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3 yrs ago
Current WOW! I haven't ever posted one of these, after being apart of Guild since before the site got zapped away. Living good, rping better!


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@Yvain Man great characters, accepted. Put them in the character board

I'm glad to have Marlena and Lyra on board. Feel free to post in the IC
Max Stross, Los Angeles California

One thing Max hated almost more than anything in the world was a dead end. A Lead that was going nowhere fast and it seemed that for all the hope and motivation he had. Elena Reese might very well end up as another person in the loop that had some sort of connection to what happened at the high school but ultimately couldn’t present the information he wanted or needed to find out what really happened.

“Alright that’s the “story” your going with” Max spoke with hatred in his voice making it no secret how much he doubted the authenticy of her story. Just the fact that she knew Blaire and that she vanished was enough for him to toss the guilty verdict on her.

Still even though he was sure in his position he could easily bring Elena in for just about anything, he wasn’t sure he’d find out the information he wanted. “There’s nothing in your apartment for me to find trust me .” Although he wasn’t exactly sure he didn’t want to open up an investigation. He didn’t care if she had drugs, guns, or any of that like not that he wanted evo’s to go around gallantly breaking laws.

It’s just his focus was much bigger, and he didn’t have time for this. “Thank you for your co-operation Miss Reese I’ll have to cut this investigation short I’ve got other matters to attend too, just now..you mess up and you will be detained…keep on doing good.” Max then shut the door himself and walked away.

It always pained him to see an Evo free even if they were abiding by the laws, just the fact that the were able to abide by anything was upsetting. These people if you could even call them that were too dangerous, weapons with emotions. He got back into his car and sent a text to the security detail instructing them to keep their eyes on Elena. He started up the car and was leaving when he was getting an update about the situation. “Anderson’s car’s been found, I want the whole vehicle swept for prints, any DNA we can find….hmm what.” Max slammed the breaks .

“How the fuck.” The DNA report didn’t make sense at all, what they were telling him was there was DNA from several individuals. It was like her car was just passed along to random people and they kept driving it. It had been missing for a month at most, something defiantly happened involving an Evo. Either her power itself made this happen, or another evo she knows. Regardless another dead end, and I’m guessing the owner might know we have the car or scene all the agents surrounding it. I told Quantum to handle the situation and law enforcement to stay back damn it.

Max was angry that the authorities had botched another Quantum investigation setting them back to square one. “This is just great, might as well start looking into some other cases now.” Max wasn’t in the mood to keep on driving for what? He pulled into a starbucks and parked the car, before getting his laptop and going inside.

After getting himself a caffeinated beverage and settling down in a table in the corner he went to work on the Quantum database. Although this dead end he hit with Elena had upset him he wasn’t about to just give up right now, not when the state of California itself was literally going to Hell. I’ve got to find something. Hmm..something about some girl in some town in Newberry springs yeah like that’ll be useful. Fuck it, I might as well check it out at least to pass time.

Max went to go check on the file despite feeling as though he’d uncover no pertinent information. He clicked a few times and began going through the file taking occasional breaks for some gulps of coffee. He nearly spilled the cup over when he caught something and was in shock.

“no way.” What he was seeing was the girl from the nightmares he’d been having, confirming they weren’t completely phony. The girl he was seeing in the police report was Riley Smith, the only witness to what had happened. Checking more on the database he saw that was one of the few places in America that lacked blood posting because they didn’t have the funding. “Looks like I’ve been putting my money through the wrong sources, something tells me that Miss Smith’s test results on a blood test aren’t blue.”

Max folded the laptop and put it between his arms and made his way out of the coffee shop with a renewed sense of vigor and joy. He was whistling as he made his way into the rental car and started it up. He knew he had quite the trip ahead of him but he was one step closer to figuring out something almost equally as important as the high school, the nightmares that haunted him. “Hmm two hours…it’s not like I don’t have time really.” He continued driving surely nothing else could make this day any worst. That’s how Max was thinking as he settled into his seat, cracked the windows to allow the fresh air to blow in and turned on some tunes on the radio. It was going to be a nice peaceful relaxing ride on the highway.


An explosion went off and in the near distance Max could see billows of smoke rising up. “What the fuck.” Another explosion was heard and he saw two cars up-ahead flipping back-wards slamming into other cars in traffic that had accidents of their own trying to swerve. The culprit was some evo dressed in an assortment of clothes that didn’t seem to match with long brown hair, and raising his hand he unleashed a burst of seismic energy that sent an 18 wheeler truck flying to the other side of the high-way crashing into traffic on the other side. Max quickly drew his weapon from the glove compartment and stepped out his door with a tight grip on the weapon. “ So much for a peaceful fucking ride, looks like one of the prisoners made a mistake, one that I’ll be happy to fix.”

Jason Koravil, Austin Texas

Jason came from the sky and landed on the ground using light to mask his visibility. He quickly made his way through an ally in the process becoming visible, as he took out a room key. He headed over to a motel and opened the door walking in where a young woman was seen sitting on a bed. She had auburn colored hair, was well dressed, but appeared immobile.

“Ah that lack of kinetic energy getting to you Nancy? I apologize I usually prefer not to keep my women restrained but you must understand the nature of your power, I can’t risk you getting your hands on me. Honestly I really don’t mind letting a woman have her way with me on occasion, but the way you are I’d be less occasion and more like every waking moment I’d be a meat puppet to you. “ Jason shrugged as he tossed over a mcdonalds bag he had in his mind and waved his hand.

“There you go a little movement enough that you can get some food, I didn’t know what you liked..and I don’t really give a slight fuck so I just got you some fries, a mc-chicken and…a drink shit why waste money on drinks, I already bought you food.” Jason chuckled to himself, sometimes being a jackass was really amusing and these were one of those times.
Right after he left her uncle at the ware-house he swooped in to pick her up, and had a little chat about how he was the new boss. After explaining to her the new laws of the land he scooped her up and took her down to a motel room he rented in Texas.

“Anyway it’s about time we get to work, that guy I had you touch earlier, the agent who’s in charge of the Church of the Azrael case. Now remember what we went over earlier, I want it happen now.”

Nancy just nodded obliging with Jason’s request. “Okay it’s done, I’m doing it now.” Nancy spoke using her power she reached into the body of the newest person she added to her hive. The FBI Agent who was in charge of the Azrael Cult case and suppose to be heading the team investigating all the crazy stuff taking place in Texas.

That man was in the local FBI office in Austin and getting on a lap-top. He was recording himself and spoke.” My name is Agent Paul Shack, and I am the head of an FBI investigation into the Children of the Church of Azrael, a radical sect of Christianity that believes God is against Evo’s. After investigating them I must agree I’ve come to agree with the beliefs of these people, and realize this isn’t just a radical sect of Christianity oh no this is the future. Today I wil do something for the children of Azrael, for all the people of this world, I am herby releasing the information of all registered evo’s to the general public.” Right as the man said that he went on his lap-top , put in the code for his government clearance and accessed the Evo’s files. Right after in the same broad-cast the information was uploaded to the screen, and the internet. The information of every registered evo their home address, their power, everything in their hidden government files availed for all the prying eyes of American citizens thanks to this manipulated agent.

