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Is this game still recruiting?

Location: Star City Bank, 5th and 6th floor
Interactions: Nymph, Stormcaller, Metamorph

Quiver hadn't even sensed the beast approaching them. He was completely taken aback at the appearance of the creature in front of him and the others. His eyes were wild, but in their depths was a ruthless natural intelligence. It was a look that Quiver had seen in people before, and brought it own implications with it. If the beasts eyes weren't frightened, the man on the floor sure was. He looked up at them, pleading with his eyes for rescue. Quiver didn't have confidence that he could do anything before this clawed figure would tear him open at the seams. He felt Nymph rather than saw Nymph leave his side, approaching the new arrival with an eerie calm. If she was afraid, she was doing well to hide it.

His first response was to go with her, but his time with her had shown that she was more than capable of handling herself. He ran through a mental list of arrows he still had on hand. He didn't think he had any kind of animal tranquilizer. Ollie would though, that guy always had an arrow for every situation. Pretty sure he used a bubble arrow once. Or like a detergent arrow. For those hard to get stains.

Quiver spent too much time with Ollie.

He looked over at Stormcaller reassuringly. "This is probably fine" he was hoping his look said.

And then Nymph addressed this guy by name, and the floor almost gave out beneath him. He nearly broke out in a flash sweat. But Nymph seemed to be reaching Kila. Quiver saw them seeming to connect with their look, as Kila stopped short of outright rushing right into Nymph directly. It seemed like she was breaking through to him. And thank god for that, with the amount of violence this guy looks to be capable of, it wouldn't take much to disturb this delicate mo-


The elevator opened up, guards with guns drawn.

Placeholder post for my CS! Very excited for this one, a very fun idea!


Since you mentioned you'd like some of the team to be sort of recruited at a later date, I don't mind being one of those pokemon. Would you prefer to sit tight? Then I can see dynamics and type choices and choose something different than the others.

Or I'm happy to just make one and dive in!
That sounds fun, I'd like to join!

Location: Star City Bank, 6th floor.
Interactions: Nymph, Stormcaller.

Quiver had his hands up to show the robber he was a non-threat (or at least to appear as one) and he had started to think of something wise to say to the man pointing his weapon at himself and Stormcaller when he caught a glimpse of Nymph. She was in a beautiful flowing flower form, and a swarm of pink petals in a human shape before swirling around en masse - they engulfed the man with a weapon standing a few feet from the heroes.

Undoubtedly it was Nymph, and Quiver was surprised at the sheer tenacity of her. He wondered what it was she was doing to the thief, as his view was obscured by a veritable bouquet of beauty. She didn't appear to be attacking the man. Quiver could suddenly smell a beautiful flowery scent in the air, and felt a gentle euphoria fill his lungs and mind. The hit he took from the earlier gauntlet wielding thief didn't seem to bother him as much either. He felt his hands to his side as Nymph reconstituted in front of him, back in her base form.

Quiver could hear the thief communicating with his allies, and he seemed even more at peace than Will himself. He shook off his sort of "beauty buzz" or contact high and retrieved his slugger arrow from the ground. Oliver may be rich but he sure as hell wasn't.

Nymph was speaking into her headset, and she addressed Metamorph - undoubtedly the leader of this currrent mission. No time to wonder about them. He turned to Stormcaller, who was now holding the weapon previously meant to do them harm.

"I'm sure you'll break it in a cool way, yeah?" He asked her with sincerity, possibly still under the effects of being so close to Nymph's ability. He wondered briefly if that was actually just in his head from being near. But he was too relaxed to really worry about it.

Location: Star City Bank, 6th floor stairwell
Interactions: Nymph, Stormcaller, Thief wielding Gauntlet.

Quiver was thrown in the opposite direction of Nymph, his lower back smacking against the railing of the stairwell. The force of the blast was strong enough that he went up and over - it was only because of his quick reflexes that he had grabbed the railing and held on, dazed. As his vision cleared a bit, he could make out that Stormcaller was engaged with the enemy. He had to shield his eyes with his other hand as Stormcaller fired off what looked like a white hot lightning bolt in the bad guy's direction. He was still standing but Quiver couldn't tell if he was still conscious or not.

He pulled himself up and over, and fired off another arrow - metal round tip - the slugger, and nailed the robber right in the chest.

