Avatar of Dedonus
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Aubrey Adkins | Odysseus Laërtiades | Kyra Muller | Joel Vaughan (Talus)

“I will make you Nohrian scum pay for poisoning Corrin’s mind and convincing him to betray his true family!” The red-garbed samurai shouted before he lunged forward at me. I had zero idea what the heck he was talking about. Who was this Corrin person? I remember my red-haired retainer, I think Selena was her name, mentioning that name before, but she never explained who he was. You know what, I blame Talus for this. He’s the one who made me look like this video game character.

When the man’s blade began to descend towards me, Selena immediately jumped in front of me and threw up her own sword, parrying the blade’s blow. For a moment, they locked their swords together, applying their strength against each other. However, Selena was able to exert enough force in order to push the red samurai back.

“Be careful, Lady Camilla.” Selena called back to me as she held her ground, preparing to defend me if the man made another attack. “The high prince of Hoshido has weapon advantage against you!”

“What?” I asked her.

“Swords beat Axes, Axes beat Lances, and Lances beat Swords.” Selena replied. She still held out her sword in front of her in a defensive stance.

“Wait, so you’re telling me that the only type of weapon that is good against swords is the one weapon we don’t have!” Great. This would happen to us.

How are we going to beat this guy? Sure, we could just trade blows until one of us keels over, but that does not sound like something that would be productive, especially since we still need to figure out how to stop that Game Genie guy. I guess if we know what video game these characters were from, we might be able to exploit a weakness or find an easy way to defeat them or at least make them yield. Unfortunately, at least in this situation, I never got into video games. Sure, I do have some casual knowledge, but not enough to know from what game this samurai guy is from. I wonder who would know.

“Hey, Talus.” I called out to our resident metal man, “You wouldn’t happen to have a phone in that tin can of yours, would you?”

“What do I look like, an all-in-one machine?” He snapped at me after looking up from one of the cubes he had been busy working on.

“Well, sorry for asking.”

“Oh, I’m just messing with you, Vol.” Talus answered in a much more positive tone. Turning his attention away from the cube, Talus unscrewed a circular panel on the side of his head and slide it across the floor to me. “Just make sure you’re calling a cell phone that would have your number in its contact list. That why I can spoof your number so that whoever is one the other line will know it’s you.”

I scooped up Talus’ make-shift phone and frantically began entering into it a ten-digit telephone number. When I held it up to my ear, I could hear the dialing sound that would play as you waited for the call to connect. At that same time, the red-garbed samurai charged again at us. However, instead of repeating the stalemate that Selena held him at in our first encounter, the samurai showed off his acrobatic skills. Using his katana to keep Selena’s sword at bay, the man leaped up and landed on her shoulders. He then used her as a spring board and leapt towards me, shoving Selena down to the ground in the process. The samurai would have had a clear shot at me, since I had one hand dedicated to the phone. However, Odysseus reacted quickly and used his bow to shoot the man out of the air. Although the samurai was able to parry every arrow that Odysseus sent in his way, that distraction allowed me to roll under the man’s attack so that he would land behind me.

“Hello?” I heard Will’s voice through the phone.

“Do you have a minute?” I asked my boyfriend, while I dodged another one of the man’s sword swings.

“Do I have time? I’ve been trying to call you ever since I heard about the situation in Pacific Point! Are you okay?”

“I’ve been a little busy. But do you know of any video games with a red samurai?”

“Umm…that description could describe any number of characters.”

At the same time, Beruka jumped up to help me out against the samurai. At first, she was able to block his attack without much difficulty. However, with each swing of the samurai’s electrified sword, he began to gain the upper hand on her. If Selena had not scrambled to her feet and jumped into the fray, he might have overpowered Beruka.

How was I going to better describe this situation to Will so that he would know what game this guy was from? Unfortunately, he hasn’t said his name yet. But I guess that would have been too easy. What else is there? While I was watching my two retainers struggle to hold back the high prince of Hoshido, it finally hit me. Selena and Beruka are probably from the same game, as they appear to know what’s going on.

“Do you know of any games that have two girls named Selena and Beruka?”

“Well, there is Fire Emblem: Fates.” Will responded over the phone, now that I had some more concert information for him, “And I guess you are probably facing Ryoma, the high prince and heir of Hoshido.”

“Alright, so how do we defeat him?”

“Well, all the characters in that game have a specific amount of HP and if you reduce that to zero, then the character is defeated.”

With one fell swing, Ryoma knocked both my two retainers to the ground. Although the two of them were still moving, they seemed as if they were in great pain.

“We’ll be back up soon, Lady Camilla!” Selena reassure me, although she was wincing as she spoke, “We just need to take a short breather.”

“They’re just flesh wounds.” Beruka muttered in her laconic style.

“You have trained your retainers well, Nohrian. However, they cannot hold up against my righteous cause.” Ryoma prepared himself for another lunge towards me. “Prepare for Raijinto to taste your Nohrian blood!”

