Avatar of Demonic Angel
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2943 (0.95 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Demonic Angel 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Welcome to my Cave of Scares
7 yrs ago
Thank you to the most beautiful, honest, loving, and perfect woman for telling me not to let depression kick my arse. To keep up the hobby that I love so much. I love you Luna and thank you.
7 yrs ago
I'm the bad guy
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7 yrs ago
I'm the bad guy
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8 yrs ago
Quoth the Raven- Nevermore


I see you've run into my den. If you want to know more about me than please do ask anything. I can tell you some basic things about me but this is it. So let's get started, shall we?

Username: Demonic Angel

Old Guild Name: Blood Elf

Age: 2~

Zodiac: Capricorn

Location: USA





@Luna- You've been there for me through thick and thin. You've put up with a lot of my bullshit, opened my eyes when I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life, and loved me for who I am. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met and I love you with all of my heart. Here's to our love.

@Vesuvius00-You can drive me insane sometimes but you've helped me through so much in my life. You've helped me improve my writing so much. Without Luna, you, and SilverRose I honestly don't know what I would have done. Thank you for being there when I needed to talk.

@Silverrose- You've helped me make my villain strive to cause pain and suffering. You've helped me make morph others into a bigger mess with their families. You've help me through some other things and have encouraged me when I have doubts.

@Ladyrunic- One of the most fantastic GMs I've had the pleasure to play with. She's cunning, evil, and causes players to question ever choice they make. I always look forward to the next post she has planned.

(To the others)- There are so many others that has helped me throughout this process. Possibly much more than the characters I'm allowed to use. And for each and every one of you I'm grateful t have you all in my lives. Without you all I would still like to thins I would be that anti-social girl. You've all have been so patient with me. And special thanks to the gms in Blood Act who helped me find an rp to call home.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Demonic Angel>

Are we posting images of cute animals? How about this one? ;)

Fuck no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Demonic Angel I enjoy your cuddles 😁

Also, I am so excited guys!! In Jan I'll be getting my dream pet : a crested gecko!! Possibly two!! I have wanted one for a really long time. I can't wait!!

January...Snow...Birthday....God I'm old....*Cuddles more*

Fact: Fae only focus on taking the abused and the unattached. Those wounded are easier than hale and healthy.

Vae is...Stable...ish....>.>

~| Location: Gates to under the mountain|~

“You’re becoming a bother young man. For once in your life place yourself in those that was left behind.”

The heads turning was no surprise considering what happened made the reality of escape that much more important. Vae’s head slowly turned back and forth, instantly noting that there looked to be a child giggling on the railing of the bridge, as her fist clenched. His eyes glued to the display as if this was a high grade fighting match. Forward they walked as a sense of curiosity filled the young woman while they walked past a set of doors. The picture of a dragon left a lingering of dark aura around the door. The picture of roses leaving a slight innocent touch which surrounded the figure. The only thing that screamed passing point for was the black armors that littered the bridge.

The rush of darkness caught the native american off guard. The thickness of the forced setting to linger and vanish almost instantly. “Where… did she go?” The guy said as he seemed to begin moving. Instantly Vae grasped the person’s arm roughly. ” You can’t help her.”

“Do you know what happened?” Noah asked.

With the woman gone, his figure turned and studied her for answers. She seemed not bothered by the events transpiring. He didn’t understand why she decided to stop him. They were nothing but strangers here. In fact, the most interactions they had occurred when they entered the mountain.

“I’m pretty sure our shepherd doesn’t expect any of us to make it to our destination alive. If you haven’t noticed… we’re gradually dropping like flies.”

”I doubt she’s been harmed. Considering that my spirit animal is staring me right in the face I’m thinking perhaps some sort of magic was used. It would make sense if it was a type of teleportation considering where we are. Amazing. They can create anything here. Using illusions in order to keep your interest but violent enough to make you scared just like back home. Wonder if they’ve noticed that I’m gone. Perhaps they think they’ve gotten their wishes. Correction. I’m married to him.” She mumbled.

“Piece of advice. Talking to yourself in the middle of a conversation makes you seem crazy." Noah pointed out with a frown.

His arms crossed in front of his chest, his body cocked to the side. He seemed to be waiting to hear her answer. Deep in his mind, he wondered if everyone here had some sort of issue. First, the woman that spoke only Spanish turned around and wandered off in a place filled with death. Now this woman flipped from having a normal conversation to speaking to herself in the middle of it.

