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6 yrs ago
Updating playlist thing on my bio today, if you're ever looking for the link again or want it on a different platform just pm me and tricky will hook you up.
7 yrs ago
This one time I seriously considered buying a dick rose phone case.
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@Peik @Gcold @Dervish Okay! Sheet is complete!

26th of Rain’s Hand - Evening
@POOHEAD189 & @Stormflyx & @DearTrickster

The small fire crackled invitingly, large enough to keep feet warm and provide just enough light. Judena stretched out her long legs to do just that, warm her feet. Boots at her side she flexed her scaly toes. Having eaten her small portion of rations, she indulged in a pickled treat to help ease the hurt of the day. Her mind may not remember in the morning but her heart would ache still.

She had finished writing her notes for the day, understandably others around the fire were hard pressed to distract themselves or to try to sleep. The new face of the finely dressed breton woman caught Judena’s attention, she carried herself with surely bred nobility and a higher station of life.

Curiosity was at least the most simple distraction for the likes of the argonian.

Judena slipped on her boots then circled around the fire approaching Raelynn.

Raelynn had been glancing over at the Argonian between sips from a small cup of tea brewed from some wild flowers she had managed to pick up from around the campsite. She left the pot simmering beside the flames of the fire to keep warm, and she wrapped her cloak around herself just a touch tighter. The journey across the waters had chilled her to the bone. She had already thrust a cup of the tea into the hands of Alim. She was only slightly more fond of him than the others.

“It’s blue and purple wild flower, it’s not much but it’s the best I can offer to you. May it keep you warm, friend…” she let the enunciation roll off her tongue on the final word, she had noticed him eying her over while they were in the face of danger - and even though that was acceptable then, for now it simply wouldn’t do. She couldn’t be seen to be cosying up to this one in front of his group.

Certainly not now that she had spotted the older Imperial gentleman, anyway. His presence was commanding in the way that only a true Knight’s was. With one look up and down she had read him like a book, and was excited at the prospect of getting to know him in the near future.

As she gazed over at Gaius, she spotted in her peripherals the Argonian making way over to her. She clutched her hands around the cup a little tighter and did her absolute best to crack a smile. She had clocked that the creature had done the decent thing and put her boots back on…

For Alim’s part, he didn’t seem very forward compared to how he presented himself during the rescue. He often had a flair for the dramatic and was more addicted to high stakes actions than most were. As the danger had abated, so had his libito for the most part. Oh, Raelynn was a pretty woman, but Alim was merely glad to see most people had gotten out safe. He worried for Arinfare though. He should have stayed with her…

“Ah, thank you.” He said, accepting the cup from Raelynn. Well, at least he had saved someone during the invasion. He might have heard the inflection of her voice at the end if he wasn’t lost in thought. Alim took a sip, and it did indeed warm him. It was slightly bitter, but still good considering what limited ingredients they had. Jude approaching perked him up however. “Jude!” He said brightly. “Let me introduce you to a pretty woman I picked up in the city.” He gave a wink. “Raelynn, Jude. Jude, Raelynn.”

Judena cracked a classic argonian smile, all lips and no teeth. “Good evening, Raelynn. Judena Callisar.” She beamed at Alim. Taking a seat on the other side of Raelynn, “I am glad you could join us in relative safety, with Alad to thank. He is quite sneaky and very proficient with sword in hand. I cannot remember why I believe that but I have a good instinct about these things.”

“You dress in fine thread, were you a noble? You speak quite well.” Judena asked, she shuffled her logbook out of her shirt ready to commit their conversation to memory. Feeling like something was off she discreetly flipped back a page and reread it. “Apologies, Alim forgive this dusty mind of mine.”

“Charmed…” she responded slowly, making eye contact with Judena as she sat down beside her. Raelynn’s brow raised slightly as she took a sip from the cup drinking in every word from Judena’s mouth. At least she had taste, she could see that Raelynn was dressed well, and perhaps it was this sincere and curious observation that softened Raelynn’s composure and warmed her ever so…

“This? This was… a gift of sorts, a thank you for a favour…” The moonlight cast a glow on the Breton’s face, and the warmth of the flames had finally brought a touch of pink back to her face. She smiled and brushed a loose strand of her behind her ear before continuing; “I am not a noble by birth - but I was fortunate in life to have good parentage…”

“Your threads are…. Interesting, are they special?” She could see that Judena was dressed in mage robes. She did wonder what kind of magic she practiced. As she made looked up at Judena,, she took note of the golden colours speckled throughout her eyes. They were actually rather beautiful in the combination of moonlight and flame.