Jason turned on the TV to see the story in progress. “Evo Leak: Identities of every registered U.S Evo compromised.” He’d had Nancy do more than reach the agent, but also get in contact with the local news in Texas to broad-cast the story. He smirked watching the televised event it wouldn’t be long before this was a national event, and he had a strong belief that the radical anti evo cultists would take this as a sign from the heavens and carry out retribution against evo’s across the country.

“You…you monster..how can you do this? “Nancy spoke up for the first time watching the events that Jason had forced her to participate in.

“Oh do what? Well I dunno your going to call me a monster but you had no problem helping your uncle run drugs and such to support your lavish life-style? Surely the money he continued to fund you with you knew of its origins, or is blood money somehow worst then drug money, because I guarantee you plenty of blood was spilled by you supporting your uncle. Let me tell you the difference between that criminal and me. I do things I don’t like, things I honestly..abhore..but it’s all for the greater good, for a greater purpouse.”

“You sick fuck, your no better then the cultists who want us all dead then, you think God wants this! You think he-“ Before she could speak Jason moved over to her at inhuman speeds and wrapped his hand around her neck removing her kinetic energy to prevent her from grabbing him before choking her then releasing his grip.

“You will never ever as long as you hope to breath speak to me. I don’t care how valuable you are, mortals are expendable, and the gods are not. You are nothing but a mere pawn used by men of far higher status to further their own already great progress. As much as I despise your uncle he was a man of progression, you, you’re a pathetic bitch who simply went along with what he said for the little money he allowed you to make on the side. Me I love money sure, but what I love more then that is power, the power to do as a please, the power to let my kind be free. And if a few hundred, thousands, maybe even a million have to die so that a billion can be free then it’s worth it. Don’t worry you may not see it now, not that your opinion matters but one day I will be regarded as a hero, a savior, a man who goes down in history as one of the greats who stood up in a time of mass adversity to do something about it someone who brings about immediate and much needed change.” Jason spoke beaming with confidence as he looked at Nancy who was gasping for breath and turned her eyes away from her fellow EVO in fear.

Before he could further bask In his own glory his iPhone was buzzing. He took it out expecting a call only to see a notification from Quantum regarding another case. He opened the file and began reading it before closing it. “Hmm…now this is an interesting case, Nancy I think we have some more work to do together, how about a trip to Florida, I do love the sunshine city.” Jason smirked looking outside the window of the motel things were about to change.

Anna Pedrose, Miami Florida to Austin Texas

After a blunt to the face Anna was feeling mighty relaxed and quite high. While she hadn’t liked the dealers attitude they had some good bud, and there was no shortage of marijuana in the SUV and the car. She decided to transport the marijuana in the other car to the SUV and leave with it. While she loved the car she really was craving an SUV these days.

She made her way to a nearby hotel she was staying at and parked the car. She stashed all the marijuana in a duffel bag the dealers had and made sure to park near the dumpster away from other cars. There was no air freshener or anything in the car but she decided a little febreeze would cover the smell of what she assumed was at least two and a half pounds of pot.

After securing the vehicle she smiled and her appearance altered. She changed to that of an older Caucasian woman with auburn hair and exited the vehicle. After a brief elevator ride she made it to her floor, and entered her room via the key. Upon walking over to her bed she went over to her suit case and opened it up to retrieve some files. The same files she’d recovered after she confronted Blaire Anderson the day the high school was wiped out.

“Hmmm not too shabby I’ve been making good progress, there’s quite a few good snacks here, but I’m here for the main course and I’m determined to find them.” She was speaking to herself as she was looking at a few files she had. She’d lost her car so she knew the Government had caught up with her to some extent, although exactly how much she didn’t know. She almost wished she had risked confrontation with the agents to at least absorb one of them but it wasn’t worth it.

Grabbing her remote she turned on the television and sat back kicking up her feet as she engaged in her daily news update. She yawned as they were covering the riot that took place in Miami two days ago, but she quickly got interested when they switched to covering the situation in Texas. “We’re coming to you live from Austin Texas, an Evo elementary school was shot up today by a crazed man. As you can see local police, FBI, and Homeland Security’s Evo division have sealed off the area, and got the remaining evo students and staff to safety. There have been 15 reported causalities 12 of which where students, with the other 3 beings staff who got in the line of fire to try to protect the students. Authorities say the shooter Gabriel Dumose was shot dead by responding officers. An investigation of Dumose’s motives for the shooting is underway with many believing he may have been a member of the rising anti evo cult the Children of the Church of Azrael. Speaking of the Children, Donna back to you down-town.” Anna was just watching and was infuriated by what happened.

“These people have the nerve to shoot up our children, to wipe us out, yet we’re the superior ones? Huh!” She scoffed at people having the nerve but while she wasn’t exactly one to sit around and sing kumbaya with others she didn’t want to sit around while her species was exterminated. She already had a feeling something really bad was about to happen to them which is why she was trying to investigate herself and find out what the government was planning.

“KILL THE EVOS SAVE THE PEOPLE!!!! In the back-ground you can hear protestors, according to ours sources the Children of the Church of Azrael have launched a full scale protest against Evo prisons for the past three days advocating the death penalty for all Evo’s, Texas already has one of the highest rates of anti Evo violence in the country with several open cases regarding injured or dead Evo’s that have barely been investigated, what will come of this protest is unknown however.” Anna reached for the remote and turned off the TV boiling with anger.

“These bastards think they can get away with doing this shit? They want to kill the evo’s, nuh uh uh KILL the PEOPLE, Save the Evo’s.” Anna couldn’t help but laugh imagining that. She walked over to the window of her hotel and opened it up. She faded from visibility and took flight quickly entering the upper atmosphere as she was headed towards Texas. Before long she was in the skies of Austin Texas now rendering herself visible as she looked down on the violent protests taking place in the streets. IN some parts of the city from what she could see law enforcement was trying to split up the crowd, in other parts they were literally doing nothing as if they supported the views of the people there.

“Oh so the capitol building they can’t make their choice I’ll make it.” Anna grinned causing her appearance to shift to that of some business attire as she came from the sky people in the crowd began looking up at her yelling obscenities and slurs as Anna looked down from the sky. “Shut up! She looked down at the crowd and smiled still remaining in the sky. No doubt she was sure she was on camera’s and was actually enjoying the attention.

“Enough is enough! You people are scared of us, you people want us to be killed, well it’s time we tell YOU how we feel! We want you all to be dead too!” Anna began to laugh as she flew up into the sky and suddenly grew to several times her original height. Going from the size of an average woman to gigantic proportions she took a step forward crushing protestors and nearby vehicles under her feet. The crowd was filled with panic as the flying woman landed and became a giant.

