Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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10 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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"Remarkable. So you weren't playing a jest on me after all." Gideon remarked as he watched Raelzeth at work. To be able to detect even the slightest trail of minerals in the dirt and differentiate them feom the rest proved to Gideon that the girl's stonesinging was something to keep an eye on. This stonesinging could indeed be a valuable asset for Gideon's further plans.

"And you're right. About the magic, I mean. I've found little use in studying it as it has little application to the Raam. After all, we don't-... " Gideon paused for a moment to collect his words. "... don't have any natural talent or proclivities in the mystic arts. Our kind is far more used to more practical matters. After all, to study such matters is why I began my quest in the first place."

Gideon took a moment to look at the site once more, being very careful not to step on any particularly loose dirt. He wondered if any trail would be detectable, if there were some sort of road to follow.

A road. A path. A sparkling sign to his intended destination.

A rarher peculiar idea then struck Gideon's mind.

"Perhaps we can find that ore you lost after all... So your singing, it can naturally draw out iron flakes from the soil, yes? Perhaps we can figure out the beast's trail through the use of your magic... Yes, yes. Prolonged singing would be tiring, but all we would need is a trail, signs of disturbances in the soil. We would be able to differentiate between the ore and any other larger creature in the vicinity."

The area that Raelzeth had brought Gideon to raised quite a few questions. A place pretty far off from the village made sense given their proclivities, although Gideon would be seldom to admit he was almost sure the gremlin was leading him on a while goose chase as some sort of prank. When they finally got to the sight in question, however, Gideon was thankfully reassured that the child was telling the truth.

Still, it disappearing is quite odd. He'll need to record his current surroundings to figure out where the iron vein even went to, let alone if they were dealing with a Living Vein in the first place.

Quickly, Gideon produced two empty vials. With the first, he collected dirt from the area of upheaval. In the second vial, he would work to finding a place seemingly untouched by the chaos that has a similar soil composition before filling that vial with dirt as well. Marking the first vial as the experimental vial and the second as the control, Gideon would quickly place both in Raelzeth's hands without explanation, searching through his wide collection of samples.

"How does your stonesinging work? Are you able to spot any minute differences between these two vials? Can you 'sing' out any apparent differences in either one? Is it capable of singling out particular minerals?" These questions and more were all asked by the Raam, many of which were pointed towards any peculiarities in Raelzeth's magic and if they could help in their investigation in any way. While doing so, he was trying to find one sample he had collected from soil where one Living Vein was confirmed to be sighted at.

Gideon's plans were to see if he could track the beast through any small changes to the soils, any sort of trail it would leave. Peculiar iron shavings, other sorts of changes to the geology that would pinpoint this creature's whereabouts. More importantly, Gideon was trying to see if he could identify just what they were looking for.

After all, if what they were tracking wasn't a Living Vein, it could be something much more dangerous if it had the power to pull an entire iron vein out from the ground.

"An ore that moves..." Gideon spoke, allowing himself to 'taste' the concern in his mouth so that he could further process this strange phenomenon. The coming of the Elder Beast did not cause any strange shifts to the land below, that much is almost certain. This could not have been caused by any changes to the earth itself. Surely, if it was, there should be some remnants of any ores in the area. The best guess Gideon has is this is some sort of creature, one that he did not believe was in this area to begin with.

"It could be something called a Living Vein. Quite rare, tends to shy away from civilization." Gideon stated, to Raelzeth. Judging by her concern, this did not seem like a prank or jest. "If anything, this could be a matter worth investigating. Take me to where you had last spotted the ore. I'll try and collect samples, see if I can find a trail, myself."

Gideon took quick inventory of his equipment at hand, clutching his spear momentarily before letting go.

"A pickaxe or some similar sort of tool would also be prudent, especially if this seems to be a 'Living Vein.' I'm not entirely sure on how aggressive they are, but my spear might not make the best of tools against such a beast, assuming its hostile."
I'm disappointed. Are butlers allowed?
get the fuck out of my room im playing minecraft

As Gideon worked on his survey, he did his best to tune out Raelzeth's musings. He wasn't super interested in learning about demons at this time as any encounter with them is likely to be lethal to a Raam. Perhaps asking a true expert on demonology would be in Gideon's best interest if only to learn of what his people could do against them should they become a threat. As of now, however, the Sage of Steel has little interest in raising his iron hands against a Primarch or anything else of that nature. And besides, it seems like Raelzeth only has surface-level information on Naraheim.

Surveying the village was a much more fruitful endeavor. It could take a bit to rebuild, but perhaps it may be in Gideon's best interest to salvage what he can from the ruined buildings. Especially now that the villagers' attentions are pointed towards other pursuits, salvaging their ruined homes for material he could use may be a much easier endeavor. Something that would be seen as theft could be turned a blind eye, and it's not like these villagers would know exactly what to do with the resources they may have. The guidance of a sage is necessary in this regard.