At this moment, unless I tried to use the ax that Beruka had given me earlier to block his attack, Ryoma had an opening against me. Both of my retainers were still out for the count and Odysseus was not close enough to help. Ryoma leaped up into the air with his sword raised high above his head. But suddenly, I realized that Talus has slide one of the cubes that he had been working on right in front of me. It began creating a humanoid wireframe until a blonde-haired woman with a short sword and a small shield stood in front of me. Since she was just summoned from the cube, she had little time to throw up her sword and shield to block Ryoma’s attack. After his attack was stopped, the red-garbed samurai performed three backhand springs in order to place some distance between himself and us.

“Oh, hey, Arachne.” Kyra told me when she first realized that I was standing behind her. “I like what you’ve done with your hair.”

“Nice to see you, too. But we have some bigger problems at the moment.” I then pulled the phone back up to my ear and continued my conversation. “I’m still here. Is there any other way to defeat this Ryoma guy?”

“Well,” Will paused for a moment to think about his answer. “Since Ryoma is technically a good guy, you could possibly talk him down, although it might not be an easy task if he thinks you’re a Nohrian.”

“Any ideas on what I should say? Other than a vague ‘we’re all good guys here’ speech?”

“I’ll give you a crash course of the game and its lore, although it probably will be the sparknotes’ version.”

While my boyfriend was filling me in on some details, I saw Odysseus jump into the fray. He hooked his bow to the quiver on his back and drew the sword from its scabbard. Ryoma, turning his attention away from Kyra and towards Odysseus, gripped Raijinto’s hilt as he readied his fighting stance. For a moment, the two swordsmen stood still, waiting for the other to make a move. And almost instantaneously, both men rushed forward and clashed with each other’s blade.

“How fast did you say you could tell me all this information?”
The Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Benjamin Parker | Mary Jane Watson-Parker
"Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change."
~Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 6.143-5

"Do you really think he'll at a time like this?" MJ asked Peter while they waited on the rooftop of their apartment. Normally, Peter would not stay on their rooftop for any extended amount of time because it could risk revealing his identity if someone put the pieces together. However, since it was long past midnight, the Parkers could rest easy knowing that, for the most part, no one would snooping on the roof. And even if someone did happen to walk in on them, Peter gave his wife one of his spare costumes so that it could hid her identity. Sure, he didn't have anything that would fit her spider-half, but at least she had his long-sleeved shirt and mask.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be here." Peter reassured MJ, "Especially since he still owes me an IOU."

Right on cue, a magical portal opened up a few feet in front of the Parkers. A man dressed in a large, red cape stepped out from the portal.

"How may I help you this time, Spider-Man." Doctor Strange asked, although when he saw a woman, who was wearing the top portion of a Spider-Man costume, who had a drider-like appearance, he could guess the reason why hew as asked for immediately help at such an hour. "I guess we better get back to the Sanctum Sanctorum as soon as possible."

The doctor gestured both of his hands towards the portal, offering that his guests should go first.

"Ladies first."

When the three of them walked through the magical portal, Peter and MJ found themselves in an old, although well-kept up, Victorian-style mansion. While there were several common household items in this house, such as vases and rugs, just to name a few, the Parkers saw what looked like mystical artifacts were displayed, too.

"So, when did the symptoms appear?" Doctor Strange asked the couple, almost as if he were back in his medical days.

"It's this ring." MJ held out her hand, revealing the Egyptian ring that had been showcased at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "I've tried removing it, but nothing happens."

Doctor Strange then pulled out a thick book that categorized all the mystical items that were known to the Sorceror Supreme. He shook his head as he turned the pages. At first, he did not see an object that MJ wore on her finger. However, after he had almost gone through over half of this encyclopedia of magical objects, Doctor Strange finally sighed in relief, since he had found the correct page.

"This ring had be crafted in the reign of Ramesses II as a result of..." Doctor Strange began to read the text. However, MJ impatiently interrupted him.

"Alright! We've read the museum display! How do we fix this?" MJ gestured towards her spider half.

"Well." Doctor Strange continued, "There appears to be a curse on this ring that will permanently transform the user into an anthropod-human hybrid."

"What?" MJ cried in horror. "I can't be stuck in this form! Sure, I'm probably popular enough to come out as a mutant, but I've have an acting career to continue!"

"Don't worry, MJ. I'm sure there bound to be some sort of work for you in that form." Peter tried to console his wife.

"I'm just kidding." Doctor Strange broke the depressing moment, "All you need to do is focus on the ring and think about returning to normal."

"Are you kidding me?" MJ cried out, "All I needed to do was will myself back to normal?"

"And you can do the reverse in the same way." Doctor Strange mentioned as he closed his big book of mystical artifacts.

"So, how did we get that ring mixed up? I swear that I got back the right ring.

"When the ring is in danger, it can swap its appearance with a nearby object. Mystical objects of this sort sometimes have these sort of defense mechanisms enchanted upon them."

"Well, that explains the mix-up alright."

"You might also want to wait until you get back home before you transform back to normal." Doctor Strange recommended to MJ as she was about ready to try to restore her regular human form. "I hope I don't need to explain why."
Unfortunately, I think the best thing to do now is to set this game aside and if we want to try again, we can do so after an extended break. Christmas break is always a bad time for roleplays for me and it hindered my ability to manage this game. Furthermore, I still think I need a break from GMing this game since I haven't gotten my motivation back for it ever since I ended All-Star. We've been trying to reboot this game multiple times now (I think we were on the 4th time now). I don't think rebooting it over and over, back to back, will revive it.