Noah started to empathize with Alice in Wonderland when she spoke to the hatter.

“Did I flip mid sentence?” The girl asked quietly was she undid the button on her sleeve. Slowly she pulled the object up revealing nothing but remainders of cut marks, some cigaret burns, and a few other scarred up wounds which were clearly inflicted by someone. ”I’ll try to keep this in mind.”

Noah stepped back and warily eyed the scars. The sight wasn’t new to him. Many school kids, especially those in the slums, bore signs they were survivors. He wasn’t sure if she was trying to prove how nuts she was or she merely did it subconsciously. Either way, it was clear she had been abused.

Pushing his discomfort aside with a breath, Noah averted his eyes. The sight drew an internal flinch reaction.

”Sorry for flipping things on you. Perhaps it’s best to keep my mouth shut for a while. Umm…. This is rather strange since on one has told me to go to hell or die. Human interaction is something I very much lack in. So...hmmm…. The reason I stopped you was because the event happened too quickly. My guess is that something grabbed her and if you would have tried to save her you would have been harmed. The way you save the one girl, younger than yourself that is, might be due to having siblings yourself. Ones that loved you. Meaning you shouldn’t risk getting harmed by others. Since it might be best to say unharmed and such. I think that makes sense….I don’t know anymore.”

“You’re right about having a sibling. Though I’m starting to wonder when or if I’ll see him again. Right now, personally I’m not the type of guy to say go to hell to a lady.” Noah’s tone held discomfort about being forced to admit he had had a brother.

Mostly because he feared the bargain would come undone. His teeth gritted in silent tension as he swallowed it, releasing him from its grip. Noah exhaled, his eyes drifted to the front. The scene seemed to have died down somewhat as soon as the woman was spirited away.

“Thanks, I appreciate the concern.”

”No problem. I think it’s nice having someone love you back home.” She mumbled as she started walking in front of Noah again.
Location: Unknown

"Taiah, are you ok?" Naaji’s voice slipped inside her mind. In all honestly she wasn’t actually alright considering that this tiger had stalked her in the forest. Than again this wasn’t really a bad thing considering that she found a male to maybe spend time with. Perhaps something more will come out of this. ”Considering that we’re stuck inside a cage and have no clues to where we are I’m fine. It could be worse. Theodan could be here with us and frankly Theodan would be upset. Granted that the girl would be freaking out seeing my inside a cage as well.” She remarked as she stretched out.

The roar caught her completely off guard though the fact his paws slammed against the bars came to no surprise. The next words he spoke made it sound as if he was giving up. Something which was not in her personality. ”Naaji I swear to you we will get out of this. I’ll be yours once this is all done. I promise. I’ll ever take you to see the girl I know. Calm your thoughts. We can do this together.” The tigress said in a soothing chaff.
I'm thankful for all of you and for this awesome rp. Thank you for being you.

And cuddles ^-^ *Cuddles Belle*

”You’re so cruel Lady. I was just trying to help. After all they always seem to beat use to everything.” Eriko said as he brushed himself off. He gently checked himself out in order to make sure nothing was hurt. Once this was done his hand was taken making him grumble. While they were inside the portal Moonshadow attempted t get answers to some questions which didn’t work well.

Ice Dragon

”To be honest it wouldn’t have surprised me. Considering that his parents were never really around during childhood. My mother never really cared and just drank a lot. Hence why we were placed into foster care. I don’t know. I figure he might able to be turned like i was.” He remarked with a shrug while his sister curtsied.

”Thank you Muse. I always feel better when I see you. Your beauty compares to no one else.” The boy said adding a much softer look to Ice Dragon. After all the guy was in a group with very pretty girls so why not let them know this. He chose to ignore Muse’s last comment mainly due to being mostly true granted the mother didn’t do it. He did one or thrice.

Ice Dragon nodded as he waited for Enfant Star. Once she seemed to catch up the man bowed his head. ”After you Enfant Star.”