“My mage robes? There is nothing special about them. I thought of enchanting some clothing to help support my alteration spells but never remembered to visit the local enchanter. They were what I was wearing before fleeing the city, always have a spare set at the University.” Her smile dimmed considerably, looking down to the pages. “Assuming the University is still standing. It survived the Oblivion Crisis and being sacked during the Great War. I believe it can survive the Dwemer as well, beings of logic would not destroy a place of great knowledge.”

“True or not, in that I take a small comfort.” Jude replied, she returned her attention to Raelynn. “I had been hoping to celebrate my naming day on the twenty-eighth in the city. Walk to Ulrich’s Bakery, spend the day at the Arboretum, perhaps buy myself a bottle of wine.” She sighed wistfully, realizing how arbitrary her complaint may have sounded, “Please do not mistake me, I am grateful knowing I will survive to see my naming day this year. Many cannot say the same.”

It didn’t sound arbitrary at all. In fact for some reason it was when Jude said it that Raelynn really began to take in what had happened, and responded with a sharp giggle. “I’m sorry… I don’t mean to laugh… I just…. I don’t really know how else to react…” It was a combination of shock and horror, and yes, not knowing what to do. The fair Breton composed herself, but took one glance at Alim to the left of her and started up again.

She didn’t mean to be offensive to anyone, but she couldn’t control it.

“I mean, really, Dwemer?!”

“Whole city - destroyed and sacked.”

“Thousands dead…”

Her laugh slowed to punctuate the last words from her lips, and then she looked down. Her entire being felt hollow. Like the lightest touch would shatter her into pieces. “...All of them dead…” she said quietly, returning to her tea, eyes on the ground.

Alim had simply sat in silence, happy that their new addition and Jude were really seeming to enjoy one another, oddly enough. But it was nice.

The adventurer patted Raelynn’s shoulder lightly, giving her a nod. His look was surprisingly soldierly, as if he was helping a fellow comrade in arms rather than a (seemingly) frail woman. It was best to encourage; to show feelings needed to be controlled rather than suppressed. Alim might enjoy pretty women for obvious reasons, but he was an adventurer and soldier of fortune, first and foremost. He was a professional, and he learned to cope with loss a long time ago. Of course, this scale of attack was even beyond him. But the Dwemer would pay for this. Right now, they all needed to cope and find their footing.

He turned to Judena, and managed a smile. “We’ll just need to get you a bottle of wine elsewhere.” He said, giving a wink. “You didn’t tell me your birthday was coming up, anyway.” His next question was a sincere one, because he had no idea. “How long do Argonians live?”

“The Empire and its Imperial City has risen from the ashes of war and I believe it will again.” Judena said reassuringly to Raelynn, not perturbed by her laughter. It was a another form of sadness.

Judena looked to Alim, beaming at his suggestion of wine. “Name Day,” She corrected. “We certainly do not live as long as Mer but we live longer than Men. I will be sixty one. My father lived until he was one hundred and forty seven, which is about a decade longer than we expected him to live. Argonians do celebrate the day of their birth with their Hist, give thanks but some years it is not as easy to travel back to Argonia.”

She folded her hands over the pages of her logbook, “I have lived a fairly exciting life, I have found passion and work for what I can do and have travelled to see all the great provinces of Tamriel. I take my day of birth to reflect as best I can, every year I wish to be a little braver than I was the year before.” She reached for her bag, filled with unopened letters - all from the same person. “May be forced to do so before I am ready this year but such is the world we live in. Certainly will not be the first time any one of us have been pushed into deeper waters before one is ready to swim.”

She pulled at a smile, clutching the bag. “Thankfully I am quite good at swimming.”

Alim smiled too, truly feeling a warmth for his friend. “You’re good at a lot of things.”

“Thank you, my friend.”
Still wip but a bit embarrassed to put a partial unfinished character sheet here. Will hopefully have time this weekend to finish it.
Officially I’m going to try my best to have a rough character sheet up by May 10th but I don’t believe it’ll be ready for acceptance. I’m working on a ‘mad scientist’ Redguard Conjurer. Other Redguards won’t much like her lmao.