If you all want to keep continuing, we can continue. I just wanted to give my opinion.
So, I hear @Byrd Man gets a lot of praise and admiration for his character sheets. Here's what I think of that:

Note: Though I am submitting the proposal now, it'll be about a week before I am able to "officially" join. There are a few things that must be tended to in the real world, first.

Man, I wish your Spider-Man application for Marvel was that short.


“Alright, Game Genie.” The Son of Osiris communicated via telepathy, “Who is this Blue Blur hero you keep rumbling about?”

The Game Genie, since he was not used to hearing someone else’s voice in his head, grabbed his temple, as if he was having a minor headache. But after a few moments, he quickly recovered and began to answer the Son of Osiris’ question.

“Do you all not know the Blue Blur of Chicago?” He asked, “The fastest man on Earth?”

All the heroes traded glances after the Game Genie’s response, showing that none of them knew of the hero named the Blue Blur. Apparently, this character was not as well-known as the Game Genie claimed him to be.

”I kinda thought he meant Icon. Dunno why, just felt bloody right yeah. Though I don’t know many Hero names either.”

”Wait, but this is Pacific Point, isn’t it?” Voyager interrupted, sounding lost. ”Why aren’t you in that...Chicago place?”

“Of course I’m not talking about Icon! I would have said that in the first place.” The Game Genie first responded to Eva. Then, while the other heroes were dumbfounded that Voyager didn’t know what Chicago was, he turned to Voyager and answered her. “Why, the Blue Blur is a speedster. Executing my plan in a faraway city would allow me to up the ante, so to speak.”

”So, where is he? For that matter why has no one here heard of a Famous Chicago Speedster?

“How am I supposed to know? Should I know where my archenemy is?” The Game Genie said.

”...well he’s apparently in a Chicago,” Voyager muttered offhand.

“I guess you all live under a rock if you don’t know who the Blue Blur is!” the Genie rambled on, oblivious to Voyager’s comment. “And they called me the basement dweller! Those cretins!”

”Should we be standing around talking, usually I just jump in but well, the mood was kinda ruined and well. I got confused and we’re just talking. Unless he’s about to give up shouldn’t we stop this?” Eva asked as she pointed her sword towards the Game Genie’s direction.

“You all need to stop talking and do more fighting.” Odysseus told the other heroes after he had finally defeated Pit. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as he joined the others. "It seems like I've the only one actually fighting this creep's minions."

“Well, if you all only know mindless violence, then I’ll give that to you.” The Game Genie called out. He reached into his black cloak and pulled out a small, metallic cube, similar to the ones that were hovering around the entire city. He then wound up, like a baseball pitcher, and tossed the device up above the heroes. However, instead of descending to the ground, like any object would according to the Laws of Gravity, the cube hovered there.

The cube then immediately started to construct what appeared to be something similar to the wireframes that are used in computer game models. It started with a simple cube and then began adding on more polygons. Once the frame was completed, it began rendering a skin onto the structure. First, it was just a simple shade of blue. But after a few seconds, more details began to appear, including an angry face with bushy, black eyebrows. Once the process was completed, anyone who had ever played a Mario game would have recognized that the cube had just produced a Thwomp: a large, blue cube enemy that would come smashing down to the ground whenever the player travelled underneath it. And since the heroes were underneath it, the Thwomp proceeded to do what it was designed to do.

Even before the Thwomp began to drop, Aubrey felt a buzzing sensation in her skull, which alerted herself that she might still have her powers, despite not having her drider appearance. Sensing the danger that was about to come, Aubrey grabbed her two apparently loyal retainers and pulled them out of the way. At the same time, the Son of Osiris used his magic to first move himself out from underneath the blue enemy. Then he pulled Talus towards himself and pushed Odysseus towards Aubrey. However, by the time he got to his last teammate, was about ready to strike Gajana, leaving the Son of Osiris no time to get him out of there.

With a quick roll, Eva moved out of the way fast a she could, with Voyager making a Psionic-assisted leap in the opposite direction.. ”Dickens! Catch it!”

When the Thwomp came down on Gajana, the Elephant Man threw up his arms and braced himself for the impact. Although he strained underneath the inertia of the blue boxlike enemy, Gajana was still able to hold up the Thwomp. However, even though he tried, Gajana was not able to throw the giant weight off himself, as if it had a will of its own to continue only in a downward direction.

“Alright, guys.” Gajana exhaled heavily as he struggled against the weight of the Thwomp, “This thing is kind of heavy. Any bright ideas?”

With a huff, Dickens placed his head directly under the immense boulder creature. And lifted upwards, straining but as he lifted higher he grew even larger to compensate for the massive weight. ”So. You don’t hold anything against me now, right. We even? Although I do hope he can get out of there?”

Gajana, now that the Thwomp had been lifted off his shoulders, was now able to escape from underneath the giant block. “As long as that things never comes after me again, I guess so.”

”Just. Don’t look like food. Or dumpster dive.”