“WE WANT YOU ALL DEAD AS WELL” Anna’s voice boomed over the crowd from her new gargantuan heights as she turned to the capitol building and reached for the roof tearing it off then tossing it into the crowd then kicking into the building causing damage. She only laughed as the scene below turned into mass panic with protestors fleeing, while law enforcement was being quick to respond to the scene of the giant EVO tearing apart the capitol building. She raised both hands and smashed them into the building with force causing the rest of the capitol building to began to collapse as she laughed. Helicopters were flying on the scene shooting but she merely swatted knocking two choppers aside giggling as they crashed into the streets below.

“KILL THE PEOPLE, SAVE THE EVOS” She bellowed laughing as protestors were running, some hopping in their cars attempting to drive away, while Anna turned her attention to the protestors walking forward stepping on fleeing protestors before looking up in the sky as she heard the sound of whirring chopper blades, and saw approaching armored trucks trying to push through the fleeing panicked crowd. “Ooooh army guys…it was fun but buhhh bye now.” Right as one of the soldiers on the armored truck reached for an RPG and fired the giant woman faded away from visibility. The rocket flying past where she once was in and into the crowd causing an explosion. The protest had dispersed and panic had taken over the scene with the rubble from the capitol building in the back-ground.

Evan Kingsfield, Miami Florida

Coffee just wasn’t going to cut it, he was caffeinated enough but he needed a little more than that to keep him going. He’d decided to leave his rental car at the hotel and just brought his bag with his laptop and some notes to keep on hand.

He was still dead intent on finding Miami’s very own guardian angel who prevented its eradication back in 2008. To support this cause he stopped by the bar to indulge in happy hour because why not he was on the hour and he wanted to be happy. “Long Island Ice Tea please, make it strong, make it snappy. “Evan demanded as he sat down at the counter.

He took out his phone to graze through his text messages right quick as well as reading a few articles. Damn shit is really getting intense in Texas with these cultists they can’t just fucking stop. He was reading that before his finger hovered over another article. “Breaking News: Information of all Evo U.S Citizens leaked by FBI agent claiming he’s working for Divine Power.” Evan said that barely audibly as he pressed the article and watched his phone screen pull it up.

Shit maybe I picked the wrong place to go, all this shit happening in Texas. On the other hand it is quite nice to avoid a riot and I doubt they’ll be very many European models in Texas. Evan thought as he tossed up reasons why making the trip to Florida was much better then Texas. As he read the article he was genuinely filled with interest, the information of every Evo that was registered to the government in the hands of the public. No doubt a massive invasion of privacy, and the agent responsible would have to get reprimanded for this breach of conduct.

“Your drink sir.” The waitress set his alcoholic beverage in-front of him underneath a small napkin with a thin black straw placed in the center.

“Gracias.” Evan responded as he took a long sip of the beverage and nodded his head slowly in approval. Damn right! That’s how you make a Long Island, I might have to leave a tip, the waitress is looking pretty damn sexy as well. I wanna give her something long and I’m not thinking about tea haha Evan could only grin wide for a moment forgetting about the news article he was reading as he looked over at the gorgeous waitress serving another patron a drink on the other side of the counter. After finishing his drink and leaving behind a tip.

With Alcohol flowing through his bloodstream he was practically skipping to the candle lighting vigil. He was already ready to ask questions as he waltzed his way into the crowd. There was a man up on the podium in the beginning stage of a speech about how sad he was that the events that happened transpired. Right your just here to get your money, you probably are gaining something financial out of this. As per usual Evan’s skepticism was on 100% as he heard people speaking still he was here to garner whatever information he could.
Another great character, approved
Jason Koravil, Los Angeles – From the apartment to the warehouse

Jason had now come to an abrupt landing on the roof of his apartment complex, masking his visibility via light. After making his way into the stair-well and checking for camera’s he made himself visible once more as he continued down the stairs. He was no major money winner but some questioned why he choose to remain in an apartment complex with all the profit he made from his legitimate and illegitimate business.

That answer was one he’d be glad to answer of course, the key was maintaining a low profile. On paper he was a college student with a few low end jobs, and it’s not like he could put Quantum on a job application.

“Hmm time to get some grub.” Jason muttered to himself as he reached his room and took out the keys before letting himself in. He enjoyed being out and a bout but nothing beat getting some rest at home. Plus, after a long day of causing mass destruction and liberating imprisoned Evo’s this called for a meal. He made his way over to the fridge and opened it to see what goodies he had left.

Shit looks like a young boss ain’t about to be eating too good, but I’ve got some left overs. Jason reached for a plastic container with the words Old Charlie’s on it. He opened it up to see how much of his grilled chicken and vegetables he had left before going to the microwave. He pressed 2 and put the container in before shutting it walking away to let his food heat.

Next stop was the living room, or as he liked to call it his own private sanctuary. He plopped down on the couch opening up his laptop and with the flick of his fingers caused his television to come on. One of the perks of his abilities was never having to rely on a remote, long gone were the days where he rummaged through the couch and the rest of his belongings in search of an object to change the channel.

With a few more flicks he continued to change the channel until he got to what he wanted. The news was talking about the situation in California, and how the state might impose martial law. “Down-town we have word that there are over 100 escapees Evo’s who have been let loose into the city and they are all armed and dangerous. Here you can see a picture of all the escaped inmates as well as some other vital information about them. If you see these individuals please contact the authorities immediately as they are dangerous, wielding an assortment of unique abilities, and potentially armed as well. Additional police check-points are being set up across California, and the national guard is stepping into help round up these terrorists. One can only help and pray for the safety of the citizens of Los Angeles during this time of chaos.”

Jason shook his head as the news broad-cast continued, he was glad for every evo he freed. He only helped that at least half of them would be able to escape the state. He wanted to go about helping them, but there was only so much he could do since he was playing both teams. He went to get his food and was grubbing in when his phone began ringing. He had changed the channel to AMC preferring to entertain himself by watching the Walking Dead.

He reached for his phone and picked it up. “Hello this is Koravil speaking, how may I help you.”

“Hello Boss I’ve got some great news that meeting with Cuarto’s been set up. He’s the last resistance we have to controlling the drug game in California, we’ve successfully brought down everyone else or otherwise “persuaded” them that it’s best to work under our wings. The feds are behind as well all this focus on Evo’s taken priorities over drugs so your rise to power was mostly un-noticed by the majority of my college’s, and the few that did care accepted the bribes or…had to die.”

Jason smiled it was times like this that made him happy.” Great, great. Austin Kingsman you’ve done above and beyond truly. I couldn’t ask for a better crooked fed, we’re going to rise to the top. I’m going to get ready for this meeting, anyway heads up dinner and women on me tonight.” Jason hung up the phone and got up to stretch.

