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    1. cider 10 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

I want a Kingpin/Parker team up now.

Man, when I was reading your sheet I thought "who the hell is Parker?", but after reading this comment and going back it dawned on me, lol. Been like 7-8 years since I last read a Westlake-novel (or "Stark").

Anyway; yeah, that does sound like something that'd be fun.

"Men like us, we serve a very valuable role for this city. The reluctant rulers. The benevolent "bad guys.""

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

There are many types of characters that is fun to play and/or write, and one of my favourites is the character vying for control - whether it's over people, resources, themselves or the elements. Wilson Fisk is one of those, and on top of that he has in later years been canonically developed in an interesting way. Rather than just a simple (if a 400 lbs criminal genius can ever be called "simple") villain, Fisk is a conflicted character with added depth. This is the route I'll be taking as well. After all, if it's "just another villain", they might as well be left an NPC.

In this story, Wilson Fisk is a still relatively young man who is just now hitting their stride in the underworld of New York. Fisk cares much about the city of New York and is very displeased with what he thinks the criminal element has done to the city. He wants to take control of said element, with the intent to dismantle it. His own criminal organization has developed considerably the past few years, and Fisk is now looking to challenge his peers in the top of New York's food chain, as well as further engage himself in both legal businesses and politics. He has yet to meet Vanessa (time will tell whether he will or won't), and his run-ins with superheroes and their ilk have as of yet been few.

The first story arc serves as a prologue of sorts, will be set a few years ago (2015/16) and deal with Fisks war against the ruling criminal entity of New York - the Maggia - and the acquiring of the moniker Fisk will commonly be known by thereafter - Kingpin.

N O T E S:

I was hesitant when picking alignments. While I ultimately picked Lawful Evil, I would like to note that the Kingpin would categorize himself as Lawful Neutral, and perhaps he should. This is a man who doesn't consider himself the bad guy, but is well aware that that is how he is perceived by others. He doesn't harbor ill will towards others and takes no pleasure in "evil" acts, yet does what he considers necessary. Wilson Fisk is very utilitaristic - all is for the greater good, and lives are worthless in the grand scheme of things.

As for other characters, the only one of note I've so far planned to include in the first arc is Bullseye, serving as a hitman for Fisk and to be employed against, primarily, the Maggia.


You also seem familiar to me. Curious.

We've both been part of several of the old GoT-RP's (including the old guild), I believe. They rarely get off the ground though, so one tend to forget the individuals in them. :P
Noting down my interest in general, as well as that of the character Kingpin/Wilson Fisk in particular. First RP on the guild in quite a while for me. I find the concept intriguing, and I'm sure I've previously been in an RP Wraith handled, though I can't remember what it was right now. Oh well.

I'll edit a prospective sheet with character concept and all into this post when it is done.

EDIT: After looking it up, it turns out it was a Vigilance RP on another site over two years ago. Seems my memory is good and bad at the same time. It also seems I left that RP prematurely, though I can't remember why. I'll avoid that this time. :)

Working on the CS now. Don't have an excuse for my absence. I've simply forgotten to do it when I've been able to...

EDIT: There we go, finished the CS. Now I just need to discuss relations with other participants.
@Pepperm1nts I haven't actually updated the sheet yet, so I'll just stick to the Arm (heh) then. :)

tagging @gorgenmast per request of Flagg, as my sheet has a new race in it.
I'll mark my interest.
Jesus christ guys, this thread is a year old. It got necro'd by EnterTheHero.
~Reserved for GM Character
Do not reverse character slots unless you are a GM ;)

I find it more funny than I should that you reversed some letters in the word reserve to form the word reverse.

Also, I'll be writing a CS for this.
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