“Well, I can tell that you all have found an exploit in my programming, since you’ve been able to summon characters of your own.” The Game Genie said. He then pulled out a small notepad and pencil and began scribbling something down. “I need to make a note to fix that once I’m through with you all.”

“The Thwomp is just a mindless Mario enemy. But let’s see how you handle against more intelligent foes.” The Game Genie once again reached into his cloak again and pulled out even more cubes and slid them across the floor towards the heroes. Once the cubes stopped sliding, each device began creating another character via the same process as the Thwomp had been fashioned.

The first character that was created was a giant cyclops that towered above the heroes. In his hand, he held a trident, the staple weapon of his father, Poseidon, and he was dressed in an attire that was somewhat Greek in nature. But before he engaged, he began speak in verse.

“Giants and the Genii,
Multiplex of wing and eye,
Whose strong obedience broke the sky.”

Then the cyclops paused, ceasing from his poetic verse. When he saw the Son of Osiris and Odysseus, he bursted out into laughter. “Ah, I see Arkantos has sent his allies to face me. What a shame, as I would have liked to have ended him, too, so he would have known that Gargarensis is his superior!”

As Eva shifted her gaze towards the giant, the Thwomp smashed down on Dickens suddenly, as she fearfully turn to him his back legs pulling his severed head from underneath the cube as it reformed into his usual dumb self. ”Oh, thank the Queen of E.” Distracted a blade lunged out of nowhere as a incredibly tall armored figure clad in a ragged cloak and a pointed helmet. Dodging the first strike a dagger reared up with a powerful left handed strike slicing at her hoodie as it made it’s way up towards her chin. Eva sidestepped and felt herself for wounds, the dagger has cut clean through her hoodie and left a shallow laceration on her stomach. If she hadn’t dodged backwards as far as she did it would have been far deeper; there wasn’t much time to waste as the knight lunged forward. ”What the Bloody hell are you?”

As his Alpha was under attacked Dickens began to charge her way in order to protect her, however a hail of gunfire erupted as a Figure sprinted forth from a dust cloud firing off crimson bursts of energy from a rifle like gun with maws. The blasts ripped into Dicken’s flesh and he shifted his priorities and sank his beaked maw onto his aggressor, a Man in full Military like armor. His hand pulled himself up and onto Dicken’s back by climbing his beak, while tentacles ensnared his legs he continued firing into his back all the while ripping his legs free. Reversing his position he wrenched back Dicken’s beak and whipped out a massive minigun with triple barrels firing directly into his exposed mouth.

Eva in between dodging nearly fatal blows could see Dickens struggling with the Doom Marine, she had played some of the new Doom game. The Knight before her pushed her back, as another jumped into the fray. Awwh Blow me already, there’s another!”

”Oof...hang on, I’ll get him off!” Voyager piped in, finally getting back to her feet and preparing a barrage of Psiblasts.

“Oh no, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!” the Game Genie barked at her, before producing another cube from within his robes. Voyager turned his attention to him as he tossed it into the air, the cube morphing and beginning to take on a humanoid shape. The cube came down in the form of a man, brown-haired and devilishly handsome, with a long straight mustache and wearing the gaudiest outfit Voyager had ever seen. Cautiously taking a step back, the man made a three-pronged landing and quickly straightened up, slicking back his hair as he gave the half-alien girl a haughty look.

“Well now…” he announced to the room, his deep, charismatic voice audible even over the surrounding battle. “Another prisoner here to test his luck in the Noxian gauntlet!”

”G-gauntlet?” Voyager asked, still stepping away from her handsomely mustachioed counterpart. With a hearty laugh, the man drew two wicked looking straight axes from behind his back, adorned with spikes along the back of the blade and with rings at the end of the handles.

“Remember to put on a show, kiddo!” he said, starting to swing his axes by the ringed handle.


Voyager leapt aside as Draven flung his axe at her, missing her exposed face by inches and bouncing off of the far wall to fly back towards him. Voyager shot back with a psi-blast, but Draven sidestepped it to catch his returning axe and flung the second one at her, which she deflected with a Psiforce barrier, energy crackling off it from the force of the attack. This axe also bounced back into his arms as Draven flung the first axe again, and so the battle went, with Voyager darting back and forth to avoid the axes and her opponent laughing wickedly as he casually dodged her returning fire.

The Immortals now had choices to make. The Game Genie, knowing that he was outnumbered not only by the Immortals, but also by the two others heroes who had shown up at city hall, evened the odds by summoning more of his holographic constructs to deal with the heroes. Three of the Game Genie’s summons were already distracting Eva and Voyager, while a fourth one stood before them.

However, before any of the Immortals could react to the situation, a fifth cube went off in front of Odysseus, Arachne, and her two supposed retainers. In its place, there was a samurai kneeling on the floor. He wore red and white armor, while his sword was attached to his belt. For a moment, this man just knelt there, as if he were biding his time.

“You have done well so far.” The man finally spoke towards the four heroes.

The samurai then got up on one foot so that only one knee was resting on the ground . At the same time, he slid his sword out of its sheath. With each inch of the sword’s blade had been exposed to the air, electric sparks began to jump around the blade. Once the sword was almost free from its scabbard, the man swung it in front of himself, producing a burst of electricity.