I’m still interested and I have a barebones character sheet on the go.
I'm gonna apply with you cool kids. Gotta knock a character sheet into shape and read up on whos who and get an idea of the shenanigrams going on in the last game.

Kett attack erupting around them, Fireteam 2 was working to fend them off. Dex picked off who she could see, marks hitting hard and fast going down with a little help from Serena and Tazen. The turian was glad to see her marksmanship had improved but she felt the need to show off a little. She took pride in her skills.

While Fireteam 1 was making a real spectacle of their attack. Firu and Kargad as destructive as heavy weaponry taking on the Fiend, Clyff and Sabinus bravely charging in to mow down several Kett on their own. Naryxa’s biotic shock wave rippling into the air with brilliant blue and violets. Dex conceded to the display restoring some confidence, knowing she would not have been alright thrown up against any one of them on that training exercise. The chatter over the radios was enough to follow.

Dex did a quick look about herself, counting heads. Haze missing, she searched for blood but saw a cloaked leg disappear up the side of the building. “Haze what the fuck don’t waste time, just use your jump jets. You show off-” Dex began into the comms then stopped herself, she only saw him because she was looking for him specifically. Jump jet lights and sound would have had Kett cross hairs on him.

Carry on, hot shot.

With the doors open, Ryria inside Dex looked into the complex, a waiting room while the labs were just beyond. Calling Tazen over the radio, “Lieutenant Tazen I’m going to join T’Vessi to get these scientists on the move, injured or not they have to be on their feet.

She dashed inside, returning her Viper to her back magplate, folding down to its compact size. She jogged up to the asari medic, “Okay we have to get these guys on the move-” Noticing one had a broken leg and another was nursing a bullet wound.

T’Vessi crouched over the human with the bullet wound, stippling the bleeding with more than a bandaid. Practiced hands working calmly and efficiently. Her patient groaned out complaints against her rough hands. Dex had an appreciation for field medics and their famously strong constitutions.

One body was off to the side with a sheet pulled over it, the silhouette was salarian. “Fuck. Tazen we have two injured, one dead out of the nine.” She eyed the small group up and down. Three asari, a couple of human, a turian and two salarians not including the one dead on the floor. They all looked terrified.

Alright people, on your feet - get moving. Take your injured colleagues, T’Vessi and I -” They didn’t move. Their terror finally registering to the turian. She snapped, “We do not have time for cold feet here. We have kett just outside right now. Move or die.

They glared at her now, one of the asari lab assistants spoke up, dark violet crest and dark blue eyes with a splash of blue freckles over her nose - G. Prana was printed on her lapal. She puffed her chest up, “We aren’t moving until the Kett are cleared out. That entrance is unsecured.”

Right, that’s why I need you to be ready for when it is so we can get the fuck out of here. T’Vessi and I will lead the way out, the injured can be taken care of at Prodromos.” Dex argued checking over shoulder turning back. “What’s the problem?

Prana looked to the dead body and over to the lab. “Everything we’ve recovered is going to be left behind again. We can’t lose Hozene and what we came here for. There’s soil samples, site evaluations data from both site one and two. Botany samples. Valuable to Prodromos and Initiative survival. Give us some time to gather the bare essentials,” She jutted her jaw out, squaring up to Dex. “We’re not leaving without it.”

Dex stood her ground watching for Prana to back down but she held steady. “I’ll help, I’ve got an algorithm for speedy data extraction. You grab everything else.

She went straight for a terminal, pointing at the entrance. “Everyone else, move.

They looked to Prana who nodded, they finally began to move. Injured being pulled up and moved by colleagues, two picked up the dead salarian, Hozene, carrying him with them.

Tazen,” she spoke over her comms. “Civilians are moving to the exit, we’ll be bringing up the rear with one of them. We’re grabbing as much data as we can to take with us.

Dex tapped away at the terminal, looking briefly up at T’Vessi. Dex had gotten a decent reading from her dossier but personality wise... on paper she struck as a professional through and through. She felt a joke might break the ice but it could also cause an ice age.

T’Vessi, can you help Prana with whatever she needs?

She added, taking the risk, “If the data includes the number of times water was recycled and treated I think I’ll safely call it the biggest waste of time. Eh T’Vessi? Water stats, groundbreaking.” Dex chuckled.

Prana rolled her eyes. “This is not a waste of time.”

