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3 yrs ago
Current Goddamn commies... They ruined communism!
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4 yrs ago
Fun fact: up close, all burning candles smell of singed nose hair.
4 yrs ago
Just say no to the Corona virus, it cant legally enter your body without consent.
4 yrs ago
The problem with common sense is that its not all that common.
4 yrs ago
I once played Hell March to a cow, now its Moscow.
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This looks pretty interesting... Are there any strange powers in this universe like you see in the Borderlands series (Sirens) or Mass Effect (Biotics)? Seems like we already have quite a few gun-totting characters, so maybe something different would spice things up a little?
Fair enough points, the analogy between a modern assault rifle and a musket isnt exactly fair... So lets make it a bit more fairer. Imagine standing next to your buddy and he pulls out an STG44. Its the grand daddy of assault rifles, operating on similar systems as we see in today's firearms, but you dont see anybody using those things anymore, right? And I'm not asking you to make your weapons all weird and goofy. I dont want to see you come up with pistols that shoot pistols that then explode, or a revolver that shoots miniature black holes (although that does actually sound really cool). We're not playing Borderlands here.

All I'm saying is that those weapons by that era would be antiquities. Why not just swap out the name for something sci-fi sounding and just call it a Union standard issue side arm? Doesnt have to do anything special, but at least it'll make it sound like a weapon they'd use in the army; instead of museum pieces. All I'm asking for is a little immersion.

But again, I'm not the GM here and all I can give are my $0.2. But I'm gonna make Red give you hell for bringing those antiquities to the battlefield. We're supposedly a legendary mercenary company, with access to the best of the best, and you're bringing a bunch of museum pieces to the frontline?
I'm gonna go on a bit of a rant here, and since I'm not a GM it doesnt really count for much, but this is something I need to get off my chest since its a trope I see in a lot of sci-fi military RPs. So I'd suggest you stop reading here if you dont care... still here? Dont say I didnt warn you.

So, as I said before, this is something I invariably see pop up every single time a sci-fi military themed RP pops up on this website. There's always a single person who brings "current day" weapons (I use quotation marks since even by today's standards a Beretta 92FS and Python are old) to a sci-fi mix. Just to repeat what the very first thing in this RP says, this takes place in "It's the year 8560..."

8560. That's over 6500 years into the future, and your character is using weapons from the 70's? That's like going into a present day gunfight with a decked out rifle, complete with variable holosight, extended magazine, laser range finder, foregrip, tactical stock and every fancy thing you can imagine... Only to look to your side and see your teammate standing there with a musket.

And I get it, maybe coming up with sci-fi guns is hard? Maybe the only thing you know of guns is that you pull a trigger and lead comes out of the barrel. I mean, imagine playing Mass Effect and you find a new weapon, only its an M1911... Sure, it serves the same gameplay purpose as any other firearm, but it would be immersion breaking among weapons that are all far more futuristic. Why not take the weapons you want to bring, but giving them a sci-fi spin? Instead of Beretta's, bring something that has a miniature gauss barrel, capable of firing off three projectiles in a matter of milliseconds, causing all projectiles to hit the same location? And instead of a regular revolver, have it shoot super heated plasma that sticks to a targets and burns like a corrosive substance. Hell, even just changing the name from modern day firearms to something sci-fi sounding would be enough if you just want simple firearms! I mean, just look at the kind of crazy tech we already have today... Caseless ammunition, gyrojet powered bullets, explosive bullets, fin stabilized bullets... Nothing that's currently being used, mind you, because its all still too expensive, but this is 8560! We could probably have a gun 3D print bullets on the fly! Go nuts!

Basically what I'm trying to say, is that that Beretta and Python would be the equivalent of comparing a bow and arrow to an Apache attack helicopter. You're hopelessly outdated.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking things? I was under the impression that we were gunning for hard sci-fi here, grounded in some realism. But maybe the tone is more light hearted?
She's using 20th century firearms in the 90th century? Would they even still produce ammunition for those weapons in that era?
Aww Red will have a little baby APU to care for ♥

And I dont mind at all, though I do wonder how the two suits compare in power.
@LunarisDaFoxIt's been finished! Forgot to update my sheet from the word doc I used.
@LunarisDaFoxAh! So like the aliens from Crysis? I've always liked the Ceph as an alien race.

@NawmaingI mean, the modern US military already protects most of their equipment against EMP attacks with Farady cages and metal shielding... You're telling me that in the 4000 years that passed after that, we never perfected the technology? Granted, if we were going down that road, I doubt we'd send in soldiers of flesh (well partially in some cases) and blood, when we probably have drones that can do the exact same job, probably even better. So yeah, I'm okay with EMP attacks being dangerous.

Also, good point about the armor plating. I kinda went by the specifics of the M1 Abrams, but I guess 900mm is a little too thick (also, submarines dont need a lot of armor since technically speaking, they should never, ever get hit). I dropped it down to roughly half that, 400mm, which would be around 16 inches of freedom units, situated around the pilot.
You'd think that by 8560 we'd have insulated all our electronics by now... Part of me is tempted to add that to Red's ODIN, but I like weaknesses in tough things.

@NawmaingBtw, what do the Buzzers actually look like? The image in the opening post just shows the planet again. Are we to expect sentient bugs with ranged weaponry like those bugs from Mass Effect 3, or something more along the lines of the bugs from Starship Troopers?
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