Crimson Butterfly

”I don’t think you understand Midnight. I might not have a fucking week. I get paid up front for my jobs and we do them correctly. I will not give my services free. Perhaps you would love Phantom and co to be knocking on your front door. After all I’m very much neutral in all of this. Just a hired hand that never misses their target. Keyword here is hired. If you don’t like this than don’t ever contact me again. Plain and simple.” Crimson Butterfly remarked as she stood up. Her figure shifted towards the door just as Moonshadow appeared through the portal. Nice touch really.

” Illusionist eh? No problem Lord Midnight I just need to change into my suit. Oh. Looks like Crimson Butterfly get my message! Alright. Another sore for us!”

”Can it Cat-boy. Your Lord Midnight is being a pain in my ass. Don’t you ever call me again unless you’re ready to agree to the terms.”

”What!? You take that back!” Moonshadow shouted as he lunged towards the girl. Well that was before getting cut by a knife.
Eriko Eun Saka

”Shit. Fuck. Damn it. Why do I gotta always be late!? Lady is going to fucking kill me! Oh, wait. You can’t kill a god like me. Duh.” The guy remarked running straight into Lady Crimson. ”Gah! Sorry I’m running late Lady. I was trying to ask Kato something and fucking Phantom popped up. I’m so sorry. How mad is Lord Midnight?”

Fuyuto Yeon Kato

”I take it that Midnight never knew about the attack. Considering that he wasn’t here.” The young man remarked to Phantom. His eyes flickered towards his sister. ” I know you keep saying I need a bath but with the power to freeze water makes it all rather inconvenient. You’re still looking rather cute Muse.”

Crimson Butterfly

”First off we’re going to talk about my terms.” Crimson Butterfly said as she walked towards the table. Her gloved hand grasped the nearest beanbag and pulled it up. The color was lime green but then again she wasn’t staying long. The girl slowly lowered herself into the seat with a soft poof from the beans moving around. Her hood shifted to the left making a small faction of her mask to show. Thank god for everyone assuming she was no more than a male.

”I charge for my services Midnight. About 3 bucks one hour granted when it comes to Phantom and co I will have to charge by the minute. I’m not your friend mind you. I will never be your friend so keep this in mind as you tell me about your plans. Due to being in a rather tight situation I’ll have to leave in perhaps a week latest. 4 if they’re on to my trail. So if you’re willing to caught up the dough I’m willing to help with any means necessary.” The young woman remarked as she placed each of her legs onto the table.
Eriko Eun Saka
Fuyuto Yeon Kato

”Been asking myself the same question for years. I think he needs an attitude adjustment or something. Perhaps he’s been dropped on his head way too many times at birth. I don’t know.” He said shrugging as Moonshadow continued running. How many years had it been since he left the alliance and joined up with Phantom? During those few years they had become close friends.

When the water balloon hit the grass Dragon sighed and allowed the water to hit his outfit. Eriko hissed as his back was splattered. ”Not again. I swear to god Moonshadow is going to make you bow to him! Oh shit. I’m late!” The young man shouted as he continued to run away.

”I won’t ever understand cats.”

Keri Aine Miyeta

The young woman continued walking towards Henri’s house and smirked. She continued to the side of the house, shifting the window upwards, and opened the window completely. She swung her legs inside while making sure not to slam against the wooden areas, and shutted it behind them. The girl walked inside the house and down the stairs into the basement.

[color=7E3517]”I see that not everyone is here. Where would you like me to sit? Considering that your hype man was rather convincing salesman. Needs work on hiding his identity though.”/color] The child said as a male’s voice sounded into the air.
Eriko Eun Saka
Fuyuto Yeon Kato

” Sorry about my cousin Phantom. He’s always been up tight but I still say he would make a great hero.” Fuyuto said as he crept towards the small group. ” Sorry for being late. Had to freeze the river back there. Hoping it will unfreeze some time soon before a certain boat living citizen gets home.” He explained coldly.

”Son of a bitch! Why is the turncoat here!? Wasn’t changing sides bad enough!?”

”Nope. I live to make cat boy’s life a terrible existence. Better get in gear there kitty cat. Or else you master might become furious.” The boy said with a smirk. Eriko grumbled as he walked away. Granted the ‘god’ would fall towards the ground due to ground due to some black ice. ”Oops. My bad. I forgot to warn you about the ice. Than again you were scampering away so meh.”

The young cousin jerked upwards and hissed. ” You’re getting on your god’s nerves. I can’t wait to feel your life slip from my paws.” He mentioned walking away to his home.
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