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“Others, you say? Huh.” Dietrich's comment on this part of Morgraine's report was delivered in an off-handed manner, as if it was only half a step more interesting than the weather, but it prompted another brief look at Victor before his attention refocused on her.

“Worry not, you will learn and adapt quickly,” he responded to Morgraine's apology regarding her handling of the cane she had just been trying out. He retrieved the cane she had just put back onto the table with his left hand, since his right was still holding his own majestic sword, and deftly twirled the light weapon between his fingers. “The threaded cane, huh? You're more dexterously inclined then, or so I would presume. A fine weapon, very sophisticated.”
He held up the weapon so that Morgraine could see, specifically presenting her with its handle. “In case you were unaware, Hunters use trick weapons, which all have the namesake 'trick' to them. If you press this button on one of these canes...”
Turning the cane so that its cutting edge was turned toward himself, Dietrich somewhat awkwardly managed to move his left thumb to the button placed right between the end of the handle and the start of the blade of the weapon despite the right-handed grip of the weapon. With a press of the thumb, the cane gave a sharp, metallic noise as the blade transformed into its whip-form.
“It's a very technical weapon, possibly one of the hardest to use.” He twirled it in his hand again until the now-segmented blade pointed to the floor, before he thrust it down, prompting another metallic snap as it switched back into its cane-form. “But very rewarding.”
He placed it back onto the table carefully, almost with reverence. His right hand, remarkably, never left the hilt of his sword through the entire process of handling the cane.

“The four rooms over there are freely available for Hunters to use,” he replied to her request for privacy, pointing to the side of the room to the right of the entrance. “The two on the right are common rooms for socializing and gambling and what have you, whereas the two on the left are for resting, with beds for napping. The leftmost one (T/U 2/3 intersection) has a latch on the inside for privacy. I think they're all empty, so you can use them as you desire.”

“As intriguing as spending the night with you sounds, I am afraid there are other plans... though there is something important about you that you must know first that I suspect Victor would not have told you.” He sighed, his smile faltering for just a second before being restored to its full charming, shining intensity. “You're immortal.”
Will reply for Morgraine's scene soonish. In the meantime, I threw together a "quick" (took way too long to make, actually) map of the White Church Workshop:
(Updated the image so that if you click it, you get the full-resolution one rather than whatever fits in RPGuild.)
(Updated to include new area: Office of the First Hunter
Central Yharnam, Lower Cathedral Ward, White Church Hunter's Workshop

Dietrich glanced sharply at Victor when Morgraine declared herself to be “a Hunter now, as you,” though Victor was decidedly looking in the opposite direction as if being incredibly preoccupied with examining the walls of the barracks. The First Hunter's attention returned to Morgraine instantly, however, his smile unfaltering, and followed her with his back straight and his gait soft and calm, yet confident and without hesitation.
“I am the one who leads the Hunters of the white Healing Church, yes,” he confirmed, straightforward and matter-of-factly, opting against false modesty and pride alike. “A new Hunter, on this night... I suppose –” He paused for just a second, blinking his eyes rapidly several times before he regained his composure. “– Victor retrieved you during his mission with Adelicia.”
He once again looked to Victor, who – now meticulously studying a nearby pillar – eagerly nodded his head at the question. Then Dietrich was back to Morgraine.

“You are not obliged to do so,” he assured her when she commented on the white church garbs, “but if you would like some, we do have tailors at hand to ensure a perfect fit. It would be a terrible shame for a Hunter to get themselves killed because their garb was too tight or too loose.” He laughed; a bright, almost melodious sound.
Eh, I don't particularly have a preference one way or the other... but I typically subscribe to the idea that having activity where others, both current and potentially future players, can see it and be assured that things are, in fact, happening in the RP. Besides, I'm not exactly sure (since it will depend in part on Morgraine) how long a conversation it will be.

Unless you prefer moving it to a collab (which would be completely find), either in PMs or a Google Doc, I'd say we just stick to shorter posts in the meantime.
Central Yharnam, Lower Cathedral Ward, White Church Hunter's Workshop

Walking through the doors into the workshop lead Victor and Morgraine into a large, quite well-lit room with brass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and braziers standing in the corners, which also meant that the area was a lot warmer than the outside. The room itself was even bigger than the back room of the clinic Morgraine had awoken as a Hunter in, seeming to be a bit more than thirty by thirty meters (about a hundred by a hundred feet) with a tall ceiling three meters (ten feet) over their heads, making the room seem almost cavernous compared to the tight, intricate spaces that typically made up residential and administrative buildings in Yharnam. The floor and walls, the latter of which had only a couple of small, barred and shuttered windows on the side from which they entered and the opposite, was all built from hefty blocks of granite. Even the ceiling, with four joists extending from one side of the room to the other, each of which was further supported by three wooden pillars, was made from slabs of some kind of soot-covered stone.
To Morgraine and Victor's right were four normal-looking wooden doors, whereas there was only two doors to their left, spaced much further from each other and each reinforced with iron bands. Also to their right, distributed around those two doors, were seven tables, each seemingly attended by somewhat harried-looking in white church garb, many of which were frantically consulting sheets of paper or notebooks or running from their table to the furthest of the two reinforced doors, only to return moments later with armfuls of supplies to their tables.
The purpose of these tables was likely quite easy to determine even at a glance, simply due to the objects laid out on or around them. Five of the tables were free-standing, further away from the walls. One of these was filled with preserved foods fit for quick consumption, like jerky, crackers and the like, another table was filled with bottles of water and other, somewhat colored liquids that were less immediately identifiable. A table had neatly arranged rows of boxes, each filled with blood vials, while another was much less neatly bulging with pouches. The last free-standing table, meanwhile, just had piles and piles of two identical sets of clothes: the male and female variants of the white church garb, which seemed to be what nearly everyone around here was wearing.
The two last tables were up against the wall, sat between the two reinforced doors, and used not only the tables, but also mounts on the wall behind them to array the items available in a manner that was easy to peruse. The left of the two offered a selection of trick weapons, the preferred arms of Hunters, and showed off Kirkhammers, threaded canes, Holy Blades, church picks, rifle spears and Bulwarks. The table to the right of that had a similarly laid-out selection of firearms, ranging from pistols and blunderbusses made to be used in one hand, to more powerful rifles meant to be braced and fired with both hands.

