Avatar of Dartbored Fairy
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Note to Self (Or whoever is nice enough to remind me): Update/Edit Bio

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Hida doesn't pay much attention to the captain. Instead keeping her attention on this 'Shard' woman. The woman was shocked by the earthquake, but the event had not diminished her excitement.

"I'm not sure if following me is what you're looking for though, I'm a rather dull person. That being said though, you're free to stick around if you wish to do so, I won't tell you to leave."

"And if you don't like it 'up in your ship', then why not just stay away from there? After all, nobody's forcing you to go back, right?"

Actions for Mili & Pirila will come when people do things that involve them.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As the Ferry slowly approaches the Trios Harbour, the crew starts preparing to dock. It's late in the morning, so most of the fishing boats that would normally dock are gone, and the only boats remaining are some of the larger ones.

But the docks themselves are far from empty - people have set up stalls on the docks, hoping to sell things of dubious value to people coming to town by boat. The stalls themselves are rather colourful as the people operating them hope to attract people to buy from them instead of from others.

A bit further inland, past the stalls crowding the docks, are numerous townhouses. As this is the one dock where the ferries dock it does not lead to the warehouses like the other docks, instead providing a quick route into town.

The town itself is divided into 6 districts. The Bazaar, the Church and other structures near the center of the town are part of the central district, where the town hall is located as well. The rest of the town is divided into four more districts, each named after a cardinal direction. The areas outside of the town, where the mines, farms and the manor are located, are part of the outside district.

The main road leading into the town from the port brings people past several stores selling all sorts of items, the more popular of the town's taverns, and the largest inn in town with a view over the harbour and the sea, the Singing Fish. From there on, people can go west towards the town's Grand Bazaar, while continuing Northward would bring them to the town's large Church and eventually to the excavation site where a group of archaeologists are busy exploring the recent discovery.

The fastest way out of town, however, would be going East. Going in that direction it's only a relatively short walk before one leaves the town of Trios and enters the fields around it. There are a handful of farms here, but the cold climate of Trios makes farming difficult. As a result, the town either fishes for or imports most of it's food.

But, although there are many ways to explore the town of Trios, the people aboard the boat would have to wait.

After all, the ship hasn't docked yet, that would still take a while. Until then, those aboard would have to entertain themselves with what was aboard the ship.

The ship fortunately was not just a repurposed cargo ship. Instead, it had been built specifically for bringing people to Trios. It had plenty of cabins for the passengers - simple cabins with a single bed, table, chair and closet - and a large lounge for people to sit, eat and talk.

But, not all is peaceful in the town of Trios. In one of the larger houses in the eastern district, a woman screams in horror as she finds the decapitated body of her husband, sitting on the couch in their home.

In the Manor outside the town, a newly-hired maid trips and breaks a stack of plates. Meanwhile, an ageing man is having tea on the balcony, overlooking the town he built while enjoying the sun.

In the mines, the miners are working hard, hoping to find gold. For some of them, finding gold is common. Others have never had the fortune of ever seeing the town's famed gold before it gets mined.

At the bazaar, a girl sits eating a sandwich while waiting for something, occasionally looking into the small pouch she has with her as if checking if something is still there.

And at the excavation site, a group of archaeologists have given up all hope of finding their missing colleague.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Thanks for the quick edit!

@Prima Luce

Accepted, glad to have you aboard!

I will be making the first IC post shortly - hopefully tomorrow. People can still join after we start of course.
Would you guys like a Discord Server for the RP?
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Your character sheet looks good, but there's only one minor issue: Cars don't exist yet.
Beyond that I can see no problems with the character, so just fix that and you'll be accepted!


Looks good, accepted!
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

All three of you are to be considered accepted!

And yeah @Karkinos, it'd be nice to have her in the Character Tab too.

@Prima Luce

Ah, no worries. I'll look forward to seeing your character!


Alrighty! Don't forget to let me know when you've made a decision!
As Shard starts rambling, Hida takes the time to get a good look at the girl. She seemed nice enough, if a little excited and strange. She wasn't really sure what this 'Shard' person was talking about, but that didn't really matter.

Shaking Shard's hand, Hida is about to respond when the building is hit by an earthquake, severely damaging the structure. The earthquake knocks everyone off their feet, but Hida is quick to stand up again. Once again brushing any dust off of her dress, she simply states. "We have many names for this place, of which I personally prefer the word 'Useless Trash Heap'. Anyway, my name's Hida, and are you alright or did the quake do to your bones what it did to the floor?"

Growling as she notices the lotion, Pirila reaches out to grab it and toss it out a nearby window when the quake hits. Quickly, she pulls Mili under the safety of their table and waits for the earthquake to end.

"Well. That's no good. Shall we check the damage, Mili?" Pirila says, getting up from underneath the table and extending her hand for Mili to grab.

Mili trembles as she hides under the table together with Pirila. Everything was shaking and stuff! The walls might come down on top of them!

Fortunately though, nothing happened, and Mili sighed a breath of relief. As Pirila gets up and extends her hand, Mili begins to crawl towards Pirila.

At that moment, an intense, scorching pain hits her neck, and Mili collapses onto the floor screaming in pain as the heat burns through the bandages.

Thoroughly distracted by the pain, Mili doesn't notice Pirila pulling her closer and wrapping an arm around her, her comforting words drowned out by Mili's crying. She didn't like the pain, not one bit, and she didn't even what caused it! Did debris hit her in the neck? No, wait, her neck hurt a bit ago too. Was this the same thing hurting again?

Whatever the case, Mili keeps crying for a long while after the burning stops, only stopping after noticing that Pirila had carried her out of the dining room and laid her down on a couch.