Leaving the rest to Stormcaller, Quiver turned to look back at his friend Nymph.

"Are you alright Daphne?" he called down to her. Quiver wondered what their next move should be. The gauntlet fired off a loud enough discharge, and with the others presumably working on fighting outside, did they still have stealth as an option?

Location: Star City Bank, 6th floor
Interactions: Nymph, Stormcaller

Quiver was in cover with Nymph, and another teen hero that Nymph had introduced as "Stormcaller." He had nodded to her in recognition and followed along with the two of them down the stairwell. Being nearby to Stormcaller gave Quiver a particular kind of tingle-ness all over his body. He noticed that his hair was standing on end, as if it had come into contact with static. And could he smell something burning? Probably his imagination. He had to get back to focusing.

He peeked out around the corner and saw one of the robbers, and the weapon he was wielding - an impressively violent looking gauntlet.

"I don't recognize that," He informed Stormcaller and Nymph, "But I only see one of them."

The longer that Quiver waited at the behest of this team though the more he'd lose the advantage into whatever this whole operation was a smokescreen for. But maybe that was okay. With people's lives in the balance, this was more important. He waited in time for the guard to turn his back and head on his routine, then he pulled the exact arrow he needed.

Nocked, fired.

With a whistle the arrow flew towards it's intended target, it split from it's kinetic energy as the metallic ball at one end pulled the other. The bolo wrapped around the guard. The guard gave out a cry and spun as he fell. He attempted to raise the gauntlet but Quiver was already upon him. He held the gauntlet to the guard and pulled him into the stairwell.

"I recognize that it's possible this sort of thing is someone's kink, and I'm not here to shame - but if you don't tell me what it is you and your lot are after I'm going to tighten this knot enough that it stops being the exciting kind and starts being the ouch ouch kind."

“Tracking Hostiles. Looks like your hunch was accurate. These are the same guys on Brick’s payroll from two weeks ago. At least the merchandise they’re irresponsibly pointing at nice people look the same.” He was holding down his personal comm in his ear-piece, connecting him directly to Green Arrow.

“But if Brick was footing the bill, what would they need more money for?”

“Good question kid. Makes you think maybe it’s not the money alone they’re after. That’s Star National they’re robbing. Chances are good they may be looking for something else.”

The boy in the Red Hood narrowed his eyes. Ollie was always up to something under the surface. Although his wit and charm could be exhausting, it was also disarming. He wasn’t a leading member of the Justice League strictly because he could shoot straight.

“You already know what they’re looking for, GA?” he asked the veteran hero.

“At this point, just a hunch. But if I’m right, the League will be glad that I had back up.” The hooded boy in Red waited for Ollie to explain. He could tell when he was teeing something up.

“You know that teen team? The one you’re so fond of? They’re en-route.”

The boy’s eyes narrowed. He nocked an arrow – red with dark red fletching - and fired it across the building’s rooftop, the metallic hook digging into the cement of Star National. In one quick movement the boy slid down using his collapsible compound bow as a zipline.

“Did you have to ask for them?”

“I think it’s time they met you, Will.”

Hearing his name over comms like that still made him bristle. It was a little uncomfortable. It was a little comforting. But he wouldn’t argue. Ollie had helped him through a lot. Through his recovery. Through growth.

The boy in the Red Hood and domino mask reached the rooftop and made his way into an open industrial vent. He’d go the stealth route. Something familiar. He collapsed his bow and secured it to his side.



He wasn’t far along through the vents before Will started to hear commotion from outside. Either the Star City police were engaging, or Ollie’s back up of teenagers had finally made the scene. Inside however, Will couldn’t hear anyone, hadn’t spotted any of the robbers either. If Ollie’s hunch was correct, they’d be on a lower floor with the safety deposit boxes. He should make his way down th-
His thought process was interrupted by a ringing phone beneath him. It stopped Will in his tracks. He looked through an opening in the vent and peered beneath to the floor below. There was a girl there. It wasn’t possible he knew this girl, was it?

She got closer as she approached the elevator at the end of the hall, and Will got a glimpse of her. Brown hair in long loose waves. Will could make out that she had pink tights. He felt voyeuristic looking down at her from his vantage point in the vent. He shook the surprise at seeing her away just as the elevator dinged. Someone was going to get off this floor. Undoubtedly one of the perpetrators. He looked back down at her and saw she was looking left and right for an exit. The both of them, boy above and girl below, realized she didn’t really have one.

