Avatar of CloudyBlueDay
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    1. CloudyBlueDay 8 yrs ago


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Hi, I am derp.

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@Artifex Im happy for someone to puppet her and have her walk home in shame or something, theres not much for me to write at this point.

what.. Ditch just yelled in Graffiti's face, and you have nothing to write? O_o
Wall Walker

Walker, this time, though given a wonderful opportunity, did not run. A safe distance away from Ditch and Omega, he stood and waited.

“So, what, are we just letting him go? Then, why the hell did we chase him in the first place? Did you actually just gather this whole team just to say ‘Oh, by the way...Umbra’ and then let that be it? What's really going on here, Ditch?”

With a glance towards Omega, Ditch only uttered one word. “Wait.” She said quietly, and looked back at Walker.

“Why are you robbing banks? Not just one.. All of them. You must be swimming in millions upon millions of dollars.. But you’re still here.. Not a single piece of bling on you, wearing ruddy clothes and a strip of cloth for a mask.. Hanging out at the orphanage.”

Walker clenched his bloodstained teeth together, and wiped his face on the back of his hand, coating it in red. “Who do you think you are?” He muttered. “Crusading with your super hero team, fighting the bad guys? Am I just a practice target so you can feel prepared when you punch Umbra in the face? Hate to break it to you, but you’re not even going to get close to him. This city isn’t going to change.” There was true bitterness in his voice, but also some part of him sounded.. Tired.

Ditch grabbed the edge of her mask, and pulled it off. “You always were a pessimist.” Walker shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. “And you, always the dreamer.”

“You heard about Hummingbird, didn’t you?” “Yeah.” “And you just.. Don’t care?” “I can’t help her.” Ditch sighed. “You don’t even want to try?” “Umbra’s untouchable.” “So you’re ready to let her die?” “What do you want me to do?!” He shouted. “I want to be able to ask you for a favor when the time comes.” Walker’s angry expression faded, and he was left casting his gaze to the floor. “..fine.” He hissed.

“You can go.” “I don’t need you to tell me when I can leave.” “I’m still older than you.” “That never fucking mattered!” He retorted. Ditch had already turned around, throwing a gloved hand behind her as a wave, and he exited through through the wall, officially ending the chase. “I swear to god I’ll explain everything as soon as I possibly can, Omega.” She said, combat boots clicking against the floor and echoing around the empty office space. “I’ve got a goddamn fight to break up.”

Something about Ditch had changed - her aura was entirely different. Her mask was off now, they could see her face, and she was pissed. Graffiti was sprawled on the floor, after being shoved into the concrete by Rose. Ditch bent down and picked up the spray-painting vigilante by her hoodie. And then, her eyes glowed. A bright white - an unmistakable sign of power. All around: Not good.

“You’re a disgusting joke of a vigilante.” She spat. “You call yourself one of the good guys when you fight one of your own teammates? Do you think what you did helped anyone at all? Are you that naive?” Ditch’s grip tightened on Graffiti. “I have only myself to blame for ever including you in this. You need to leave. Now. And if I ever see your face again there will be hell to pay.” Ditch dropped Graffiti, and took one menacing step forward. “NOW.” She shouted.
Scarlet Shifter

Rebel’s expression turned to that of shock as Reaper appeared in front of her target -- they were trading off, no no no! She moved to reach for the shadow-controlling super, but TB had jumped in front, blocking her way. Anger plastered her iron features as Reaper disappeared into the shadows, and she let out an angry growl.

"Sorry to drop in on you ladies, but it seems my buddy Tank needed someone else for this double date!" "Sorry. I'm not interested in a relationship." She spat. Rebel looked quite ready to tackle Turn Back to the ground, her anger perhaps about to get the best of her, when Levi stepped up with his lightning arm, and geared up to attack the concrete below.

Oh, hell no. Around the same time Levi had pounded his fist against the ground, Rebel had given a stomp, sending chunks of gravel flying, the ground between the two opposing teams effectively ripped up, stopping the current from reaching Rebel and Spore. Only to be met with a flying fist to the face from Tank.

His hit landed, but Rebel didn't even move. "Seems lots has changed since our last meeting," Rebel said smoothly. Last time a hit from Tank could cause her to fall, even with her iron skin, but now she held up quite impressively, and retaliated with her own fist coming his way.

Meanwhile, Flare and Laser had headed out of the house, rushing after Reaper and TB only to find the darkness elemental disappear. With a quick nod to his companion, Laser set off in the other direction in hopes of reaching Reaper.

All three supers’ attention focused on Alice and where Rebel used to be, so Flare had some semblance of surprise. He sucked in a breath, and from behind, roared yet another plume of fire at their backsides as Rebel threw her punch.
Wall Walker

Walker was running as fast as he possibly could now; he was desperate to get away. The team was crumbling from within, fighting each other, and he was right in the crossfire. Walker was smart enough to know if there was any time to scram, now would be it. Aside from the fact that he'd already tried to run.. now he actually had a chance to get away.

Ditch had managed to get to her feet, though her face was completely masked she gripped her stomach, seeming to be in some pain. She straightened when Omega ran past her, and followed him quickly. “Omega, don-”

“Not this time!”

Nope. Walker didn’t even turn back. Just kept on running. He was so done with whatever shit this was - and that was when he felt he was being tugged back. By what, he couldn’t say. It almost felt like gravity was going against him. Which was exactly what was happening. The loose-fitting cloth wrapped around his face was pulled off easily by the zero-gravity vortex, revealing his blood stained beard and teeth.

“...Nate?!” Ditch shouted. She was standing a slight bit behind Omega, a safer distance from the swirling vortex he had created. Walker snapped to look at her, confusion taking over his features, though he couldn’t linger long on the skeletal masked vigilante. “Omega -- turn it off!” Ditch cried out.
I am not sure if I will have time, but just in case, are you guys accepting characters or is this a closed RP?

This RP is closed. I may send out a few invitations to a few select people of my choice now and then, but we are closed to the public currently.
Hope you don't mind, I made a new NPC. General Scales, Inertia, Korkoa and Zapdos all helped out though.

get the hell out of my roleplay
Yes, I am afraid this is true. Lydyn was removed from this roleplay for a number of personal reasons and issues. If you feel some concern about this, feel free to PM me. I will be controlling Lydyn's character for a period of time until Rose can make her exit.
<Snipped quote by CloudyBlueDay>

Aww :( What happened?

Computer restarted itself. Bleh.
So, i want your guys opinion. Aurora has 4 summons, the wraith, the grim, the dullahan and the Phoenix. First four she used, first four im sticking with right now.
The Phoenix is Dumbledore's fuax, its why hes strong instead of having fire abilities. But the actual fuax has healing tears as well. Think its too much if i give Aurora's fuax the same abilty? If not than she has a way to at least, kind of, heal ecto. Not fully but keep him from bleeding to death.
I just cant figure out if thats stepping into op leavles or not. Her wraith is combat, the grim is tracking, and both dullahan and fuax are transportation right now.

I will allow the healing tears if you use them very sparingly + with my consent.
@CloudyBlueDay Yeah thats cool with me, hopefully she gets thrown off the team in an exciting fashion.

..Alright then. Lol.

Don't worry. I'll make it grand.
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