“But that was only practice.” The man told his opponents as he stood up. He then swung his katana once again, producing a similar cloud of electricity as he had before. Once he had taken a stance that would prepare him both for launching an attack and also defending himself if he were attacked, he spoke again. “No more games. To the death!”

“Is it just me or does everyone want to kill one another?” Aubrey asked aloud after she had just watched the samurai prepared himself for a fight.

“He’s a Hoshidan. We’re Nohrians. There’s kind of some bad blood between our nations.” Selena told Aubrey and Odysseus. “But you should have already known that, Lady Camilla!”

“Great.” Aubrey sarcastically muttered.

“You might want this.” Beruka told Aubrey as she handed her a silver axe that the blue-haired girl pulled out of thin air.

“Where did you get that?”

“Personal inventory.” Beruka laconically replied.

Meanwhile, tired and rapidly running low on stamina, Voyager’s Psi-Shields shimmered from the effort of maintaining them as they deflected shot after shot from Draven’s axes, who seemed to be enjoying himself more than ever as a cocky grin slid across his handsome face.

“You’re the best one Draven’s had to fight in a long time!” he said with a triumphant laugh as he shattered her shields again and dodged a retaliatory blast, neatly catching his weapons again.

”*huff* Y-yeah?” Voyager retorted breathlessly. ”*puff* W-well...you-AGH!”

Voyager collapsed in a heap as a sharp pain shot through her leg. She looked down to see a gruesome looking gash in her leg, with the offending axe flying back into Draven’s hand. She tried to get back up, but pain shot through her leg again, forcing her down to a kneeling position as she gripped her wound tightly to stop the bleeding. Draven, wiping the green blood from the weapon with his sleeve as more blood leaked through Voyager’s fingers, gave another haughty laugh.

“You would have done well in the Fleshing,” he told her in a tone of mocking admiration. “Shame this will be your last performance though.” Blinking tears of pain from her eyes, Voyager steeled herself and prepared to fight, but Draven was ready for his grand finale. Roaring his own name in triumph, he flung both of his axes not at Voyager but straight into the ground. To Voyager’s shock and horror, they kept spinning, tearing up the ground as they shot in her direction like a bullet.

With a burst of shock- and psi-induced energy, Voyager flung herself out of the way of the blades, only for them to slow to a stop and start flying back at her again. Thinking quickly, Voyager put her full energy into charging up her Psiforce and slammed her shielded arms into the ground in front of them. With a resounding crackle of energy the axes were dislodged, leaving another gash on Voyager’s cheek as they were launched into the air, curving back towards utterly shocked owner.

“Oh for the love of Noxus…”

With a pair of meaty *thunks*, the axes struck home in the dead center of Draven’s chest, slamming him backwards into the wall. A weak yet haughty laugh echoed from him as he slunk to the ground, pixels starting flaking off of him like dust. Eyes glowing from the Psionic energy coursing through her, Voyager strode towards her enemy, limping slightly from the still bloody leg wound.

”H-how was that for a performance?” Voyager said, her smile starting to come back to her. ”I think I did a pretty good job.”

“Haha...yeah, guess you did,” Draven choked out, still sporting his smug smile as more pixels began to die and fall away from him. “One thing...though…”


“D...Draven’s not fighting solo today…”

Before she could ask why, the wall exploded behind Voyager, who turned around in time to see something massive and metal flying towards her. Eva turned around at the sound of a shriek just in time to see what looked like a giant anchor on a chain hook Voyager around the waist and pull her from the battle.

”Bleeding Wankers! Voyager!” Eva called out momentarily distracted by her sudden disappearance. As a sword ran though her shoulder, the Abyss Watcher lifted her and tossed her out the nearby window. Falling onto the grass just outside she thanked her luck that they were on the first floor as she felt the huge gaping hole in her shoulder. ”That, that’s going to cheese me off you bloody Yank. This is a real Dog’s Dinner.” As the two jumped outside after her swinging down their swords. ”Good thing I’m made of sterner stuff. But that’s still gonna be a bit@# to deal with later.”

“Well, I hope you all have fun with your new playmates!” The Game Genie laughed as he dropped another cube at his feet. This cube created a pink puffball with red feet. It looked uncannily like the small, round character that Captain Falcon had been fighting earlier that day. Then, the pink puffball pulled out a yellow, five-point star that was big enough for the little guy to stand on. The Game Genie, in turn, also hopped onto the star and the two began to fly out of the city hall lobby. “I will be waiting on the top floor for the Blue Blur! And no one else!”

As Game Genie was about ready to soar out of the building, Talus, timing his jump, flew up and grabbed a hold of the Game Genie.

“Kirby, deal with him!” The Game Genie commanded. Kirby then pulled out a large hammer, the mallet of which was almost as large as Kirby himself, and swung it at Talus’ face. Talus, therefore, was sent crashing down to the ground, but not before he dislodged a few cubes from the Game Genie’s robes.

“Why does it have to be the face.” Talus muttered to himself as he rubbed his forehead. But when he noticed that a couple of the Game Genie’s cubes had fallen with him, Talus developed a plan. He quickly grabbed one of them and plugged his usb cord that was attached to his arm into the device.

