Avatar of Darkspleen
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@Landoval13 Looks good. You can move over to the character tab when ready.
Yurnero has informed me that he no longer wishes to participate, so his slot is now open.
<Snipped quote by Darkspleen>

Yo, don't scare me like that.

Oh my god! Lol. I didn't even notice I'd spelled the name wrong.
Unfortunately I need to travel out of town for the next few days, so in all likelihood I won't be getting the normal GM post up on Friday. Instead I'll shoot for later in the weekend. I will have access to the internet, so I'll be able to communicate while I'm away.

Also I'm going to make the following weekend an RPing vacation, so I won't be posting during that time and I won't expect anyone else to post as well. If you wish to post during that time you are free to however.
@Silvir I appreciate your interest in this RP. Unfortunately I feel that your sheet in its current form indicates that you are not up to an advanced writing standard which is a requirement to participate in this RP. While I do recognize that the sheet you posted is a WIP, I want you to realize that you do have a fair amount of refinement to do in order to bring it up to advanced standards.
Otocres, The Kingdom of Osentia

“Any response yet?” Kerwyn Glas asked as he gazed towards the port city his ships were currently near.

“Not yet Cap’n” One of his crew answered. They had used flags to communicate their intent to enter port a few minutes ago and were eager to unload their goods. Kerwyn had been concerned that they wouldn’t be granted access on account of being unknown to these lands or that they would use the wrong signals. That seemed unlikely given the source of his info however. After a moment the crewman stated “There’s their response. We’ve been given permission.”

“Alright then. Put her into port.” On his order the three hulks Kerwyn commanded gilded towards the port. The crews of the three ships were already offloading their cargo before the port officials approached.

“Gentlemen!” Kerwyn said as the Osentian officials approached his ship. “How can I help you?”

“Just a routine inspection.” One of the Osentian officials stated.

“Of course. Feel free to check any of the cargo we’ve unloaded.” Kerwyn responded.

“Where are you from?” Another official asked. “I don’t recognize your flag.”

“We hail from Yattunys. Its… far in the east.” Kerwyn answered. The official raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment further.

“What’s your cargo?”

“Food. Mostly fruits and vegetables, but also some meat.”

“Fruits and vegetables? Where’d you bring them from?”

“Why” Kerwyn answered, “Yattunys of course.”

“You trying to sell us rotten food?!” The official demanded.

“Of course not!” Kerwyn looked and sounded truly offended. “We ship only the freshest food!”

“How could they possibly be fresh if they came all the way from the East?” The officially pressed.

“Ah.” Kerwyn said. “I forgot that Askor was… backwards. We have very skilled mages who have come up with ways of preserving food. Now I’ve got three ships here with holds full of food and another five following shortly behind. It is my clients’ intent to open a permanent trade route with Askor, either in your country or somewhere else. I don’t suppose there would be a market for food, both mundane and exotic, here?”

Somewhere near the Southern Border, Utrye

The ground shuddered as if a Primordial had gripped Askor and was shaking it with all of its might. Colum yelped in fear and curled up into a ball as nearby trees toppled and great tears opened into the ground. It seemed like the Primordial’s fury would never cease. But then it did. Colum remained on the ground for an hour after the shaking had ceased, fearing it would begin again the moment he stood up. Finally he gathered the courage to rise to his feet and survey his surroundings. It almost looked like he was in a different place entirely.

Great rifts in the ground formed miniature canyons and what looked like half of the trees in the forest he had been in had toppled over. The area was utterly silent, all the animals having fled or still in hiding. And strangest of all… all of the smaller plants in the area were dead. It looked almost as if they had been dead for tendays, yet just an hour ago the area had been full of life.

And then Colum heard a ringing sound. He looked around, trying to find the sound. He didn’t immediately see anything that could make the sound, so after a few minutes began wandering around to see if he could trace it back to its source. The sound led him to one of the newly formed rifts in the ground.

He looked down into the rift and saw… something. Was that a shrine? He couldn’t tell. And for some reason simply looking at it gave him a headache and filled him with dread. Something was wrong. He could feel it in his bones. He… needed to go. Now.

The snapping of a twig behind him had him spinning around and what he saw made him scream.

Levine, The Argentum Knights

“We must prepare for the coming war!”

Lord Champion Niephaus let out a long sigh as he listened to the same debate for what felt like the thousandth time that day. Why did people insist on saying the same things over and over again? Perhaps it was time for him to step in.