Still, there could be a lot done to prevent destruction of this scale, or at least mitigate its damage. One thing on Gideon's mind is focusing building efforts on areas where the soil is more fortuitous, at least with the material they currently have on hand. With time and study, Gideon is sure he could figure out a proper foundation for the more coastal parts of the village, creating structures that won't simply sink into the sand. Without a proper lab, however, these ventures would once more be something to look into with time.

Perhaps that traveling merchant may be selling the proper materials for Gideon to make a workstation he could research and study properly with.

"... Mine?" Gideon was caught a bit off-guard with Raelzeth's question and sudden change of demeanor. She seemed less relaxed than she normally was. "Mining is an important aspect of Raam society, gathering the sacred metals for the Forgefather to bless us with his creations and all. I've been privy to oversee a few of these miracles, but I can't say I've mined myself. Closest I've mined is traveling through the more cavernous regions of the world, although I haven't ventured down any significant depth for obvious reasons."

Gideon paid attention to the gremlin's reaction to his statement carefully, and made a quick intuition based off her nervousness.

"... You've never really mined before, have you?"
get the fuck out of my room im playing minecraft

Gideon was completely dumbfounded by the child, so much so that it seemed as if time stood still for quite a while. He made sure to keep Raelzeth at arms length this entire time, his arms being held out to his sides in the shape of a 'T' as he pondered just how he would deal with this brat. On one hand, entertaining Raelzeth's questions may make her more open to listening to Gideon's requests. However, if Gideon played too much into the child's hand, she may get even bolder with her slacking off. Going down whatever rabbit hole lead by her may mean no work will be done at all today. Still, at the very least, Gideon should try and 'make friends' with the girl, especially given her talents and familial ties. Her stonesinging will prove useful to the formation of Gideon's army.

"... Very well. I did plan to do some surveying on my own if I couldn't find you, so I suppose I should get to doing that." Gideon spoke after pondering for what felt like forever. His arms were less stretched out than they previously were, although the Raam did continue to maintain some distance from Raelzeth. "You can tag along and tell me all about Naraheim if you wish." He would then make his way to the outskirts of Dawn, procuring a few empty metal vials from his pack. The Sage had some time in the few days he was in the area to get a feel for a land, but he never got to do any proper surveying yet. Perhaps now, especially with someone who knows a good deal of the land, it's a good time to start writing up that mental map of Dawn.

Hopefully Raelzeth does not get too much in Gideon's way.
hey is this still open?
I'll throw my sheet over once I find good alt art~

In other news, is there anything like a Discord being planned?
@Cu Chulainn Hey! So I really LOVE the choice you made. I think it is very creative and I've never seen him app'd before! Unfortunately, Kirei would exist in the universe, though he'd have no part in the roleplay. Changing the picture would probably be for the best, just to avoid confusion. I have to admit before I read anything I was SO scared I was about to read someone submitting him as a servant...

The only thing that concerns me is the double plus modifiers when his NP is activated, which I do understand to an extent, and considering that is his only Noble Phantasm, I think it should be fine. Just know that this roleplay won't take numbers TOO TOO seriously. They are more so a guide to tell us how good the servant is at something, an explanation for specific things they can and cannot do, not necessarily a law.

That being said, some type of recovery from the NP would be nice and feel more "fair" or perhaps if he does not feed off of enough negative emotions, he does not get the second +? I'm open to discussion, but for the most part this app is great. I love it.

I get the concern, although I do feel the recovery is implied with the cost of activating a Noble Phantasm multiple times in a fight. While it wouldn't be at the cost of a true "final attack/transformation" Noble Phantasm, switching between the two forms constantly in combat would add up quite a bit in costs. There's also the action economy of donning and doffing the belt, which creates a minute but significant window of vulnerability. This, alongside his general playstyle, is why I feel the function of his transformation already comes with enough tradeoffs.

I suppose I should clarify his playstyle a bit, as well as the rationale behind the double modifiers. Stumpp's core gameplay loop goes against the grain of your usual Assassin. Rather than focusing on Master-killing and reconnaissance, he possesses a kit that mixes preparation and attrition fighting. Outside of his Noble Phantasm, he's essentially a worse Caster with a skillset that encourages staying in a fight.

The Noble Phantasm is meant to be an equalizer in that sense. The intent of the transformation is to let him fight in the same way as Knight-class Servants. This is achieved through physical modification, and a lot of that legwork comes from the modifiers. In this regard, he is a "monster" in a world of heroes, but even then his boosts are modest compared to actual monster transformations who walk into the room with A++ STR. Of course, he still has the chassis of an Assassin who lacks a martial legend, so he "balances out" vs the standard Knight-class Servant by lacking martial feats.

Most importantly, Stumpp's trump card is fighting at the baseline Knight-classes fight at. He's already fighting at a disadvantage against a Saber who could fight at his baseline (or potentially higher) without having to use a Noble Phantasm while still possessing a trump card of their own. His win condition relies on attrition so he could loop his skills properly, and adding a recovery cost to his transformation plays heavily against that.
Assassin app. Not a Pseudo-Servant, I just thought the FC was both funny and fitting. I'll change the FC if Kirei actually exists.

EDIT: Clarified the intent of Torture Techniques in relation to the rest of his kit.

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