Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

Most Recent Posts

@Metal Tortoise

Tom was grabbed by his bruised side and hurled to the ground, letting out a choked groan as he slowly supported himself on hands and knees.

"Ugh... Shit, not bad son. You rang woodland bells with that one. Hope you like your beer cold and your chicken crispy. You win round one. Gimme a second, dammit."

If allowed, Tom would gradually climb to his feet and begin twisting from side to side, loosening up his cramping muscles and estimating the damage done to his ribs. After several seconds of this he'd turn his back to Steer, facing the crowd.

'Y'all motherfuckers better close your eyes. Serious now, I'll turn you wide-eyed punks into fat transvestites if you so much as peek."

Tom didn't seem to be the type of person to exaggerate. In one fluid motion, he whipped off his broken shades and flung them high into the air. He neatly jerked a thumb at himself and with a sharp utterance of "Blindorial Nerdwerdus", materialized a second pair of shades onto himself. He must have actually had bad vision, as they were most certainly prescription glasses. Then, before the cracked shades could hit the ground, he angled an index finger at them and snarled, "WeeMan Shinkickums". Out of nowhere flickered Wee Man, the midget from MTV's Jackass. Wee Man coolly snatched the sunglasses out of the air and crushed them in his pudgy fist, before vanishing into nothing.

Tom turned again to face Steer. Not a single hillbilly had dared to see what he looked like without sunshades. He tucked another cigarette into his mouth and flicked his thumb at the tip as if he were opening a Zippo lighter.

"Beachbaggo Burnsacko."

The cigarette was inexplicably lit, and Tom puffed a few times, regaining his composure, before finally, finally, FINALLY raising his fists again, tucking his chin in and bending at the knees, left foot leading. The left fist was extended out far in front of him, the overall impression being that of an early 1900's pugilistic fighting man's stance, the kind that large circus men with German mustaches used for rough and tumble boxing.

"Hey, one last thing Steer. You know any cartoons from before the 90's? Got a favorite?"
Yeah, I figured a rudimentary system was sufficient. Common sense can determine the rest.

*Doc Doctor/Gonad Yaksplitter- Flaxen Level

*Doc Doctor/The Magna Pater- Cobalt Level

*Doc Doctor/First-Degree Donny- Verdant Level

*Doc Doctor/Auz The Undying- Verdant Level

*Ridaku/Doctor Amalarik- Acromatic Level

*Ridaku/Jeoffrey Sicarius- Flaxen Level

*Ridaku/Richard Everetts- Flaxen Level

*Ridaku/The Titan- Chocolate Level

*kody1023/Orn Gaulson- Flaxen Level

*Varnyx/Kaito- Flaxen Level

*Xavier Bloodbayne/Mako- Verdant Level

*Griffintaur/Tharraleos- Verdant Level

Donny sighed and lit up another cigarette as he watched the two Ashen Level fighters go to town, the muscles in their sweat-laced backs straining as they dipped and punched and traded blows. It was the lowest level of power in the Colosseum, but it reminded him of those UFC fights that a considerable number of loan sharks kept tabs on. A little simplicity now and then was good for his blood pressure anyways. Anything above Cobalt Level made his eyes hurt from trying to keep track of what was going on. He leaned back and kicked his feet up onto the marble headrest of the seat in front of him, reclining as he tipped the brim of his fedora down to shade his eyes. It was always so fucking sunny here. Noticing a passing vendor, he crooked a thumb at her and barked out a jovial catcall.

"Ayuh, prettuh miss! How 'bout a beeyuh ovah 'ere, darlin'?"

The vendor, a prim girl with purple highlights, uttered a long suffering groan and approached Donny with her beer tray. She noted, with contempt, that the sphere above his head was green. The verdant ones were always so damned arrogant.

-Where it's all right to fight all night-


Disclaimer: I don't need to hear criticism about my method of tiering or of all the specifics and innate faults inherent to related matters. The Colosseum doesn't operate like a courtroom full of lawyers. This is a judgement-free casual roleplay and get-together where the aim is to simply have fun. It is what it is, so don't get those technicality flavored undies in a bunch. If one of your characters doesn't fit into a designated tier, don't sweat it, we'll find a way to accommodate you, just as we'll accommodate everyone and afford them every reasonable kindness. If you have useful suggestions unrelated to tiering, you may send them to me over P.M.

Other than that, please behave like a decent human being. The typical rules of roleplay apply. You know the schtick, treat everyone with respect, read the notes, don't metagame, autohit, spam, ect.

-Thanks for reading!


An arena suspended high in the sky, existing in multiple dimensions each separated to accommodate a tier of power, a stack of cards wherein each card represents another face of the Colosseum.

NOTE 1. One may move freely and fight freely between the Colosseum's upper layers (so long as you can find an opponent that agrees to fight you, as you cannot enter the Colosseum without a designated opponent and you cannot influence other combatants unless they agree to be influenced).

NOTE 2. It isn't possible to harm or influence others without their acceptance, or destroy/transmogrify material objects outside of the fighting ground.

NOTE 3. A low tier fighter may fight on a higher tier floor, but not vise versa due to the potential destructive capacity of higher tiers.

NOTE 4. Like the fabled Valhalla, death is only an inconvenience. If you die, you merely reappear back in the stands of the floor your power correlates to, as good as new. One may travel from floor to floor by stepping into a flux sphere, found outside the Colosseum walls overlooking a boundless blue view riddled with nimbus clouds.

NOTE 5. A fight will always take place in a separate thread or in the Discord chat. This thread's IC is strictly for character interaction/matchups/commentary. If your character is commenting on another player's fight, please provide a link to the match in your post.