The inside of the workshop was actually surprisingly deserted compared to the outside, with the few Hunters present simply entering, getting what they needed and immediately leaving again to resume their work on this Night of the Hunt. On a normal night, or day for that matter, this workshop would doubtlessly have been far more populated than it was currently, but tonight more than any other time Hunters were needed out and about in Yharnam, purging the beasts as they poured out from whatever recesses they normally hid away in.
Aside from the clerics attending the tables with supplies, the only constant presence in the room was a stately man in a white set of foreign, military uniform, only with a longer cape that was parted down the middle and embroidered with silver thread so that each half of the cape visibly symbolized a feathered wing. Almost bizarrely well-groomed for such a chaotic night, the man was clean-shaven, his blonde hair in a shortish ponytail and with eyes of such a pale blue hue that it was almost white. He carried a large sword with a two-handed grip and a blade that looked like smooth silver, polished to an almost mirror-like sheen. He held the handle with his right hand, resting the blade on his shoulder, while occasionally gesturing with his left hand to direct clerics and Hunters as necessary.

When he finally noticed Victor and Morgraine, he smiled at them broadly, flashing a set of blindingly white teeth, and approached them eagerly.
“Finally! I was so worried!” he exclaimed, his voice both smooth and confident. “When the bells rang I feared the worst! Although...” He turned his piercing gaze at Victor, who very pointedly looked anywhere but at the man. “Where is Adelicia?”
“I left her at a shelter,” Victor grumbled in return, clearly uncomfortable. “Figured it'd be safer there than dragging her across Yharnam to get here.”
“I see.” The man nodded to himself thoughtfully, rubbing his defined, masculine jaw with soft, well-groomed fingers. He turned to Morgraine, his eyes shifting momentarily between her and Victor before settling on her. He smiled even more broadly than before, the very image of charm.
“Pleasant evening to you, m'lady,” he greeted her with a small but elegant bow, a hint of amusement in his eye betraying his awareness of how inappropriately formal such a welcome was on a night such as this one. “I am Dietrich, First Hunter of the White Church. And you are...?”
No no, I guess I was just erring on the side of caution as to whether to advance things before receiving confirmation that there was no further questions or conversations to be had before entering the next area. I apologize for the confusion, I just didn't want to propel Morgraine onward until I had definite confirmation that she was ready to be propelled...
@bloonewb, while I appreciate the initiative and would have been totally okay with it in a different collaborative writing effort, I would really prefer if you (and the players of the RP in general) abstained from describing as-of-yet unspecified details in the environment, let alone entirely new areas and NPCs. It makes it extremely awkward for me to GM the story if I don't control the context for your characters... you could even say that it's the entire point of the GM to do so.

I'd much prefer a very short IC-post or even just an OOC-post to a post that sets the scene. I ignored it so far because it has primarily been about environments just observed in passing, but... yeah. Generally speaking it is probably for the best to stick to your character, and if they interact with something or go somewhere I haven't detailed yet, that's probably a good point to end the post and let the GM take over.
That's completely fine, that's why I asked. Heh, new result that came up for Arcturus was, ironically, "Nothing happens."

EDIT: Do you want to post Arcturus' reaction to his findings in the reception, or is he just heading straight through the lantern?
Central Yharnam, Lower Cathedral Ward, outside the White Church Hunter's Workshop

Morgraine's question prompted a barely suppressed snort of laughter from Victor before he shook his head, smirking with mild amusement.
“Well, I'm going in there too and will point him out if need be, but...” He paused, simply walking the path closer to the workshop for a moment while idly tapping the blade of his small sword in his right hand against the side of the ornate box he carried in his left one. “I want to say that you'll know when you see him. Wears a foreign uniform, uses a unique sword that is his alone, looks like your typical fairy-tale prince... His full name and title is 'Dietrich of the Shining Wing, First Hunter of the white Healing Church.' A figurehead as far as I'm concerned, there to make humans fear Hunters less. Never seen him fight, but he seems to lead well.”
He glanced over his shoulder at Morgraine, evidently unworried by the other Hunters, church servants and giants around. “Anything else before we head in?”
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