Yeah, yeah.
Second nexus post! Now I can clear the doc for actual posts - oops

Time: Morning of Satellite Attack - Present Day
Location: Opéra National de Paris, Paris

Odette Favre arrived early to quiet studios and locker rooms. She changed from her street clothes to her sleeveless leotard, carefully pinning her hair up and away from her face using bobby pins and hairbands. She pulled at the lines underneath her eyes, checking over her shoulder at where the bullet wound was the day before. Not a trace of it remained, she smiled at herself in the mirror. Other dancers began filing in all giving their sleepy good morning greetings as Odette passed heading for her shoe cubby, she paused hearing whispers. Gossip burning her ears. She decided to walk on.

Two new sets sat waiting for her on top of her current pairs. Making a mental note for herself to prepare them later. She grabbed her current pair, soft pink with wrinkly ribbons. She quickly inspected them noticing they would need more glue, running a thumb over the tip of the toe. Slipping them on and tying the ribbons up her ankle she tested them moving her ankle around, it would be fine for morning warm ups.

She went straight to the studios, heading up a set of stairs. She preferred one of the older ones with arched windows and plenty of natural light. Usually reserved for solo classes with choreographers but occasionally on early morning Coryphées would be working through their sets in small groups. On her way she always checked the dark corners for any fey. She restricted fey from the Opera House, except for the spirits that protect the walls and grounds. It was her space. Odette stepped into an open spot on the bars moving through the five foot positions.

Missing days from ballet she knew there was plenty she had to catch up on, rehearsals for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where Odette had earned the role of Helena. No doubts in her abilities, while she often was picked for the role of Hermia the casting director gave Helena to her instead. A role that required a certain level of honesty with oneself to properly portray the honesty in Helena’s love. Odette was able to brew good chemistry with the understudy of Demetrius but had to work with the lead soloist for the same role. What they believed would be a challenge for her.

Among the most frequent pieces of criticism she received from her Ballet Master, Alice Renavand, was unbridled emotion powering past classical technique. Odette took them in stride, dancers put their heart and souls into their craft Odette poured herself entirely. A blessing and a curse with the intensity being the most unpredictable.

Madame Renavand pushed for consistency.

After an hour and a half of warm ups she bent holding the fifth position she felt her muscles creak in complaint. A handful of days out of rehearsals showing.

An administrator tapped her shoulder, telling her that Madame Renavand was looking for her.

Odette nodded scooping up her water bottle and following the admin to one of Renavand’s classes. From behind she saw her Ballet Master, tall - like Odette, square shoulders and wide hips. Muscular, breaking the mould of the atypical body type for ballet dancers. She was in her late 30’s having a long standing career as a principal dancer and star. Long black hair tied into a tight bun, brown eyes watching the Corps de Ballet.

Without turning to address her, a certain tension raising the hair on the nape of Odette’s neck. “Mademoiselle Favre. I want to talk to you, you are looking in good health today.”

Yes, I feel well enough to make it to rehearsals.” Odette replied carefully, following an instinct. Renavand wasn’t happy, as to why Odette did not know.

“Rehearsals are what I want to talk to you about.” Renavand spoke, looking over her shoulder. “Come with me, we will speak in private.”

Odette nodded, the slightest bit of concern. “Yes, Madame.

Renavand beckoned her to follow her out of the studio, they branched off to her office. Passing a costume rack being pushed by designers. Tutus, romantic tutus, and long tights sparkling with sequin.

Odette stepped into the office, Renavand closed the door behind her gesturing to the chair. Odette sat at the edge. “Is something the matter, Madame? Did my understudy get hurt or have we had a change in cast?” Odette guessed, watching Renavand’s expression. “I’ve been meaning to play catch up today on any changes-

The Ballet Master sat, folding her hands leveling a stare at Odette. It was serious, heavy and steely. “You’ve been recast completely due to your health.” Renavand said bluntly, “Due to your sustained bouts of bronchitis and occasional pneumonia we decided for you to be taken off the cast list of Midsummer Night’s Dream. It is a far too taxing role.”

Odette blinked, working through it. Especially from Renavand. “I beg your pardon. I am healthy enough to dance Helena, Madame. I was approved by the company’s medical staff to do this role. That is absolutely-

“If you don’t believe me there is a papertrail for you to follow, Odette but I gave the final approval.”

She stared, “What?

Renavand took a deep breath in through her nose, “You and I have always had a very - professional relationship here at the company no?”

Odette waited for her to continue, gnawing at the inside of her cheek.