Against his better judgement and his own personal anxiety, he did what he thought he should do. He lifted a vent entryway for airflow up into the shaft and reached his hand, archer glove around it, down out of the vent, and he called to her.

He was speechless (it was something he was used to) as she seemingly exploded into beautiful petals, and floated up into where he was. For a moment she swirled around the vent and around him – there wasn’t a lot of room, maybe enough for Will to be crouching down. As she flew past him, he could smell almost a hundred different flowers, cherry blossoms, roses, it was almost euphoric. She reconstituted and was then in front of him, the two of them nearly face to face.

Her domino mask was two pink petals.

Will’s own domino mask was simpler, and with his hood it left most of his face obscured. Good. He was immediately self-conscious and embarrassed for her to see him. Why? No time. There was work. He lifted his finger to his lips to ask for quiet. Which you think would be obvious considering they were stuck in a vent together now, in such close proximity.

Daphne held in her breath, almost touching noses with the stranger who saved her from getting spotted. She got away just in time.

"I told him the top floors were empty already, what does he want us scouting around for here. There's nothing..."

"Do you smell that...?"

Both goons stopped a few steps short to first set of cubicles.
"It smells floral, like a women's perfume or something..."

She tensed and backed away a little further into the cramped space.

"Maybe the boss was right.."
The men started to investigate the cubicles, throwing back chairs and emptying desks carelessly. If someone was hiding the ruckus would likely draw them out. Luckily they were unsuccessful, Daphne had already made sure there was no there, just minutes before.

After what seemed like ages they finally left the way they came, taking the elevator down. Daphne took her hand off her mouth, a move she didn't even remember making. She looked at the person right next to her. His getup seemed to point to him also being a superhero of some kind. It was nearly impossible to determine any distinguishing features with both the hood and the domino mask. Still there was something familiar about him, something she couldn't explain.

Daphne got out the phone she retrieved earlier, still being careful not to speak. She typed up a message for him to read.
"Thanks for the save, who are you?"
For those who are losing motivation, don't worry - we've all been there. If there are story beats you'd like to consider, or if I can weave additional plot elements into your character's current arc, I'd be happy to talk and discuss with you.

I'll have additional plot posts up soon moving everyone forward.

As well, I've already heard from a previous applicant who will be joining us.

An important thing to keep in mind: if there is ever any struggle or situation or something holding you up, be it personally, professionally, in-game or out-game, feel free to talk to me about it. I'll help if I can, and if it's related to clashing personalities involved in the game, time management, boredom, or something you just want a stranger to lend an ear to.

Talon sucked his teeth. The others were planning out their various skills and talents that would enable them to blend into the circus without suspicion. He wondered if there would be any sort of audition process, or if they would be simply slotted into their positions. Talon figured he'd do something acrobat related, not too dissimilar from Nightwing's upbringing. His concentration was broken momentarily when Nymph approached the more boisterous of the new recruits. It was unsurprising - Nymph was the kindest one of all of them.

The two bruisers (those being Cybergirl and Rain) were talking together in hushed tones. Talon felt impatient with them both, but primarily Rain. The thick-necked muscle kid had preached a big game about taking things seriously, and yet it was only a few weeks into being on the team did he start breaking rules himself and destroying the team's Jeep. Talon didn't quite know if it counted as hypocrisy, but he knew that if anyone else had pulled something like that, Rain would be the first person to snort and shake his head. Talon hated people like that. Talon needed to engage with someone else before his irritation was too noticeable.

"Batman. Has Zatana found anything new about Hex? Or Gold Rush? We've been left in the dark for days now. And is it really wise for us to go into the field already with these two? We don't know what they can do."

Talon was treading a line. When it came to Batman, he was well aware that had it been up to the Dark Knight, Talon would have been sent back to some version of a normal life, without the benefit of engaging in hero work. Shipped away to some orphanage or foster program. Talon knew that Batman disapproved of his upbringing, and that he was still waivering on allowing him onto the team already. Because of this, Talon felt he had a lot to prove to the Bat. But upon returning from their first mission?


No confirmation of a successful mission, no report on his leadership. Just a talking to for the others who had broken protocol.

Talon wouldn't forget that snub.
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