Avatar of Chai
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Lady Aria
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 260 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Chai 7 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Once again calling on Mahz to abort this site, since at least that isn’t illegal in the state of Texas.
3 yrs ago
“This person is bad, but instead of being critical of their actual faults unrelated to gender identity, I’m going to dehumanize them instead.” 🤡
3 yrs ago
Very late, but Happy Pride to all the open, not-open, and people in exploration! We celebrate the courage and resilience of the LGBTQ community, and the love we can offer to the world. ❤️
4 yrs ago
Kindly PM me your writing playlists, please 😌 Or any music good for productivity!
4 yrs ago
Hi, I just want to wish everyone a positive day with lots of love and encouragement. ❤️


Hey, I'm Chai, like the tea. Welcome to my profile here on RPG.

If you're a GM or a fellow roleplayer that wants to suss me out for your roleplay, all you need to know is this: I'm pretentious about my tea and likely my roleplaying too. All you're going to find in my post history are pretty things and probably some writing that I may or may not be proud of.

I'm a fucking menace, your favorite villain, so just keep that in mind.

If you want to be friends, just hit me up with a PM to say hello!

" The Island: A Murder Mystery " | Group Roleplay
T H E M E S :: ( modern | murder mystery | horror | psychological thriller )

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Chai>

You should go with not.

Ahh. Public domain doesn't quite work like that, just so you know.

That's like me saying, since a singer/artist released this song to the public and you can find it online, he/she now has no right to say where this song can be uploaded and shared since they did release it to the public.

An artist who has uploaded their work to a place that it widely accessible doesn't remove the copyright.
My opinion if I find it on deviantart, Google (image) search, pinterest, whatever it's 100% public domain. The artist has no right to say where it can or can't be viewed because they made it 100% public.

IMO that's no different than if I decided to whip out my junk in the middle of a public park and got angry that people looked at it.

I can't tell if this is sarcastic, or...
I can see this.

The difference between Facebook/Pintrest/Instagram/Tumblr is that, when you share a post (reblog, repost, pin to a board, share the link on your profile, whatever) it usually directly links back to the artist. Saving a work of art and uploading it to some random forum isn't exactly proper exposure considering most people won't even check the artist's signature or research where it came from. You guys talk about it as if you're doing the artist a favor, but you're really not.

Some artists don't even like their artwork saved and uploaded to different Instagram accounts.

More than that, it may just be a matter of the artist feeling weird about their stuff on a roleplay forum. A quick browse through RPG will eventually lead to some poorly written roleplays or even the 1x1 section with 18+ tags and some people discussing sexual shit. Maybe they just don't want to be connected to a site that has content that makes them feel weird or uncomfortable.

What if that image was for a character they spent months to years creating, and they don't want someone else's shitty roleplay character attached to it?

Artists upload their artwork online mostly for proper exposure to land clients and jobs, not to be used by a random dude for his roleplay. What if the piece is a part of their online portfolio? I wouldn't want someone linking that important of artwork to a CS.

Maybe you think this is all selfish of them, but who cares? Respect their decision. Why are more than half the people here discussing whether it's right or wrong for artists to think that way, rather than just discussing what staff should do about it (which was the topic at hand, actually, not about why artists may have a problem with linking art to RP forums and what you think of it. Lol).

Just as YouTube removes videos with a copyrighted song at the artist's request, it's the staff's job to remove copyrighted material at the artist's request. Doesn't matter if you think it's unfair or stupid or that you can make it right by "linking it to their crappy blog." If they want it taken down, then just take it down. Respect for the art community, guys.

Just some two cents from the other side.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Community Queen 😻 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Just me and my ❓stranger❓hanging out 😍

* * * * *

I got pretty 😞😞lonely so I started to pout 😔😜 He asked me if I was down ⬇️ for something accommodating 😈🍆 and I said what ⁉️ and he said he'd give me his cummunity! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Yeah! 😍 Yeah! 😍I find interesting roleplays! 📝✏️ I put in my CS! 💕 I save my posts whole 😜😏 It makes our ‼️ cummunity leaders ‼️ ☺️ happy ☺️ so it's my only goal. 👌🏼😩Harder stranger! Harder stranger! 😩👌🏼 1 cummunity 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 2 cummunity 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 3 cummunity 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 I'm stranger's guide but I'm also an RPG veteran 😈 It makes me feel accommodating 🤔 It makes me feel accepted! 😍 it makes me feel everything a little 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦cummunity👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 should 💕😌💕😌 Wa-What!! 💕☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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@Sierra That honestly sounds like a 'you' problem. No one can give you offense, you have to take offense. The fact that you're the only one getting triggered despite everyone, inlcluding the mods, reiterating that it is satire, is completely on you.

Also Nyt, I can offer you Hyundai! I only do Korean models, thank. PM if interested.
@Rilla I didn't intend for what I said to make it seem like I was saying you didn't ever do your job, and I hope you didn't take it like that. My only point was that the label can be detrimental to reputation and image even though you and others know differently.

@ArenaSnow I didn't know if you even had a feud with him, which is why I said, "may not like him." I wouldn't know, and from the the back and forth exchange of posts here, that's what it looks like. But I wasn't going to just assume that, which is why I worded it like I did (:
As a frequent Discord user:

We can all tell Rilla's joking when he calls himself the lazy mod. It is, however, slightly disappointing and annoying when valid points are being brought up for an issue, and the response given is, "I'm too lazy and I like to see you guys argue." Like what happened when a spam issue was brought up in General, and instead of something being 'handled,' Nyt had to go to Ruby to get things cleared up.

This one incident by no means indicates Rilla is a bad mod, but only that the perception of laziness can have a negative impact on the perceived ability and willingness to actually moderate. Even in the Discord, for which site moderators are currently just as responsible for since it's an extension of the Guild.

@ArenaSnow I think it's appropriate to have chat moderators that are familiar with the chat community and have been there for quite some time. There is nothing wrong with thinking you are good at something or fit for a position and stating that. (: There's nothing pretentious about being confident in your ability. IRL, at work or academics, people 'nominate' themselves for positions all the time. It's important to know anyway who is actually willing to do the job. I suppose I don't really understand where your intense opposition is coming from, other than the fact that he's j8cob and you may not like him.
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