“I can run down the list of dancers and names knowing a little bit about their personal lives or some of their life story. You - Odette have been a mystery for the better part of your career here.” Renavand looked into Odette’s eyes searching for something she wasn’t going to find. “What is really keeping you away? Is it a lover? An ex lover? Drugs? Pregnancy? Family?”

Odette squinted, letting silence fuel the rising tension. “I don’t understand what you want from me Madame.” She said, a little colder than she intended. “What are you trying to make a point of? Punishing me for what?

“Off the record, I don’t believe you.” Renavand said painfully she rubbed at her temples. “This is not to punish you, simply… clear the mystery surrounding you. It would be rather upsetting to see you sidelined because of these fake health issues, when your career lies in the balance. You have these bouts of distraction, like your work and performances here are distracting you from what you really want to do. I have never met a dancer as focused on things outside of ballet than you.”

Odette sat straighter, frowning. “That is untrue, Madame. Ballet is my life.

Renavand laughed, rather bitterly. “Were that true we would not be sitting here. If you were honest, honest as Helena is I could help you. I know when you lie and it is often, you don’t think I would not have picked up on that after so many years?”

Odette was silent, looking sour. “Where is all this coming from? My sickness and absence has somehow offended you, Madame?

“I am sick of secrets, they impede on the performance of my dancers and nothing looks worse than a soloist falling from grace. Or one that is unreliable.” She said, “I care for your well being, so please. Let me help you Odette, if not…”

Renavand sat back as well, shrugging. “Drop back from your role as a soloist. The work requires undivided attention, there are dozens of other dancers who would gladly step into your shoes.”

A touch of sadness, “One less prima for me to worry for.”

Odette stood slowly, “You are threatening my career on a hunch? No proof?

Renavand tapped the paperwork on the desk, “It’s already been done Odette. Removing you from A Midsummer was only the beginning. Your health, as fake as it is, is reason enough to keep you out of auditions as well. Give you some time to think about what we talked about today then you can come to me with the truth.”

This form of tough love is really unsavory, Madame. Even if I were to tell you, you wouldn’t believe me.” Odette admitted, turning to the door. Anger boiling under the surface, Renavand was only leaving her with one choice.

“Try me.”

Odette hesitated, pausing significantly on the door handle. Her hand floated up to the lock on the door flipping it. “For privacy, these walls have ears.

“What is it Odette, don’t lie to me.”

Odette stood at the desk forcing Renavand to look up. “The honest truth is simple, Madame.” She pushed the file on the desk with the tip of her finger. “I am neither pregnant, in an abusive relationship nor struggling with an eating disorder. Which seems to be the gossip, that I’ve certainly heard.

It’s far worse, actually. I’m an underworld crime lord of Paris, magic is real and so are faeries. I control it all.” Odette said with a straight face. “The truth.

Renavand stood with an angry huff. “Now you mock me with some made up bullshit. I thought better of you - not to be petty.” Renavand snorted. Levelling a cold glare at her student, gathering her papers. “I’m going to deliver the final approval to the medical department and you will be officially removed.”

Odette watched her reach for the door, the lock wouldn’t budge. “I should have known… You have always had a nasty habit of spreading rumours when someone pisses you off.” Jiggling the lock, Renavand grew more frustrated. “I thought you’d be above this nasty behaviour, making things up.”

I thought I could trust you to keep your nose in your own business Madame, that’s why I liked working with you. You never crossed that line, I wanted to keep things professional as possible. Without proof, without anything to back up your claims it’s all smoke and mirrors.” Odette said with a long drawn out sigh. “Now you force my hand.

“What are you-”

With her hands around Renavand’s head, Odette’s hands were glowing blue. They casted a cold light over the ballet master’s face. Fear filtering into her expression, her body stiff - immobilized. Slowly pulling Renavand away from the door turning her to fully face Odette.

Ballet is my life. It is mine.” Odette said kindly, her tone never changed. She tucked a bit of Renavand’s hair behind her ear, completely at her mercy. “I try to keep it separate.

You’ve been unfair, Madame. But I respect you, your career and everything you’ve taught me.

“Y-you weren’t lying…” Renavand mumbled, the truth sinking in. “Please - please don’t kill me. Please.”

Odette blinked once again, genuinely shocked. “What? I’m not going to kill you. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to smooth your death over with everyone here, your absence and mon dieu! I don’t want to think about it. Far too much work and far too disruptive, your death would ripple across all departments. Nothing would be the same.