His successful climb to the top of the narcotics community in California had been a success, and all it took to help him out was some super-human abilities. Jason promptly finished his meal, and headed into the closet to change for his dinner with his fellow drug baron.

After he was done Jason smiled looking at himself in the mirror, only wearing the finest. “Ah Victor Cuarto it’s time we crossed paths once and for all.” Jason looked in the mirror before leaving his room, locking the door, and going up the stairs. Once again checking for camera’s he masked himself from the visibility of others and exited the stair well returning the roof once more. Drawing in kinetic and gravitational energy he blasted off taking to the skies once more.

After a nice flight through the upper atmosphere he was making his way down to a warehouse he’d purchased with his drug money and had fixed up. He’d turned it from some run down property to a respectable place of illegitimate business and on his way down from the skies he’d noticed some expensive luxury cars parked. He entered the ware-house from the side entrance and no longer needed to use any light to mask his presence.

He made his way through the dim lit hallways, and finally entered a room where a Hispanic man was seen sitting at a round table as well as some other individuals. Jason himself took a seat at the table, and the FBI agent Austin Kingsman was also present. “Ah it’s nice to finally be in the same room with you Mr. Cuarto, we’ve had some conflict over the past few months regarding territory and business. But I think you’ll come to see things my way.”

The drug lord looked at Jason with animosity in his eyes yet he remained calm as he responded.” And what sort of things do you hope I’ll come to see Mr. Koravil? When I heard someone new was rising up and interfering with my business well I’d assumed I’d be someone much more experience. What a surprise an unpleasant one at that when I had to report to my cartel connections that my criminal empire was being under-minded by a child.” He spoke with venom and hatred at the tip of his tongue yet there was no threat of imminent violence.

“You’re an anomaly yourself aren’t you Mr. Cuarto? Sure now you’re a powerful man connected with the cartels and their drugs. But that wasn’t true until a year and a half ago? I wondered how that was, and then I figured it out. Nancy Cuarto your niece, who just happens to be an evo hmm?” Jason spoke calmly and instantly Cuarto seemed enraged.

“How the fuck did you know that! Who the fuck are you! I swear if you do anything to her, I’ll -.”

“Nuh uh uh enough of this.” Jason raised his hand and a there was a bright flash of blinding light. Right as the light cleared everyone in the room was unconscious except for him and Cuarto. “It’s okay I happen to be an Evo myself, I have no intentions of bringing your niece In. See the thing is I work for Quantum Industries, an elite organization of the world’s top businessmen, politicians, and so on the upper echelon of society who also have a need for certain Evo’s hence my current employment. Now you may be wondering well how does this all tie in what the fuck do I want with you? Well you already know, your niece has an interesting ability. Hive Mind is it? With her power she can take anyone, strip them of their free will, and literally make them another body she can exert influence over. Now that’s an impressive power. You used her power to build a network of influential people in both law enforcement and criminal enterprise, using your own family as a human weapon now that’s “ Jason just started clapping.” That’s despicable and I like it.”

“Enough is enough, you claim to be one of them, what do you and this mysterious Quantum industries want? You think taking me in will do anything, you know what type of secret weapon I have at my disposal, even if you go after her, you can’t take down the entire network I’ve established, my influence reaches more then just here in the states, there’s powerful figures in Mexico supplying me with narcotics, kill me and.”

“Who said anything about killing you hmm?” Jason stopped to let that sink in he had no ill will towards this man.” See the goal of Quantum is to monitor and control the evo populace on a level regular governments can’t. Here’s the real kicker I work for Quantum true enough, but I’m my own boss I’m only here for the employee benefits like the legitimate income, getting paid to fight others with power is good exercise, and the company car is nice for stunting. However I need your niece for my own purposes, my own goals. However I need your niece for my own purpouses, my own goals. People like me and your niece we’re running out of team, most of society sees us as outcasts, monsters, and Quantum one day they’ll find no more use for us.”

“So what the fuck do you want then? You claim to be on some other mission with this Quantum, yet here you are setting me up with a meeting to talk drugs! Make your mind.”

“Don’t..EVER in your life as long as I allow breath to flow through your body speak to me like that again you fucking peasant.” Jason unleashed a blast of concussive force blasting Cuarto away from the table and into the wall. “Your drug empire is mine Cuarto, I’m taking full ownership of that as well as your net-work. When I arranged this meeting, I had my men swoop in to sedate and kidnap your niece she’ll be under the employment of the Empire now. You will as well you work for me, we are no longer enemies, however as a sign of my superiority..I’d like you to watch something. See that monitor over there that blank screen.”

“I see! I see!” Cuarto exclaimed not wanting to be blasted, Jason snapped his fingers and the monitor flickered to life. On the monitor was Cuarto’s compound, his mansion he’d purchased for himself a couple months ago. On the screen suddenly the entire mansion collapsed as if some giant foot came down and stepped on it. Cuarto screamed seeing everything he’d worked for gone in the blink of an eyes while turning to Jason who’s eyes were glowing. The glow faded from his eyes as Jason turned to his new partner in crime now breathing heavily.

“Gravity can be a bitch can’t it, now then this meeting is adjourned, get back to work, just now 60% of your profits are coming to me, the drug game in California that’s all me, and I’m glad we’ve come to an under-standing.” Jason walked over to his unconscious dirty FBI agent and picked him up tossing him over his shoulder. “Sleep well Kingsman you’ve done above and beyond. Now it’s time to work on our next targets…The Children of the Church of Azrael.” Time to go greet my new employee Miss Cuarto and then Texas here we come.
@La Luchadora Perfect can't wait for your CS. :)
Max Stross, Los Angeles California

Max was ready to take care of his mission and get it accomplished no matter what. He wasn’t expecting any mention of a raise for doing his job but he wouldn’t complain either. For him the thrill of the job the adrenaline coursing through his veins when he raised his gun at people who could move objects with their mind and conjure up deadly things with their mind as well as the feeling that he was doing something good for society that was almost enough for him.

Still you could never have enough money, and it’s not like anyone in this world was living for free. Hard work pays off..in more ways then one. All this meant was Max was an even bigger fan of the Senator then before, and would do all he could to bring the person who wiped out the high school to justice.

Once Elizabeth’s car came to stop Max just nodded his head processing the all the information she gave him. “I’ll get right on that, an opportunity like that I won’t mess it up.” Max stepped out the vehicle with a renewed sense of purpose as headed towards the armored car behind him, However he made his way to the front door and knocked waiting as the window rolled down so he could speak to his men.

“Listen up, we have our work cut out. I’m going to look into Reese, I Want at least two of you to move into a under-cover vehicle, and be on the look out for me. I’d advise some of you to head to Disney but Bennet assures me he has things covered.”

