Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

Most Recent Posts

Catskull glanced from side to side, then over a shoulder, then back at the monks. They had just finished talking, but Catskull had come to his own conclusion beforehand. He knew well how treacherous magic could be in the wrong hands. His uncle had taught him many things, and one of the big ones was to never mistake a horse for a zebra. If something is too good to be true, it likely is.

"Say, monk... Thou wouldst not be plotting to use the orb for thine own nefarious and selfish desires? Prithee, tell us thy real name. Surely no such thing may cure the free will of men that begets war, and of nature's cause and effect. Should not thy orb have worked its miracles when it first was fashioned? Set this mind to ease and mayhaps I, Catskull Maclung, may still assist thee."

Catskull stared intently at the monk, looking for any tells. A bead of sweat, dilated pupils, a hastening of the breath or hurried explanations. He supposed that this monk may have been an entity wise enough to keep a cool head, but it was worth a try. Regardless of whether or not he was right, he wasn't about to slip right back into blind obedience at the whim of another evil wizard.
In that case, for posterity, I shall grant my character a stiletto.

I'd imagine that the monk told the eunuchs that it had all been a misunderstanding just as soon as he coughed up that stray hair. As for the likelihood of them assaulting someone like Catskull in the first place just like that, well... That's what makes it funny.

Yes, it's exactly that. It was a chance to see his reflection and take care of some personal hygiene, so he went for it. Y'know, convenience. But he looks and acts so off-putting, it's no wonder the eunuchs got the wrong idea and dogpiled him.

I posted.
The gangplank creaked. A looming figure dressed like he belonged in a mortuary exited the ship, sheathed blade leaning against his left shoulder and a wicked looking targe slung over his back. The black silhouette of his squared frame filled the waiting monk's widening eyes. He stopped abruptly before the monk, casting a smouldering, baleful glare down without so much as acknowledging the great tower even once. When he was still, he moved not a hair but to breathe. When he moved, it was with the silent intensity of a big cat.
The monk took a step back, wiping a sleeve over his brow. This was one of those types. One gear, no off switch. He was here to slay or else twiddle his thumbs.

"You aren't a knight, are you?" Asked the monk.

"I can see mine own image reflected within thy shiny dome. Prithee be still, knave, that I mayest preen these nose hairs of mine."

Catskull leaned forwards and began studiously plucking out his protruding nosehairs as he peered into the monk's bald head. The monk's train of thought nosedived into a ravine.
Wait, nosehairs? Is he actually... But I... What? WHAT??
The monk opened his mouth and inhaled a stray nosehair. A coughing fit overtook him, and in earnest Catskull began slapping the monk's back to help him cough it up. Slowly, several eunuchs began drawing near, having heard the commotion.

"Ah, I see thou hast partook of mine hair. How fortuitous thou art, for I, Catskull Maclung shall grant thee a second chance at life! Breath, damn ye! Breath!"

When Catskull arrived with the others, having entered the tower heedless of its wonders, he had a black eye and several bruises on his face. If this drew any looks, he'd look away curtly, and with shadows brooding in his eyes, would answer simply thus; "Prithee do not mind me. A learned man is he who finds that eunuchs are formidable in packs."

The eunuchs had apparently beat his ass, having thought he'd been assaulting the monk. The issue was cleared up, but it'd be a few days before the shiner he'd recieved followed suit. Was he really a knight? Nobody would have seen him on the ship. A stowaway? Why this destination? If he wasn't a knight, he was certainly armed just as well, and likely not for no reason.

Catskull would probably follow the first person he meets to one side or another. It fits into his quest, after all. What he seeks may be found in either faction. Glory, wealth, challenges... Plus I don't mind at all if you wanna herd him around, I can go with the flow.

I like to add lots of detail, so this profile is sorted out a bit differently than it is in the provided format.


appearance: A chubby hobbit with brown sideburns and a mop of scraggly hair. Wears overalls.
name: Dingle Tentoes
age: 16
species: Hobbit
powers(if any): Has big, hairy hobbit feet. They're tough enough to be able to walk on broken glass without being hurt.
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