Her thumbs caressed Renavand’s temples, her eyes glazed over slumping a little against the door. Whispering a string of Words of Power, little blue butterflies fluttering around her head. Illusions dancing in Renavand’s head filling her mind with Odette’s will.

Listen carefully, Alice. Your concerns for my health were unfounded when my doctor confirmed my health has stabilized. You simply believe I have been distracted by a string of bad relationships, confirmed by Kendra, my friend. We simply negotiated lightening the load, compromising for my shifting to being an understudy for Helena and Hermia. Enough work to stay in the production without completely wasting my time. Our relationship remains the same, as if none of this happened today. You are going to take these papers, tear them up write new ones to reflect the compromise.” Odette explained, rewriting her memories.

Renavand’s eyes closed, mumbling.

Releasing her from the spell, Alice slumped forward into Odette’s arms. Odette dragged her to her seat, gently placing her down into her chair. She whispered into her ear, “You will awake to the sound of your phone ringing. Believing your late nights having finally caught up to you.

Odette straightened the papers on the desk, just so. She left quietly closing the door behind her. Now the only remaining performance she had to focus on was that for the stage.

Here for Uskriss, @Athinar

Take a Star Walk - Youtube Link

Take a Star Walk - Spotify

Oh shit almost forgot to link the Ambassador and Forge playlist, for all your villainy pair ups.

Forging an Alliance - Spotify Link

Time: Early Morning - Day Before Satellite Attack
Location: Paris, France

Slouching against the door, The Ambassador sighed painfully. Vienna came bustling to her side, bushy hair stout figure full of concern. She helped Odette to her bedroom for privacy.

Oh My Lady, what happened?” The household fae asked in Common Fey.

Odette squeezed her eyes shut, stripping from her shirt, “I was shot, remove any scars. I do not want to see a trace of this wound left on my body.” She replied in Common Fey.

Of course, My Lady. As always.

Bach came in behind them, patting her hand. “I hate to remind you but you have that meeting to attend.

Odette suffered through a glare.

The one with the mercenary you set up with Jacque.” He reminded, gently.

I recall just fine, Bach.


As Vienna lowered Odette down into bed, concealing her eye roll behind her hair.

Odette’s expression deepened. “I am exhausted.

Would you really be willing to let a contact slip away because of poor manners?” He sat at the edge of her bed, casting a judgemental look inclining his leafy head.

Odette groaned pushing the heel of her hand against her forehead in frustration. “Fine. When my shoulder is tended to I will see to the mercenary. There is no need to incite guilt.” She said, giving him a serious side eye.

Bach nodded walking away, Odette relaxed while Vienna applied various remedies to remove toxins of the blessed silver, speed healing, soften skin from scars. While Vienna massaged she asked quietly, “Beg your pardon My Lady, you seem to have a knot in your shoulders.

It has not left for days.” Odette agreed. “We have been very busy.

Vienna smiled knowingly, “Tell me about it, My Lady. Perhaps talking will help work the knot out.

Odette casted her thoughts back to only days ago. “The Heist on Barron’s warehouse went well enough I believe.

Oh yes, yes. You worked with that silent man.

Silence, Vienna. He is not actually silent.” Odette corrected her. “We were successful in gaining the ingredients for the cure-all potion. Barron had a variety of things stored in his warehouse I would have quite liked to peruse through. Unfortunately vampires and metahumans patrolled, one took a sip from my arm.” She explained and Vienna’s expression soured rightly. “He is a pile of ashes now.

Very good, My Lady.” Vienna massaged her shoulder, working the magic into her skin. “Undead, such a menace.

Mm. While they bit me, they shot Silence. I was able to remove the bullet for him, during the heist he was…” She searched for an appropriate word to describe Lekh, “Reliable, made of steel. Once I deliver on this potion I imagine he will be quite the versatile ally in the future.

That almost sounds like admiration, My Lady. It’s not often at all you’ll describe someone as such.” Vienna commented.

True, it is rare.” She replied not volunteering anything else. She switched to Mandate. “Mandate was harassed by a golemancer and a mimic. Poor thing, she was rather upset. I did not expect to bond with her as I have.” She said smiling. “She has grown incredibly attached to me but I am quite fond of her as well, genuinely. I can hardly imagine her not at my side for future work.