“Stross, boss-man not to interrupt but we’ve got a couple of dates I think you wanna be aware of. The Evo center here in L.A..was completely wiped out..all the prisoners have been freed, law enforcement responded and there were lots of causalities. A couple of the evo’s have been re-captured or neutralized and the LAPD is gathering all available ability negation unit’s they have to attach them to the escape’s, not to mention some news from Veronica..Mr. Thomas..the telepath on the island’s managed to escape our custody as well. “

Max sighed this certainly wasn’t adding up to be his day but he had business to take care of even if it meant the city was going to be consumed in chaos.” I want you to help out law enforcement here to deal with the escape, I’ll handle Reese as long as I have the security detail watching her on my back come on.”

Max made his way from the vehicle and over to a parked vehicle. He reached into his pockets for the keys and pressed a button starting it up. He made his way inside before slipping the keys in the ignition and turning on the air. The rental car Quantum provided him would be perfect, and it wasn’t long before he was pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex his target was at. The security detail had followed him in an unmarked vehicle and were setting up shop.Max was looking over the file he had on Elena one more time before slipping it into the glove compartment and stepping out the vehicle.

“Time to see what you’ve been hiding Reese.” Max smirked and made his way over to the stairs slowly trudging up. Shortly after he was knocking on Elena’s door and didn’t waste any time as soon as she watched it. He took out his wallet, flipping it open and showing her some identification that showed he was a CIA Agent. Another perk of Quantum industries was the benefit of some of the best fake I.D’s in the world.

“My name is Max Bovington with the Central Intelligence Agency, I have a couple questions I’d like to ask you Ms. Reese mostly regarding the high school that was wiped out month ago and the connection you have to your friend Blaire Anderson who coincidentally went missing the same day the school was eradicated. Seeing as how your on our government database files as a registered Evo that means you quite enjoy your freedom and i’d be a shame if ..you lost it. Of course..there’d be no reason for you to loose anything granted you fully and honestly comply with this investigation. So what can you tell me about Ms. Anderson, your relationship with her, and why you think she happened to jump ship the same day of the massacre and if you’ve had any communication with her sense?” Max said geting right to the point he knew he had something although he just didn’t know what.

Anna Pedrose, Miami Florida

Today was just not her day, like not that she had the greatest life of all time. But really today was just not going to be one of the greatest days in the life and times of Anna Pedrose. There were Government agents everywhere and she knew just exactly why. The vehicle she’d been driving she’d stolen from Blaire Anderson. Not that Grand theft Auto wasn’t her thing but she didn’t expect to hold on to the car this long.

It had been a month, but she’d taken the car to the shop got some stuff added to it and figured why not keep it. There were plenty other cars she could steal, but the owner was dead, and not anyone being looked into so it was perfect. That was until today, she’d left the car parked in-front of some restaurant and left to go attend to some business. When she was making her way back to pick up the car keys jingling in her hand that’s when she was alerted to their presence.

She knew this meant the lid was off, the suits were looking into Blaire and maybe even were starting to inch closer and closer to the truth about what happened to the school. She didn’t know exactly what branch of the government was present on the scene or if it was a combination of multiple agencies. What she did know was that unless she wanted to wage all out war against the U.S Government then it was best to abandon her precious vehicle.

“Fucking Feds.” Anna muttered under her breath as she continued to look over the scene. Multiple men and women dressed in attire that could be described as anything but casual. Camera’s were on, evidence was being taken, the car was being thoroughly searched through. At this point she cursed because any belongings left in the car were now the possession of Uncle Sam.

She sighed and turned around turning her attention away from Blaire’s car. I don’t need that piece of shit anyway, I’m a superhuman. I can take whatever car I need, and besides I still have my gun and the files.

Out of sight and out of mind that’s the motto she was going for as she kept walking. She was sure she’d stumble upon another vehicle soon enough. “There we go. “Anna smiled as she kept noticed an SUV parked and three african american males inside. She spotted another vehicle a smaller car parked near the SUV but with no one inside. Analyzing the scene more she realized whoever owned that car was probably inside the SUV.

What’s this, looks like a drug deal, and the dealers are having themselves a little celebration session. Hmm I should hop in on that, nothing better then a fat blunt after a long day of disappointment. Anna decided to remove herself from her hiding spot and make her way over to the vehicle.

Between the car and the SUV, she decided this time around to go with what had the most room. The three men inside were relaxing lights blunts up and didn’t even notice the super powered woman approach until they heard a knocking. One of the men inside was inhaling when he saw the dark haired woman knocking at the door. “Who the fuck.” He passed the marijuana cigar and reached for his gun before rolling the window down pointing it at her.

“You best explain who the hell you is and back the fuck up for I blow ya brains out shawty. I ain’t fucking playing no games, me and my boys ain’t the ones! Someone sent you here tryna come up on these P’s, then they done sentenced yo ass to a death sentence cause ain’t no one fucking with our herb!” The man had a tight grip on his weapon as he focused on Anna not ready to be set up by anyone. The others in the car also seemed on high alert and reached for their weapons but continued to smoke.

“Wow…thats so harsh…I just happened to be passing by, and noticed this beautiful scene figured some transaction involving narcotics was taking place. Gosh to be honest I’ve been having a shitty day myself, you see I ran into a bit of legal trouble, you know when dodging the feds goes wrong. And you know what I figured I needed after narrowly avoiding prison a blunt, I mean I just love some Mary Jane the way it can help me thinking when I’m stressed out, but..if I can’t pick up an eighth…I’ll take my business elsewhere.” Anna smirked completely ignoring the dealer’s threats and questioning.

“Bitch you think this a mother fucking joke! I am going to blast your motherfucking head off, I TOLD YOU TO ANSWER MY GOD DAMN QUESTIONS” The dealer pulled the trigger firing bullets at Anna.

Anna grimaced closing her eyes then giggling as they came open the metal shells of death seemingly vanished. “Really..that was..quite the show but I’m getting hungry, and I think I need a snack hmmm….I kinda wanted mexican I could kill for a burrito…maybe chinese honestly I’ll settle for drug dealer tho.” Anna smirked and red sparks emerged from her body and suddenly a field of red energy emerged from her body into the SUV.

The red energy swirled around the dealers in the SUV causing them to scream in pain as the were swallowed up by the swirling energy and dragged into Anna’s body. In a flash the red sparks were gone and Anna just yawned as she walked over to the now empty SUV and got in seeing the keys were still in. “Now this is a car, dinner and a tip and mhmm what’s this I smell back there.” Anna reached in the back for the blunt they’d been passing around and so it was still lit. She picked it up and took a few drags before exhaling and rolling down the windows. “Ahh..this is some good shit, honestly there’s no reason to hot box..and now it’s time for me to get back to work. “Anna put her foot on the gas and pulled off.
Hopefully have my other CS done up tonight or tomorrow and then I'll crack on with some IC posting

Cant wait for you to get your CS up then

@Simple Unicycle Hmmm stuff's happened, the world's in danger, blah blah, Heroes Villains! XD if you want however we did make a skype group for easier access and communication,

@Mr Allen J Oh yeah I read the profile it's fucking awesome. Def approved, submit it in the character tab.