Pirila, meanwhile, was stroking the younger girl's hair. She didn't say anything - or Mili simply didn't hear it - but it was obvious that she was shocked and confused by what had just happened.

It seemed like their plan to check the building for damage would have to wait.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Reserving this spot for Character Sheets for important NPCs and such.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Name: (How would they introduce themselves)
Species: (If not human, please describe the species here)
Appearance: (What do they look like?)
Abilities: (What special skills/abilities, if any, do they have?)
Special Weaknesses: (Do they have any unique weaknesses? Allergies, Phobias and more extreme weaknesses go here.)
Weapons: (Do they carry any weapons with them? Also, if your character has a gun, please mention how much bullets they have. Keep in mind that bullets are very hard to obtain, so you're not likely to have a lot of them.)
Items: (Do they carry anything special with them?)
Backstory: (This is where your character's past goes. Optional but recommended.)
Other: (Other info that doesn't fit in other categories goes here as well.)

Reposting the Character Creation Things to make them easier to find.

In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hidden away between tall mountains and built on the shore of the Bay of Keol lies the town of Trios (pronounced ‘Tree-os’). It's a large town famous for its gold mines. It is renowned for being the region's biggest source of gold.

However, Trios wasn't always famous. It used to be home to a band of notoriously brutal bandits. They had a fort where Trios is now located and would use boats to cross the bay and attack other towns. They made life miserable for people living around the bay, and their secluded hideout made them difficult to confront.

The bandits however didn't remain bandits. For reasons unknown they started mining in the mountains around their base, and soon they struck gold. With a few well-placed bribes their crimes were pardoned and their former hideout became a small, thriving Mining Town.
Still, the Mining Town wouldn't last because the gold veins were eventually depleted and the miners started developing strange illnesses. People soon moved away from the town and the place was deserted for a while, with the exception of a few minor households.

Then came a man named Provis. Provis's family was wealthy, having obtained a fortune through both shipbuilding and shipping, and Provis was the heir to that fortune. He enjoyed travelling and found the former mining town on one of his journeys. He promptly bought the land and decided he would return the town to its former glory.

Using his family's wealth, he set about rebuilding the town, an effort that attracted many people from the surrounding lands. Soon the renewed town was renamed Trios, and became bigger and more prosperous than it ever had been. Naturally, the biggest burst of growth took place when miners once again struck gold in the mountains surrounding Trios, creating an influx of people seeking riches and glory.

Provis, who was appropriately recognized as ruler over Trios, decided to take advantage of his stature by not merely starting five new mines, but also launching a ferry company that became the only safe way in or out of the town.

Funded by this fresh source of income, Provis constructed a grand mansion on the mountainside to the North of the town, from which he watched over his creation, Trios, as it continued to flourish and prosper.

Now, several years later, Provis is but an old man, though his influences abide nonetheless. Of the six mines in Trios that produce gold, four of them are owned by Provis. This monopoly has not only served to increase his wealth and expand the development of the town to the lavish prosperity it is today, it has also helped in the funding of an excavation that recently uncovered mysterious and ancient ruins beneath Trios.

For reasons known only to you, you have made your way to the town of Trios. Perhaps you’re there hoping to start a new life, or maybe you’re there searching for something. Perhaps you’ve heard of the mysteries of the town and want to try solving them for yourself.

Whatever your reasoning, you are on your way to the town. Aboard the large ferry - it’s closer to being a small ocean-going sailing ship than a ferry - you slowly make your way to the town.

In the distance, storm clouds are approaching. You’ll probably reach the town before the storm hits, but it’s still an unsettling sight.

As the town gets closer and closer, you get a great view of it from the ship, and its major structures easily stand out, even from this distance. From where you’re standing you can easily see the surprisingly small port and the warehouses nearby, the large church near the center of the town, and of course the large mansion with it’s grand clock tower off in the distance.

But easily the most obvious sight are the massive snow-capped mountains surrounding the town. It’s these mountains that hold the gold that Trios is so famous for, and cast a large shadow over the town each sunset.

Unfortunately, you can’t stand around and watch the town forever, as the Captain soon announces that they’ll be docking soon.

Whatever reason you had for coming to Trios, it won’t be long before you’re there.

Hello there, person!

Welcome, to the IC thread for my latest RP! As you can see, it’s set in and around the town of Trios, a secluded town with an interesting history and some mysteries as well. You get the fun task of exploring said town!

Now, as you probably noticed, the small story involves the characters starting on a ship. This, of course, is optional. If you want to arrive in a different way (or even have your character be someone who already is in Trios) just send me a PM or ask me in the OOC or whatever!

Before we can get started, however, we must discuss some potentially less-fun bits: Rules and stuff, So let’s get it out of the way. Some of these will probably be obvious, others less so.

0 - The GM has the final say in times of disagreement among players. This should be obvious but I’m listing it anyway.
1 - Please use Common Sense.
2 - If you want to hide information about your Character from others that’s okay, but ONLY if you PM said hidden information to me so I can know of it and approve it (If I don’t know about a power, your character doesn’t have said power).
3 - Two independent characters per player. If you want more, either get rid of one of the ones you already have OR PM me so we can talk about it.
4 - Certain abilities are either too Powerful or don’t fit. I’ll be listing the details in the hiders below (and I’ll be relisting them with the Character Sheets), but it’s not an all-inclusive list, as I could potentially forget things, so I might turn down characters if they are too powerful. Generally, if something is balanced well enough I’ll likely accept it (even if the power in question is part of my banlist).
5 - Fun is important, please have it.

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