“Alright guys.” Talus told the other Immortals. “I have an idea. Just give me some time and we should be able to capture this Game Genie.”
Just a heads up for everyone, I am doing a work placement on Mondays and Tuesdays from 8am to 5pm EST and as I would like to make a good impression (and secure a job) I won't be around often during that time outside of my lunch hour.

Good luck!
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

No idea, the one @Lord Wraith put on the roster, which I can only assume is the DC one from Bialya.

I just saw that. I didn't notice that he updated it yet.
@Sep: Which Queen Bee are you using for the Legion of Doom?
The Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Benjamin Parker | Mary Jane Watson-Parker
"Her slender fingers gathered to her sides
as long thin legs; and all her other parts
were fast absorbed in her abdomen—whence
she vented a fine thread;—and ever since,
Arachne, as a spider, weaves her web."
~Ovid's Metamorphoses 6.143-5

It was a brisk night on top of the roof of the Daily Bugle building. A man wearing a trench coat stood next to the giant letter sign that crowned the headquarters of the multimedia giant. Everyone couple minutes, the man peered down at his watch. If that was not a dead giveaway, then his pacing showed that he was waiting to meet someone on the roof. And obviously, that person whom he had scheduled to meet was running a little late.

The man walked over to the edge of the roof and gazed at the street and buildings located below. While waiting, he saw a figure decked in a red and blue suit swinging on some sort of ropes from skyscraper to skyscraper. And this figure was approaching towards the Daily Bugle building. With each swing, he came closer and closer. Finally, with one last swing, the colorfully dressed man landed on the roof right next to the man who had been waiting on the roof.

“Ben Urich.” The costumed man addressed the other man.

“Spider-Man.” Ben Urich said in response, “I suppose you’re here for some leads on the foiled robbery attempt at the Metropolitan Museum of the Arts.”

“Wow, Urich. You read my mind.” Spider-Man joked, “If I didn’t know better, I might have suspected that you might have telepathy.”

“Alas, I do not.” Ben Urich told Spider-Man, “That would, however, make my job way easier.”

“So, what can you tell me about those robbers?”

“As of right now, I don’t have anything concrete. But I can say that there’s a rumor floating around that the Bialyans were behind it, even though their government adamantly denies any involvement.”

“But why would the Bialyans want those Egyptian artifacts? Bialya isn’t even near Egypt.

“Well, the territory of modern-day Bialya was inside of the borders of the New Kingdom of Egypt at its peak. Recently, the Queen of Bialya has been canvasing that some of the Egyptian artifacts that are located in museums around the world to be returned to her country for safe keeping.”

“Keep me posted if you get any updates about the situation, Urich.” Spider-Man then leaped off the building, swinging back the same way from which he had first came.

Spider-Man landed on the roof of his apartment. Although it would be easier to enter his home through one of the windows, at the same time, it was also riskier, since someone might spot him going inside. Instead, Peter would open up the bathroom skylight and jump down into his apartment. With his spiderlike reflexes, he could perform this feat without making anyone on the floors below suspicious because he would not make a ruckus when he landed.

This time, Peter noticed that the skylight was fogged up. Even when he opened the window, not only could he see the steam rise up into the night air, but he call also feel the high rush out of it. When he hopped through the open when and landed on the bathroom floor, he found his wife brushing her teeth. MJ had a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She had recently changed into her pajamas after she had gotten out of the shower.

“Hi, honey! I hope you left me some hot water.”

“If you had gotten home a few minutes sooner, we could have shared the hot water.” MJ teased her husband with a coy smile.

“I really don't think 'solo vigilante' and 'on-time' quite go together.”

“I bet I could make those skin-tight spandex look fashionable on myself, and still be able to prompt.” MJ joked, since she knew that sometimes some of Peter's superheroics took longer than he might have expected them to have gone.

“I can see Jameson's headline right now.” Peter pulled his wife into an embrace. "Spider-Woman: Our Newest Hero and A Role Model for Our Daughters."

"Isn't there already a Spider-Woman?" MJ asked. "Although I have to admit that he would say that just to spite you."

"Um...I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised that someone had taken up my gimmick. But I bet you would be the best one. You've already taken out the Chameleon once, and that was without powers! True potential there."

“Well, on that note, I’ll leave you to your nice cold shower.” MJ winked at Peter as she exited the bathroom.

Peter immediately pulled off the long-sleeved shirt portion of his Spider-Man costume. Thank goodness he had a couple spares of his costume. Otherwise he would be constantly throwing his threads into the washer. No one likes a smelly superhero. Sure, it might distract the villains, but no superhero league would ever be making a call to his number with that type of hygiene. He turned the knob on the shower and held his hand under the water. Yep. It definitely will be a cold shower.

Suddenly, he heard a scream come from their bedroom. He knew that voice. It was no doubt MJ’s. Peter instinctively rushed out of the bathroom and into their bedroom, even though he still had half of his Spider-Man threads on. It is a hero’s greatest fear that somebody in their rogues’ gallery had found out their secret identity and was now breaking into their home and possibly threatening his or her loved ones. And Peter was relieved when he discovered that some masked maniac had not broken into his house. He only found MJ in their bedroom. She was crouching behind the far side of their bed.

