Avatar of Demonic Raven


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current I don't know why I went with ye old pirate lingo... it has nothing to do with the plot.
12 mos ago
Avast ye scurvy land lubers! There's a new 1x1 plot dead ahead!roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
Also I did not just return to see if anyone wanted to do a phantom of the opera RP... no that would be obsurd! *hides the YouTube movie tab*
1 yr ago
Well 7 months of working 6 days in a row has finally become routine enough I think maybe it's time to return. I wonder if any old pals are here... time to see who will meme my VM section!
2 yrs ago
Planception! DUNNNN


Just a demonic bird living her life on the east coast. My fiancee is the lovely Evil Snowman (usernames not planned but worked so well together we thought "Hey, might as well get married and have some possessed kiddos one day!") That's pretty much it!

Most Recent Posts

To be fair, Satan is the good guy, created as a living ornament for no reason, he led his people in rebellion against an arbitrary autocratic theocracy!

*slinks off*

Look I'm not gonna argue with yah there but this is an interest check. Not exactly the place for ideological discussion of religion. But if you're interested PM me!
Dear child why do you shed tears for such a horrid man? Truly such an awful specimen from god, I mean for gods sake the man can't even get it up and blames it on you! Then to think he spread such a rumor around the school, leading to so many beating you down to the dirt. Why do you not rise and fight back? It isn't because you don't know how, the dangerous lioness within is longing to burst forth. Let me help you rise from the ashes of your former self, let me help you become the grandest beauty of them all. After all the blood of the damned looks quite good on you my dear.

Welcome to my plot "How did I fall in love with Satan?!", a romantic journey laced with blood and gore! A twisted tale of innocence corrupted by the most devastatingly wicked creature himself, Satan lord of the underworld. This plot will take place in high school and you, if you choose to take on the task, will play lucifer! The story will revolve around the two taking revenge for the misdeeds of her peers that range from many, many things. This plot does include rape, drugs, and gore so please take note if this and I do ask that you be over the age of 18. If you are interested in discussing this plot more and hammering out the details together send me a PM with the title of your favorite horror slasher!
Honestly I'm loving how everyone is coming together to create a guide to role playing! :)
How about people that want to start RPs on obscure fandoms? I was thinking of eventually starting a Wings of Fire RP or even one centered around dinosaurs.

A great way to gain interest can be to post on the status bar or to ask any partners you might have if they or someone they know would be interested in joining such an RP. Word of mouth is golden when doing niche role plays!
Have confidence in your work- One thing that can lead to the down fall of an RP is if you constantly ask your RP partner if your post is okay or if an idea is okay! Lord knows that it's hard in the beginning to fully gain the confidence to say "Hey, I did a great job with my post and if my partner doesn't like it that's okay as we can resolve it or go our separate ways. Ending a role play because of artistic differences in writing is natural and okay!" Remember, not everyone will have the same writing style as you and sometimes you'll clash. But have confidence in yourself and what you write as it's hard to keep an RP going is you constantly get messages asking if the post was okay and if you need to rewrite it. Learn your writing strong suites as well and play into them when writing, this will significantly boost your confidence!

I get that frustration, it's not great, but all you can do is keep trying until it sticks. That is the one thing that can be infuriating at times about role playing, things don't stick, nothing is guaranteed, and a great role play you love can be done in an instant. All you can do is to pick yourself up, dust off and try again with someone new. That's how the cycle of role playing works. There is very rarely a role play that lasts longer than a year from what I've experienced. So accepting that will help you feel less down when it inevitably happens. I get it man, I really do and I feel for you.

Try group role plays then. There's less of a chance to get ghosted and a lot of diversity in ideas!
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