Veronica and Wendy finna fuck some shit up
Max Stross, Los Angeles California

Max had a mostly uneventful flight to California he was just eager touch down and get to work. He was informed that he would be meeting with none other then Senator Elizabeth Reyes herself.

Although he wasn’t a huge fan of politicians there was something different about her, she had a sense of purpose about her. That and she shared his own views about how how the Evo situation would be dealt with he’d be glad to vote her for President in the upcoming election and hoped others would do the same. He was playing a game on his cell phone as he sat back in is jet and got word over the intercom that the’d be touching down soon.

One of the best features he enjoyed about working for Quantum was the high speed jets and the abundance of room he was provided due to his high rank in the organization. One of his pet peeve’s about air-port was all the annoying security details you had to pass through and the lack of space since he usually preferred to ride in third class to save money. Almost there, and one step closer to figuring out what the fuck these nightmares are about. I almost want to dismiss them as purely fiction but with everything going on I’d be a fool to do that. The girl in my dreams who the fuck is she, I’ve been searching through all the Evo files on Quantum’s database and she dosen’t register. Hell how do I even know she’s an evo honestly do I even know if she’s real. I Can’t allow myself to think like that if there’s any chance she might be connected to a solution to these genetic abominations then I need to pursue it. At least Bennet said he’d handle Disneyland so that frees up all my time to look into the Anderson girl.

Max was lost in thought conflicted about what lead he should pursue first the tangible one that might lead him to the mass murderer who wiped out the high school or some girl that was linked to his apocalyptic nightmares.

Max reached for his bottle of water and twisted open the cap before taking a gulp. “Get ready for landing”

Max put his seat belt back on and looked down at his watch it wouldn’t be long now. Soon after he was out of the jet and the rest of his squad he’d brought to accompany him was there as well. Max was walking over to the vehicle that he recognized the senator was in and opened up the passenger seat getting in while the agents piled into a high powered armored truck behind him.

“We meet again Senator Reyes. You know there’s quite a few rumors going around that you might be playing both teams and I’m not talking about boys and girls.” Max smirked he had no reason to believe Elizabeth was evo he dismissed all those talks as mere rumors to try to undermine someone who was going to change America politically for the better. Of course she had no way of knowing what he thought at least that’s what he thought. “But now’s not the time to discuss whatever bullshit the democratic party is spewing about you, there just jealous because of how good you’re doing in the poll’s. Listen I got a call from Bennet he’s going to handle the situation in Disneyland I’ve got some more pressing matters to take care of that I want to run by you first.

Max reached for his bag that he’d tossed in the back-seat when he entered Elizabeth’s car and opened it up. He promptly took out his laptop which he flipped open. As the screen flickered to life it showed he was on the Quantum’s database and the person on the screen was a registered evo in LA named Elena Reese.

“So I got wind that we finally got a lead on the high school incident, apparently there’s a girl named Blaire Anderson, problem child, druggie, all sorts of trouble she attended the school and was nearly expelled on numerous occasions. We’ve looked into various other individuals who had a prior connection to the school but here’s what makes her interesting, we’ve found out she had established a friendship with Elena Reese despite the fact they didn’t attend the same college, courtesy of this brat coming from a priveledged family that no doubt threw their money around to keep her ass out of jail. But here’s where it gets to the good part she’s been reported missing since the day the high school was wiped out, and I just learned that the CIA was investigating Anderson for some stolen files related to Building 26.” Max decided to let that sink in he knew he wasn’t much of a talker preferring to take action.

However he wanted to let Elizabeth know the seriousness of the lead as to not disappoint her as he was sure she wanted him to look into the situation in Disneyland because while Bennet was one of their most skilled agents his adopted daughter was the one who exposed Evo’s and he didn’t entirely trust anyone who use to work for Primatech. “Anyway let me cut to the chase the entire CIA detail that was sent to investigate her vanished the same day as well, and something tells me if she was just some dumb drugged out college bimbo she wouldn’t have been able to wipe out highly trained Government agents. The CIA of course tried to cover up their fuck up and the unknowingly hampered our investigation since in their effort to cover their own asses they got rid of valuable information including the security footage from Blaire’s apartment. Although that was probably because they planned to take her away still apparently they weren’t prepared enough because there gone. I’m going to investigate Elena Reese and see what I can dig up on this case, I’ll assign two of my best men to keep an eye on her for the rest of my stay in California to see if she makes any suspicious movements. She’s registered and her record’s clean but I know she has to know something or at least she’ll be able to help us learn something. I’ve alerted Quantum agents across the globe to be on the look-out for Blaire’s car I got her records and managed to figure out the last vehicle she owned in her name. If we manage to locate her vehicle we might be able to locate Anderson if she’s still around that is, I just want you to know Senator that even though there’s been no progress in the past month I won’t let you down I will find out what happened to the school and I will avenge those kids deaths.” Max looked up at Elizabeth staring at her with a serious look hoping she would approve of his new mission and agree to let Noah handle Disneyland.

Angela Petrelli, Petrelli Mansion - Manhattan, New York

The Petrelli Mansion was once a place of joy for Angela Petrelli, back when her family was together. Back she was one of the leading members of the Company, back before Claire exposed them all, before Nathan went to the Government to deal with their kind after learning the truth about his father, her husband, and their family. She sat alone in the dim lit dining room looking at a picture of her deceased son Nathan, and some of his other possessions were on the table.

“You would have been proud of the way Claire turned out Nathan, she did the very thing you wanted to do the most. Bring us out into the open I can’t say I agreed very much with you two in that regard but then again it was bound to happen. The Company was falling apart, a former shell of itself long before it came to this. Sometimes I wonder would it really have been all that bad if we’d just went along with what Linderman said and let the city explode…” Angela frowned such talk was a reason why many people thought she was a monster. With the way her life had gone she was beginning to wonder if perhaps they were right, she was a monster the only difference between her and Arthur in the end she speculated was that she actually cared about someone other then herself. Still did that really excuse her actions, plenty of evil people throughout history had significant others and some they cared about. Perhaps you were right Charles, maybe we should have all strived to be more like Peter…perhaps things wouldn’t ave turned out this way.

These days Angela was deep in regret Nathan was gone and Peter had run off to keep trying to save the world again even though for every disaster they managed to avert ten more popped up in it’s place even worst then the conflict the managed to dissipate. She sighed and reached for her phone if Peter hadn’t given up there was no reason for her to either. She went to her contacts and pulled up Noah before calling.