She is quite the peculiar construct, it gives me peace of mind you now have a dedicated shield.” Vienna said pressing her thumbs deep into her shoulder blades, Odette grunted.

Oui. I will be leaving her here while I go back to America but not without giving her something to do. I would like to see her kept busy with a independent project either here in Paris or elsewhere. I believe it will be a good learning experience for her as well.” Odette said rolling to her side then to her belly while Vienna worked.

I trust Mara will continue to accompany her.” Vienna asked tentatively, uncomfortable with the thought of Mandate having unsupervised independence.


What of these Hounds of Humanity? They have been on the news, whispers all over Paris of your exploits against them. Refugees praising the bold Ambassador of the Fair Folk, you made quite the impression to American spirits.” Vienna said proudly.

Odette grinned smugly, “I am an opportunist, Vienna. Sadly it came on the back of destruction but as the seasons turn so does the cycle of endings lead to beginnings.

As to be expected of My Lady.

We managed to square away dealing with the White Witch and Puck.” Odette continued, a knot reforming even under Vienna’s hands. “Met the Witch-Mother herself, Hekate. She was in league with Barron, Five… no I suppose Four Witch families call Las Vegas their home as I found out. Fortunately, I was able to talk myself out of trouble with Hekate who unknowingly gifted me Gwyneth’s Sight.

Vienna stopped, “Truly, My Lady?

She nodded.

A stroke of luck or fate. I am unsure which still. I was able to contact the true spirit of White Witch’s reincarnation. Brokered a deal of mutual peace in exchange to help her come back to power and control over her body making for a potentially new powerful ally. I originally assumed Gwyneth was whom my prophecy predicted to herald my end but I was unfortunately incorrect.” She said notably bitter about her mistake. “Puck ‘gifted’ me a new version of the same prophecy. Some nonsense with reference to the Garden of Eden.” She chewed at the inside of her cheek, a few moments stewing on the very idea. “As if any of my close allies could remove me from power. Puck does not understand the lengths I go to erect safeguards.

Of course, My Lady. Puck is not all-knowing.” Vienna said with some doubt. She hoped Odette’s flagrant dismissal of Puck’s prophecy was only temporary, natural denial. The household fey was sure Bach would convince her otherwise to take it seriously, as she should.

Comfortable silence filled the space Vienna massaged the knot away. “It sounds far more complicated than we originally thought hmm?

Mm.” She agreed. “The White Witch has surrounded herself with werewolves, a vampire, and general incompetence. The metahumans do not understand who they have attached themselves to. They have a strange set of abilities to absorb skills upon first impressions. One of them gained the ability to see Fair Folk immediately and understand Common Fey as a language, they were attempting to hide it but did so poorly. If I have any influence over Gwyneth’s return it will be to isolate her from those who would only weigh her down.

Gwyneth has a healthy distrust of mortals and humans. I am... unsure how this will turn out. There are far too many variables to account for. With Freya Dover’s sight I cannot send in fey to watch them as I would normally. I may have to resort to scrying.” She mulled it over.

If you were dealing with the witch and her group how did you get shot?

Oh, the Hounds of Humanity brought blessed silver ammunition with them.” She said with a wave of her hand, “A slight miscalculation.

Vienna shook her head slightly, disapproving.

It was successful, we escaped and they owe me for that. Whether they feel they do or don’t.” She said rolling her shoulders feeling all pain and tension melt away. “That feels much better Vienna. Good work.” She sat up then making her way to her closet to decide on a new outfit. “I gained precious resources from my trip to Las Vegas. I hope I can maintain this momentum with this mercenary, we have a few things in common I hear.

Holding up a dress and belt combo to observe in the mirror she hummed with indecision. Then plucked a pair of grey felt heels free to compare - deciding then. She quickly changed into a pale pink and grey dress with a gold studded belt, gold studs were on the wrists and along the collar, paired with the grey heels. Smoothing it down, she twisted at the hip in the mirror noticing blood splatter in her hair. Rolling the strands in her finger tips, she looked down at her fingers with mild disgust. Shaking her hair out then adjusting it. Exiting the closet Vienna complimented her spritzing some perfume.

Bach, we are leaving to meet with Forge as a final piece of business for today.” She called out, before exiting to the gardens Odette addressed Mandate. “Think on where you would like to spend some time Mandate, whether that is here in Paris or another city. I won’t be gone long.

Odette made a new portal, heading to Los Angeles.
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