Avatar of ChaoticFox
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 581 (0.18 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. ChaoticFox 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current "If you break before me, I swear that I will take away your pain and worry. I'll bring the light back to you." - Cevilain, Better Angels
7 yrs ago
He said "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!"
7 yrs ago
Down on your knees, you don't look so tall. Open your eyes and the empire falls!
7 yrs ago
Rebooting "It's a Lonely World" RP, posted in Casual.
8 yrs ago
If I lived everyday like it was my last, the body count would be staggering.


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Most Recent Posts

Alexandria "Staten Island" Robins

Alex grunted as the rounds from the Ace ripped through the fuselage and canopy of the Harlot, severely damaging her craft. Spots flew across her eyes and gritted her teeth, placing a hand on her now bleeding gut. “...This is Staten Island, I’ve been hit. Shrapnel wounds, nothing more.” Alex looked back over her shoulder to see the Ace still hot on her tail and slowly gaining. With a quick glance to her altimeter, she realized there was only one thing the Harlot could do, that a jet couldn’t do quickly. Slow down.

Alex aggressively throttled back and brought her airspeed down, before slamming the accelerator forward and pulling back on the stick. The aircraft climbed for a moment, before it began to drop out of the sky like a rock. Then with a practiced hand, she twisted the yoke and purposefully brought the aircraft into a spin. The engine roared to life as the airflow to it was restored and the Harlot screamed off in between the buildings. (Slower example of the “maneuver” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKIk-dqml6U)

The blonde circled for a moment, taking her time to assess the wound before looking around her surroundings. “Where are you….you little bastard..”

Noticing the jet tailing Ken, Alex grumbled to herself before pushing the throttle forward and chasing after the assailant. The Harlot’s engine roared as it slowly began to catch up to JD2 and Alex began to line up her shot. “Ken, I’m on your six. Gonna see if I can get a shot.” While keeping an eye on her own tail, Alex carefully aligned herself with JD2 and squeezed the trigger on the stick, sending a large volley of .50 cal and 20mm rounds at the enemy. Flak exploded around her and the aircraft shuddered, but it remained true to it’s pilot’s commands and stayed on target.
I killed the RP. Le sad. :(

Nope, just got busy for a bit. I'm still here, and this RP is most certainly not gonna die.
@Dynamo Frokane I'm still alive but I'm barely breeeeathin'

Jokes aside, sorry for disappearing. I'll post up really soon.
@PrivateVentures You can go ahead and do what you please with your character. Sad to see you go, but I understand.
@Remipa Awesome Accepted, good to see you back!
@Sailorsadie Yes please, that would be good.
@Stekkmen Yerp.
@Sailorsadie Accepted, feel free to post her CS under the characters tab.
@Sailorsadie Of course!

Both accepted, feel free to post them in the characters tab. You can also go ahead and post IC whenever you're ready.

Survival is a four letter word. Hope.

(Thanks to @Xalo for helping with the intro/lore.)

It all started in the country. A rural Entomology Lab, St. Mary’s Memorial Laboratory, was working with local hematologists that were investigating a rise in the transfer of diseases from leeches. These leeches had been monitored, and had found to be storing previous blood sources for years longer than anticipated. To test the longevity and bodily cleansing of these illnesses, the researchers attempted introducing disease after disease.

The testing went on for weeks without a hitch, and great progress was being made. That was, until an ill matter amalgamated to cause a minor, and unforseen evolutionary mutation within the leech. Their teeth began to protrude more from their bodies, their mating calls and screeches were audible, and they lunged. It was only a matter of time before disaster struck.

A medical intern that had been assigned to learn at the facility had volunteered to watch over the experiments overnight was caught off guard by their violent and aggressive nature. By dawn, the leeches had overrun his body and had spread across the lab. By midday, they had escaped the unprepared, non CDC certified lab and populated the local waters.

It wasn’t long before the local reservoir was contaminated, causing locals to find themselves suffering, perishing, and soon turning against the living by the hundreds - then thousands. Before three days had passed, the pandemic had spread nationally, then globally by week's end; there was nothing to prepare the world governments to handle such an aggressive and immediate threat with no direct source as to what or how it came to be. With most the world's population either dead, dying, or fighting for survival, you are left in one of the few and remaining safe bunkers left in the US. Though resources are dwindling, minds are lingering from the claustrophobic atmosphere, and you're not sure what will happen next with the instability of the other inhabits unpredictable.


This is a mainly character driven roleplay. Your choices will have a direct impact on the storyline. Player characters can die if stupid choices are made. I will not hesitate to kill off a character if you give me a reason to. That being said, I will not go out of my way to do so. I am running this because I enjoy the freedom that this setting gives people to roleplay, and it allows for some awesome character development.

In this roleplay you will be deciding the fate of your character(s) and following their new life in the zombie apocalypse.

It is set in August 2018, beginning on the outskirts of Toronto, Canada. Given the area and time that we’re starting in, I expect people to cohere to the environment. Canada in August, you can expect temperatures in the range of 20 to 30 Celcius (70 to 85 ish Fahrenheit) mixed in with varying weather. I’ll be putting a weather report that can be RP’d to be heard over the emergency channel at the beginning of the occasional post, which is to be taken as the current weather for the majority of participants.

The first post for each character will be similar to a normal day in their lives, a few months before the initial outbreak. This serves two purposes. One, it allows for a decent introduction of the character itself, and two, it allows us to see the starting point of the character’s morality and values. After that we will skip to a week after the outbreak began. Characters will begin somewhere in the Greater Toronto Area, though where that is will be up to you. To have survived this long into the outbreak, you would have most likely found some sort of safehouse. Supplies will be starting to run thin at this point.

We Need You!

Due to a recent loss of activity by half of the participants, I am looking for more people to take part in the fun that is the end of the world. If you're interested, the main OOC page can be located HERE. I look forward to seeing you and your characters in Lonely World!
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