“Noah it’s me we need to talk I’m sure your busy….but I’ve had another dream..and not of the pleasant variety either. Something is coming, something bad. I believe that my fears about Peter have been justified..he’s been missing for days and regardless of his feelings towards me and the mistakes I’ve made ever since we’ve all started working together he’s maintained constant communication. But I know you can do little to help me find my son..that’s not why I’ve called Bennet, I know there’s no one in this world who wishes to hear my woes. The Dream I had..I Saw something that can only be described as horrific. I Saw some sort of satellite going up into space, a girl was screaming in pain she was strapped into some sort of chair, and then the worst. I saw the entire world, and darkness enveloping the entire globe, and I don’t think it was symbolic either. Because right after the darkness I saw visions of various armies mobilizing around the world, and then I saw us..our people being shot down, killed in the streets, stabbed, beaten, burned, it was brutal, and the kicker right before the darkness I saw…her..that Senator Elizabeth Reyes smiling standing on the podium giving her speech about how she’d do a wonderful job as President and afterwards…she left to go speak to some man the name Stross was mentioned as well as some others and they pointed to a Calendar and mentioned that the day was coming when the Evo situation would finally be put to rest. That day was November 12, 2012 and in the words of that Stross individual Dark Monday for Evo’s. “

Angela paused to let this apocalyptic information seep into Noah’s mind to let him realize the gravity of the situation before she spoke again. “Noah..we need to start making preparations for the worst, What I saw was nothing less the the genocide of our people, and that’s less then three months from now, a week after the presidential election. Reyes, and the rest of Quantum is planning something, something awful. Peter vanished the last I heard he said he’d figured out a way to regain his powers, this was shortly before..Sylar departed claiming it was pointless to try to save this world..claiming we were all damned but I figured he just wasn’t handling his “relationship” with Claire finally being over. You know as much as you hated the idea..of that..man…taking a romantic interest in Claire he was the strongest of us left and he’s departed, and I Worry for Hiro’s fate as well ever since he went to the future to figure out how to save us he hasn’t been heard from..and I just lost contact with Suresh yesterday…right as he told me he was on the verge of some ground-breaking research that would change everything. It’s a pattern…Quantum may claim to have made their peace with me after I sold the remnants of Primatech to them but that’s merely a facade clearly. We’re being picked off one by one watch yourself Noah, we need to find out whatever Dark Monday is, and do everything in our power to stop it…or else..it’ll be the end for all of us even Claire.” Angela spoke with a sense of imminent dread but wanted to drive the point that Noah was going to have to speed up his double agent operation and get some concrete evidence on what Quantum was really cooking up if they had any hopes of saving the Evo’s.

Evan Kingsfield, Miami Florida

“The Time IS NOW! IT’s time for us to rise up, and I don’t mean evo’s or normals or even Americans I mean humanity. Time and time again we’ve allowed tragedies to be committed against each other, atrocities that we look back on and wonder how could those people be so cruel. Well I’m here to tell you were in the midst of one of the worst ones of entire history, an entire population being sentenced to damnation all because of their difference’s, because their the pinnacle of evolution? We should be working together with them to make a difference in the world! I tell you all there will come a day when you will suffer for the sins you’ve committed against your fellow men! And to think there are those that claim to be God fearing individuals who support this. The Church of the Children of Azrael is nothing more then a dangerous cult that does nothing to promote the true tenants of Christianity!! If you dare to call yourself a follower of my God, then you cannot by any means support any of this going!” An older gentleman spoke and behind him where a group of people.

This man was a controversial minister Allan Brown who spoke out on several subjects and now he was commenting on Evo sympathizers. He’d organized a rally in down-town Miami and even had some Evo’s behind him as well as some other evo sympathizers he’d gathered. Thanks to his connections he managed to get this broad-casted despite the fact the Government did not want him on the air. Brown’s speech had of course attracted those who did not share his views, several people in-fact who’d come to shut him down.

However he ignored the torrent of curses and slurs being thrown out as he continued his speech he wanted his message to be seen by everyone, and he knew it was making it’s way to social media. However it seemed his time of ignoring this was coming to an end when the sound of whirring blades was heard in the sky as helicopters were approaching from the sky while armored trucks were coming nearby and a man in a suit with a mega-phone was stepping out of one of them.

“This is a direct order from the Department of Homeland Security Evo Division. Allan Brown you are hereby under arrest for disturbing the peace, harboring un-registered Evo’s, and conspiracy against the U.S Government! This will not be tolerated, step down or you will be dealt with by force.”

Allan looked at the DHS agent and glared at him with eyes of rage. “YOU! I will not be silenced! You people think with your suits, and weapons you can control me? I only listen to one authority, and he’s not a man who would approve of this brutality, this evil! These people are not monsters, they are law abiding citizens who’ve done nothing wrong but refused to subjugate themselve’s to what amounts to modern day Jim Crow laws! Enough is enough, oppression is never the answer, in the end they will -“ The Minister was cut off when a bullet was shot through his stomach and he stumbled back, someone from the crowd had fired a shot.

“Shut up you Evo loving freak!!!! DIE” Cheers where heard from the crowd as the minister stumbled back, and the scene was quickly dissolving into one of panic. One of the evo’s near the minister rushed to grab him, while another’s eyes glowed pink and suddenly an explosion took place in the middle of the crowd while the Evo that had Allan in his hands took flight. Panic and chaos spread as people began trying to flee, while others charged towards the stage wanting to get their hands on the Evo’s.

The Department of Homeland Security jumped into the situation as well as one of the helicopters unleashed a torrent of bullets taking down the flying evo before he could gain much altitude. The result was one dead Evo falling several feet into the stage crashing with the bleeding minister in his arms who instead of yelling out in pain seemed to be praying. “Eliminate Brown’s entourage, lethal force is permited!” The agent who spoke on the mega-phone yelled out as the helicopters rained down assault. Soldiers emerged from the armored truck with high powered assault rifles and began shooting at the stage, while the bulk of the protestors fled the scene once they saw the Government was getting involved. Powers and ammunition were being thrown around, bodies were dropping left and right, it was a scene of chaos.

“This shit is crazy…” Evan reached for his laptop and presse down on the screen pad freezing the video. This happened two days ago, right as he’d made his way into Miami following up on the story of a life time. He didn’t expect for something even crazier to take place, it was all over the news. “Mentally unstable minister tries to lead uprising against the U.S Government, brutal fight between Homeland Security and Brown’s terroristic entourage leaves many bodies in it’s wake including innocent U.S Citizens who came to stand up for their country. “ Evan looked at the head lines and shook his head.

He was never a fan of the Government always believing they were up to no good but this was insanity. Sure the Evo’s were dangerous, he had to admit as much as he felt the evo registration act was violating several laws it might have been somewhat of a necessity especially after the entire high school in L.A was wiped out. He’d heard quite a few rumors that the Government was doing some nasty shit to Evo’s, but then again there was rumors that the presidential candidate Elizabeth Reyes who hated Evo’s more then most was one of them. He was no politician but he danced around their circles and there was too much bullshit to ever decipher the truth without visual evidence.