“What makes you think a war is coming?” Niephaus asked the man who had spoken earlier. He kept forgetting the man’s name and only remembered him as being a priest from Lynnfaire. Lynnfairen Argenists taking part in the General Chapter were rare, but certainly not unheard of.

“The Prophetess used her last words to warn us about an inevitable invasion from the East!” The Lynnfairen priest answered.

“I’m afraid that is incorrect.” Neiphaus said. “She used her last words not to warn us of an invasion, but to implore us to treat those who are to save the continent like the heroes they will be.” The Lynnfairen opened his mouth to speak, but Neiphaus continued on. “And I quote: Askor shall suffer through two decades of war before the East brings an even greater conflict. I pray that the heroes that rise in that distant future to save the continent are not subjected to the same terrible treatment as I.” He paused for a moment before continuing “She stated that the East would bring a greater conflict, but she said nothing about an invasion.”

“What could she have been talking about if not an invasion?” The Lynnfairen asked.

“Perhaps she meant that a disease would spread from the East. Maybe some sort of cultural change from the East is destined to cause widespread strife in our lands. I do not know. What I do know is she did not definitively state an invasion would occur, thus we can not assume that is what she meant.”

“My lords and ladies” Neiphaus looked at each person present in turn. “We must be prepared for anything. Already we can see how fragile the countries of Askor have become. Look at Lynnfaire and Osetina: one in the middle of a bloody civil war and the other suffering from famines. We must be prepared for similar things to occur around the continent. And we must be prepared.”

“It's a pity the Prophetess was… imprecise about the exact timing of this conflict. For all we know it could be another decade before it begins.” One of the local priests said.

“Indeed.” Neiphaus nodded. “We can only speculate on why the Prophetess did not give us an exact date and tell us exactly what form this conflict would take. But I believe that she is testing the people of Askor and we all know she would never give us a test we were incapable of passing.”

@Willy Vereb After looking at the info you posted here and in Discord I have decided that your argument is with merit and that am willing to chalk up the weapons in your sheet as you 'interpreting the rule as a countermeasure to rapid firing weapons and thus not viewing conventional crossbow designs incorporating pumps or levers as actually breaking the intent of the rule'. This interpretation was, in fact, correct (in that I wanted to prevent rapid firing weapons) and I take the blame for rashly implementing a poorly thought out rule and further writing it in a confusing manner.

I will be rewriting the rule to make it clearer sometime tonight. I am not quite sure what it'll entail exactly, but will probably follow the lines of "Don't have rapid firing weapons." Very likely the rule change will also include a lifting of the ban on pump-actions and lever-actions, but I won't promise that at this time.
@Willy Vereb Honestly I am not terribly surprised that I gave you permission to post in the character tab and then promptly forgot (hence my wording). And now that you mention it I do recall doing so, so my apologies.

Here is my concern. I explicitly banned something and instead of approaching me and trying to inform/convince me that the ban was premature or inappropriate you instead decided to outright ignore my ruling. This is not something I'm cool with.

For now lets do this: you may post (as I gave you permission to post in the character tab), but do not make any mention of lever action or pump action crossbows/bolters. DO NOT TEST ME ON THIS.

I have seen your argument here in the OOC in regards to those types of crossbows and will give it some consideration. If you want you are more than welcome to broach the subject in discord.

To everyone else

I'll be putting up the next GM post (and probably my first Argentum Knights post) sometime today. I am considering making the week of Christmas be something of a vacation, meaning I won't expect you all to post during it, but that's something we can address in the next week.
@Willy Vereb We've got two problems: 1) I don't recall giving you permission to post in the character tab and 2) your military uses pump-action and lever-action crossbows, both of which are explicitly banned. You will need to remove those crossbows, or bolters as you call them, and resubmit your sheet for approval before you can post ICly.
A number of players has brought to my attention a trend regarding crossbows that they find concerning. This trend being the desire to use lever-action, pump-action, or any kind of semi-auto crossbow. After discussing the matter with the concerned players I find myself sharing their concerns, thus I have decided to ban the use of any of the aforementioned crossbows (this includes bolters and any other similar weapons). I am aware that ancient china did use a type of semi-auto crossbow in RL, however these weapons had a number of serious issues (that players tend to be unaware of or simply choose to ignore) and I feel that the threat of 'tech creep' both warrants and necessitates this ban.
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