“Peter.” MJ’s voice wavered because she did not know how he would react to what had just happened. “Don’t freak out.”

“What’s wrong?”

When Mary Jane crawled out from behind the bed, she revealed to her husband what had happened. Her upper body, all the way down to her waist, was now attached to the body of a giant spider. Her waist had been fused into the cephalothorax. Eight legs now supported her up, while an arachnid abdomen followed behind her. And on her ring finger, where her wedding ring had been, now rested the ancient Egyptian ring that the robbers had tried to steal. A scarab symbol engraved into the ring gave off a dim glow and it eventually faded away until it gave off no more light.

The building before them looked a bit old, nothing ancient by any standards but certainly old enough to be an important city building, and as Eva and Voyager encroached upon it they could see the words ‘City Hall’ in bold letters across the front. As Eva grasped the door handle, Riley couldn’t help but stare up at the imposing marble facade, worried for whatever was waiting for them up there. Her thoughts were brought back down to Earth at the sound of the creaking door, and before them a battle already taking place between two Archers; while a Elephant Man stood by the desk overlooking a seated figure.

”Right, I’d say we might have found our Bad Guy Headquarters. We have a guard and the seated guy must be the one behind this.” She said as she patted Dickens and pointed towards the bulky guard. ”Sick em.” A tentacle lashed at Dicken’s eye ass he stood still for a second probably thinking about eating something. Before he sluggishly moved, soon breaking out into a full on charge.

“What the heck is that?” Gajana said when he heard something beginning to charge in his direction. Both the Elephant Man and Talus barely had enough time to lunge out of the way, causing the giant creature to trample over the reception desk, along with the computer that Talus had been using.

“Oh, come on!” Talus shouted in frustration. “I was so using that computer!”

There was a moment of confusion for Dickens, as cords tangled around his foot and he struggled to shake them off. He looked back at the two who dodged out of the way and lunged at the larger man his maws opening as he snapped down trying to bite into him. As Eva charged in herself to help him, Voyager hot on her heels with Psionic energy building in her hands.

Eva needed a good catch line, something Hero like.”Your reign of evil is over.” She said as Dickens rushed forward while Eva paused in embarrassment. That line was cheesy. Horrid and she knew it. She put all her frustration into her swings trying to land them on the Guard.

Gajana in response, rolled out of the way of Eva’s sword swing. Since the swordswoman put much of her strength into that attack, it placed her in an unbalanced position, which allowed Gajana to jump to his feet and counterattack. Since he didn’t want to be sliced by the sword, he immediately grabbed her sword-arm and lifted her off the ground by it.

“Reign of evil? What in the world are you talking about?” The giant of a man demanded out of Eva.

Struggling at the man’s grip she thrashed about.I.. It was a terrible line!” She exclaimed. ”I’ll have something better by the time you’re hauled away by the cops! Once. I get down.” Eva said dropping Excalibur only to summon it to her other hand and slicing awkwardly at the ‘villain’.

“Will you stop that!” Gajana yelled. “You’re going to hurt someone, like yourself.”

Talus hurried forward, leaping into the air and hovering over the ground in order to move just a little faster. While Eva was distracted, he thought he could swipe the sword out of her hand. However, his plan was halted as a purple cluster of energy burst across his chest as Voyager stormed in for the attack, flinging rapid, percussive Psiblasts at the floating menace.

Talus was battered back, although he remained airborne. “Hey, ‘Siris. We have a little situation here. You might want to hurry back.” Talus talked into his wrist where a communicator was built in. He then took aim at the woman who had started to attack him and fired an energy beam in her direction. Voyager just barely got her arms up in time to deflect the energy beam with her Psiforce, leaving her sleeves singed but otherwise unharmed.

”G-gonna need to try a little harder then that!” Voyager taunted, her voice cracking a bit as she took in how strong the heat from that beam was on her arms, even through the Psionic shielding.

As Eva struggled at her captor’s grasp she spoke. ”You’re awfully gentlemanly for an evil Henchman. However. I. Have a Dickens.” With a smile Eva watched as Dickens lunged towards them, maws extended. The charge of the creature knocked Gajana off his feet, which also caused him to let go of Eva, who also fell down to the floor. ”Not, what I had in mind.”

“What the heck is that thing, already?” Gajana mumbled to himself as he pulled himself back up on his feet.

“I don’t know, but he’s pretty cool isn’t he?” Voyager retorted, sounding halfway between a taunt and just gushing about her new alien friend.

”He’s a Dickens. Once we stop you here all these game characters will vanish right? No, no asking. We’ll find out.”

“That really does not clear anything up at all.” Talus shook his head as he listened.

Meanwhile, two young women hurried through the front door. “Is this the right place?” Selena called back to someone who was a little way behind them.

“Who in their right mind would ever wear anything with heels in a situation like this.” Aubrey complained yet again about the form that Talus had given her.

“Well, Lady Camilla.” Selena interjected, “You would normally be on a flying dragon, so it would otherwise not matter, I suppose.”

“And what’s going on in here?” Aubrey called out when she saw the battle that had broken out on the first floor of the city hall building.