“Fuck..it’s like I can’t even tell who’s the lesser of the two evils the crazy minister trying to say we should let weapons of mass destruction have freedom or the Feds going to shoot them up with civilians around. And these fucking sheep are supporting the suits.” Evan sighed there was so much wrong with the country, and he always seemed to find like minded individuals who agreed yet when stuff like this went down they supported the Men in black over their freedoms.

“If It wasn’t for the way my bank account was looking there’s no way I would have taken this story.. that and there’s some beautiful women out here..hopefully the feds don’t go and shoot them up too.” Evan sort of chuckled but quickly regretted it as really wasn’t funny. He got word of a story from a mysterious individual who deposited $100 grand into his bank account and promised him another $400 grand if he packed his bags left D.C and went to go look into this story.

The money alone was incentive as well as his obsessive drive to find the truth, but when he actually looked into the information his mysterious employer gave him he was really into it. Ever since the school in L.A was wiped out he’d been interested in doing stories involving Evo’s, and been researching various events over the last seven years which were un-explained which he believed had potential to be attributed to Evo’s.

He had put together various news articles, police reports, an other things on a board which he labeled the wall of weird. The main two that struck out to him where almost exactly the same in 1977 there was suppose to be a storm that wiped out the entire easter sea-board and again in 2008. Yet in both incidents some-how this supposedly apocalyptic storm was reduced to nothing but a severe blizzard. Divine intervention? Perhaps but he wasn’t a man of the book, at least not any that had been written so far. Perhaps there was a God out there some-where but he doubted it was like any described in most modern religions. He figured it had to be something to do with powers, and strangely enough the employer one of his requests was that he start his investigation in Florida. Coincidence, not to him everything had to be connected.

He’d gotten wind of what was going down in Disneyland from one of his co-workers who claimed he was working a story that was gonna net him big money if he exposed whatever Evo caused that to the Government. Hmm..you think you’ve got something big, I’m looking into someone with the power to wipe out the entire eastern sea-board yet chose to save it. Looks like Miami’s got it’s own guardian angel, and I’m gonna find em. I don’t know what exactly I’m suppose to find out here but I’m guessing that, and the riots that happened two days ago..I’m in the right place. Sides another 400 grand sounds fabulous…I can see it now popping expensive bottles of champaign in some upscale club with some slutty european models who want to make a real American man proud. Ooooh yeah I’m defiantly gonna chase some tail tonight, hit a girl with a …shit..the Evo’s are going to wipe us out any day soon might as well have sex with me. Evan grinned above all he loved him some booze and sex. Sure he was on official business but that was one of the perks of this life-style he could mix business and with pleasure and none would be the wiser. He went over to dresser where some of his files were and picked up his cup of coffee before taking a sip. “Hmm that hit the spot, time to go find the truth. “

Jason Koravil, Evo Detention Facility - Los Angeles California

Jason stood in the distance dressed in some T.R.U. religion jeans in a plain black T Shirt on and some timberlands staring at the prison facility for Evo’s. These facilities were not hidden from the world, people with abilities were dangerous and couldn’t be put in prisons. Quantum Industries had come up with the perfect prisons and after striking a lucrative deal with the prison industry the rest as history.

It was all about money, and being a hustler himself Jason couldn’t fault them for that. Greed was something he could relate too only when it didn’t benefit him then he was irritated. Sure some would say he was nothing more then a hypoorit after all he made the bulk of his finances not from his music but from pushing narcotics. But then again was that really his fault, his father was falsely accused of trafficking, his mother suffered from a mental break-down and he couldn’t support himself and his sisters working at a clothing store. Jason stared at the facility then looked up at the sky lost in thoughts about how his life had all gone wrong. He had a promising future thanks to his parents, the sky was the limit.

Well not anymore, see now he had no limits thanks to the gift he’d been blessed with. “The Superpredators…shitty..ass fucking name but I fuck with the concept. People like us we’re great, well not as great as Jason Koravil, but there better then the rest of these peasants.” Jason smiled taking a deep breath then exhaling.

He was in love with one thing…power..well money..but power was his first love. Thanks to his power he could feel all the energy surging around him. So much energy..and he could sense and see it all. It was incredible, and to think eh use to be limited by the regular five senses. No longer was that the case he could see the electrical energy surging through the detention facility, the kinetic energy of cars racing through the streets, the life energy of various people walking around, so much energy he felt like Drake.

“IT’s time.” Jason’s body began to surge with energy as his eyes glowed and he began yelling as he began drawing in energy from all around him. Right after he focused on the facility and unleashed a massive wave of gravitational energy ripping the roof of the facility and tossing it into the sky causing it to fly. He laughed as he watched the roof fly and crash into a building a few miles away tearing through it no doubt hurting and even killing several. “Another one..or couple bites the dust..but I’m not even done yet.” Jason laughed still surging with energy as he could hear alarms blaring from the facility. He began to hover off the ground looking at the sun and held out his arms basking in the sun’s rays as he began drawing in immense amounts of solar energy.

Then a blinding flash of light surrounded him and the surrounding area. Energy surging around him and as the light faded one massive beam slammed into the facility and an explosion was seen decimating over half of it. Screams of agony where heard, and suddenly more beams of light rained down from the sky onto the facility decimating parts of it. Dust and rubble filled the atmosphere due to his vicious attack on the facility, and suddenly everyone could hear loud seemingly omnipresent voice.

Go my people you are free, your oppressors have been silenced, the ability negation systems attached to you have been deactivated, FLEE! You have seen humanity’s true colors seen what they truly think of us and what they intend to do to us. Now I’ve granted you your freedom and all that I ask is that stand with me..and fight. Fight against our oppressors, all around the world there are Evo’s just like you who are been granted a second chance not to stand idle by and hide but to fight..TO FIGHT AND TO WIN!!!! GO MY PEOPLE look around you my power as eliminated your oppressors yet somehow you’ve survived that’s because of my power I put forth a field to save you from the onslaught now I’ve granted you freedom, I’ve granted you life..do with that what you will..but..if you ever seek to fight…seek me out..I am The Guardian, and I will protect my people.

The Voice rang out and the Evo’s realizing they were free began cheering. They began fleeing and in the distance reinforcements were on the way, sirens were blaring. As the dust settled in the distance Jason was seen standing brushing some sweat off his forehead. “And now to go to work.” Jason grinned and took out a card that said Quantum Industries employee card on it with his name and some of his personal information. “Now this is a job I can live with, and they say it’s not wise to play both sides. Right.” Jason smirked and suddenly drawing on gravitational energy again as well as kinetic he took flight at superhuman speeds vanishing in the blink of an eye leaving behind the wreckage of what was once California’s Quantum headquarters.
@Mr Allen J Approved of course excellent character.

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