(Flux Sphere)

The fighting stage itself is ringed by water, for those who feel like letting their opponent go for a swim. Food and drink of every imaginable variety are available from vendors traversing the stands. Whether you come to test your might, or improve your skill, the Colosseum is a holy ground of combat that everyone may revel in.


You can have as many characters as you want in the Colosseum. Simply post your character sheet/sheets in the Characters section and they'll be assigned a Tier Sphere as a sign of recognition. If you don't agree with the presented Tier Sphere, merely tell me why via P.M and we'll come to an agreeable resolution!
@Metal Tortoise

Tom's magic was weird indeed, but highly effective when properly utilized. Case in point, Tom's counter for the chi thrust aimed at his neck. He could cast up to three spells per second with his highly trained auctioneer's diction, a regular speedshooter of magic, and now the words to another spell pelted out of his mouth as Steer threw a counter punch.

"Glasswhackius Buttmunchickus!"

Just as Steer kept a hold on Tom's clothing with his free hand, so did Tom's own right hand stay in contact with Steer's arm for another on-contact spell. This one would force the target to punch the nearest target with glasses in the face. Tom's shades counted as glasses, and although Steer had a pair of his own during the split second before their twin blows landed, Steer's chi thrust was nearer to Tom's face than to his own prescription glasses. As such, if the spell worked, Steer's chi thrust would be converted into a punch and redirect itself up towards Tom's face. Whether or not Steer could maintain the chi effect with a fist depended on his own abilities. As for Tom, with timing born from continuous practice at mastering the utilization of his spells, he'd tuck his head down at the last moment before impact so that the bone of Steer's knuckles would impact Tom's hard forehead and only the meat of his finger joints would crack Tom's lenses and bruise the bridge of his nose, thus fulfilling the spell's 'quota' and at the same time avoiding the brunt of the damage and potentially damaging Steer's hand. If Steer kept up his anger chi, Tom's head would rock back from the force, his nose would gout blood as it broke flat, and he'd experience heated agony running up and down the centerline of his face like a razorblade. He'd even take an involuntary right step backwards, thus surrendering his condition to remain standing in one spot. Presumably Steer wouldn't be unscathed though, as even boxers fractured their knuckles and metacarpals all the time by accidentally punching a sparring partner or opponent in the forehead.

As soon as the words were out of Tom's mouth, he'd riddle off another spell as fast as he could through the searing pain, blood staining his white teeth. At about the same time he quickly withdrew his left hand from its punch, extending his index finger as he did to point at random to the right of Steer.

"Foolookius Overthereius!"

Another spell surged through Tom's right hand and presumably into Steer's according arm, perhaps matching the timing for Steer's next point blank chi blast into Tom's ribs. Regardless, the effect of this spell was simple. Steer had to look and see where Tom was pointing. If the chi blast was fired, one of Tom's ribs would crack. He'd yowl in anguish, and during the moment Steer looked away, would aim a swift, panicked right kick for Steer's crotch, good and hard. Were this intense exchange of attacks to proceed, then when the dust cleared, Tom would finally give actual ground and start to stagger backwards, the brunt of his multiple injuries apparent. He wasn't ready to follow up with anything else for a few seconds, this shit hurt too much. It would be a short reprieve, a moment to acknowledge that Steer had forced Tom to budge. Of course if Steer were able to fare better in regards to any damage he himself took as well, he could hang onto Tom's clothing and keep him from moving away, pressing his advantage to deny Tom a chance to trade a few snarky words about how he owed Steer lunch.

@Metal Tortoise

I think Steer and Tom could make a great team. They have vaguely similar fighting styles, though Tom relies more on magic than brute force.
@Metal Tortoise

Tom tucked his elbows in and tightened his hands into fists as Steer took a step forwards from the kick, grunting in surprise that this opponent was actually as tough as he looked. Tom had been hoping this one would be all show. So much for that. He planted his right foot firmly, putting his weight down on it and screwing his heel into the dirt in preparation for enduring the sweep. It smacked into him and forced his boot to slide inwards six inches, leaving a deep bruise. It hurt far worse than Tom had expected. This Fatso hadn't even put his full strength behind the sweep, and it still felt like his foot was bruised to the bone. Tom wasn't a professional martial artist by any definition. He knew how to fight mainly from schoolyard brawls, backwoods tumbles, and Southern back alley scuffles. It was a rough form of combat, and not at all clean, but it got the job done when it had to. Tom's lack of formal training didn't allow him to prepare for Steer's chi thrust in time though, and the only thing he could do, out of blind reflex, was swing his right fist down to try and bat the thrust aside, figuring it for some kind of fancy palm strike. Given Steer's stout strength, Tom wouldn't even come close to redirecting the aim of the thrust, and the punch of chi hit him right in the spare ribs on his left flank. His eyes bulged behind his shades as he felt his ribs creak under the blow, a stifled groan escaping him as his cigarette dropped from his mouth. That was gonna feel bad in the morning. It took the full brunt of his Kentucky grit to not miss the chance for a counterattack.

Tom had managed to avoid getting the wind knocked out of him, and so was at least able to finish his spell.


He fired his spell through the hand that had struck Steer's right thrust for an on-contact curse delivery into the man's arm with little chance of escape. The effect of the spell was to render Steer both near and short sighted, and to materialize a pair of fine glasses onto his face so that he could see again. Even as the spell was launched, Tom hunched forwards, twisted at the waist, and hurled a left straight as hard as he could at where those spectacles were due. Aside from the torque of his body the punch was untelegraphed, Tom keeping the flare of his elbow to a minimum to keep the angle and destination of the punch a mystery until the last moment. The result could very well be Steer's fresh coke bottles getting broken, along with his nose.
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