”Don’t worry the situation is under cont-” Voyager started before an energy blast ripped by her defenses and slammed her in the chest. The shock was enough to discharge her Psiforce, the combined power of both blasts knocked her airborne. With a loud crash and the tinkle of broken glass, she collided with the last unbroken display case in the battered city hall.

Eva looked towards Arachne, astounded. ”Is that a Fire Emblem character?” As she stumbled to her feet.

“Well, the two girls with her are.” Talus explained after he had blasted Voyager. “The gal with the lavender hair kind-of is. Hey Vol!”

“Screw you, Talus.”

“Is he the one you wanted me to eliminate, Lady Camilla?” Beruka coldly asked Aubrey.

“What? No! No killing!” Aubrey had to chid her supposed retainer. Then she noticed that one of the combatants that the Immortals had been fighting was struggling to pull herself up from the ruins of a display case. When she saw that the woman was bleeding and that nobody was doing anything, she hurried over as quickly as her heels would allow her.

“You okay?”

”M’fine, m’fine,” Voyager slurred, trying to pull herself into a seated position as she struggled with her helmet. Giving up, she pulled the ruined remnants of her headgear off and dropped it next to her, revealing her tentacle-hair. Wiping away greenish blood from the cut on her cheek, she blinked in surprise when she realized someone was standing over her. ”Oh, hello…” she said awkwardly, painfully aware of how alien she must have looked to her.

“Alright. I’ve seen some pretty weird things since I’ve started being a superhero, including animal people, but what exactly are you?”

”I’m Voyager!” the tentacle-haired girl blurted out before thinking. ”Oh, specifically I’m an alien. Half-alien. It’s complicated. Evidently ‘Voyager’ was not used to being put on the spot like this.

“Okay…” Aubrey said before she turned to the others, “So what lame excuse do you have for fighting? I thought we were after that Game Genie guy?”

”Usually I’m arseholed before I start seeing shit. But not the craziest thing I’ve seen yet, Dickens is an Alien after all. Are you lot, not the bad guys then? I mean, you kinda look like it.” Eva said as she rubbed her left side still sore from her fall.

”Yeah, I thought the big silver guy was the Game Genie person,” Voyager said as she got to her feet and brushed sawdust off her uniform.

“You were the ones who attacked us first. And without even checking whether we were the good guys are not!” Talus defended himself.

”To be fair, you’re in Cube central, on a computer where all the Cubes seem to be gathering, and you have Tusk Man over there looking like a bodyguard.”

“Then how do you explain Odysseus over there fighting Pit?” Talus asked. “Because he’s with us.”

There was a moment where Eva had to admit she didn’t have a well thought out plan.”Yeah, well in my defence he is over there, and Pit wasn’t attacking you lot. Well, not when we entered.”

”So, are we all on the same side or something?” Voyager interjected, hoping to stop another fight that would get her thrown into a glass cabinet.

“I guess so.” Talus admitted.

“Then someone please tell that to the tentacle monster.” Gajana pleaded as he again dodged Dickens’ charge. “And I’m not talking about the green space girl.”

Eva walked over, sore and even more embarrassed than she started as but still in one piece.”Here boy. Come.” Dickens stopped at the sound of her voice, yet looked towards the Elephant man, Gajana. His mind wanted to continue, thinking. ‘Meat stack’. ”Dickens. Here.” There was a snort, and he turned on his heel back towards Eva.

Meanwhile, the Son of Osiris finally arrived at the town hall. “I guess everything...” The Son of Osiris communicated via telepathy with everyone, although he quickly corrected himself when he saw that Odysseus was still dealing with a video game character “I mean, almost everything is under control now.”

”Who said that?” Voyager said franticly, charging up energy in her hands.

As a voice resounded within her head she tensed up and quickly scanned the room.”Tell me everyone heard that yeah! I don’t need anymore voices in my head. I already have a ghost, I don’t need no more.”

“Don’t worry about that.” Talus reassured. “That’s just how ‘Siris communicate with people. It might be weird at first, but you eventually get used to it.”

Eva held her hand up, as if to grab attention. Bloody hell then, So I’m Pendragon, owner of an Alien Tentacle Monster and I have a ghost problem. Let’s keep the voices in my head to a minimum right yeah. I already got weird shit to deal with as it is. Anymore surprises I should know moving forward, and yeah. I’m a nitwit okay, sorry for just jumping in and attacking.”

Before any of the Immortals could introduce themselves, a nearby elevator door slid open, revealing a man wearing a black, hooded robe. He took a few steps outside of the elevator and looked around. When he did not see his archenemy present among the heroes assembled, the Game Genie just shook his head.

“I see that the Blue Blur has lost his confidence in himself if he is sending other heroes to face his greatest foe!” The Game Genie boasted. “Is it so much trouble to ask for one to face his archenemy?”

”Is this a bad time? Should we come back, once you're done with your shower?” Eva spoke, partly to mock him, and legitimately unsure if he just stepped out of the shower.

“You cretin!” The Game Genie barked. “I’m no Hugh Hefner wannabe! I’m the Game Genie! Can’t you see why I’m wearing these wizardly robes?”

”I’m no cretin!” the alien girl announced, defiantly steeling herself. ”I’m a hero and I’m going to put a stop to your creepy plans, Hugh Genie!”
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