Avatar of Crimson Paladin


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3 yrs ago
If you want to play both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I'd recommend trying out A Tale of Two Wastelands.
3 yrs ago
You're a rock star
3 yrs ago
Unless the problem is in the air.
1 like
3 yrs ago
If they at least have the decency to say that they're leaving instead of simply ghosting the RP, that's good enough to me.


I originally got into forum roleplaying on the official Bethesda Game Studios Forums in 2007 or 2008. When the forums were replaced with Bethesda.net, I was one of several close-knit Fallout RPers who came here.

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Here's my character submission

I suppose this is old news at this point, but Laura Bailey got death threats for her role as VA for Abby in TLOU2. This is really disgusting. It doesn't matter how much one dislikes TLOU2 or Abby, nothing justifies harassing someone simply for being her voice actor.

Well yeah that's why you run and fast travel and have a horse. Walking is for lame-os!

Like they say in Morrowind, why walk when you can ride?
Here's my character sheet submission:

Fleuri Jodeau

As soon as the hooded man readied his crossbow, Fleuri began to dodge out of the way. The crossbow narrowly missed his unprotected arm, cutting cleanly through the fabric of his cloak. If he had time to think in the heat of the battle- which he didn't- he'd probably be grumbling to himself about how this was a perfect example of why he didn't like not being able to properly suit up for this mission. But with things as they were, Fleuri barely had time to assess the damage before his opponent rushed at him with a shortsword.

Reflexively, Fleuri thrust his sword at the hooded man, aiming to parry the incoming shortsword. He had been forced onto the defensive by his opponent's lightning-quick aggression, but for the split second he had to react, he still had the advantage of superior reach. Perhaps a more opportunistic or aggressive knight like Tyaethe would've gone straight for a counterattack, but Fleuri's impulse was to play it safe. The Crown Knight claymore he had borrowed wasn't exactly the same as his own sword, but it was close enough that it shouldn't be a hindrance.

The hooded man was not Fleuri's only worry. He was accompanied by more mercenaries, and they were attacking as well. Assuming the rest of the knights were going with Fanilly, it looked like Jarde and Fleuri had their work cut out for them. On the other hand, if they survived, this should make for a good story the next time they attended a royal ball.
As I said, I'm aware there some of it is anti-SJW backlash, but again, if that was the only controversy in the game, the hatedom of the game would've never gained the momentum that it did. In fact, I believe if the false rumors of Abby being transgendered were true but none of the leaked plot details were, some people would've definitely hated the game even more, but overall it'd have been a lot less hated.

For what it's worth, I don't think there's any social agenda in TLOU2. Strong, competent women have been gracing video games since the 8 bit era and at this point it's no longer really that "boundary-pushing" to put a lesbian couple or a transgendered individual in a video game. I simply think that Druckmann really likes muscular women. If I'm wrong and there was meant to be an agenda, it doesn't really shine through because it's all been done before.
I'd estimate that anti-SJW backlash is a minority of the hate against TLOU2, and certainly not the driving force behind the anti-fandom that spawned multiple memes, tens of thousands of review bombs, and a nearly minute-long animation made entirely from parody fanart. Most of it seems to be largely over dislike of the direction that Druckmann chose to take the story, and the belief that the game's central message falls flat. There's also the concern over Naughty Dog supposedly mistreating its employees, Sony making frivolous copyright claims to try and silence the leaks, and the perceived hypocrisy of Sony's censorship policies.
Fleuri Jodeau

Fleuri watched as the Knight Serpenta launched herself down one of the staircases and engage the mercenaries out of view. From the sounds emanating from the staircase, the mercs weren't faring too well. Tyaethe followed Maritza down the stairs in her usual unhesitating fashion.

Before things could devolve further into chaos, Fanilly spoke to give the remaining knights their orders.

"We will split our numbers. A two-pronged assault will make it harder for them to stop us. Dame Tyaethe has already headed deeper. Half of our number will take Vosahnn and accompany her, the others will remain with me!"

Fleuri had no time to decide before more of the enemy forces arrived at the bottom of the other staircase, their leader firing a crossbow bolt at the captain and causing her to duck for cover.

"Well well well, the Iron Roses? Hmm, you've made short work of many of our mercenaries, too, just what were we paying them for? Are you lot any better, or should I lower my expectations accordingly?" Well, no matter, I'm certain I know exactly how you got here so quickly and who told you. That will cost her one whole sister," the hooded man menacingly proclaimed.

Fleuri's initial reaction was indignation at the man's cruel threat and correct assessment of the situation. As the man's words repeated in his mind, however, he caught a detail that he had missed.

"With me!" the Captain ordered, commanding any volunteers to follow her into the depths before the mercenaries could barricade their way. Fleuri shrugged and turned his attention back to the hooded man. Maritza and Tyaethe had already descended, and Fleuri didn't want to leave Jarde and Gerard unchaperoned.

"It will cost her sister?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "That would infer that she is indeed still alive." Fleuri turned to Fanilly. "You heard the man, Captain, we still have time to save her. We'll cover you and rejoin once this knave no longer poses a threat."

In truth this wasn't any sort of new revelation of the situation, but he hoped it's revitalize their resolve and get under their foe's skin, something that Fleuri wasn't quite done with yet.

"Judging by your sharp wits, particular interest in the how's of our current situation, and disdain for your hired help, I'd wager a guess that you are one of the conspirators. The Crown would be very interested in what you know if we took you alive," he assessed, lowering the visor of his helmet and readying his sword. Whether or not they'd be able to take him alive was unclear, but he had resolved to not let this murderous rogue escape justice this day.
I hope you're okay.
Fleuri Jodeau

Fleuri spotted the mausoleum ahead, its location revealed by dim light emanating from its interior. He had extinguished his torch as to not risk compromising the captain's plans to handle this mission stealthily, but without a light source and his eyes not adjusted to the darkness, he had not been able to navigate the cemetery as quickly as he had liked. As he got closer he could hear brief shouting coming from inside, and discerned a distinct order coming from a very distinct voice.

"Iron Roses, charge!"

In his rush to answer his captain's command and rejoin his fellows, he didn't notice the dead man lying near the entrance until he almost tripped over it. He reeled instinctively at the unanticipated sight of the corpse. It took only a moment for him to regain his bearings, slightly ashamed at being spooked by something so mundane and routine for the Iron Roses. Even in the darkness, he could tell it wasn't one of theirs- the Iron Roses would never just leave a fallen brother or sister lying on the ground like this. It must have been a sentry that the others had dispatched.

Fleuri carefully stepped over the dead man and entered the mausoleum where the others were gathered. The interior of the above-ground antechamber was decorated as expected for the burial place of a noble family of Thaln with statues and carvings depicting Mayonite and Reonite iconography, and a central altar. A light peeked from down the staircase leading into the underground sections of the tomb, and the sound of frantic footsteps made it clear that someone was coming.

"I'm back," he announced, drawing his claymore. "Have I missed anything important?"
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