://animorphs.wikia.com/wiki/Morphing

  • Rule 1: There is a time limit equal to two Earth hours. If one stays in morph for more than two hours, they are stuck, becoming a Nothlit. A Nothlit can never return to their original form, or morph, ever again.
  • Rule 2: You cannot 'acquire' a morph directly from another person's morph or acquire a morph while you are in a morph.
  • Rule 3: You cannot morph directly from one morph to another, you must return to your natural form first.
  • Rule 4: It is possible to combine the DNA of several samples from the same species, to create a new being for a morph. This is known as the Frolis Maneuver.
  • Rule 5: 'Morphing-sickness' is a rarely documented case when a morpher is allergic to DNA they have acquired. They become nauseous, and are prone to involuntary bouts of morphing when under stress. After a certain amount of time, between a few days and a week, one 'burps' the DNA so to speak, forcing out the creature in its entirety. Through the cascading cellular regeneration, an entirely new animal is created, and expelled from the morpher's system. They are then faced with the problem of having the animal there in the first place, should this animal prove to be dangerous. This process of expelling the DNA is called hereth Illint, translating from the Andalite tongue as "burping DNA".
  • Rule 6: When one morphs a being smaller than themselves, the extra mass is extruded into Z-space. In the rare event that a ship would pass by, they would be drawn into it and likely evaporated by the ship's force field (Also, if one was to morph a form larger than one's self, the extra mass would likely be drawn from Z-space).
  • Rule 7: One can morph any living multicelluar animal whose DNA they have acquired. However, one cannot morph a plant, a dead animal, inanimate objects (like chairs), or bacterium.

*Another thing to note is that it takes time to morph, typically two minutes to transition from one's base form to the morph. The time spent morphing counts toward the max amount of time one can spend morphed before the morph becomes permanent.

There are a lot of question marks and inconsistencies in the morphing power, such as can someone who has become stuck in their morph gain the ability to morph again from the Escafil device? And in one part of the story the Escafil device requires a morpher to touch one side of the cube to activate it in order to give the ability to non-morphers, but in another part of the story this isn't required. There's also occasions where the two hour limit is passed and yet characters manage to demorph anyway, and occasions where characters do actually become stuck in their morph. I'm willing to go with majority votes on these issues.

@Letter Bee
Three days later I fix my post. ;)

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