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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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I have been meaning to do some Fantasy Guerilla Warfare as of late.
of a New Day

A hooded man watched the proceedings silently, listening intently to the pleas of the villagers. He had stood there for quite a while, even before the proceedings began, looking on like a statue. Unmoving, unflinching, unspeaking. Even his breath was slowed to a halt. It seemed as if he blended to the background, a silent vigil of this otherwise bustling chapel. Still, to those who would bring themselves near to this living statue, they would almost hear the mere mentioning of "odds" and various numbers being thrown about. He seemed to be... whispering to himself?

The Sage of Steel had a habit for thinking out loud, after all.

"Resources are scarce, obtaining food is the top priority to maintain proper function. Assisting in hunting may prove the most fruitful of endeavors. Understanding the lay of the land and its inhabitants is paramount for continued survival in these frigid lands. A survey of the flora and fauna of the land may prove beneficial for later. It is also important to understand the dangers these lands entail. Among other threats, learning more of this "Kyrnith" may be wise.

"As for alternate forms of obtaining food, the spear should be a good weapon for fishing, but such a practice is ill-advised for this one to perform. In the case of the fish being stolen, perhaps it is Valtem? Improbable, they're more likely to just take one of the fisherman. Something to keep note of later, perhaps when hunting is complete. Potential of local fauna being responsible for the missing fish is more likely, especially given the recent blizzard."

Having ran these details down with himself (and whoever was close enough to listen to him,) Gideon lowered his hood and made his presence more apparent than it once was. Clearing his throat, he would speak up to those around him.

"Our food stores seemed to have been hit the hardest. What would be the best place to hunt in this village? I take it the woods would be too treacherous, given the dangers that this 'Kyrnith' entails? In any case, I believe it best to assist the hunters in restoring our food supplies before we get to anything else."

Giving advice and insights was something Gideon was quite used to, by now. Still, to help these villagers... there was a different feeling to it. A new sense of duty, perhaps? No, that couldn't quite be it. After all, Gideon did serve Grams as dutifully as he could, in his adventures. It wasn't too long since Gideon had first arrived to this village, after all... and not long after was he tasked with aiding those wayward souls lost on the confusion of the blizzard to the temple he had found himself in right now.

The more he pondered on such things, the more questions he had. Why did Grams send him to this backwater? Why did his arrival herald a coming storm? And why was he, a devoted creation of Grams, chosen by the fickle Moon Goddess to act as one of her champions? All these happenings were strange. Perhaps it is something to ponder more deeply when the more pressing matters were attended to.

For now, Gideon would look around the gathered mass of villagers, his empyrean eye doing its best to discern anyone else who would stand out among the rest. After all, it may be best to work alongside these chosen heroes, for what it's worth. She mentioned... four others, was it?

HP 2160/2160 SP 2370/2370 MP 2860/3060

Leif was less than pleased that they were being sent off to just fuck around with a bunch of other lowish-level PvPers. For a game as advanced as Cacophony Concord, he found this huge world event somewhat dull. Perhaps the real goodies were saved for high-leveled PvP connoisseurs. Ah well, something to worry about in the future. For now, Leif knew he had to grind out a bit before he can truly appreciate the upper echelons of PvP combat. Maybe he could become a cool badass batlefield general or something.

Currently, Leif was riding his bike in an open field, in the sights of a sniper. Normally he'd be more than fine to try and break the distance himself, trusting in his wolf-like agility to dodge this sharpshooter's attacks. He wasn't as keen on doing such a risky play with his current cargo, however. Klein had hopped on with Leif to scout around and all, and it'd be a real dick move if he got one of his buddies in trouble for wanting to do something reckless. He could also go back to the party and report his findings, but that's real pussy shit. Instead, another completely reckless thing would pop up to Leif's head.

"We got a sniper, Klein! Keep your head down and follow my lead!" Leif hollered as he focused on evasive maneuvers. Once again, his head shifted into that of a wolf. He would track down those with lower health, as per usual, except this time he'd try and single out a relatively weaker party. He couldn't tell who was particularly weaker at a baseline, but he could have a soft estimate based on how fast they regenerated. It was still faulty and imprecise, all things considered, but such things required practice to really work out.

Whatever he would find, Leif would raise his glaive at the sniper as high in the air as he can before pointing it directly in the direction of whoever he'd triangulate. Hopefully they'd be able to single out that target before their healing brought them up to full. Of course, this was all with the fragile hope that the sniper would catch on to his idea in the first place. It was simple, really. Leif was a tracker, and this man was a sniper. If their quarry ran away, Leif had the advantage of speed. Overall,

Leif saw a potential partnership out of this and only hoped that the sniper saw it the same way.
Oho, first one in! Hyped

HP 2160/2160 SP 2370/2370 MP 20206/2060 (3060)

Leif kicked back at the ground with his hind paws, letting out a triumphant howl at the completion of his "business." While everyone was chilling out in Ames' Nuclei, the shaman had elected to set up a nice little protective zone around it. It would only keep out monsters, sure, but between Leif's [Boundaries of the Pack] and the ten [Spirit Wolves] he summoned, Leif figured he would at least get a better idea of the surrounding area, much more efficiently through the use of his [Wolfkin Blessing]. He had set up his wolves around the perimeter of his marked zone as well, having ordered them to howl and return if they spot any threats nearby.

Turning back into his bipedal form, Leif walked over to Arion, leaning back on his obsidian steed with his arms behind his head. He was always the outdoorsy type, after all, not content to remain confined indoors... of course, that is his excuse. In reality, Leif figured he'd look way cooler if he volunteered to be on guard duty and all. Besides, he never really got to use that ability as much.

"Yo, Amulak. Let everyone know I'll be sticking around outside in case some cheeky fucks decide to pay a visit to our little party uninvited." Leif hollered over, knowing Amulak was able to hear him through his weird ass Nuclei. He then chuckled after realizing Amulak probably saw Leif literally pissing around the place. "I can probably do some solo scouting around the area, see if I can flag down more Mora-Sho on the field to get a better idea on who's who and what's going down. Just let everyone know if they're fine with me flying solo. I'll try and go at a steady place so I don't outrange your shit again, eh?"
I'm fine with that. After all, Arash's kit seems fairly formidable for what it is, even outside of using Stella. He possesesed the fortitude and foresight to know when to use his Noble Phantasm, and I think it'd be a cool plot point in the event I know I absolutely have to use it.

In any case, I also planned to make a Master, so it's also allow me to focus more on that character as well. Just curiois though, but do you want a comprehensive spell list, or just a list of commonly used/biggest spells our Master would know?
Fair. I think I might go for Arash then, if applicable.
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